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New Screenshots Browser
I've coded a new screenshots browser and organized the screenshots I've been able to dig up as best I can.  The screenshots page is currently on another server, since hard-light doesn't offer the permissions to do everything I need it to do.  It's still accessible via the Screenshots link on the main website,  So check it out, they should all be uploaded by the time you read this.

For anyone interested in the more technical stuff, here's what it does.
Dynamically scans the passed in folder for all screenshot images
Checks that there is a thumbnail for each of them in the directory
If not, it makes a new thumbnail for that screenshot
Then it displays all the links to the screenshots in that folder with thumbnails
It also shows links to all subdirectories in the current folder
So to create new categories, you just make a new folder with the name that you want to show up as its link.

All of this is read on the fly.  To add screenshots all that has to be done is to drop them in the appropriate folder.  The next time someone views that folder the script will create a thumbnail automatically.  It also cleans up thumbs, so that if screenshots are moved around without moving their thumbnails, the unnecessary thumbnails will be removed.

If you have any suggestions for it just let me know.  Enjoy!
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Offline BS403

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Re: New Screenshots Browser
Sweet you got it working :yes: Looks Great.

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Homer's Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts.
Homer: Explain how.
Homer's Brain: Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
Homer: Woo-hoo!


Offline Dysko

Re: New Screenshots Browser
Oohhh.... Eclipse Star Destroyer... does it have a working superlaser? If not, I could try to TBL it myself...
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Offline chief1983

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Re: New Screenshots Browser
If not, I could try to TBL it myself...

Be my guest :)
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline TopAce

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Re: New Screenshots Browser
Actually, I'm not sure we still have the model. If I remember correctly, it was a converted model probably from some website.
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Offline Dysko

Re: New Screenshots Browser
Here it is!
I've tried to attain to Wookiepedia's data: it is smaller than DS's superlaser, but powerful enough to blow up a single ship, so I made it powerful enough to blow up the... ehm... Volition Bravos with a single shot.
I was not sure for the range: I think 95 kms are enough for a "baby superlaser".
I was not sure even for the "charging up" time: since it's a smaller laser, I think it takes something like 15 seconds to power up. It then fires for 5 seconds and powers down abruptely (like in the movie).
I've given it a diameter of 450 meters (I suppose that the large superlaser corridor in the final mission of XWA is double of that).

Attached the TBL. Not sure it can be a good superlaser though :nervous:

[attachment deleted by admin]
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