Author Topic: Problems with ingame cutscenes  (Read 1221 times)

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Offline Tolwyn

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Problems with ingame cutscenes
Okay, guys, here is my problem: I would love to use cutscenes in my missions, but I am facing two serious issues.

Number 1:

Because cap ships are so slow I am using following sexp to make 'em move a little bit faster:

     mission time

Now, on low end systems the frame rate goes down, ships slow down. But: the time doesn't slow down at the same rate, so all timing goes wrong. Disabling vsync has a reverse effect, although not to such extent.

Actually same happens when recording a video sequence with FRAPS.

I've tried using a special ships.tbl entry with velocity of 400.0 and acceleration delay 0.0, but same story here.

I think I could built a few safe-guards that would prevent some of the problems I face here, but not all.

Some of the cutscenes could be recorded of course, but I'd have to avoid using cutscenes during a mission. At least not with capital ships, that suck a lot of ressources.

Number 2:

Subtitles positions are absolute. This means, that increasing resolution (default is 1024*768) means, that subtitles appear out of place (further to the left and upper corner of the screen)
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