Author Topic: Joysticks are hard  (Read 7584 times)

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After ~50 hours of Freespacin' with a mouse/keyboard combo, I finally picked up a halfways decent joystick.  I must be REALLY out of practice because I can aim for crap with this thing.  I need inspiring, uplifting anecdotes from people telling me how awesome the joystick is to control your ship once you get the hang of it. 

P.S. I know there's already a thread on this but I got an angry red message on top saying no one had posted to it for 30 days and maybe I should just make a new one  :nervous:


Offline Turey

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* Turey is also very good with mouse/kb, but sucks with joystick.

Some people are better with one or the other. If you find one you're good at, stick with it.
Creator of the FreeSpace Open Installer.
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why would an SCP error be considered as news? :wtf: *smacks Cobra*It's a feature.


Offline Mefustae

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Keyboard and mouse ftw. Joysticking gives a more visceral experience, but you're aim is just always going to be that much better with the mouse.

  I've got a decent joystick but I'm complete crap with it! I just don't know why. I feel that it's not precise, especially diagonal directions. 
 => I strongly advise you to use Nuke's mouse control. Basically it acts as a joystick (i.e., u don't need to keep moving the mouse).
I'm reaaaally better with it. To give u a figure, I achieved something like 30% of primary accuracy with the joystick. With the mouse I have 65% and more!  On top of that, Nuke's mouse control gives u total freedom for your other hand (no silly joke intended    :rolleyes:).
ps: I've not been paid by Nuke to advertise his mouse code!  :lol:


Offline Ghostavo

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I just use a keyboard, no mouse.  :nervous:
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

Shrike is a dirty dirty admin, he's the destroyer of souls... oh god, let it be glue...

 Old school way! What's your primary accuracy ?


Offline Ghostavo

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No idea... enough to get past most missions in hard at least.
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

Shrike is a dirty dirty admin, he's the destroyer of souls... oh god, let it be glue...

 You can see it when you finish a mission, under the statistics tab, 2 pages away to reach the overall statistics.
I was just curious, it'd be funny if you were more precise than people who use joysticks or mice...   :lol:


Offline Ghostavo

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I've just run a portion of the gauntlet and got around 30%.

Although I think with a bit of training anyone could easily reach the 50% mark.
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

Shrike is a dirty dirty admin, he's the destroyer of souls... oh god, let it be glue...

 Well, 30% with a keyboard is quite good IMO. That's what I achieved with my joystick...


Offline jr2

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  I've got a decent joystick but I'm complete crap with it! I just don't know why. I feel that it's not precise, especially diagonal directions. 
 => I strongly advise you to use Nuke's mouse control. Basically it acts as a joystick (i.e., u don't need to keep moving the mouse).
I'm reaaaally better with it. To give u a figure, I achieved something like 30% of primary accuracy with the joystick. With the mouse I have 65% and more!  On top of that, Nuke's mouse control gives u total freedom for your other hand (no silly joke intended    :rolleyes:).
ps: I've not been paid by Nuke to advertise his mouse code!  :lol:
Where is said mouse control?


Offline jr2

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Thx   :)


Offline Dysko

Am I the only one here who thinks that using joystick is much more easier than using mouse and keyboard? :nervous:
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Offline BlackDove

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Once you master one, they're all good, however, you will get certain bonuses in particular skills depending on which one you go with.

Joystick - Master at turning.

Keyboard - High response time for aiming and turning, but it's a jack of all trades, master of none.

Mouse - Master at aiming.

That is, providing you have the needed reflex skills to pull it off.

Just went to check, my joystick accuracy is 45.1%, after playing through regular campaign on Normal and the revamped Derelict on Hard. I still prefer keyboard and mouse in most games (I play some shooters when I get time to mess about with video games) but when flying, joystick is the only way to go. I'm still using a Sidewinder Precision Pro from waaaaaay back, just found it in a box and I've been flying with it since, whenever I'm playing a sim.

Of course, I also go blast like crazy at cap ships with my Maxim cannon, so that might have something to do with upping my primary precision. I also don't like to hold down my fire button, cause then I can't see the reticle as well. =D Shiny blaster effects in SCP have their downsides, heh.


Offline Centrixo

overall stats with joy, mouse and kb. This is all on the original fs2 campaign. all primary fire no secondaries (missles, bombs).

Joystick - 68% acc. 226 kills. (could of been better but meh)

Mouse - 6% acc. 40 kills. (absoutly **** at mouse presision)

keyboard - 82% acc. 501 kills. (normal 70%+ accuracy)

and this is just easy skill, imagine trying insane with this sort accuracy to account for. My usual at kb on insane is around 40%, so work the figures out for yourself.
Would you like to have a piece of duct tape shoved up your arse? - 'Duct Tape man', Derelict.

"You never know what your going to find until you take a look" - Snipes, Fs2.

Terwin Castronenves:"Centrixo, your car is slow, bye bye" *zoom*.
Centrixo:*sigh!* Damn!.


Offline BlackDove

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Err, I was talking about EXPERIENCE, not a breakdown of technical details.

You can save your shots all you want and then hit the enemy once, while two of his cronies blast you to hell. Woo 100% accuracy. It means absolutely nothing.

Also, the most likely thing is that you can probably be only really good at one of them, because of the sheer amount of training you need to favor a style.

I started out with the keyboard (it's all I knew), and was semi-good with it, but that was the maximum I could output in terms of skill. Since I knew I sucked, I bought a joystick. When I started, I was even worse at that obviously. It's like trying to learn violin after all you've been playing is the piano.

Eventually though, time after time, I befriended the joystick and surpassed any keyboard skills I might've had by miles.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2007, 01:48:12 pm by BlackDove »


Offline Centrixo

Err, I was talking about EXPERIENCE, not a breakdown of technical details.

You can save your shots all you want and then hit the enemy once, while two of his cronies blast you to hell. Woo 100% accuracy. It means absolutely nothing.

errrmm, excuse me but was i ASKING for your backward opinion?

accuracy counts from EXPERIANCE, you can start in fs from new(i still remember when i first played fs) and it will be hard to get your head around the controls for the first few times. if you want techincal experience, here take this.

a keyboard is made of mostly plastic with a tiny circuitboard for the LED locks, on the outsode are the casing and the keys,on the inside there are plastic springs and a shiney plastic thin layer with metal inside for the certain keys, second layer is the same the 3 and 4 are all the same, the circuitboard connected the wire or box to the computer via a connector or reciver box.

THAT is techincal, what i said in my last post isnt.
Would you like to have a piece of duct tape shoved up your arse? - 'Duct Tape man', Derelict.

"You never know what your going to find until you take a look" - Snipes, Fs2.

Terwin Castronenves:"Centrixo, your car is slow, bye bye" *zoom*.
Centrixo:*sigh!* Damn!.


Offline MarkN

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Blackdove has a point though. When I played with the mouse I could hit things very accurately, but I very rarely got an enemy in my sights, while with the joystick, my accuracy is lower, but I am usually on the tail of something or other and end up with more kills, just because I have had more firing opportunities.