Author Topic: New Eyecandy Thread  (Read 866773 times)

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Offline Woomeister

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Well yeah, the EA fleet is basically sorted.


Offline asyikarea51

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Hmm, does anyone on the Sol side still use the original Hercules? Or did everyone suddenly upgrade to the Antaeus...



Offline Woomeister

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The Herc is used in INFA and you fly it in mission 4, you fight it in m15 and probably a few other missions. It's also selectable in other missions if it isn't the default ship.
These ships are for INFA2 where I'm trying to remove as many FS1 ships as possible from that period.


Offline asyikarea51

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GTA's evolution into EA, and the rest of the Solar system's evolution into their own designs, based on old GTA tech? (I'm just assuming things though :lol:)

Point taken...


Offline Woomeister

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Well the 'old GTA tech' is quite capable of going up against the EA ships. The only real difference between them is the maps, and the EA fighters have additional EA secondary weapons not avaliable to Jovian craft right now such as the stinger. I might give them some unique weapons to counter the EA having newer missiles at a later point. The INFA2 stuff is still in early planning.


Offline asyikarea51

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Lol, before I edited the post, I phrased it as "into newer designs, based on old GTA tech". On the topic of weapons, if I may ask (Shoot, how do i phrase this)... Do both armies (GTA/EA and whoever else is out there) share the same weapons at first, and then the weapons of both sides get more diverse later on? (With progressive introduction as the campaign goes on) Or did some parts of the GTA arsenal immediately change, the moment the EA came to be?

That also brings up a point, which is: Do any of the EA/whoever else weapons last until the GTVA return to the Solar System, or is the entire arsenal revamped by then (possibly because, at that point in time, the EA would've already gotten their hands on Jupiter/whoever's tech)?

Oh wait, everything is still in planning :lol: I got carried away... :lol: Didn't want to ask this at first, but... ahwell. :lol:

Same deal, point taken. :)


Offline Woomeister

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INFA uses hybrid EA/GTA weapons. Those weapons will be used in INFA2. The EA also get their improved missiles like the Stinger, Warrior and Halberd which aren't in INFA. I haven't decided if the Jovians will get unique weapons since I'll have to make the effects for any primary weapons myself. Though it depends on how big of a scope I give INFA2.

The EA weapons used in INFA are rebuilt version of ones used in INF SCP, though I didn't include most of their advanced stuff.


Offline Snail

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I thought the Warrior sucked... I thought you rebalanced the entire game. So will the FS1-era weapons be downgraded, or will the EA weapons be upgraded, or both?

Hey, I just did a dest and when the Zagreus broadsides the Orion, the Zagreus kills the Orion (with difficulty, it was at 5%). Why is the Orion so weak, and why is the Zagreus so powerful? I checked the tables and the Orion has less hitpoints than the Zagreus.

Oh, and if the Martian destroyer is called 'Auriga', does that have anything to do with the EACa Auriga? ;7


Offline Woomeister

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Well we aren't using R1 weapons here :) The EA weapons were downgraded from INF SCP, the Hellfire could trash the Megaera in a matter of a minute, so I serverally cut its power. The Banshee-R and Ripper were also heavily modified.

The Orion has less turrets but has better armour so they are closely matched. Though it entirely depends on luck really and who starts missing constantly first :p

Yeah the Auriga was done on purpose. You'll see that ship again :)


Offline Snail

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Making the Inferno weapons more powerful is actually very useful for people who may use FreeSpace 2 material for their campaigns.

I made them stationary so that that wouldn't happen (I was originally fighting the Bastet with the Typhon and the Neutron guns were slow so I made them stationary).

Will INF:A2 get a web page like INF:A (with the tech descriptions, etc.)? That would be cool.


Offline Woomeister

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Well there's no FS2 material in INFA really, so I'm not concerned about FS2 balancing.

I haven't decided about website stuff yet. Far too early for that, and most of the new ships are EA ones which are covered in INF SCP so a tech section would be quite small.


Offline Snail

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Why not add the JF whateveritwascalled into the INF:A database under a sub-heading or something...


Offline Woomeister

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Well I first need to know how much stuff I need to add first :p


Offline Snail

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Bleh, just get it all done and we will be happy. :P :P :P :p :p :p


Offline Woomeister

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Well that'll take a while, though I'm prototyping mission 1 right now...


Offline asyikarea51

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Making the Inferno weapons more powerful is actually very useful for people who may use FreeSpace 2 material for their campaigns.

This is an interesting idea for anyone who wants to make a parallel Inferno universe... :lol:


Offline Woomeister

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Well they can do the rebalancing work for that then :D


Offline asyikarea51

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Offline Snail

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But... you just said that the Inferno weapons were more powerful than FS2 weapons...?


Offline Woomeister

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You can't compare them as FS2 weapons ignore INF armour values. Which have a major effect on how good weapons are.