I might add that the reason I like the lighting so much in that screen is that the specular is not overdone.
On many screenshots I've seen around these boards (mostly during my pre-posting lurker stage, but some recently), the ships are lit up in red, blue, green or whatever to a point where they look like they're made exclusively from neon lights - You almost expect them to start flashing random advertisements at any moment. Not to mention it tends to obliterate the detail in the textures and even some details that are modelled in. Needless to say, this is not good.
This screenshot though, doesn't do that. The specular lighting seen doesn't ruin detail, it enhances it. . Did I mention overdone lighting/colours also make the whole game look cartoonish? Nope, well, now I did. And again, not a problem here. Not saying that red, blue or green are bad... but they need to be just a tint of the colour on top the texture, not a full on flourescent paint job from hell.
So I'm not just impressed, I'm happy. Happy to see that someone knows how to take a good screenshot where the various SCP effects and media upgrades are used well, but are not in your face, rather than just turn everything up to the max to the point where half the time you're not sure if you're actually seeing a ship in red light, a ship with bright red textures, or a graphics bug.
Finally, the screenshot is focused. 200 explosions and 30 different models in one place is great, if you want to show that the engine can handle it. But it doesn't do any good when it comes to aesthetics. Here, we have one model in the foreground that's the focus of the screenshot, one a lot further back, a node, and a nice background nebula. That's it. And it works