Author Topic: New Campaign/Mod - FSAR  (Read 22492 times)

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Offline karajorma

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Ask someone else. I only ever put fighters and bombers in wings. You can get away with either transports or freighters (or both) but I can never remember exactly how it works.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Art Kelson

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I finished the first Test Mission...look in the first Post of this Thread...the FSAR Universe is also a bit reorganised...:cool:
Bosch does Drugs...


Offline Art Kelson

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Hy People...

I just downloaded a PCX Converter to do some own Anifiles with Anibuilder...Now the Problem is...I dont know where the .Ani Files for the Ingame History,are descript ???

Do I have to search in the "tstrings.tbl" or in the "strings.tbl"...sorry booth where empty,but im pretty sure that they have do be there...

The whole Background Info,is now implemented into the I want the Starmaps to be showen as Anifile...can Somone tell me where this History Ani Strings are ???
Bosch does Drugs...


Offline Art Kelson

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Hello again...

I got trough anything...but there is a last Question about the Intro Video...

Where it is defined ???

I changed the .Ini to test it...but it didn´t worked out...I was able to change the Ingame Cutscenes...but not the Intro Video (.Mve)...can anyone tell me where ???
Bosch does Drugs...


Offline jr2

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Put your intro video into your FSAR\data\movies directory, label it intro.ogg or intro.avi or intro.mve , whichever format you used.  (Or put it in a VP with the same path).


Offline Art Kelson

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Wow thats so easy... :D

Thanks Jr2

By the Way...its funny to see the Game starting with the Endsequence Video... :D
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 11:22:30 am by Art Kelson »
Bosch does Drugs...


Offline jr2

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Oh, is that what you did?  Hmm.  That would waste quite a bit of space to have the Endsequence copied...  ask someone else if there's a way to do it... I think you can call a video from a mission file, look at the retail campaign mission files to see how... then you could make a blank file, call it "Intro.ogg" to skip the intro video, then have the first mission call up the endgame video that you wanted.  If you need me to, I can find the setting out myself.


Offline Art Kelson

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Yes I already implemented it...but now ???

Its about 90 MB of Size...and makes the DL more then 65 MB...thats too much...

Ill guess ill do what you adviced...a Placeholder...Sounds good... :D

This is what im permanently doing...Ive changed all the .Anis in History Description and did some for my own...damn it was quite a work too make 600 Pictures with the Term "Picoooo.pcx"...It almost drives me Nuts...

After I saw the Result wasnt what I wanted...I decided to just fit in some Pictures...with the benefit that it is of much smaller Size (about 6.6 MB with 7z)...

The Mod itself is finished...Everything has been changed,but the Introvideo and the "Main Hall" changes are still turns out pretty complicated to Mod booth the .Mve Files and the I better postbone this Ideas...

Dont be surprised if all the Pictures and Stuff look a bit...well..."trashy"...they are Placeholders...until I found a more comfortable Way to make .MVE,.ANI and .PCX Files...

I will put up the Download sometimes Today...with the enhanced Version of the first Mission...I put in lots of Talkings and that kind of Stuff...The Story beginns just like a normal Shift mystic Thinks and Pilots that talk about the newest intelligence they talk about what they did last Night...until Command shows up and forbid them to talk...well what should I say...Terrans are an Emprie...and the Empires Rules are very Strict... ;7 

Oh and there are no Speech Files...only thoose of Ensign Mariner (yourself) Microphone is much to bad,to make some good Recordings with it...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 06:20:59 am by Art Kelson »
Bosch does Drugs...


Offline Art Kelson

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Project abandoned

1. dont wanna get sued
2. My Mod isnt better then the Original FS2
3. you wont recruit new Modders by pointing out so seriously that modding is illegal
4. I really dont wanna get sued

Tststs...honestly some People should think about what they post,or maybe open a "woohoo Modding is illegal,so you better beware not to get sued"-Thread... :lol:

Bye bye People...but theres nothing I owe to anyone and as I said,if you want new Mods...dont be so paranoid to post that Modders could get sued,if they Mod... :mad:
Bosch does Drugs...


Offline jr2

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Eh.... WHAT?!?  What on earth are you on about??  Please explain... who has been pointing out that your campaign isn't as good as vanilla?  None of them are; stop listening to whoever the nutcase is that's disparaging you.  And, no, modding that seriously isn't illegal as far as I can tell... who said it was, and what reasoning did they give?  :confused:


EDIT: Yeah... I really wanna know who's been talking to you... :mad: :mad2:  Load of BS as far as I can tell.  TCs are legal, campaigns are legal; heck, that's what FRED was included with retail FS for, and the source code for FS2 is Open Source, so ... grrr! :hopping:  Who is it?


Offline karajorma

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It's ME! :D

Feel free to judge for yourself if this isn't the biggest case of spitting out your dummy we've seen in a while. Notice that at no point did I say he would get sued. Just that technically he could be sued.

But then again pretty much every single modding team on this board could be too. I rate the probability of it happening as incredibly low. But if we had someone like Derek Smart in charge (who actually once threatened to sue) I'd put it much higher.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 11:27:19 am by karajorma »
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline jr2

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*puts 2 and 2 together... 4?*

Art Kelson = takashi??


Offline karajorma

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Not unless he suffers from multiple personality disorder and posted from a computer with a different IP address. It was Takashi's post that started off the whole problem.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline jr2

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Hmm... but why would he want to make .MVE files?  They are inefficient and old.  :confused:


Offline Art Kelson

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Re: New Campaign - FSAR
Sorry Guys for bumbing that old Thread. But after reading through all that Stuff I posted here, i thought a Statement is needed.

I honestly don´t know what´s gotten into me to abandon this Project. Reading through my own Posts, it makes me think I acted like a Madman...and yeah, I think I was drunken when posting this, one Year ago. Well at least, it gave me a good Laugh about myself...Spaaarrrtttaaa... :nervous:

If i´m allowed, I will reborn FSAR...i´m going to change the first Post of this Thread. You ask why ?

I downloaded my own Project yesterday and looked through it and thought to myself..."Hey that´s pretty cool Stuff, you did there"...And decided that it´s totally dumb to just abandone it.
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Offline Mobius

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Re: New Campaign - FSAR
You're honest. I appreciate that. :nod: :)
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline Art Kelson

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Re: New Campaign - FSAR
I think I treated @Karajorma totally wrong...please accept i´m sorry @Kara...really, that was the most stupid Stuff posted by myself, I ever readed... :D

Oh and by the Way...

*puts 2 and 2 together... 4?*

Art Kelson = takashi??

No i´m not...;)

Bosch does Drugs...


Offline karajorma

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Re: New Campaign - FSAR
No problem. As far as I'm concerned it's all water under the bridge long ago. :) Good luck and if you get stuck feel free to shout out.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Art Kelson

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Re: New Campaign - FSAR
THX Karajorma. I´ll try my Best.  :yes:

Ok. I think i´m lagging in Experience with Fred. So I have to start pretty much from the Scratch, as I forgot almost anything. So my first Option this Time, will be to completely finish the Mod, before I even start thinking about Fredding.

Reading through all the .Tbls, i found dozens of Typos and Grammas. Also the Anis are very bad and I think all that Stuff needs Improvement. I have an example Picture for one of my newest .Ani, also all the Sectormaps are 100% done.

So inside the next Download, you can find:

- Typo and Grammar Fixes
- First completely working .Ani (The complete rotating Milky Way Galaxy)
- All Goodies brought into Game.
- A slightly different Story, from the 0.0.6 Version
- improved Mission 1 (Morning Patrol)

I also got my Hands on new Ships, but there was a Size Limit of Ships.Tbl, right ? Is there a way around this ? I know it´s in Inferno. So if anyone has some Experiences with extended Ships.Tbl, I would appreciate your Opinion on this.

Theres also another Problem I have. I can´t put this Mod on Stage "Beta", if I can´t make it working with the Reteil Campaign. So I have just one Question, about this. Is it possible to Mod it so, that my Ships.tbl is working with Retail, or is this impossible ?

The Idea behind this is. Basically I want to make FSAR as an Mod, for others that want to use the FSAR Theme as Mission/Campaign Platform. So you can´t expect any new Missions, before the Mod is 100%...well let´s say 95% done. Fixes should fill up the last 5%, if Problems occuring.

So, heres the Picture I talked about. In Case your asking why theres so much open Space...there´s a Reason for this, I don´t wanna tell you yet...but I hope some of you remember WC Privateer...;)

FSAR Alpha Quadrant Sector Map

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Offline Mobius

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Re: New Campaign - FSAR
Excellent! :D

There are a few mistakes, though...Aurigea and Lacertea should be Aurigae and Lacertae, respectively ;)
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
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