A suggestion if I may...
You have the Wiki - but do you truly have a structured form
per say for the tutorials you propose?
Maybe you should start out by coming up with that (thinking and planning)
as it were and keeping that here so others with knowledge on said subject
can help fill in the missing blanks or simplify it. Then upload to the Wiki....
Perhaps start a dedicated tutorial section for 3DS, Lith, and Truespace?
After looking around out on the net trying to decipher what had been said,
I had to go out and get a $50 Max book to interpret the majority of it...
That's actually a good investment, but most folks/ trainee's are not going to be able to do
that to begin with, or it may well scare them off from becoming the modelers and
so on that are in short supply.
Detail boxing I've only seen once in the Borg cube example photos, yet
I have a application (need) for reduced polys and higher detail management.
A destroyable submodel sounds like something I could make sections of a ship
to be - and have whole quarters of the ship crumple, spark, and sizzle upon being
damaged. Sounds good to me...
just the "how," "when's it apply" "with what"
is a bit foggy.
Lastly, please assume the person reading has absolute 0 prior knowledge of what
you're talking about. It's always easier to write on concerning something you know... but the
newcomers are truly in the dark - if you mention a feature and don't want to make a lengthy
explanation, link to somewhere that does first - with a (read this first) attached. Step by step
or click by click pictures help greatly. Tell us that if we did the wrong thing... the resulting mess will probably
be...??? To go back to our last save, cause we have no hope of repairing what we destroyed...
It'll just save everyone repetitive questions in the long run...
With respect,
~This local mod newb.