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Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 2: Ray of Hope

System: Beta Aquilae(183 kilometers to the jump node to Delta Serpentis)

May 15, Year 2371, 01:26 hours.

Private Quarters.

Betrayed. Yes, betrayed was the feeling. After all he has done for the GTVA, they had the gall to take his ship out for under his command in this fashion. Not privately, but in front of the crew like that. Embarrassment? Yes, Embarrassment too. Simms thought as he looked out his small view port into space, slumped in his chair. Nice fashion too, the way the crew were told. Cold, sharp, normal style for the SOC.

A buzzer beeped. Simms rose up, turned around to press his transmitter.

"come in" he spoke painfully aware of the ice in his voice.

The door opened, and James Hanley stepped in.

Simms gave Hanley a tough look and turned back to the view port.

"I want to apologize, Peter, for the way things had to go in the briefing. Frankly put, there was no other way to do it."

 Simms still with his back to Hanley, doesn't move.

"If we could have done it any other way, we would have done it. You must understand our position and concerns on this matter".

Simms turns around in his chair, and stands fast enough to send it into the wall, while slamming his hand flat on his desk.

"That is it, I do know your position on this, James. I've worked with the SOC before and I know how things go. I know what happens when the brave pilots you use don't come back! Instead of getting the honors they deserve, they just disappear. No consolation to their family or friends. And you are telling me I should not be upset when you pull my crew into this, even when they didn't sign up for the types of suicide missions you guys create. You guys don't care about the fodder you use. But this isn't your crazy volunteers, this is my crew!"

"You think I had a choice Peter. You honestly think that I would do something like this on my own accord. I'm just following orders like you are."

Simms walks around his desk to one of his shelves and looks at some of his knickknacks to calm his nerves. Hanley sits in a chair in front of his desk.

"Who else did you drag into this?"

"Vice Admiral John Lewis of the GTD Heart's Desire, Hecate Class, Admiral Chris Madden of the GTD Temple, Orion Class, Commander Vick Turner of the GTD Flawless, Hecate Class."

"You just swoop and pull command from them too?"

Simms glanced at Hanley.

"Once again Peter you are taking things too hard. You are still in Command of this vessel as long as you do according to what SOC dictates. Besides to answer your question, no. All the other Commanders joined with little opposition."

"So why was I chosen to be the one with the rug pulled out from under his feet."

"Peter, we both know you have been reluctant to following orders."

Simms turns around and slams his hands on his desk.

"My decision saved those people. Had I not made it they would have died, both you and Command know this!"

"Yes, Command acknowledges this. But, you still put your crew in danger and failed to follow orders. And you based this action of what? revenge?  Even with the information that a fully equipped Shivan destroyer was in the vicinity,  you still failed to protect that node into Capella and charged in with the attitude of a cowboy on his last ride. Don't lecture me on what we both know!"

Hanley was standing pointing at Simms.

With the energy left him, a more subdued Simms sits down in his chair with a sigh.

"So whats with this information about only supposedly destroying the Lucifer?"

Hanley also sits back in the chair.

"It's a theory that has been debated with the top scientists of Command. They say it is possible that the Lucifer was not destroyed. Well, for one we never got any comm signals back from the strike force due to the collapse of the node, so the possibility exists that they failed."

"But, what else could have collapsed the node?"

"Well the debate still goes on. Several scientists have did studies on the collapsing of both the node at Delta Serpentis and the node we collapsed to Capella and they are saying things do not add up. In their studies the Meson Warheads carried much more energy than that of the destruction of the Lucifer, yet all of the warheads were needed to bring down the node. So according to them, the Lucifer should have never been able to do it on it's own detonation. But, it is well noted that their opinion is not widely received with the majority of scientists, and their studies lack the addition of a dozen or so Harbingers detonating against the Lucifer. So their opinion is widely dismissed, but noteworthy."

"So we head to Delta Serpentis?"

"Right you are, your Navigator says we will be entering subspace in about forty-seven minutes"

Hanley stands up and starts walking to the door.


Hanley stops and turns around.

"Count this as my last official mission. Have Command accept my resignation at the end of this."

Hanley nods.

"Ok Peter, get some rest, it's gonna be a long week"

Hanley exits through the door and it closes.

 Simms sits back in his chair hard, rocking it. He reaches down into his desk drawer and pulls out a bottle of Capella made liquor, pouring him a small glass before putting it back into the bottom the drawer. Holding his glass up in the air as a toast.

"To you and our last mission together."

He gulps it and sets the glass on his desk.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 05:16:18 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
<tweety voice> I did! I did detroy dat bad ol Lucifer! </tweety voice>

I like how this is shapping up.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I like how this is shapping up.

Me too. Can't wait for the next part.


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 2: Ray of Hope(Continued)

System: Delta Serpentis

May 15, Year 2371, 08:34 hours.


Mayhem. Pneumatic wrenches, whines of lifts, smell of reactor fuel, "yep, normality" Dre thought as she tightened the last bolt on the right engine cover of a Hercules Mark II. Even with her earphones the place still was a ruckus. Sliding out from underneath the fighter, she gave a quick wave to the main control booth. Within seconds a large plate rose up out of the deck behind the engines while smaller arms attached to the fighter body. Grabbing her tools she gave a thumbs up to the cockpit.

"Ok, nice and slow now" Tyler Heirden said to himself as he begun to flip switches.

The air around the star fighter began to vibrate as a powerful bass rumble begin to flow from the starting engines. The whine turned into a roar, quickly drowning out every other sound in the vicinity. The ship tilted forward as streams of red fire and plasma poured from the engines immediately turning the already scorched plate glowing.

"All right, control, increasing power" Heirden pushed the throttle stick forward slowly.

The red streams of flame focused and were replaced by bright blue burning orbs of plasma. The ship began to tilt forward straining against the mechanical arms holding it in place. The roar became a incredible moan.

"Raw power" Dre thought, knowing she was smiling like an idiot, but who wouldn't be after putting that wreck back together. She pulled her flowing hair out of her eyes and gave the pilot another thumbs up.

The moan began to change back into a whine, as the plasma pouring from the engines began to fade, giving one last blast of fire before disappearing completely. As the engine whine continued to fade away, the cockpit opened and the pilot climbed down the ladder.

Dre pulled her earphones down on her neck,

"Everything looks great from out here, any problems from your end?"

"Not at all" Heirden said as his feet touched the hangar floor. As he did, he rubbed his hand across his squadron insignia.

"Now load me with weapons and this ol'e bat will be ready to go." He patted the hull.

As he spoke, the hangar alarm went off, red lights flashing. Everyone in the hangar stood still.

"All pilots, report to the simulators for practice runs" A voice said over the intercom, then the alarm went silent.

Heirden grabbed his pilot bag from the locker and proceeded to the pilots lounge to get set for the simulator runs. He ran and jumped in the hangar elevator before it closed and within second he was rising about the hangar itself. Rolls of ships, Herc II's, Perseus Interceptors, Zeus bombers, his group of Erinyes heavy fighters, even a few old Hercules fighters. Personnel filled the deck, loading cannons and fixing warn out parts. He suppressed a shudder, the last time things were like this, two hours later he would be fighting a full compliment of Mara fighters from a Ravana class destroyer, gambling for his life. But, things are different now.

Pilots Lounge

Chatter was heavy as members of five fighter and bomber squadrons converged in the pilots lounge for their simulator practice. The room echoed with war stories.

".. and I was right behind his tail, sizing up a shot." Ted Capps motioned with he hands as he talked. "When all of a sudden he exploded. I looked around, that guy who took my kill was gonna get it. That is when I looked up an there was a Ursa, it's turret aimed down."

Everyone on that table had a hearty chuckle.

"Back in the Second Great War, I had a chance to fly with the leader of the Blue Lions during one mission. The guy was incredible, tripled my kills for that mission. Sad he went out like that during the supernova."

"Did they ever release his identity?"

"Nope, SOC sealed everything off, according to them he never existed, only to the people who had a chance to fly with him."

A beep went through the air.

"Three-eleventh please report to the simulators"

The pilots on the table glanced up.

"Looks like we are on"

012:34 hours.

The bridge was massive. Interlocking screens filled the top of the dome like strcuture giving a three-hundred and sixty degree field of view of the space around the ship above the mid-line. Simms stood, hands against the rails looking down from a balcony into the main deck where people scurried back in forth between computer stations. Marcus Holiday, lead communication specialist, walked up the stairs from the main deck into the balcony where Simms was standing.

"It appears everyone is in place and we are ready" Holiday handed Simms a piece of paper.

"Excellent, now where is he at?" Simms said scanning the screens.

Then there was a buzz at the sensors station. Simms looked over the edge of the balcony to see a young officer running towards him.


"Sensors show incoming subspace signature, IFF confirmed friendly, it is the Flawless."

The whole bridge lit up as light poured from the top screens. A Hecate class destroyer roared out of subspace right above the ship. From his position, Simms felt like he could almost touch it, even though the ship was at least a klick above them. He then watches the vessel gradually slow down about two klicks ahead.

"They are hailing us." a tech shouts from communications.

"Tell them to hold their horses." Simms says as he walks down the stairs unto the lower bridge, and then to the communications station.

"Patch through audio"

A tech picks up a pair of headphones, but Simms waves him off.

"Those want be needed."

"Well look who it is, you aren't fully dead yet after all." Commander Vick Turner laughs through the audio feed.

"Nope, but I feel like I'm getting there."

"So how'd the SOC get you involved in this, tie your hands?"


"Oh, well you know them guys, they just never know how to ask nicely"

"If they do, they will kill you so you can never tell a soul."

"Ha, speaking of souls, where is o'le Peachy, I figured they have him out with the old farts like us."

"I asked that too, they said they couldn't reach him. But, that just means.."

"He's out on a secret mission doing their dirty work of course. You would think the old guy couldn't take much more after doing all that work spearheading the invasion into the nebula"

"Well, some people just never can get enough excitement."

"Well speaking of excitement, if I do recall correctly, I'm up two to one on you."

"Oh really, I really can't remember."

"Hush, hush now, I know you and you do remember. But, in any case how about a friendly wager?"

"I wouldn't be alive if I declined."

"The terms, loser buys the winner a drink at the next GTVA Commanders Meeting?"

"You are on."

Flight Deck

Heirden looks out his cockpit, on the deck squadrons were lined up for both purpose and skill level. His squadron the 92nd Black Knights, the elite fighter squadron on the Vega were first in the Erinyes heavy assault fighters. Behind him we the 139th Hammers in Herc Two's, with the 162nd Born Killers in Perseus interceptors. Then lastly were the bomber squadrons, the 296th Blood Hearts and the 311th Rising Tide both in Zeus medium bombers.

They all waited for the signal, which was a painfully long time in Heirdens eyes. On his comm board, the "launch" light turned from red to yellow. Heirden grabed a lever near the throttle pulling back slowly. The ship shudders as the bottom thrusters lift the ship off the deck against the artificial gravity of the Vega. Dust and smoke fill the air near the deck as one by one each craft slowly lifts from the floor. Pulling another lever, his skids raise up into the craft. He feels another shudder, he looks down to see the yellow light blinking now, magnetic launch system has been activated. Pure adrenaline pumps through his veins, boosted by the pure oxygen from his mask. Trying to be patient,he watches his leader of his squad to the front of him lean back and give everyone a thumbs up.

The light turns green, and the ships accelerate, pushing him back into his seat. As they quickly near the end of the landing strip, he pulls back on the throttle and guns his afterburners as the Knights shoot through the Vega's gravity into space, with the others quickly following.

"Pick targets carefully, watch the head on pass, take your time and make your shots count" said a voice over the intercom from the commander of the Knights, Kevin "WarHound" Pike. Heirden knew the head on assault would come from the 65th Crazy Eights, the number fifth ranked squadron in the GTVA. Heirden tried to focus.

"Sensors show five wings of fighters around seven klicks and closing, increasing height for long range attack" Russ William of the Hearts spoke as the bomber wings rose up above the fighters.

They were under five klicks now, and light filled his cockpit as the bombers fired a hail of Trebuchet missiles right over his ship. However, now he knew they were in range of the enemy's missiles too. His gut tightened as he prepared himself for what he knew to be coming.


Simms stood at the sensors station.

"They are under four klicks from each other and closing" a tech said.

Simms said nothing.


Sensors showed that the trebuchets hit with limited effect, two bombers down, one critical and one fighter nearly blown in half and disabled. But, he had no time to enjoy the small victory, a trebuchet flew within meters of his fighter causing him to jerk his craft out of instinct, and hit his squad mate right in the cockpit, the fighter evaporated in a explosion. Several other missiles passed by him creating havoc and destruction in the wings behind. Then they were in.

The forces collided in a full blown fire-fight. Both lasers and both Harpoons and Trebuchets poured between the forces at they went head to head. Screams echoed over the channel. Heirden had no time to worry about them, he jerked after a Herc Two. He pulled in behind it's tail, using all his skill to stay behind it. The Herc weaved in and out, juking while engaging it's afterburner. Using steady moves he stayed on it's tail, trying not to get worked into a frenzy and overshoot. He waited for his shot and when it came he did not miss, firing his eight linked lasers he hit shields, then hull and the fighter shredded.

He let out a sigh of relief, then his craft shook like it was in the hands of a child, his HUD blinked with arks of electricity shooting between the fried circuits. He tried with all his might to control his craft, but rolled heavily to the right and then in a moment everything went black.

Pike ripped another fighter to pieces, his third kill of the dogfight. He engaged his afterburners to take advantage of a bomber missing an engine and moving slowly. He smiled as he cut the ship in half with his lasers, and flying through the cloud of debris. Looking around for another target, he checked above himself and cursed. A Perseus fighter screaming in from above, before he could react it hit him head on with a burst of Prometheus lasers. His cockpit blew out and he could feel the entire craft breaking up. Then everything went black...

The simulator cockpit opened up, the lights so bright he was almost blinded. He threw off his oxygen mask against the controls and cursed once more.


"Looks like I'm up three to one, now about that wager"

"I stick to my word the next meeting" Simms was smiling as he said it, but deep inside he wasn't feeling too happy. They lost twenty to thirteen, seven enemy fighters and bombers were still operational to his none. Even against some of the best fighter and bomber wings he had hoped for better.

"Sir, we've got an incoming transmission, SOC pass codes." a tech said.

Simms picked the headphones off the desk, put them on while listening for a moment.

"Helm set course three-zero-four-six-niner. Simms spoke with a commanding voice.

"Looks like we've got our new course. See you on the other side of the great blue tunnel." Turner said.

Simms watched the Hecate destroyer turn and engage subspace drive, disappearing into the blueish-white light.

"Helm, engage subspace drive."
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 10:28:24 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
When's the next one?


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I see an Alpha One in thar XD
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 2: Ray of Hope(Continued)

System: Delta Serpentis

May 15, Year 2371, 17:02 hours.


"So that is it" Simms thought looking out in front of the Vega.

The Aurora subspace portal loomed ahead. While like the Knossos, it was also quote different, built of several rings with two stations attached. The larger of the two and the main control station codenamed "Lighthouse" was on the right side at the bottom, while the smaller station used for monitoring and recording, was on the left codenamed "Floodlight".

Besides the portal and surrounding stations, the space was filled with three other destroyers, the GTD Heart's Desire, the GTD Temple, and the GTD Flawless. Along with the destroyers were two Deimos class corvettes, the Torrent and the Mythic, and three cruisers, Freelance and the Tyrant, both Leviathan class, and the Creative, Aeolus class.

Simms sipped his coffee.

The bridge elevator opened and Hanley stepped out.

"It's confirmed, start up procedure begins at 10:00 hours tomorrow morning, and we have scheduled full testing to begin at 12:00 hours."

Simms set his cup down on the balcony rail, and turned to face Hanley.

"So you think it will work?"

"I think we both know that answer, it had better, lots of resources, time, money. But, I'm confident it will perform admirably."

"More ships are present than I expected."

"Yes, Commander of Science Paul A'thor has approved extra ships for extra precautions."

"Unlike him, I remember he used to be quite conservative with using resources for these types of ventures."

"All things change, of course, he has actually sent one of his chief personnel to oversee and report back to him. You remember Lt. Colonel Terrence Hall."

"Yeah, thinks himself to be hardcore, and wouldn't smile if you paid him. Definitely someone you would not want to invite to a party."

"He is actually on the Temple, under Madden. But, honestly the reason why he is here means very little, as long as he reports good information back to his superiors."

"I'd bet, SOC really took a gamble about thinking we knew enough about the Knossos to re-build one."

Something about Hanley changed for only a second, but Simms caught it, but didn't know what to make of it, then Hanley was back to being himself.

"Yes, we did take a gamble, but I can assure you, it will pay off."

"Good to hear"

"Well, I must leave you to your work while I continue mine. I must go contact the other vessels and update them with the latest information.

Hanley saluted and walked back to the elevator.

Hollis was standing on the command deck itself, but still heard some of the exchange.

"What was that about" He thought. "Normally Hanley is very twitchy, and sometimes very unsure of things, always questioning and making sure everything goes off with out a hitch. But, this time, there was no hesitation at all in his voice, like someone who has no doubt whatsoever in their plan. Which is extremely odd for him."

Hollis shook his head, before returning to watching his subordinates at the many stations.

May 16, Year 2371, 11:47 hours.

Aurora Control Station "Lighthouse"

Kate Harrison focused hard to concentrate, the bright twenty-three year old tried to block out the excitement and chaos around her, including her own. She glanced up at a clock on the wall, ten minutes and forty-three seconds before the first official start up of the portal would commence. "I deserve to be here", she thought, obviously SOC did as well, picking her out of over ten thousand potentials as she placed first in her class in astrophysics.

A buzzer screamed as the clock dripped under ten minutes.

Someone walked up and set a piece of paper on her control surface. She glanced down before turning her eyes back to the monitor, typing furiously. The room was filled with close to one hundred staff, people running in between stations, elevators, officers yelling information, absolute chaos.

An alarm went off, On her screen, a diagram of the station showed that reactors one and two, now yellow, signaling that they were turned on and warming up.

Aaron Yates, a forty-six year old senior officer, still he could not get over the amount of younger crew members. However, they were holding up very well and performing great, while showing a lot of promise. He looked over the shoulders of the younger crew members checking their performance. Harrison flinched slightly as looked over her shoulder, but she did not look back, trying not to show intimidation. She breathed out as he passed her station without complaint.

Bridge: GTD Vega

Simms with his hands on the balcony, stood silently.

Hanley standing behind him looked at his watch.

"Start up in three minutes"


Tension and excitement mounted. Diagnostics showed reactors one through four were at idle. Steelh Waldrop, commanding officer shouted.

"Status update"
"Floodlight responding that all systems are good and we are cleared to proceed" A lesser officer responded.


He looked at the clock as it dropped under one minute.

"Alright, proceed, increase reactor power."

"Reactor power increased to one hundred percent"

"Engage magnetic generators"

"Magnetic generators engaged.
Bridge: GTD Vega

Simms, along with the rest of the bridge crew stood motionless as an energy spark flashed from "Lighthouse", and very slowly the pieces of the ring began to move.

"This will be a day long remembered in the GTVA" Hanley spoke.

Simms silently agreed, one way or another it will be remembered.

"The fighter wings in position?"

Simms asked over the balcony.

"Yes sir, they are at a dead stop approximately one klick from the station along with the fighters of the Temple, and Flawless."



The pieces were spinning very fast now, with each piece that passed a small vibration shook the station.

"Sir, we have a temporal distortion, it's holding, we did it, it's holding!"

A tech officer exclaimed.

A cheer rose up, with handshakes and people patting each other on the shoulder.

Waldrop slowly sat back in his chair, clapping his hands slowly.

"Get Reactor control up, ask for for status update.

On the screen in front of him, a person appeared.

"What is the status on the reactors"

"Everything is in green and performing at expectation."

Gunfire sounded behind him.

"What was that?" Waldrop demanded.

He watched the officer on the screen run over to the rail as the gunfire intensified, running back to the terminal.

"We have a prob.."

Blood splattered over the camera lens and the officer dropped.

"Get Command up, tell them.."

The lights went off in the control room.

"We've lost all power and communication." someone helplessly screamed.

Panic ensued, people running blind. Some tripped over to the power boxes, trying helplessly to get back up power on with no avail.

Harrison was knocked down in the panic, and hit her head on a chair. She got up on her knees and rubbed her forehead, it was wet.

"Must be blood" she thought

Someone forced open the door letting in a little light from the hallway.

"We've got to get to the backup systems."

Some crewmen pulled out their firearms and started walking down the hall.

Harrison dizzy from the blinding pain in her head slowly walked out the now open door, feeling her way down the hall, around the corner, and into another hallway. She walked into an open first aid closet and sat down due to the dizziness. Reaching for the first aid kit, she pulled out a wet cloth and placed it on her head. Something flickered on the wall, standing she walked and peaked around the medical enclave only to see flashlights running into the control center, then nothing but automatic gunfire, screams and bodies hitting the floor. Putting her hand on her mouth, she sank back into the closet trying not to cry.

After a few minutes she regained her poise. She knew what she had to do, sneak down to the auto-powered terminal on section D, and send out a distress signal.  She pulled out her sidearm, and after checking the clip, she started walking slowly down the hall. Her heart was pounding, and she was breathing very heavily. Holding her gun up she flipped around a corner into another hallway, it was empty. Quietly she crept, the main lights out, only the red backup lights were on at the top of the corridors. She could barely see, but her senses were on overdrive, she twitched and jumped on every sound. But, at least her head wasn't hurting anymore, adrenaline caused that to cease.

After what seamed to be hours, she walked up to the terminal. Holding her breathe she flipped the switch. Relief followed at it started up normally, the bright light straining her eyes. Trying hard, she tried to type out a coherent comm. message, but her shaking hands made it hard.

Two distant gun shots made her jump, causing her heart to jump up in her throat, her head hurting badly again with the dizziness becoming worse. She turned back to the terminal, only to be dumbfounded. It was splattered red, instinctively she put her hand to her stomach, pulling it up before her face, she saw it was covered in blood, as was her uniform. Somehow she felt no shock or pain, but dizziness hit her. She stumbled back, sliding down the wall leaving a trail of blood against it. She slumped on the floor, it was becoming very hard to breathe, her legs cold and numb as were her fingertips.

Using all her strength she looked back into the hallway, and there was a man sliding his sidearm back into his holster. Gray filled her eyes, as she watched him walk and step over her, and turn off the terminal. He didn't even glance down, he just stepped over the dieing crew member again and walked down the hall.

Bridge: GTD Temple.

"Sir we have lost all communication with Lighthouse and Floodlight."

A crewman shouted.

Admiral Madden turned to Terrance Hall.

"Whats going on?"

"I don't know, try a different channel, the subspace portal may be scrambling transmissions."

Madden turned back toward the balcony before hearing a click behind him. A gunshot rang out and he hit the floor. The bridge crew turned around.

"The operation is a go gentlemen, proceed" Hall said as he slid his sidearm back into his holster.

Bridge: GTD Vega

"Communications still down."

A tech shouted.

Simms looked over the balcony, trying to look unfazed.

Hollis ran up below Simms.

"We just got communication from the Knights, the fighters of the Temple are attacking them! Our fighters along with the wings of the Flawless are trying to repel, but the Heart's Desire has launched all their wings in hostile formation."

"Issue an alert, launch all remaining fighter and bomber wings, try to intercept them!"

Simms yelled.

"The Temple is charging up main beam cannons!"

A Tech screamed.

Simms watched a brilliant beam of light from the main cannon of the Temple raked across the hull of the Flawless.

"Incoming transmission from the Flawless."

"Simms, what is going on, we are being attacked by our own forces." Turner screamed through the audio feed.

"I'll tell you when we figure that out!" Simms replied.

"We are opening fire, however" Static filled the transmission as another beam ripped across the hull.

The Vega lurched.

"What was that!" Simms yelled over the balcony.

"The Mythic is attacking us!"

Simms looked to the screen on his upper-right. He watched the Mythic fire another beam across the hull of the Vega, and the vessel lurched again.

"Power up all beam cannons, turn that ship into debris." Simms said as he pointed at the Mythic.


Confusion, it felt like seconds ago Heirden was watching the subspace portal power up, and now he was in the fight for his life. His own forces had attacked him. He had taken a harpoon in confusion of the first few seconds. His shield had taken most of the impact, but some shrapnel penetrated his starboard engine, disabling the afterburner but otherwise causing no serious damage. Now he was taking revenge, he shredded the Perseus fighter in his crosshairs. He looked at his sensors, the traitors were destroyed, but at the cost of over half of the Vega's fighter wings. Now a mixture of both fighters from the Vega and the Flawless tried to collect their wits. Many of the craft were heavily damaged.

Pike looked up to see the Vega tear through the Mythic with it's main bean cannons, four klicks away. The vessel lurching and then snapping in two under the intense firepower, before detonating. He looked on his sensor board, four full fighter squadrons from the Heart's Desire were closing, sensors showed that they were powering up weapons. A steady beep sounded in his helmet, a sign of a sensor lock. He looked back at sensors, sixteen friendlies against thirty-two enemies. He cursed, he knew they had no chance. He thought about issuing the order to make a intersystem jump, but he dismissed it. No doubt some of the damaged friendly fighters had navigation computers knocked out, maybe jump drives. The able fighters jumping out would leave them sitting ducks. That would not happen under his command.

"To the death!" Yelled Crazy Eights leader Mark Fuller.

The three remnants of the once elite squadron pulled out in front toward the enemy.

Pike tightened his helmet strap, and with the rest of the Knights, fell in behind them. 

Bridge: GTD Vega

Simms wasn't satisfied with the debris field that was the Mythic. The Vega now a full speed surged out toward the Flawless, which along with the Temple had fire spewing from multiple holes, with large tracks cut deep into both vessels from the beams impacting the hulls. The Blood Hearts were pounding the Freelance and the Tyrant, with the Tyrant exploding in a fireball soon after. The Creative was certainly holding it's ground with the help of the Vega's bomber wings.

Simms watched as another beam tore into the back of the Flawless, her engines flaming out and exploding, the Flawless now was slowly turning completely un-powered. The Heart's Desire provided the shot and was now bearing down on the Flawless.

Simms gritted his teeth, the Vega was almost in range to return fire.

Another lance of light from the Temple ripped into the Flawless, this time tearing completely through the vessel. The bridge crew of the Vega watched in horror as multiple decks we ripped out of her side, explosions now spewing out of her armor. 

A communication barely came through in the static.

"Looks like you won't have to pay that debt after all." Turner chuckled. "Godspeed"

The transmission became entirely static.

The Flawless snapped in two pieces at the mid-line, large explosions ripped though both pieces. Then the rear section exploded in a flash of light, it's shockwave ripping through the remaining front section. The whole bridge of the Vega lit up.

The crew didn't say a word.

Simms just watched, his view transfixed on screen.

"Sir, the Heart's Desire has targeted us and is approaching. Orders sir."



Hollis ran up the stairs.

"With all due respect, we cannot take on two destroyers!"

"They are deploying their bomber wings, ETA three minutes! a tech shouted.

"I will not leave our fighters!"

Simms slammed his fist on a terminal.

"We've have no choice, we can't fail the ten thousand crew members on this ship. We must engage intersystem drives!"

Hollis was right in Simm's face.

"Orders, sir" the crewmen asked.

Simms waited.

"Recall bombers, engage drives upon return. Simms turned from Hollis, defeat heavily evident in his voice.

The bomber wings raced back, away from the Freelance, which was rolling on it's side, flaming, totally out of control and touched down in the hangar. The Vega sped up and disappeared into blueish light. The Creative right behind it.


It was a furball again, the Vega's fighters now down to nine against twenty four enemies

Pike's spirit sank as he watched the Vega jump into subspace.

"They are leaving us, we've got to jump" a pilot yelled over the intercom.

"Jump where?! We don't have those coordinates! We can blind jump, but we still die when we run out of air. It's a one in a trillion chance of guessing the right coords and reaching an allied base, and we don't have the time to calculate anything!" Pike yelled.

The pilot jumped anyways on a blind subspace route.

Pike cursed, while dodging the laser shots of a pursuer. His mind raced. Then he had an idea.

"All pilots head for the portal."

"Are you crazy?! We don't even know if it is fully safe. It's a one in a million shot" Heirden screamed.

"Would you rather stay here? A one in a million is a lot better that a one in a trillion.

Pike pulled his fighter straight toward the Aurora.

Heirden cursed, but then followed in line behind, as did the six remaining fighters. With the enemy right on their tail, they jumped into the unknown.

Bridge: GTD Temple

"Tell all fighters to break off pursuit, let them run." Hall said.

"Hail Lighthouse, tell them to shut down the portal."

"Acknowledged." an officer replied.

Hall walked toward the elevator.

Chapter Two End


« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 11:13:21 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline blowfish

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed

I love this :D


Offline Retsof

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
 :jaw: H-H-Holy Crap!

"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Interesting read. :nod:
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Sweet  :yes: Keep up the good work  :nod:


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I now feel pressured.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
So when's the next gonna come up? And I suggest to put it up the FS story archive.


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
So when's the next gonna come up? And I suggest to put it up the FS story archive.

I'll get it up eventually, two pretty long work weeks, haven't had the time nor will to do it yet.
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
You killed Ms Harrison off. I was gonna marry her :( good stuff though. Stormkeeper don't worry. Your story is good too :yes:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
It's dead, isn't it  :(


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I do not accept that statement!



Offline eliex

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Intriguing story. Keep writing!  :D


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Aww crap, i thought someone added a new section of story.... :mad:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod