Author Topic: Which build?  (Read 2347 times)

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Offline meego

  • 24

First, thank you lads for the amazing work you've done so far with the SCP. It has been a real pleasure rediscovering FS2 with the new graphics.

Now, I recently switched to MacIntel with a 2.2GHz MBP. The build i was using before that that was the 3.6.9 Final which worked great on my old G4.

But i can't manage to find the right build now. 3.6.9 freezes every time i mouse in some part of the screen, as experienced by another user:,50257.0.html

I also tried 20071028-Xt but it fails to display any ship with -spec and -glow enabled.

Could you advise me an old build that would both run on my MBP and be as feature-complete as possible?


Edit: I'm using Leopard, should it be of any relevance.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 01:28:34 pm by meego »


Offline blowfish

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Try this build.  The fix for this problem has been committed recently, so it should be fixed.

EDIT: and since no one has done this already:



Offline meego

  • 24
 :) thx.

Anyway, this thread is quite old. In the mean time, I gave up, then went back a few days ago to lurking the forums for hours until I found the exact same build which worked perfectly this time, with the exception of normal maps which I just cant seem to get one way or another.  :rolleyes:

I'd give a shot to your SVN build but from what I understand SVN does not enable normal maps yet. Not that it would make much difference for me but eh, if it ain't broke...


Offline blowfish

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I didn't realized this thread was that old.  Whoa ( I though that I had posted that thread later than I did ... time flies).  Anyway, I have given up on normal maps until taylor releases a new XT build.  Any settings cause problems for me at this point.


Offline meego

  • 24
So have I. It's still very cool to be able to play FS2 again, though.

Oh & btw..

« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 06:38:58 pm by meego »