Author Topic: Their Finest Hour  (Read 11877 times)

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The title says it all. Mind that it says "they" (Shivans) not "our" (Terrans)

And, as I have posted this topic for a reason, I am going to argue about this.

Because, when Britian's blitz was at its worst the Britons were at their best. As Chruchill said:
If the British Empire lasts for a thousand years, men will still say " This was their finest hour"

I think the same applies for the GTVA, And I also think the mission title was based on the above quote, hence the description on the wiki about the (infamous) mission needs to be changed.


Offline ShadowGorrath

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How can it be GTVA's finest hour when they LOST THE COLOSSUS AND HAD TO ABORT THE MISSION ?

The mission's name means that the Shivans destroyed the biggest "threat" to them, and the GTVA's best weapon.


Offline WMCoolmon

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Every time I hear the name, I think of an alternate name that was suggested by an ambitious HLP member:

"Their Idiotic Mistake"


Offline Mobius

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Because, when Britian's blitz was at its worst the Britons were at their best. As Chruchill said:
If the British Empire lasts for a thousand years, men will still say " This was their finest hour"

I think the same applies for the GTVA, And I also think the mission title was based on the above quote, hence the description on the wiki about the (infamous) mission needs to be changed.

The Allen & Unwin(the one who published JRRT's LotR) also published  a book called "Their Finest Hour", written by a British WWII pilot. I assume the title comes that quote from S-Churchill, but there might be something interesting in that book. Afterall, Singh found out that names given to missions and warships aren't that casual and are somewhat connected to the history of Britain.
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Offline NGTM-1R

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How can it be GTVA's finest hour when they LOST THE COLOSSUS AND HAD TO ABORT THE MISSION ?

The mission's name means that the Shivans destroyed the biggest "threat" to them, and the GTVA's best weapon.

Forgive me, but you must have missed the whole heroic sacrifice part, so were you playing some other game?
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Offline Snail

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So it wa the GTVA's finest hour when they lost their best ship? :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

The point :v: was trying to make was that the Colossus's crew were great heroes for staying behind in a fight they couldn't win.

:v: failed at actually making this point, IMO.
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Offline Snail

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No that is not the point.

"Their Finest Hour" was a speech made by Winston S. Churchill after the loss of France to the Germans in WWII. Are you saying that the GTVA are Nazis and the Shivans are the British? Nah, I don't think so.


Offline Aardwolf

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Either Snail does not know the actual quote, or -Joshua- truncated the quote badly.

So which is it?

This subject is hard to argue about because "they" could mean anyone. Of course "they" could mean the Colossus crew, or "they" could be the Shivans. It's just a joke and I think that it should be kept up.


Offline Mobius

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Or someone separate. Mission names like "The Romans Blunder", "High Noon" and "The Sicilian Defense" aren't strictly connected to the events of the mission.
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Offline Snail

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Either Snail does not know the actual quote, or -Joshua- truncated the quote badly.

Quote from: Winston S. Churchill
What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilisation. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."

Yep. Britain's Finest Hour, huh? With France gone and the Luftwaffe coming and all that? Yeah.

Another WWII reference was in the mission before Their Finest Hour, "Dunkerque," where a port was evacuated and then blown up.


Offline General Battuta

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Or someone separate. Mission names like "The Romans Blunder", "High Noon" and "The Sicilian Defense" aren't strictly connected to the events of the mission.

The Romans Blunder refers to the analogy of the NTF (Iceni, Boadicea) as Briton rebels against the Romans, i.e. the GTVA. In this mission the GTVA makes a mistake (i.e. letting Bosch escape.) Whether or not it's actually a mistake is up for debate.

High Noon is a term for a shootout, which is exactly what happens between the Colossus and Sathanas.

The Sicilian Defense is a chess maneuver, which ties into the metaphor of the end of the NTF/GTVA war as a chess game (note 'Endgame'.)


Offline Snail

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King's Gambit is also a chess maneuver apparently. Someone did an in-depth analysis of the names of the FS2 missions somewhere around here.


Offline Mobius

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The Romans Blunder refers to the analogy of the NTF (Iceni, Boadicea) as Briton rebels against the Romans, i.e. the GTVA. In this mission the GTVA makes a mistake (i.e. letting Bosch escape.) Whether or not it's actually a mistake is up for debate.

High Noon is a term for a shootout, which is exactly what happens between the Colossus and Sathanas.

The Sicilian Defense is a chess maneuver, which ties into the metaphor of the end of the NTF/GTVA war as a chess game (note 'Endgame'.)

Mission names are vague(especially in FS1). I can't figure out the connection between the Galatea, the Hellions and The Wheel of Fortune...just to give an example.

I think it's not the case to discuss about "Their" and what it might represent. :v: simply wanted something cool.
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Offline Snail

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That's silly to say that ":v: just wanted something cool." That's just like saying "I can't be bothered to participate in this discussion and I'll post something stupid to make sure everyone knows."

But it seems obvious to me what the name "Their Finest Hour" means.


Offline Mobius

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That was an EPIC moment, :v: choose an "equally" epic quote. That makes sense.

How many times mission designers pick up great names for their best missions?
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Offline Snail

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But the fact that people think it's the GTVA/Allies' greatest hour surprises me because they had just lost the Colossus, their best ship/France, a valuable ally.


Offline Mobius

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It wasn't the finest hour of the Shivans, either. They weren't facing annihilation and the Colossus wasn't a threat!
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline Jeff Vader

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But the Colossus was a nuisance that managed to take down a Sathanas. Surely it must've been great for the Shivans to make a decisive strike and destroy the mean green water gun once and for all.
23:40 < achillion > EveningTea: ass
23:40 < achillion > wait no
23:40 < achillion > evilbagel: ass
23:40 < EveningTea > ?
23:40 < achillion > 2-letter tab complete failure

14:08 < achillion > there's too much talk of butts and dongs in here
14:08 < achillion > the level of discourse has really plummeted
14:08 < achillion > Let's talk about politics instead
14:08 <@The_E > butts and dongs are part of #hard-light's brand now
14:08 <@The_E > well
14:08 <@The_E > EvilBagel's brand, at least

01:06 < T-Rog > welp
01:07 < T-Rog > I've got to take some very strong antibiotics
01:07 < achillion > penis infection?
01:08 < T-Rog > Chlamydia
01:08 < achillion > O.o
01:09 < achillion > well
01:09 < achillion > I guess that happens
01:09 < T-Rog > at least it's curable
01:09 < achillion > yeah
01:10 < T-Rog > I take it you weren't actually expecting it to be a penis infection
01:10 < achillion > I was not

14:04 < achillion > Sometimes the way to simplify is to just have a habit and not think about it too much
14:05 < achillion > until stuff explodes
14:05 < achillion > then you start thinking about it

22:16 < T-Rog > I don't know how my gf would feel about Jewish conspiracy porn

15:41 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
15:47 < EvilBagel> butt
15:51 < Achillion> yes
15:53 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]

18:53 < Achillion> Dicks are fun

21:41 < MatthTheGeek> you can't spell assassin without two asses

20:05 < sigtau> i'm mining titcoins from now on

00:31 < oldlaptop> Drunken antisocial educated freezing hicks with good Internet == Finland stereotype

11:46 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
11:50 < achtung> Surely you've heard of DVDA
11:50 < achtung> Double Vaginal Double ANal
11:51 < Kobrar> ...
11:51 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has left #hard-light []