Some hooks we'd like: On Mouse Moved
Some hooks we'd like more: On Mouse Pressed / Released
Keypresses, or if that's too hard, weapon key presses, would be nice, because our current system makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. Also key/weapon release hooks, if possible.
A note about the giveOrder function: we need to be able to clear the orders, and possibly append orders if it isn't doing that now. Otherwise, they won't work right. It'd be best to have some way to see what orders a ship has, as well.
Also, for the purpose of emulating the in-system jump, or out-and-back jump: A way to copy ALL of the data of a ship but the name, and then to assign that data to a ship created with something like createClonedShip. The copy, for our purposes, will need to run on warpout, and the paste will need to work after the ship has warped out.
Also, we need a way to make the hud blend func consistent! It's no good having it change when a comm message comes up! I think there is a function like this, but iirc it doesn't do anything.
Lastly, although it was Nuke's great accomplishment and I hate to diminish it, I think his metadata system should get hard-coded. What it does, in short, is allows scripters (us) to add additional data to ships. In our system, I believe it is just a bunch of parallel arrays, but I think it would be best to allow for the user to create at will any fields and flags they need. Could this be done? Ideally, in a manner such that when copy+pasting the ship data the metadata doesn't get lost?
We = The FS RTS Mod Team (So far just Me + Nuke)