Author Topic: Argo  (Read 7982 times)

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Offline Vasudan Admiral

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If you ask me, you could have left it as it was on the first pic.. It's a troop transport and with 2800 polys it looks great allready..

I don't see why EVERY model out there needs to go way up in the polycount..especialyl when it's not needed.
I think I've told you this before at some point, but it's texture counts that's going to lower framerates nowadays. :p

When he gives this a single large map, then even if it's polycount was 8000 or more, it would still run faster than most tiled ships, though it will take up a bit more memory with that single texture, but then again textures can be easily lowered in res if need-be.

If he spends polys wisely, - which he so far has done very well - he can add as much detail as he likes within reason.
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Twisted Infinities


Offline ShivanSpS

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Very good model :D

But before continue all we most think about of what are those tree tubes on the left, I have no idea of what volition designers thinked when they do it... but for me apear to be a try of 3 adiccionals docking points, to dock small freigters, (well... the terrans dont have good small freigters capable of docking there, but... have a small transport, the Elysium transport could dock there, the great war vasudan freigters too (I dint remember the name), the Terran/Vasudan Support ship the Hygeia also could be dock, and even could dock 3 Fighters/Bombers as a protection...), Ok you cant do anything for this in the Model desing to activate those docking points, but you can give then the aspect, give them a small looking brige over there... In the future one never know when someone can discover the secret to activate tho dockings :P

I very sorry about my english :( all English that I know I learned then Playing Freespace 1 and 2 in 1999/2002 :PPP


Offline FireCrack

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The argo already has 6 docking pioints, it was enabled with the SCP
actualy, mabye not.
"When ink and pen in hands of men Inscribe your form, bipedal P They draw an altar on which God has slaughtered all stability, no eyes could ever soak in all the places you anoint, and yet to see you all at once we only need the point. Flirting with infinity, your geometric progeny that fit inside you oh so tight with triangles that feel so right."
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 59230781640628620899862803482534211706...
"Your ever-constant homily says flaw is discipline, the patron saint of imperfection frees us from our sin. And if our transcendental lift shall find a final floor, then Man will know the death of God where wonder was before."


Offline ShivanSpS

  • 210
lol I no know that... but... 6? DOCKINGS? where are the other 2? lol anyway, Good Job which the Argo, you going to run out of ship models to re-desing :P


Offline FireCrack

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  • meh...
1 on front, 3 on the left, two on the right.

Look at my pictures.
actualy, mabye not.
"When ink and pen in hands of men Inscribe your form, bipedal P They draw an altar on which God has slaughtered all stability, no eyes could ever soak in all the places you anoint, and yet to see you all at once we only need the point. Flirting with infinity, your geometric progeny that fit inside you oh so tight with triangles that feel so right."
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 59230781640628620899862803482534211706...
"Your ever-constant homily says flaw is discipline, the patron saint of imperfection frees us from our sin. And if our transcendental lift shall find a final floor, then Man will know the death of God where wonder was before."


Offline ShivanSpS

  • 210
You right... I dint see the two if the right..


Offline Goober5000

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It actually doesn't have the additional dockpoints in the original POF file.  Someone had to add them.  I think the new version is in the media VP.


Offline ShivanSpS

  • 210
The Argo Have 7 Docking Points God, this is a ship transporter :P

Argon: Aquitane, this is Argon Transport 217, I carrying a shipment of 3 Zeus Bombers, 2 Hercules and a Hygenia as a replacement, requesting permision to Dock.

Trojan Horse lol xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Im moments like these I want to back to desing missions :D

LOL, good argument for a mission xD ANyway, this has nothing to do which the model xD.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2006, 08:15:42 pm by ShivanSpS »


Offline StratComm

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1 on front, 3 on the left, two on the right.

Look at my pictures.

It's actually 7.  Don't forget the docking point on the bottom.  It doesn't need as much physical detail, but it is there.
who needs a signature? ;)
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"Holding the last thread on a page comes with an inherent danger, especially when you are edit-happy with your posts.  For you can easily continue editing in points without ever noticing that someone else could have refuted them." ~Me, on my posting behavior

Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM