Author Topic: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date  (Read 4158 times)

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Offline WMCoolmon

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FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
Exhibit A

Right now it's missing instructions to install theora. Under Ubuntu, this is just another apt package (libtheora-dev); but I don't know the processes for Gentoo or Archlinux.

I forgot to save the errors for what happens when you don't have the theora SDK; but it's something along the lines of 'missing header theora/theora.h' and complains about missing struct definitions.

Anyway, if someone on Gentoo or Archlinux can post the processes for those distros, I'll update what's in the wiki. I imagine it's just a matter of knowing the package names though and adding them to the listings of what's already there.

Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
Well, a check for the Theora package should then be added to configure. That would be the best idea. FS will just refuse to finish configure when Theora's headers are missing.

And I think, you don't need to add specific instructions for all sort of distributions. Just say, that Theora should be installed via the Distro's package manager.  :)


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
It's not that simple I'm afraid... I mean, telling people to just install the package.

For example, I had theora on my box all right and working... but what FS2 requires is libtheora-dev, and due to mess-up in Ubuntu/Kubuntu package versions and dependencies, that package didn't want to install itself along with the version of libtheora0 that I had. So I ended up removing libtheora0 and it took about 100 MB of other packages along with it, after which I installed libtheora-dev and it snatched the correct libtheora0 version that it depended on.

Then I had to re-install the packages that removing libtheora0 took away in the first place. :rolleyes:

But that's not really SCP problem, it's a problem with K/Ubuntu and possibly specific to my install.
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Offline WMCoolmon

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
I didn't have that problem with Kubuntu Edgy. But I think that all 3 of the distros on that page should be updated at once, or it will be too easy to forget about it. There's not really any other good place that I can see to specify it, and leaving it out of the specific command examples that are given would be confusing/misleading. (I know I just skimmed the guide while reading)


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
Yeah, as I said it could be specific to Dapper or specific to my installation even. Edgy doesn't work on my PC, tried to dist-upgrade to it but it wouldn't start working for some mundane reason that I have no clue so I reverted to Dapper. I guess my PC is too edgy for Edgy. :p
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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
Yep. But configure should nevertheless have a check for Theora. I think. it's not good, if configure tells you everything is fine and make then stops.


Offline taylor

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
Yep. But configure should nevertheless have a check for Theora. I think. it's not good, if configure tells you everything is fine and make then stops.
It's something that I've been meaning to do, just haven't had the time.  I was in a rush to simple get Theora support working in general and didn't have a chance to do the little details at the time (like proper configure support, and some extra code cleanup).

I don't think that I've ever checked on this, but does every modern distro ship with pkgconfig at this point?  On Fedora at least, libtheora works with pkg-config, so I'd just like to use that for dealing with everything if at all possible.  The problem, of course, is that we would also put a build requirement on having pkgconfig.

I already have the changes made locally, but I don't want to commit it unless it's going to actually work for everyone, or at least most everyone. :)


Offline nodens

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
I just updated the wiki page tonight, and added information about the need to have theora header files, as well as some hints on recent developments : Turkey's installer, where to find binaries when they are ready...

However, I think this page could use some more work. There is a lot of information in it, but it could probably be organized better.

For instance, there are 2 launching scripts (well, 3 if you count the one-liner). I happen to like the structure of the "i18n" one more (probably because I wrote it :D), but the "Advanced" one has a very complete and commented option list. They should be merged. But I'm not sure about removing the "simple" scripts yet, because it show how simple it is, just put a bunch of CLI switches and the path to your binary, make it executable, and let go.  If an elaborated script is showed first, some user might be afraid to edit it to suit their need (I know people like that). On the other hand, one can argue that such a fainthearted user won't compile the CVS for a start :)

Also, I'm still searching for a clean solution to run freespace2 on a new display without being root, and without allowing remote users to start a new display with xinit (controlled by Xwrapper.config here on my Debian, it may be different on other distros).

Oh, and if someone might add a link to where the stable source release are to be found... I couldn't find any, neither on the SCP page nor in this forum... Only the 3.6.9-RC8... or maybe there is no difference between RC8 and release ?


Offline taylor

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
* light bulb goes off above taylor's head ... he just realized that he forgot to upload the damn Linux build for 3.6.9 final ... *


Offline Turey

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
* light bulb goes off above taylor's head ... he just realized that he forgot to upload the damn Linux build for 3.6.9 final ... *

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why would an SCP error be considered as news? :wtf: *smacks Cobra*It's a feature.


Offline Mars

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
* light bulb goes off above taylor's head ... he just realized that he forgot to upload the damn Linux build for 3.6.9 final ... *
Oh... it's done?


Offline nodens

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
* light bulb goes off above taylor's head ... he just realized that he forgot to upload the damn Linux build for 3.6.9 final ... *

erf... Great  :lol:

Could you upload the stable source tarball as well ? Some people might want to try optimization or different configure switches without using the CVS... (correct me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't find it anywhere).

And as Turey said on the wiki he will include binary when it's released (my english is not creative enough to express how grateful I am, thanks a lot, Turey), maybe we can then focus on the CVS / source compiling on this page, and point most people on another page explaining how to use the installer (prerequisites and so on). That would mean splitting this page in two, however, and I'm not sure of where the troubleshooting and scripting part would belong... One big page ? Several small ones ? Anyway, I'm sure it can be improved.

Well, it's late here. I'd better go to sleep, I cannot think nor write properly. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and find out that all that I said is just crap anyway  ::)


Offline taylor

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
It will be tomorrow before I get the chance to upload everything (32-bit and 64-bit builds, plus tarball), but it's all done and I'll get to as soon as I can tomorrow.

I had it all done last weekend, but then I got sick and have hardly touched the computer so far this week.  It wasn't until today that I've spent more than 20 minutes on it, so I'm a bit behind on everything. :)


Offline Mars

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
Sorry to be an annoyance... but I still can't compile CVS, and the source of which you speak doesn't seem readily available still.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 02:09:53 am by Mars »


Offline ni1s

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous:[email protected]:/home/fs2source/cvsroot co -r fs2_open_3_6_9 fs2_open

Note the bold, that branch is less often broken then HEAD.

And yeah, the fs2_open on Linux article has seen better days. But remember, it's a Wiki, so if you spot an error, fix it!


Offline Mars

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Re: FS2_Open on Linux page out of date
Seems I was missing a library