Author Topic: Please Help - Crashes  (Read 910 times)

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Please Help - Crashes

after some years without freespace2 i tried the new scp releases and thought the graphics were really good until...well, freespace 2 crashed. I was using the launcher 5.3 and pre-5.4 and the builds fs2_open_367_p4.exe, fs2_open_3_6_9.exe and fs2_open_r-P420061009.exe in almost any combination. With any launcher and the fs2_open_367_p4.exe the game is running well for about 5 min. I can play the first mission of the originial campaign until the trainer tells me to use the afterburner. After that it crashes all the time.

With the newer releases the game won't even start.

I did some searching but could not find anything. I also tried the debug version but don't know what to do with those.

I hope someone can help me and i am not asking for something which stands in all readmes or faqs (i think i read all of those - almost  :drevil:)



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Re: Please Help - Crashes

Helm! Ready all beam cannons!
Lock Beam Cannons and fire on my command!


Welcome to HLP! Exits are to the right and left. In the event of a landing of any kind, you can and will be used as a flotation device. Flamethrowers are conviniently located under your seats, however, due to the recent funding cuts, a $3.5 million donation is required to obtain a flamethrower with a full load of napalm in it. If you do not wish to make a donation, your flamethrower will remain filled with water. If you don't wish to donate and still want a working weapon, you'd have to try the weapons locker. However, only HLP Admins, a :v: God, or a Hyperintelligent shade of Blue can open the lock, so you'd have to break in. If you find yourself inside a ventilation shaft and you catch a glimpse of a Shivan, you don't need to worry... much. It's just Carl, and you have two choices with how you want to deal with him:
    1. The first possible course of action is getting one of the weapons from the afore-mentioned weapons locker, and trying to ward off Carl by threatening him with the weapon. Be advised that many of the weapons in the weapons locker are covered with the blood of people who thought it a good idea to break into the weapons locker and use the procured weapon to ward off Carl. So, please, if you decide you want to choose this course of action, choose one of the already-bloody weapons, so you don't get blood all over one of the clean ones.
   2. Your second course of action when you see Carl is to throw your lunch to him and hope he isn't hungry. This is the better option.
   As a final note, please remember that any attempt to use the ASCII characters 0046h, 0053h, and 0033h in sequential order will result in you being trampled by Freespace Fanboys. Your trampled remains will be fed to Carl so that the rest of us don't have to carry around so much food for lunch.

Standard newbie help:
Got a problem with the SCP? Check the list before you post a "help me" topic. If you do post a "help me" topic and your problem is on the list, I'll be there to say, "Why didn't you use 'The List'?"

standard newbie stuff is above, you should try it, but you're probably beyond that.

what you want to do is this:
1. delete launcher 5.3 and fs2_open_367_p4.exe (as well as the corresponding debug)
2. open up the launcher
3. at the top, select fs2_open_3_6_9_debug.exe
4. go to the features tab and turn off all options
5. go to the mod tab and hit no mod
6. hit apply
7. run fs2_open_3_6_9_debug.exe
8. see if it crashes.

If it crashes, it will create a file called fs.log in the main freespace2 folder.
tell us whether or not it crashes, and if it does, post the contents of fs.log like so:

the contents of fs.log go here. remember to take the asterisks out of the tags.
Creator of the FreeSpace Open Installer.
"Calm. The ****. Down." -Taristin
why would an SCP error be considered as news? :wtf: *smacks Cobra*It's a feature.

Re: Please Help - Crashes
ok, first and foremost, thank you a lot!

I didn't notice the nooblist and were doing everything according to the wiki. I think there's the point about installing the openALwEAX missing and i think that this was my problem. So currently everything seems to be stable.

I have a problem with enabled jpg/tga textures but if without them everything looks ok, i don't need them, right?

Back to the openAL: After i installed it freespace 2 seems to run stable (hadn't the time to test for more than ~15min) but now i have some sort of hall-effect in all sounds and music. Not only ingame but also when playing music files with winamp or when using or....

update: i realized just in this moment, that somehow the installation of the openAL changed something in the creative control panel which was responsible for the hall-effect. Everything's fine now.
I hope you had a good time posting "why didn't you use the list?" :) (maybe someone can make an entry about that openAL thing in the wiki fs2 osp installation-guide)

One more time: Thank you
