Author Topic: OS X Multiplayer  (Read 1537 times)

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Is it possible to play multiplayer FS2 for the OS X version?  If not, any idea when it'll come out?

Thanks  :)  Glad to be back in on the action after so many years... :shaking:
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Offline taylor

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You can't use FS2NetD, but multiplayer over LAN, or via direct IP, will work.  Though the FS2NetD issue should only be a problem for PPC Macs, not Intel Macs.  However I don't think that anyway has actually tried FS2NetD on an Intel Mac yet.  Or at least they haven't told me about it. :)

When the new PXO code is finally done, replacing FS2NetD, it will support both Intel and PPC Macs.

Thank you!  I'm on a PPC G5, so I'll keep my eyes open, then. :D
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