Author Topic: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed  (Read 55073 times)

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Oh not another one...

Yet another great fanfic falls to the mighty tidal wave of time constraints.


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Hey, I'm not dead, well not yet.  :p

I've been busy for the last few weeks, but I'll update eventually.
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Woo! Great to hear, I said it once and I'll say it again. I'd hate to see this end up like Journey of the forgotten


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
System: Betelgeuse

May 21, Year 2371, 11:48 hours.

A'thor's Quarters: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

A'thor looked at his watch, and breathed a sigh of relief, they were nearly there. Boaz was reading Bosch's journal.

"He was a madman, and he honestly thought he could save us"

A'thor nodded. Suddenly the comm link beeped.

"We need you on the bridge, sir, we have recorded an anomaly."

"On my way"

A'thor stood walking toward the door, Boaz quickly laid the book down on his desk and followed.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny


A'thor shouted as he walked unto the command deck.

"Sir, we recorded a weak subspace signature, although no sensors on the vessel can pick anything up."

A'thor's gut went cold and his hair stood up on his arms.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Boaz asked instinctively.

A'thor didn't hear him, his mind a whirl of thoughts. How did it get here so fast, it must have been nearby. That would mean the distraction had not fully worked, and the GTVA knew of his where abouts. Not that it mattered, the main threat was here with them.

He gritted his teeth, too far to turn back now.

"Scramble IFF, I don't want anything to know what ship is what. Spread out the formation, and power up all reactors."

He knew they had no chance in a straight out fight, but no one else knew that. Besides, he just may be able to slide through. He looked down at the range indicator, it dropped under five klicks.


The fleet fanned out in all directions, few turning on large spotlights that sent beams of light into the darkness of space. The central red star much too far to provide any light.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Arachne

Captain Mitch Farnsworth eyes the screens covering three-hundred and sixty degrees around the Orion class destroyer. He looks down, the techs furiously dig through information and sensor data.

Tactical Adviser Peter Willingham walks up besides him.

"Sir, farther scans reveal nothing."

Farnsworth rubs his beard and chuckles.

"Looks like A'thor is getting antsy"

His smile fades.

"Keep the Destiny in range of our main cannons in case our friend tries to put a bullet in our back."

Willingham types on a PDA.

"Sir, we have a slight problem."

Willingham turns the PDA for Farnsworth to see.

"Everything is scrambled."

He looks back toward the center of the bridge.

"What is he up too."


A tech screams from the first level.


"I saw something in the last sweep of the search light."

Farnsworth runs up to the top deck.

"Sweep the light again."

The search light sweeps back around, it's light piecing into the infinity of space, until it hits a black empty spot that seams to absorb the light.

"What is that?"


A green flash lights up the area the spot light hits, and fires a beam of superheated energy. The Arachne disintegrates under the intense heat.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

The entire bridge fills with light. The whole crew jumps, except A'thor.

"What the..."

Boaz ducks and shields his eyes as a second beam fires and he watches a Deimos corvette melt in half a second.

Lights flash up and down the underside of the mysterious vessel, revealing it's sharp corners and twisted shape.

"How far until we reach the end of the way point!"

A'thor screams.

"Two clicks, sir."

A Tech stutters.

It doesn't take long for A'thor to realize the hidden jump node is half a click above the top side of the attacking behemoth.

"Sir, orders?!"

Boaz yells above the frenzy.

"Full speed ahead, we have to make it, even if we turn back we're dead!"

Boaz gives him blank look, then turns back toward the bridge.

"Full Speed ahead, all power to the engines, don't worry about returning fire.

A'thor smiles, he can't help not too, he knows fate has to be on his side, if he fails, everyone dies.


Mass confusion erupts as ships try to scatter, away from the attacking black terror. A few try to return fire, their primary beams reflecting of the angled surface. Those attacking are quickly mowed down with beam fire from numerous turrets.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

"Sir, five hundred meters until we reach the way point!"

A navigation tech shouts.

"Excellent maintain forwa......"

The bridge lights dim, as the whole vessel shudders and lists to it's starboard side sending techs falling off their chairs. A'thor grabs a station to stay on his feet.

"Damage report!"

Boaz yells from across the bridge.

"Major damage in section six, decks twenty-eight through fifty-two, diagnostics showing thirty percent power lose from the main engine."

The bridge lights up as the Anvil, a Hecate destroyer detonates from beam fire.

"Sir, we are alone now!"

A Tech yells, his voice full of panic.

The lights dim as a beam slashes the underside of the Orion class destroyer. A'thor says nothing, even as the destroyer now lists slightly. The lights dim again and vessel shakes furiously as another beam cuts through the decks of the warship. A loud beep fills the air of the bridge.

"Sir, we have reached the waypoint!"

A'thor breathes in deep.

"Engage subspace drive, coordinates 61953-9604."

The ship shudders as the subspace drive powers up, the lights dim with some of them going fully off.


Half a klick above the black ship, the Destiny picks up speed as an subspace portal opens and envelopes the vessel.

Bridge: SOC Omega

Lewis slammed his hands on a computer monitor and cursed.

"Where did they go?

"We don't know sir, our sensors are not picking up any activity in the system."

"Open COMM channel to SOC Command"

The channel beeped.

"This is Fowler, report."

"We mopped up all of them, except one which jumped into subspace. Our sensors are still trying to figure out where to exactly."

"Do you have the exact cords at the position the ship jumped from?"

"Roger. The ship was beyond critical and couldn't have went far. Should we follow?"

"Negative, we don't want to put the Omega in any risks by entering subspace with unknown coordinates. Besides, a task force will be arriving in five minutes to follow the ship and destroy it. We need the Omega to re-enter stealth mode and make an intersystem jump to 3253-32196 for combat evaluation."

"Received Command"


All lights along the ship faded out, and the ship became black as space again. A massive subspace portal opened, and then faded back to the void of space.

Chapter 5 End.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 09:20:10 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
 :jaw: Wooooooo!!! I'm drooling!
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline eliex

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Awesome. As always, can't wait for more.  :)


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 6: The Fifth Trumpet

System: Ross 128

May 23, Year 2371, 06:11 hours.


The once powerful Destiny limps out of the subspace jump. Large plumes of smoke still pouring out of several holes in the hull. Electric sparks leaping between titanium beams around a two hundred meter clean cut hole in the rear of the vessel. Fires still raging, despite the majority put out by crew members. Leaks in massive fuel lines shooting streams of fire out of the destroyed engines. With all the damage, the ship slowly moves forward, although with a very noticeable list to the starboard side.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

A'thor gazes toward the remaining screens, most of them destroyed in the fight. The bridge was in shambles, crew members at their stations, tired from the lack of sleep in the past three days. Several still with bloody uniforms on caused by falling bridge support beams and falling into desks. None of them complained however, and A'thor knew he had the honor of leading great men. The job was still not complete, this he kept in the forefront of his mind.


Boaz walked up behind the battered captain.

"Seven of sixteen engines out, but still maintaining a velocity of eight m/s."

"We have nearly made it my friend. Almost to the prize."

For the first time in many days Boaz watched a smile cross the captain's face, and then something unexpected. A'thor turned to him, his eyes full of tears.

"Sir, are you alright."

"Yes my friend."

He voice cracked, but he smiled again.

"Our children will be safe to live out their lives in peace. Yes, that is something our stupidity nearly took from them."

Hearing a loud beep A'thor turned back toward the bridge.


"Sir, we have reached the way point."

A tech below the main deck reported.

Boaz knew where they were going, but the sight of it still sent chills down his back.


A massive spot light flipped on scanning the wreckage. The light moved up and down on the nameplate of the massive landing deck, some of which was still filled with hulks of cargo containers. The light also hitting a rather odd piece of wreckage. A dim red light dimly turned on, and the wreckage rotated a few times before the light faded back to darkness.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

"The Riviera"

Boaz shuddered slightly.

"Yes, it began here, and it will end here. Helm, activate subsystem 050333"

"Roger sir, activating on my mark, five, four..."

"Sir, what is subsystem 050333?"

Boazed inquired.

"ETAK, my good man, ETAK."

"....three, two, one, subsystem activating now.


A small orb like device rose out of the middle deck, on the top of the Destiny. The round portion split into two pieces and lowered to the deck revealing a odd shaped radar like dish.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

"Sir, the subsystem is operational, and functioning with zero power loss."

A'thor looked over the shoulder of the head technician at the sensors station.

"Good, ping ten kilometers to begin with, and increase power and range with each successful test."

"Roger, sir"

Boaz couldn't hold back any longer.

"Sir, what exactly is ETAK?

A'thor turned to face him.

"Electrostatic Transmission, Activation, Communication device. The "C" was later replaced with the "K" to hide it's last purpose.

A loud beep sounded through the bridge, causing many to hold their hands to their ears in slight pain.

"Sir, ping was successful."

"Excellent, increase range to twenty five kilometers."


Another loud beep rattled the bridge. A'thor watched the sensor monitor light up with everything from pencil sized space debris to destroyed hulks of cruisers.

"Wait, what is that?"

A'thor pointed to the spot and a the technician zoomed in on the anomaly.

"Just over twelve and a half kilometers from our location."

He typed on the keyboard.

"But, it massive sir."

A'thor cracked a grin.

"How long until we can get there?"

"Around twenty one minutes."

A'thor climbed back into the command deck.

"Helm, set course for 189.251.12800. Throw all power into the engines we can spare while still maintaining life support. We are nearly...

"Sir, we have several GTVA warships jumping in a few kilos behind us, they will be in firing range in sixteen minutes."

A'thor cursed.

"Throw all power from all decks except the bridge and engineering, into the engines."

"Sir, all those people will die."

A'thor looked at the half static filled monitor pointed behind the ship.

"It is too late to stop that now."

Bridge: GTD Integrity

"Yes, we have them in sight, and we are closing in."

Allen Franklin talked over the intercom.

"Give him a chance for reconciliation and surrender, if he does not comply, destroy the Destiny."

Fowler spoke back, his voice tense.

"Order received."

Franklin nodded his head to a technician.

"A'thor this is Captain Allen Franklin of the GTD Integrity, you are to power down and surrender your vessel or be destroyed. Will you comply?

Static came through the line, and then a voice.

"I will not comply, my duty is to the human race, and my cause is just!"

"Please refrain from a sermon but how is starting a rebellion and creating chaos exactly a "just" cause?"

Franklin chuckled.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

A'thor placed his hand over the microphone on his headset.

"How long until we reach our way point?"

"Thirteen minutes sir."

"And until they get within firing range?"

"A little less than eight."

A'thor cursed, then removed his hand.

"My cause is righting a wrong we caused long ago. A wrong that sent billions to their early graves. A wrong that we had full control of!"

"And what wrong would that be?"

"By un-locking the first Knossos!"

Bridge: GTD Integrity

"You are out of your mind, you old fool. You are stupid beyond imagination if you think I would believe such lies."

Franklin nodded to the technicians.

"Power up forward beam cannons."

The technician nodded.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

"Sir, they are powering up beam cannons and will be in firing range in two minutes."

A'thor put hand on his head.

"So, be it, send the packet to all GTVA ships, it may buy us a little time."

The technician furiously typed on his keyboard.

"Message sent sir."

Bridge: GTD Integrity

"Sir, we have an issue."

Franklin walked over behind him.


"Sir, a file just infiltrated out network, apparently it had a virus attached and breached the GTVA Security Network with astounding speed, and has currently reached all operating ships in the GTVA fleet.

"What is he doing?

"What am I doing?"

A voice came from the communication speakers.

"I am shedding a little light in the shadow of our past, our WHOLE past."

A'thor laughed.

"You are mad."

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

"No, I was one of the few who knew too much, knew what we had done, and is now trying to right a wrong.


A technician screamed. A'thor looked up and out the front facing screen and his heart sunk.


Four Kilometers ahead of the Destiny, space seamed to twist and distort. A black shadow materialized out of the void, and slowly the shadow gained color as light began to reflect of it's surface. With a bright shimmer the object became solid, a Knossos. With sluggishness, the pieces began to move, interlocking with each other creating a ripple that shook the space around the area.

Bridge: GTD Integrity

"Sir, we are now picking up a signature on sensors that matches a Knossos subspace portal."

Franklin stares transfixed on the device he watched appear out of the void.

"Send an emergency message to Command, we need further...."

"Sir! Multiple incoming subspace signatures!"


Multiple subspace portals open in the center of the Knossos. The first ship to emerge cruises out as the portal closes behind it. It's surface black as space itself. Blue sparks fly between the front spikes, and the whole ship flashes red.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

"Signature Confirmed, cruiser class, Rakshasa."

A tech yells across the bridge.

"Orders, Sir!"

Boaz calls at A'thor.

"Failure, I failed, we failed."

Boaz hears A'thor say, then he hears a familiar click. Boaz turns to look at A'thor, and in what seams like slow motion, he watches A'thor raise his sidearm to his chin and pull the trigger. A'thor's head jerks, and he collapses on the bridge floor. Boaz looks at A'thor for a second before his mind catches. He steps over A'thor's lifeless body to the edge of the command deck.

"Helm, turn us around toward the GTVA Fleet. Hail them for assistance."

"Acknowledged sir."

He grabs the railing as the ship turns. Not nearly as graceful as it was without damage, monitors fall off desks and technicians hold on to anything they can grab. Boaz grunts as his holds himself steady, but looks once more out the front facing screen, revealing the massive incursion now occurring. The view turns, and after a few moments of the hard right turn, the ship levels out with a view of the GTVA fleet before them.

Nearly there, he thought.

"Sir! The cruisers are firing their main beam cannons."


Three Rakshasa class cruisers catch up to the Destiny, all firing their primary beam cannons. Tracks are burnt into the hull, while decks are ripped out, some totally collapsing. Then the rear third of the ship snaps with enough force to send the two halfs in opposite directions with the rear portion colliding with one of the cruisers, basically vaporizing it. The other two cruisers continue attacking, their beam cannons penetrating all the way through the front of the vessel.

Bridge: (FORMER)GTD Destiny

The structure crack catches Boaz off guard. He is thrown over the command deck railing unto the lower deck ten feet below. Technicians are thrown side ways into walls, along with desks, computer monitors and support beams. Several of the destroyed monitors come crashing down.

Boaz pushes a desk off of him, his arm shattered and bleeding. He looks around the darkened bridge, moans coming from within the wreckage. The ship rumbles so hard he loses his footing, then he is blinded by light.

Bridge: GTD Integrity

Franklin watches as the Rakshasa cruisers cut with their beam cannons until the reach the tip of the Destiny. The beams then desist as the cruisers continue toward him.

"Fire primary beam cannons!"

He watched the main beam cannon hit the mid-line of the cruiser, ripping it in half. The a flash caught his eye and he looked up to see the front remaining half of the Destiny detonate in a massive explosion.

"Sir look!"

A tech screamed.

"Take evasive act...........................
« Last Edit: December 27, 2016, 08:53:06 am by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Oh my... :eek2:

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Wow! Cant wait to see what happens next! Makes you wanna tuck in your tail and run like a bat outta hell!
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline Retsof

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
"It's too late to stp that now"... I saw that scene in my head... whoh it gives me the shivers.

"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
And...and...and?  ;7
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed

It's been over 2 1/2 months since last posted addition and hope we see this continue!
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 6: The Fifth Trumpet(Continued)

System: Vega

May 23, Year 2371, 22:57 hours.

Hallway: GTA Hawthorn

Single steps clang down a dark hallway, a thick folder rustled in his arms, sweat trickles down his face. The soldier quickly looks down at his watch and sighs heavily. He walked up to a metal doorway where two soldiers saluted him. He typed in a code and exhaled deeply. The door opens, bright light quickly blinding him, his name tag says James Hanley. The sound of chatter overwhelms all other sounds and the brightness fades. Hanley walks into a cavernous briefing room full of both humans and Vasudans. He walks to the podium as the large door closes behind him. The chatter instantly ceases as he slowly sets the thick folder on the podium. Hanley places both hands on the sides of the podium and grasps it firmly, his hands sweaty. The scans the room, only to see the faces of hundreds of officers staring coldly back at him. A man in the third row catches his eye. Hanley's eyes meets the eyes of Simms, who is hunched over, his head resting in his clenched hands. Hanley breathes deeply once more and begins to speak.

"You all know why you are here, so I'm gonna step right in. All of you know what has transpired in the past day and I can assure you we are taking all the steps needed to solve this..."


A officer jumps to his feet, pointing his finger at Hanley.

"Such lies, we have the data, all of this could been prevented!"

The officer sits as the room fills with shouts. Hanley waves his hands, trying to calm them down. Sweat beading down his face.

"All with be explained, I will assure you!"

Hanley shouted as the voices died down.

"Yes, we opened the Knossos in Ross 128 over forty years ago, and yes we know it was a mistake, we were.."


Another officer stands and interjects fury evident in his voice.

"A mistake is all you can call it? Hey, I lost my son and my brother in the Great War. Don't you stand up there and tell me it was just a mistake. It was greed, it was no mistake!"

The officer sits down his face all red with frustration. Hanley can feel the tension rising in the room.

"Hey look, what happened back then is history and unless you want to join your son and brother soon, I suggest we put that behind us and worry about the issue at hand.

Hanley yelled. He was almost leaving hand prints in the the podium. Simms watched, almost feeling a little grin form across his face. Hanley was known for keeping his cool in all situations when he could put a favorable spin of things. But, everyone knew it all here and he could not use his advantage of keeping everyone in the dark, and Simms was actually enjoying seeing him flustered to the point of snapping.

With the room more subdued, Hanley exhaled and opened the folder while grabbing a little controller from his pocket. The lights dimmed and a map of all know space appeared behind Hanley.

"I'm gonna make this short and sweet. About seventeen hours ago, several Shivan warships emerged into Ross 128. After first contact, they destroyed nearly all GTA ships in the system, this included A'thor's capital ship the Destiny. Several fighters and a corvette escaped back to Delta Sepentis where a blockade was formed encase of another incursion. As of right now that hasn't happened. Scouts have reported a nice complement of corvettes and destroyers around the newly activated Knossos."

Hanley exhales and took a very deep breathe. The was the good news...."

"But, everyone here knew that, being old news. What is more concerning is at 20:00 hours, two more Knossos portals activated in the Adhara system and Ikeya system.The local GTVA ships were quickly destroyed as well."

Hanley pressed a button on his remote and the two systems faded to red on the map behind him. The he turned and surveyed the room. Most of the faces were somber, others dismayed and some just shaking their heads. Simms however was steadfast in his expression.

"Well just blow them blasted things up"

Remarked an older captain, running his hands through his beard.

"We can't."

Hanley said emotionless.

"Remember what happened in Gamma Draconis in the last Shivan Incursion? We destroyed the Knossos, yet the portal still functioned. This is because the Knossos wasn't designed specifically for creating new subspace nodes, but stabilizing them and closing them."

Hanley looked across the room.

"Think of it like this. The Knossos is a door, a door that opens and closes with the turn of a knob. Now what happens when you blow up a door?"

"You can never close it."

Simms remarked his expression un-changed. His cold eyes boring into Hanley. Hanley caught the glance and continued.


"Well, just turn e'm off."

Spoke the man from before.

"We don't know how."

He heard sighs and scoffs fill the room with some mumbling.

"Listen, when we found the first Knossos in Ross 128, it was by chance. It just appeared one day, and with the data sent by A'thor before his death it appears they cloak when inactive. We thought there was only one, that is until the second incursion. Since then we have been searching tirelessly for any more that we could find and a way to close the devices. But, it appears A'thor was hiding much from the rest of us.

That was a lie, Simms thought as he watched. SOC wasn't dumb, they were letting A'thor do their dirty work until he found out too much. He likely decided to hide the rest and finish it himself knowing SOC would have been greedy with the data and used it once again for gain. His mind wondered back to Hanley as he was still talking.

"Admiral Jacobs will take the Galatea to Regulus to set up a perimeter. The Omega will be sent to Antares to set a perimeter. We will fill you in on the details of the Omega when time permits. any questions?"

"What about Delta Serpentis"

Simms asked coldly.

Hanley fidgeted a little.

"They will be expecting us to blockade that node,  there is very little risk in running it. So a battlegroup should be enough to sustain a blockade."

Hanley quickly looked at this watch.

"Time is of the essence. Report to your battle groups for ordered. Good luck to us all."

The lights brightened. As officers began to stand and talk about the news, Simms sat silently. He watched Hanley grab the folder and quickly exit through the door he entered.

"Little risk in running it?"

The question ran through his mind. Something wasn't told. Once again Hanley had succeeded in pulling the thin black veil down just enough to hide the most important questions.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 12:03:14 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Its aliev! \o/


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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
WOW.  I just finished reading this entire thing from start to finish.  The changing of tenses is a bit confusing (past tense to present tense) and its sometimes tough to remember all the characters.  Love the FS2 Alpha 1 references, and I'm pretty sure that Admiral Jacobs is FS1 Alpha 1 (to state the obvious).  I'm surprised to not see much from the Vasudans, but I guess they lost a lot during the NTF rebellion so they're off licking their own wounds.

When I read the description for the Galatea, my thoughts went to THIS ship, but its size is too small at just 3km.

The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
WOW.  I just finished reading this entire thing from start to finish.  The changing of tenses is a bit confusing (past tense to present tense) and its sometimes tough to remember all the characters.  Love the FS2 Alpha 1 references, and I'm pretty sure that Admiral Jacobs is FS1 Alpha 1 (to state the obvious).  I'm surprised to not see much from the Vasudans, but I guess they lost a lot during the NTF rebellion so they're off licking their own wounds.

When I read the description for the Galatea, my thoughts went to THIS ship, but its size is too small at just 3km.

The tense changes is clearly a sign of laziness on the author's part. "cough" "cough".

On the Galatea's looks, what I envisioned is clearly insane. And I can assure there will be more vasudans later on.
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Not bad at all.
Glad I came back to read more.
The Galatea is defo unique. I may scrawl some kind of concept out later on then try to digitalise it. 
Atropos class = stretched out Fenris right?
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Not bad at all.
Glad I came back to read more.
The Galatea is defo unique. I may scrawl some kind of concept out later on then try to digitalise it. 
Atropos class = stretched out Fenris right?

No. The Adrastos class is a totally new class of ship.
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Ahhhhh. . . . . .
That may hamper my efforts. Not greatly but a definite hampering.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod