Surely not as bad as a full-up hentai game, though...
Wait a minute, it's not?
Aaaaaaah, to hell with that, then.

Try running a search on your p2p program of choice for Three Sister's Story, Paradise Heights 2, Runaway City, True Love (and savegames if you can find them, damn game is a killer)...Sentimental Shooting's fun too. Kinda a Galaga/Raiden gone porno thing. Tough to beat unless you figure out which key's the scrollstop. Don't ask me, I've long since forgotten. There's at least a couple of Sailor Moon hentai Solitare decks floating around out there too.
Some of those might not run under WinXP. Runaway City you'll need DOSBox for, Sentimental Shooting remember to turn frameskip on or it locks up. True Love and Paradise Heights 2 work, or at least I think they work. Three Sister's Story you'll need to dig up an install of Win95, 2000, or Millenium for. You can safely assume anything else you encounter out there on teh intarwebs either isn't translated (like the Viper series) or needs DOSbox/non-XP Windows.
Nothing to see here, folks, move along...

* ngtm1r ducks out of the folder on his desktop marked "Jim's Old-As-Hell Games".