Author Topic: NEED Help with mission editor and 3.4 beta  (Read 1740 times)

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Offline drb1986

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NEED Help with mission editor and 3.4 beta
Long story short, when i downloaded and used the steps to install v3.2 to 3.3a including downloading some other programs, everything was good except for the freezes and crashes i would get here and there, but my mission editor wont work every time i started it up so after a while so i deleted TBP and reininstalled 3.2 which im using now to play the EAS Janus missions. i have some questions that need to be answered

1. one how do i get my mission editor to work on 3.4

2. where do i save my missions in order to play them cause i think it tells me that it cant find the file when i go to play it

3. do i need to play with open GL only or can i use D3D

4 is there any other programs that need to be downloaded.

5. are there steps that need to be followed in order to use my mission editor on 3.4

thank you.-D


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: NEED Help with mission editor and 3.4 beta
1. one how do i get my mission editor to work on 3.4

See 3.4 installation instructions.

2. where do i save my missions in order to play them cause i think it tells me that it cant find the file when i go to play it


3. do i need to play with open GL only


4 is there any other programs that need to be downloaded.

See 3.4 installation instructions.

5. are there steps that need to be followed in order to use my mission editor on 3.4

See 3.4 installation instructions.
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Re: NEED Help with mission editor and 3.4 beta

Welcome to the HLP Station. Exits are located to the right, left, up, down, and 4th-dimensionally. However all of them are blocked, except the 4-d one, and no one's yet figured how to reach it. Somebody says there is anoter one in the 5th dimension: if you find it, let us know! In the event of a landing of any kind, you can and will be used as a flotation device. We are currently suffering from technical problems from time to time, which may cause the lights go out at any instance, and sometimes even the basic life support fails for some time. At these times, stay calm and composed; for these cases the station system automatically drops a computer from the roof above you with FSO installed and ready. They have independent power sources. Please keep all appendages within the installation at all times. Do not feed the resident Shivan Carl as he will become voracious and, if you are lucky he will chew your leg off; if you are not, you can imagine what will happen. You can find him in the ventilation duct. Throw him your lunch and hope he is not hungry and leaves you alone. Flamethrowers can be found under your seat but due to financial constraints have been re-filled with holy water. Phased Plasma rifles (40 watt range of course) can be found in storage lockers. To prevent act of n00b, however, these can only be opened by Moderators, Volition or a hyperintelligent shade of BluE. Please remember that any attempt to use the ASCII characters 0046h, 0053h, and 0033h in sequential order will result in you being trampled by the whole FreeSpace community. Your trampled remains will be fed to Carl so that the rest of us don't have to carry around so much food for lunch. If you shall go in the Vasudan section of the station and find a boxes labelled “Headz”, please don’t open them, unless you are a Vasudan. Trust me on this one.... In the event of catastrophic hull failure please board the nearest lifeboat which is pre-programmed for autonomous flight to our sister station the Game-Warden outpost. Thank you and enjoy your stay at Hard Light station as long as you will!
Steadfast  Project Member



Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: NEED Help with mission editor and 3.4 beta
3. do i need to play with open GL only or can i use D3D

Direct 3D works with these little problems:
- smoke effects turn into white boxes
- asteroids blow up as white boxes
- envoirment maps don't work

there is no way fixing envoirment maps --- but the other two can be fixed by getting the needed files from any other FS_Open mod (best the media vps)
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"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline drb1986

  • 24
Re: NEED Help with mission editor and 3.4 beta
Right im using 3.3a now ill get to 3.4 in a bit but i fugured out how to use mission editor and what was the problem. the tables subfolder in which Ship.tbl was put in caused the mission editor not to work, and this was pure luck i found this out, so i removed it teporary to use it then i was done, i put tables file back in.

but with that problem solved im again having issue with 3.4 i put the file in the TBP file and took 3.3a out like your suppost to but now it cant run for some reason, so im stuck using 3.3a, any help please on how to make 3.4 work.-D


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: NEED Help with mission editor and 3.4 beta
If you've got table files hanging around in random folders screwing up the installation then you might be best doing a delete, reinstall following the instructions to make 3.4 work.
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