Author Topic: Initial Impressions  (Read 3123 times)

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Initial Impressions
First, I love the port. So pretty... even though I rarely get the chance to simply stop and admire the models.
I did have a few things to say about it though:

1: It seems to me that the FSPort on Medium difficulty is harder than FS1 retail on Medium difficulty. I don't know why; maybe it's just me.

2: In the mission "Out of the Dark, Into the Night" the Shivans have way too much trouble destroying the GTSC Plato. It took them 10 minutes to damage the Plato's hull enough for the escape pod to appear, and then a further 20 mins of gametime to actually destroy it.

3: In "The Hammer and the Anvil" it appeared as if the cargo containers were weaker than those in the retail version of the mission. I had a lot of trouble keeping all three intact.

4: The SF Basilisk is the best-looking fighter I've seen so far. It still acts like the Shivan equivalent of a training drone, but at least I have something attractive to practice my gunnery skills on.

5: The comm window, where you get a small video of the pilot or commander currently transmitting a message. It seems the Port uses the FS2 videos, instead of the FS1 ones. A minor detail, certainly, but it bugs me anyway.

6: The Port adds a few ships that weren't present in the retail version. Do the PVI Karnak, the PVSC Imhotep and the science probes appear in any missions?

7: I'm currently playing "The Darkness and the Light", and I'm having so much trouble. When I try to attack the subsystems and turrets on the PVC Ramses, half of my shots go straight *through* the cruiser. It seems completely random as to whether my weapons actually hit the thing or not.

Regardless, I still think the port's better than the retail version.


Offline CKid

Re: Initial Impressions
The PVC Aten's model is screwed up, so many of your shots will just go through it. I recommend you don't try to disarm it and just order your wingmen to destory it.
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Initial Impressions

1) Maybe.  A few things were changed between FS1 and FS2 that were out of our control.  For instance, missiles are more accurate in FS2.

2) This might be a consequence of #1.  We will probably tweak this in the next release.

3) This is probably your imagination. :) The cargo containers, and the weapons targeting them, are exactly the same strength.

4) Arr.

5) It uses a bunch of head animations.  Some are from FS2; most are from FS1.

6) They don't appear in any of the original FS1 missions.  They are FS1 mods produced by the fan community and meant to be included in user-made campaigns. :) For example, Blaise Russel's Shrouding the Light takes advantage of many of the extra mods provided by the Port.

7) This is a problem with the mediaVP model.  Disable mediaVPs and your shots should hit the model just fine.


Offline Snail

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Re: Initial Impressions
I thought all the MVP models were checked with no errors? If the Aten has fly-through faces I certainly wouldn't include it in an 'official' pack.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Initial Impressions
Neither would I.  Then again, I'm not in charge of the mediaVPs.

Then again, the person who is in charge of the mediaVPs is a fan doing it in his spare time, not an employee of :v:. :p


Offline CKid

Re: Initial Impressions
You know, I think there is some holes in the GTF Apollo in the back selection where the top two thrusters are located as well.
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong

Re: Initial Impressions
Thanks muchly Goober. I got past that mission - and promptly realised I'd forgotten how nasty the SC Lilith really is.

I have another question though: Is the 'Ignore my Target' command buggy? Sometimes I have to issue the order multiple times before my wingmen will actually obey it.


Offline Snail

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Re: Initial Impressions
Neither would I.  Then again, I'm not in charge of the mediaVPs.

Then again, the person who is in charge of the mediaVPs is a fan doing it in his spare time, not an employee of :v:. :p

Well that's why it's in 'these things'

Re: Initial Impressions
I played a bit further, and found more bugs.

1: In "Tenderizer" Beta wing tries to jump out after the Galatea jumps, but never makes it before the next mission starts. Shouldn't they stick around? I know this happened in retail, but it always seemed strange to me.

2: In "Evangelist" the rest of Alpha jumps out after the Eva goes down. I think they should stay; after all, *you* don't get to leave. Again, this happened in retail too.

3: In "Doomsday", presumably Beta wing was supposed to transfer over from "Evangelist". However, a new Beta jumps in 5 seconds into the mission.

4: Also in "Doomsday" the Lucifer just appears out of nowhere. Doesn't jump in, apparently the Shivans have teleportation technology.

5: The Aquilae installation in "A Failure to Communicate" is frequently destroyed before it can tell everyone it's not going to make it.

6: In that same mission, Escape 2 and 3 appear *after* the installation has been reduced to rubble.

7: Also in the same mission, Epsilon wing's arrival is announced by a Terran pilot, despite being Vasudan fighters.

8: In "Clash of the Titans", you get to assign Gamma wing's loadout, despite Gamma not actually appearing in the mission. Present in retail.

9: Somewhere in between "Reaching the Zenith" and "Running the Gauntlet", I somehow acquired an SB Shaitan. Take a look. I was flying a Medusa in "Reaching the Zenith", and the craft I flew in "Reaching the Gauntlet" acted like a Medusa in every respect but two: primary cannon placement and exterior model.