Author Topic: Graphics Issues on OS X  (Read 18149 times)

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Offline taylor

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Ok, give this a try:

No promises, but it will test a theory at least.  This is still 10.4+ only, I didn't have a chance to get all of the frameworks converted over to the cross build.

Even if this works, don't get too excited.  I'll release a couple more builds to try and isolate the exact problem.  If you can help me find it I will work out some sort of code hack that gets around the driver bug for this particular card.  Some functionality will be lost, but only as far as performance is concerned.  Assuming that it can be narrowed down to one particular bit of code, the performance hit can be minimized.


Offline wdarkk

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Still seems to be having graphics troubles. Different ones now, though.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
A 10.3.9 compatible version could be nice, but there's no launcher that runs on 10.3.x currently, since Apple hasn't seen fit to officially release a new enough version of JRE for 10.3.x I believe.  So it's manually launching for anyone wanting to run it on 10.3.9, unless they feel like hacking a version of the JRE from 10.4 onto a 10.3.9 install.  Possible, but definitely not painless.  This is just what I've experienced trying to run FS on a Mac so far.
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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Cardinal Spear post moved to the Port forum.

Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Still seems to be having graphics troubles. Different ones now, though.

They seem to be some of the same troubles I had with 3.6.9. Haven't tried your xt build myself though. If it would make finding the problem easier for you, just say the word ;).


Offline wdarkk

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Still seems to be having graphics troubles. Different ones now, though.

They seem to be some of the same troubles I had with 3.6.9. Haven't tried your xt build myself though. If it would make finding the problem easier for you, just say the word ;).

It's not my xt build, but I'm sure taylor would appreciate it. Since I'm on a mac pro, I'm using bootcamp to avoid all the problems for now.

Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
I know taylor is THE mac devver around here ;)

I once tried running the game under parallels (you know, they "support" graphics now), didn't turn out to be the best gaming experience ;)
But since you are running the game ok in bootcamp, it's about friggin' time apple gave us a decent os x driver. I was thinking about looking through the code myself (I'm a 5th year electrical engineering student), but I'm afraid it would take too much time (which I don't have) for me to fully understand the code. That and the fact that although I have quite some experience in coding, none of it has anything to do with graphics and the likes. I'm keeping it either high-level (java...) or more low-level (assembler anyone? :p).


Offline wdarkk

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
I know taylor is THE mac devver around here ;)

I once tried running the game under parallels (you know, they "support" graphics now), didn't turn out to be the best gaming experience ;)
But since you are running the game ok in bootcamp, it's about friggin' time apple gave us a decent os x driver. I was thinking about looking through the code myself (I'm a 5th year electrical engineering student), but I'm afraid it would take too much time (which I don't have) for me to fully understand the code. That and the fact that although I have quite some experience in coding, none of it has anything to do with graphics and the likes. I'm keeping it either high-level (java...) or more low-level (assembler anyone? :p).

Yeah, I'm a Masters in CS student, but all my experience is in Java and Lisp, and basically none of it is in graphics.


Offline taylor

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Ok, new build, so give this a try:

This build has the newest version of everything in it, as well as the various fixes.  It is a standard build by default, so any of the possible fixes will have to be enabled (manually/custom) via cmdline option.  And if your hardware is good enough, you'll even be able to get a nice little graphics treat. ;)

With any luck, this will work on 10.3+ on PPC, and 10.4+ on Intel, but that is completely untested.  Someone will have to let me know if all of the crap that I had to go through to get this thing working was actually worth it.

I have included a possible mouse sensitivity fix as well.  I have been unable to get it to link with the 10.3 SDK though, so this particular fix only works on Intel Macs (maybe, I've got a PPC Mac so I can't test it).  Technically it's just an acceleration fix, but I'm hoping that was the source of the mouse problems overall.  You can test this out with the -mouse_test cmdline option.  If you can't enter it in the launcher for some reason, add it to ~/Library/FS2_Open/data/cmdline_fso.cfg (create it as a regular text file if it doesn't already exist).  Someone will have to let me know whether or not this actually fixes anything, and whether it restores proper mouse behavior when you exit the game.  Do note that this option will have absolutely no effect if you are also using the -no_grab cmdline option however, just FYI.

As far as the possible fixes for the graphics problems go, I have included tests for 5 different ones.  You can use one at a time, all of them at the same time, or any combination of them, to figure out exactly what works and what doesn't.  Just let me know the results, good or bad, and also please include what mods are in use (mediavps or whatever else), and what other cmdline options you are using.  The cmdline options for the various tests are, amazingly, -test_one, -test_two, -test_three, -test_four, & -test_five.

So, give it all a try and let me know what happens. :)


Offline Tinman

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Ok, new build, so give this a try:
So, give it all a try and let me know what happens. :)

Bad news. The build xt0916 does not work on my G5/Nvidia7800GT. The FS2_Open - Xt0916 won't start. Just for half a second the icon appears 
in the dock. The FS2_Open - Xt0916 (debug) opens a empty window then the splash screen shows up. Stop. I can send you the debug.log if necessary.

The build xt0916 does not work on my Mbp/AtiX1600. The FS2_Open - Xt0916 won't start. Just for half a second the icon appears 
in the dock as on the G5. The FS2_Open - Xt0916 (debug) works for a few minutes. I can use the techroom, barracks etc. but i can not start a mission. The (debug)build stops during loading the mission.  I can send you the debug.log if necessary.

I tested different cmdline_fso.cfg settings. All with the same results.


Offline taylor

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Hmm.  Yeah, send me the logs and I'll take a look.  I didn't test it much myself, but I know that it worked well enough for me, otherwise I wouldn't have uploaded it.

What version of OS X do you have on those machines?

EDIT:  Damn, the frameworks in the release build are corrupt.  That's why it won't start for you.  I'm uploading a fixed version now (in place of the current one), but you can fix it yourself by just copying the frameworks out of the bundle for the debug version and replacing the ones in the release version.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 07:52:13 am by taylor »


Offline wdarkk

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Running tests now with zero mods. I'll edit this message as I get results.

Ok, first pass indicates that all five test options by themselves don't help. I'll go to the other end and try all them at once.

BTW is there a reason the xt build doesn't support -jpgtga?

Hmm, all of them at once didn't seem to help.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 08:51:55 am by wdarkk »


Offline taylor

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
BTW is there a reason the xt build doesn't support -jpgtga?
That option was rendered obsolete and won't be included in any future version of the game.  The code was fixed to prefer DDS instead, but the loading of images overall was changed so that the exact load order of each image type doesn't really matter anymore.


Offline wdarkk

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
BTW is there a reason the xt build doesn't support -jpgtga?
That option was rendered obsolete and won't be included in any future version of the game.  The code was fixed to prefer DDS instead, but the loading of images overall was changed so that the exact load order of each image type doesn't really matter anymore.

Ok. Anyway, I realized I probably should have gone back and done testing with a fresh config file, so here's my new, more accurate results:

1. Command line blank. ALL SHIPS THAT WERE IN FS1 have no textures. I have no idea why. Sky sphere has visible polygons or something, including some duplicates. Only visible from some angles.
2. No mods, various combinations of -test_one through -test_five. Same results as 1.
3. -mod mediavps, no other options. All ships have their textures except the Faustus, which has only one panel visible (no idea why). Sky sphere problems again. Lokis had some kind of "trail" ahead of them, looked kinda like pieces of an Argo. Mentu was missing its target indicator model/textures.
4. -mod mediavps and test commands. No changes from 3.


Offline Tinman

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X

What version of OS X do you have on those machines?

MacOS X 10.4.10 on both PPC and Intel Mac

EDIT:  Damn, the frameworks in the release build are corrupt.  That's why it won't start for you.  I'm uploading a fixed version now (in place of the current one), but you can fix it yourself by just copying the frameworks out of the bundle for the debug version and replacing the ones in the release version.

Yes. Now it works.

But: (I cannot provide screenshots cos it does not work with xt0916 build, cross-tested with 3.6.9 where with F13-key takes a screenshot)

At this time i had only time to test xt0916 on the G5/7800GT.


"-test_one -test_two -test_three -test_four -test_five -mod mediavps" or different combinations of this settings show the ships like painted with a brush but with normal textures an color

if i add -spec or -glow in any combination most ships are rendered like 95% clear-transparent textures but the cockpits are like normal. Some ships are not transparent but during rotation the surfaces of the ships change the color very fast, not smooth.


Offline taylor

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Post/attach the OpenGL init section of your debug logs (both of you).  That will probably give me some clues as to what's going on with the new problems.  In the meantime, use the -noglsl (or is it -no_glsl?) cmdline option and see if that fixes the new issues.

Screenshots should work, but I'll double-check that when I get back home.  Other people have reported them broken as well, but I took a bunch last night and everything worked fine for me.


Offline Tinman

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
One more thing. A good one.

Asteroids did not work or display on ATIx1600 in 3.6.9 and xt0904 but in xt0916 the asteroids are shown. They are displayed in the quality as described in my last post - so not optimal quality but hey: it works :) and work without (-test_one ... or ... or ... -test_five)

taylor: the log is in your PM


Offline wdarkk

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Post/attach the OpenGL init section of your debug logs (both of you).  That will probably give me some clues as to what's going on with the new problems.  In the meantime, use the -noglsl (or is it -no_glsl?) cmdline option and see if that fixes the new issues.

Screenshots should work, but I'll double-check that when I get back home.  Other people have reported them broken as well, but I took a bunch last night and everything worked fine for me.

The debug version wouldn't run for me, but here's the log from the 9/4 version. Screenshots aren't working for me either.

EDIT: BTW I took a look at the mouse control, seemed fine (although release 3.6.9 mouse control is fine too, so maybe I shouldn't be the judge).

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 07:53:03 pm by wdarkk »


Offline Tinman

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
Post/attach the OpenGL init section of your debug logs (both of you).  That will probably give me some clues as to what's going on with the new problems.  In the meantime, use the -noglsl (or is it -no_glsl?) cmdline option and see if that fixes the new issues.

with -no_glsl cmdline option everything is normal with xt0916/G5/7800GT

(btw: the -window cmdline option shows garbage with the xt0916 build without the no_glsl cmdline option, but works fine with the -no_glsl cmdline option)


Offline DDspeed

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Re: Graphics Issues on OS X
First of all, I'm new around here, and I'm totally new to FreeSpace. This way or another, I love the game. Great work porting it to the Mac, but I'm having similar graphic problems as other people in this thread.

iMac Intel, late 2006 model, 2Ghz Core2 Duo, Radeon X1600, Mac OS/X Tiger 10.4.10.

I just tested the Xt9016 build and neither the -test_ options one by one did change anything, nor all of them at once.

One of the strangest issues I have with the graphics is that the ships engines' flames look like gaming cards. O_o


When ran without the -glsl option the game spits out lots of "OpenGL errors". When the option is active, it doesn't.

Logs are here:
All five test options and -glsl:
All five test options without -glsl:

If it helps at all.

I'd really like to lay the game on the Mac, so I hope you'll be able to find workarounds for that stuff.