Author Topic: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)  (Read 1161 times)

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Offline Aardwolf

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Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
I think it's trying to do an infinite recursive loop when I try to convert my cob files to pofs using PCS. I get this error:

Fatal Error                                                                                                         X

Stack overflow protection was engaged,
Please contact Kazan and provide a copy of this model.
Compile Aborted after GenerateBSP reached depth of 1000 recursions


When I compile it in WinCOB2POF I get a model, but it only opens in ModelView! Often it tells me it couldn't find the textures, but I recently figured out how to fix this in TrueSpace (I think). When I load it in PCS, however, I get this error:

Fatal Error                                                                                  X

This POF File failed a version check - are you sure this is a FS2 POF?


I even tried opening it in Segeltuch, but that didn't work either. There was no error message, but it didn't load any model, textures, or wireframe either. I don't really like Segeltuch, PCS, or TrueSpace; it'd be nice if someone could make a converter that goes directly from my favorite editor, Wings3D, to .POF files, but that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.


Nobody willing to take the challenge? Fine.


Wings3D seems to have the best interface; it's mostly mouse based, with some keyboard, but it only takes a little while to learn. The only hard part was figuring out that almost all actions require a right-mouse click to bring up the menu.

This is why I like Wings3D and think more people should work on a converter program or foolproof method.

Please help. Thanks in advance,


Offline Kazan

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Re: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
it's a result of bad geometry - you have two or more polygons with coincident centroids

if I ever manage to get myself working on PCS2 again I will probably be able to have geometry analysis in the PCS2.1 roadmap
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Offline Aardwolf

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Re: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
Well, I looked all over my model, only to realize that... I don't know what that means. I don't seem to have any polygons that intersect eachoter or are identical. Should I try removing all of the polygons and re-adding them one at a time? I don't know if that's possible with Wings3D. It may be the first disadvantage ever discovered in it, :sigh:!


Offline Vasudan Admiral

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Re: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
From the FS Wiki:
If PCS gives a "Too many polygons in same average location!" error, it can mean one (or both) of two things. Either there is a duplicate of one of the objects in the SCN in the EXACT same position as another of the EXACT same shape and size, or your object is too small in TS for it to be able to clearly tell the difference between polygon locations.
To fix the first problem, find the duplicate object and delete or move it. To fix the second, scale the whole ship up in TrueSpace to the size you want it to appear as in Freespace - meter for meter. Then, before converting, set PCS's scaleing factor to 1 rather than 20 and convert (Conversion > Options). That should fix it by telling PCS that one TrueSpace meter should equal one Freespace meter.
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Offline Aardwolf

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Re: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
Okay, I got that working; I had to scale my fighter from 20 Wings3D units across to 200, and then go through the process; instead of 1 for the size, i had to use .1 instead.

Now it's black. How do I get textures to work? Either I've forogotten how I did it earlier (most likely) or it isn't working anymore (less likely). Is there a way to change textures in PCS? Because changing the text for the texture number had no effect for me.

Re: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
Also the newer versions of PCS are more senstive to the stack overflow problem than the older ones
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Offline Getter Robo G

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Re: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
More sensitive?   Ok time to track down PCS1.0000000   :P

KAZAN, stop playing WOW... he he
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Offline Kazan

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Re: Infinite Recursive Loop? (Converting COBs to POFs)
more sensative because they're producing more accurate models :D

and I never played World of Whorecraft and I resent the idea that I did - I played Evercrack - and quit cold turkey about 3 months back.. I've just been busy trying to get back into shape and going to soccer matches supporting my local team the Des Moines Menace (Defending PDL champions)
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