Author Topic: Feature wishlist for multiplayer  (Read 61774 times)

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Offline Shade

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Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Old feature requests and comments, minus any off-topic posts, have been moved to,58050.0.html - Shade


I went through the old thread and tried to consolidate the requests.  I've also tried to prioritize the list.  Here's what I have so far.  Green = priority, yellow priority but can wait, regular text can wait for future builds.

-Mission file handling.  Prevent old versions from overwriting newer ones.
-In game joining
-Mission difficulty/spawns/time/kill limit defaults
-ship/weapon loadout restrictions per wing (Kara seems to have plans for this)
-Observer to player switching (feature of ingame joining)
-support for more then 8 or 12 players
-points and tracking for shooting down bombs
-points and tracking for subsystems and turrets
-goal and event scoring (think this is done but is it turned on?)
[Note: Works in 3.6.10 - Requires aiprofiles.tbl to enable]
-way to tell what players are running which mod
-way to tell what players & servers are running which build/revision

-TvT kill limit warning (same as coop) Not sure about time since matches can be time based.
-pilot renaming (FS2netD side)
-stat and medal update from server
-Better mod handling as far as mission selecting goes especially for standalones. See Mantis 1853


-recommendations per player
-lobby to game chat
-An extension of Improved Team Loadout to allow players (in coop) or teams (in TvT) to draw from a total ship pool instead of using the respawn count, and keep respawning until that pool is empty.


-The ability for players to assign themselves to wings, as opposed to the host.
-Working rearm/repair system, even after you've respawned (though it could cancel the current rearm/repair request). [Note: Works in 3.6.10]
-Client response improvements to accurately show missile hits and primary weapon damage registered, as opposed to the current system where you can pound the shields of an enemy vessel and see hits, but in reality you're missing on every shot.


-an "In hud" scroll bar to see all your teams ships and status.  Enemy teams too


-Does the stand-alone server support "off-site" hosting for files needed on the server?


-Better client targeting


-How about the ability to see the ready status of players while you are still selecting loadout?


-Different colours for text in the lobby, like the ones we get when you are already in a game.


-Ability to continue a multiplayer campaign where it was left off.


-Ability to set player spawn locations to 'near ship', 'docking bay' and such, same way AI arrivals can be.

These along with Shades original request list. 

For some time now, I've had a little list on which I've written down any things and ideas that came to mind as being potentially nice to have for FS2 multiplayer. Most of it is stuff I know will likely never happen, but one can dream, right? So anyway, I'm curious about what ideas everyone might have about making multiplayer better, so I figured I'd start a thread about it and lead off with my own list. So here goes, listed roughly in the order I'd ideally like to get them - Now go ahead and add your own lists if you have them :)

  • Seperate points tracking for Coop, TvT and Dogfight. 1
  • Support for squadrons and tracking of their points in Dogfight and TvT. 1
  • Support for tournaments, for both individuals and teams/squadrons. Would be nice if winners could get a trophy. 1
  • A seperate "trophies" case to go along with the medals case, to hold tournament trophies. 1
  • Expanded medal case to allow for additional achievements, both automatically granted on certain conditions (like ace badges) and given on a per-mission basis. Examples could be badges for 10, 30 and 50 kills in a single mission, surviving a dogfighting or TvT session without getting killed at all, having played 50% and 100% of all the validated missions at least once, and the like, as well as just a load of extra medals for use in new MP missions. 2
  • Player limit bumped for both coop and pvp missions.
  • A "validation council" of experienced players and FREDders that will create a set of guidelines that a mission must meet to be validated, and then handle the testing of new missions for the purposes of validation based on those guidelines. 3
  • Revisit of validation for existing validated missions, either fixing up/rebalancing ones that are bad or removing their validation alltogether. 3
  • Points bonus for the first 3 times one earns a medal in coop (say, 2000pts for the first time, then 1000 and finally 500), to take the focus away from constantly replaying easy missions like RI that require zero ability or practise and onto playing more challenging missions.
  • Also a somewhat smaller points bonus for beating any coop mission for the first time on a given difficulty, but no bonus (not even reduced) for repeats. Something like 200pts per difficulty level would seem reasonable, with previously given bonus point on a mission subtracted from the bonus if it is later beaten on a higher difficulty. Ie. if the first win is on normal, that gives 600pts, and if it is later beaten on insane, that gives another 400 (1000-600) and will never give bonus points again. 4
  • Finally, the number of validated missions beaten on each difficulty level should be displayed in the pilot profile. Perhaps even with a detailed list available that shows on which difficulty the player has beaten each mission. 4
  • Automated match-making function for TvT (random people on each team, chosen from those using the function), arranged TvT (you form your own team, but opposing team is randomly selected from other teams using the same function), and dogfight. 5
  • Seperate rankings that are only affected by wins from fights started through automatic match-making. 5

I used to have stand-alone servers and a multiplayer lobby at the very top of the list, but 3.6.10 seems to take care of this nicely. It's nice when your top two issues are taken care of before you even say anything ;)

1 Between them these will make the game hugely more interesting to competitive-minded players and squadrons.
2 This will add lots of flavour to new missions, as you wouldn't just have the same old medals to win.
3 We're sorta already doing this, but it's not at all organized, we're just getting annoyed at mission bugs during our games and agreeing to fix the worst issues we run into or ditch missions that are beyond repair. (No updates or removal of the original PXO validated missions)
4 Intended as an incentive to try all of the missions at least once, as well as to play them on higher difficulties.
5 If this sounds a lot like the way works, that's because I think that's the best system for random matches and non-coop rankings.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 04:35:52 am by Shade »
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<Cobra|> You play this mission too intelligently.


Offline Mav

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Hm... a separate list for scored assists, maybe?

It'd be nice to know if I damaged a given main target (corvette, destroyer, whatever) enough to at least have an assist on it (there IS a limit below which a few hits won't even record as assists, right? Of course, it should be kept that way...) .

That would also sort of aid the "list of played/won missions" that is mentioned somewhere in your list... :)

...though, admittedly, it propably would be a general pilot-change that also would carry over to SP and not only MP . Maybe some people would not like that? :confused:
-__ o_O___O_o

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Offline karajorma

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
there IS a limit below which a few hits won't even record as assists, right? Of course, it should be kept that way...

There is, and you can now set that to whatever you like via the AI_profiles table.
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Offline kir2yar

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Ability to continue the campaign in multiplayer game.
I am from Russia. Sorry for my English.
I use Google Translator.

jabber: [email protected]

Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
That's a really big ask in such a short sentence actually..
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Offline karajorma

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Might not be as impossible as it sounds actually.

I'm not promising anything (or even trying to get people's hopes up) but I know Taylor's revamp of the pilot code will have an effect on how multiplayer pilots work. So it might be possible that the roadblocks to making that work have been removed or reduced.

I'll probably look into it at some point.
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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Yea I still have a feeling it will be difficult.  First where do you continue if you have 8 people?  The host's place?  The person with the least completed levels?  Also there is the restarting.  Does restarting mean that you can't continue if you join a game that's past where you are now?  What if the campaign has been updated or expanded since you played it last?  What about branching/looping? 

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Offline karajorma

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Probably. Just saying that possibilities are opened now that weren't there before.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline kir2yar

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Yea I still have a feeling it will be difficult.  First where do you continue if you have 8 people?  The host's place?  The person with the least completed levels?  Also there is the restarting.  Does restarting mean that you can't continue if you join a game that's past where you are now?  What if the campaign has been updated or expanded since you played it last?  What about branching/looping? 

Maybe this should store the state of the campaign in a separate file on the host?
I am from Russia. Sorry for my English.
I use Google Translator.

jabber: [email protected]


Offline chief1983

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
It should probably be independent of actual identifying traits of the other players, so that anyone could pick up an open slot during the course of the campaign, not just the original players.
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Offline Shade

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Agreed, that would make sense.
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<Cobra|> You play this mission too intelligently.

Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Well, now that I've finally gotten multiplayer online to work for me, (had to get a new computer, although I didn't do it just for this) I want to see the Parallax Online logo (in the online-lobby) replaced with a FS2NET logo.


Offline Mura

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Heh, this has already been done, but i don't remember where the file is. I have it changed for an FS2NetD logo... It must be burried somewhere in the millions of post in this forum, I have it at home, so when i get there and if i remember, i'll post it up.
Signed, me


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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
New logo is in the mediavps.
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Offline Mura

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
I have a new one... when a player runs out of re-spawns, he goes to observe mode, which turns suoerboring... could it be possible to add a way to show stats of the game there? like point standings, kill-counts, or players / enemies integrity? Of course this would need to be different for tvt, so you don't get an advantage from being able to see enemy integrity and how many times they have died so you can relay the info to your team.  :drevil:
Signed, me

Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
That sounds good, here's another suggestion that probably should go somewhere else, but here it is anyways. In multiplayer only, a player should have the option to control a turret on a ship, this ship could be another player's ship like a bomber or it could be a turret on a larger ship like a capital ship or a destroyer or something smaller like a cruiser. The player should not be able to control the turret on a ship that is "piloted" by an AI. If the ship is set to follow a course laid out by waypoints then the player could control the turret. Or of course if the ship is stationary then the player could control the turret but, never should the player control the turret of a ship being actively piloted by an AI.

This probably should have been posted somewhere for the people who could work on adding a feature as big as this, but it is a Multiplayer Feature Request" so...


Offline Mura

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
It's a good idea, but might be better suited for mod-only or new missions.

I think it is fairly possible to do gunner, as i've seen it already, there's would be a bunch of issues to fix in the loadout screen and the wing designation for it to not be too hack-ish, but i do like the idea, even better if the player can hop between turrets, just don't give him control of beams, cuz that would be super cheating  :D
Signed, me

Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Yeah, well... If the AI used regular (not anti-fighter) beams on fighters, would the AI be cheating.

Also, switching between positions would be great, because the player could control multiple turrets or control a turret on a bomber and be able to fly the ship around too. Because, being a gunner in a turret for a whole round could get a little boring.


Offline Mura

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Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
without counting when the turret gets blown up XD

Nah, being on a bomber and doing turret might be quite fun, since multi is usually played on insane, bombers get a LOT of AI attention.

Now, being turret on a capship, well that might be boring, but then again, this is where FREDing skills come in and save the day to make an interesting mission :)
Signed, me

Re: Feature wishlist for multiplayer
Yeah, it depends if there is a capital ship on both teams and why it's there. If the capital ship is part of the mission objective, then having turrets to defend it with could be nice. (Kind of like in Star Wars BattleFront II)

But if the capital ship is more of a cruiser that's more maneuverable then it could be more interesting. It kind of depends whether we get a feature that let's players pilot capital ships.

What do you think about player's in turrets being multiplayer only. I think it doesn't have to be, but there should always be players in the ships. Since we all know that the AI isn't going to do very good without the players.

As for not counting a death when the turret gets blown up. That'd be great unless most mission objectives can be accomplished from the turret. Also the turret should have very little defense and should be easy to kill.