Author Topic: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed  (Read 55078 times)

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Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
About to crack this back open, but I want to judge interest before I start putting time into writing.
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Definitely yes please.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Yeah if you could start writing again, that'd be great.  :hopping:


Offline AV8R

  • 28
Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
About to crack this back open, but I want to judge interest before I start putting time into writing.

Please, please, PLEASE continue the story - I found it very engaging.   :yes:


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
About to crack this back open, but I want to judge interest before I start putting time into writing.

Do it. You'll not be disappointed.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Definitely post more, WeatherOp. I just read all of this at once and I'm itching for more.
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.


Offline WeatherOp

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  • I forged the ban hammer. What about that?
Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
System: Vega

June 1st, Year 2371, 1000hours.

Bridge: GTVI  Krybo(SOC Command)

The briefing room was dark. The only lights along the edges which gave a chilly white glow. Fowler sat at the end of the table with a smug expression on his face. The empty room testifying to his pride. All was going as planned. Command was happy, morale was high but most importantly, he was happy. Only a few small inconveniences stood in his way. He rested his hand on a folder. His Tactical Commander insignia glowed in the dim light, as did the red eyes of his SOC pendant.

A small beep echoed through the empty room.

"Go ahead" Fowler spoke as the noise awoke him out of his day dream.

"Commander Simms has arrived. " spoke a tech through the intercom.

"Send him in. "

With a slight whine, the heavy doors opened and Simms entered the room. As he walked toward the table, Fowler stayed in his seat.

"Have a seat." Fowler spoke in a monotone voice.

Simms pulled the chair back and sat down slowly. Tension evident across his wrinkled face. Then Fowler spoke.

"I see you have filed a grievance against SOC with the GTVA Counsel. "

Simms could take it no longer, with astonishing speed he stood slamming the chair on the floor. The echo reverberated across the room.

"How dare you do this again!" He roared.

"Twice you have put us on danger. You have the blood of millions on your hands. All this time you knew you created this mess. "

"Protocol" Fowler coldly injected.

"Protocol!" Simms face was red with fury. He pointed his finger at Fowler.

"Just as I thought, no remorse. You and your like are worthless."

Fowlers smirk started to fade.

"I have information that shows SOC knew about A'thor and his true plans. And I will use all that I have to see you and your commander tried in Military Court. I know others who..."

Fowler stood and cut him off with a sharp tone.

" You will do no such thing."

"I know how this works, and you can't silence all of us" Simms spake firmly.

A cold smile appeared on Fowler's face. He reached and picked up the folder. Flipping through it, he spoke.

"KIA'ed this morning, Jack Grand and the GTD Morning Star, Frank Moses and the GTD Monitor, shall I continue?"

Simms stared coldly.

Fowler walked around the table. His hands rolling across the top of the red chairs.

"See Mr. Simms we just have differing views on how to resolve this. On my side, I have results.

He pulled out a remote from his pocket. The room darkened  and an holographic system map appeared over the table.

" Our forces are advancing on every front. We have destroyed eighty six shivan capital ships including sixteen Sathnas juggernauts while suffering relatively few loses. We are winning and winning handily I might add."

"You are a prideful, arrogant..."

 "You on the other hand have morals. " Fowler cut him off again.

"Well my results trump your morals I'm afraid. The operation will continue as planned. However, I think we have a place for your morals in the GTVA."

Fowler smirked.

"Your record indicates you like to take risks. See the Twelfth Battlegroup  has taken forty-eighth percent loss and morale has surely suffered. I'm sure your morals could help them. Also we have mentioned to your crew that you will be in your quarters for the most part. The know you will be getting top secret orders straight from SOC."

Fowler smirked, the straightened and did a mock salute and the pressed the intercom.

"We are finished."

Two guards walked in.

"Please escort Commander Simms back to the Vega."

One of the guards touched Simms on the shoulder which he shook off.

"You will pay for this. " Simms spoke through gritted teeth as he turned to go with the guards.

"Godspeed Commander and may you be victorious." Fowler spoke in a kingly, almost mocking manner as the door shut.

He looked at his watch, quite pleased with his efficiency. Then he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black case. He opened it revealing a shiny pin of the GTI logo. With a smile, he pinned it to his uniform.

Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Keep it going dude. I'm enthralled.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Oh this is so good. I can't wait for more.

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
It's been a little more than a year, any more?


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
  • 213
  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I saw this listed in my recent "show new replies".....

My heart soared.

No update.

I am distraught.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
My FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed is in SEVERE Withdrawals! This is by far one of the most riveting stories in regards to Freespace in my opinion! While I respect the author's absence and wish him all the best, I also hope this get completed someday too :)

Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline WeatherOp

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  • I forged the ban hammer. What about that?
Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Merry Christmas. :D

He felt numb. He watched his hands move but could not feel them. His mind clouded as different scenes passed before his consciousness. But he did not hesitate. He pushed the joystick down and pulled the trigger. The cannons pulsed out a stream of energy. A Zeus bomber flew by with a fraction of a second to spare. The Dragon fighter behind it was not as lucky. The orbs from the Kayser cannons punched through the hull and out the other side. The Dragon tumbled through space as if it was a plane whose wing caught a cliff and exploded.

Then his mind was fuzzy once more as it raced with thoughts yet didn't. The past few weeks had been like scenes from a nightmare. The offensive had been a huge success. With the power of the Galatea and Omega it seemed unstoppable. GTVA forces pushed ahead of the two battleships and what had been like a nightmarish roadblock were halted. The Shivans had pulled a new trick. Instantly no Shivan ship could be picked up by sensors and the massacre began. As an unstoppable tsunami they counter attacked. All targeting systems were rendered useless as we all torpedoes and missiles. Tens of thousands of GTVA pilots we killed within days as the blood thirsty enemy tore through entire battle groups. Yet even with a incredible tactical advantage the Shivans  changed as well. They toyed with the pilots and seemed to fight with unholy honor and dignity. They chose to engage in dogfights were they could see the eyes of their victims the moment before they died. Massive warships fought less than two hundred meters apart with standard cannons instead of beams.

He noticed a glimmer and pulled back on the joystick. He pushed his throttle forward. He questioned if he was alive or dead yet failed to care.

The real issue came when a Sathanas was able to jump behind the Omega and hit it with its hellish power. The Omega was able to fend off the attack as the crews aimed the cannons manually but not before significant damage was done. With the Omega back in Vega for repair, the Galatea stood alone as the only true repellant for a further incursion. A task the Captain accepted with feverish delight.

His mind wondered back as the dark object grew closer. A distant pounding in his ears.

The pain was multiplied as a new class of a Shivan fighter appeared. Pilots named it the Cherub after the angel described in the Holy Scriptures. A name that matched the ship perfectly. The ship could move any direction in a second, sliding and juking as it's eight cannons dealt out death. It had no secondary armament however which added to it's feared status. It wanted to fight personally and once locked on to a target would fight until one or the other succumbed.

Numbers appeared in his mind and he found his lips whispering them out.

"Three, two...."

The two ships now locked in a jousting match. The winner, life, the loser, death.

Red beams cut right above his heavy fighter, barely grazing his upper shields. When the Mara was less than fifty meters away he fired. The Kaysers punched into the cockpit and the front section crumpled. As if the pilot had seen the Holy City, the ship sailed off at full power into the pitch black darkness.

Eventually the GTVA pilots hardened off and repelled the temporary advance. The veteran pilot like the pilots of old were changed into inhuman warriors.


Yes the GTVA was able to change enough to be able to target Capital ships. But the pilots, for their blood was ice. He hated them. He killed them in his sleep.


He would slaughter them with his bare hands if he were given the chance. And any human who stood in his way would suffer the same.

A glimmer caught his eye and he consciousness snapped back with a startling jolt. He looked to his right only to be looking into the eyes of Alpha three, Lessa Holbrook. Lessa stood about 5'6" with dark skin and jet black hair which she always kept pulled tight in a bun. Despite her rather plain features, her piecing green eyes along with her serious personality made her quite attractive among the pilots. The last to make a pass at her though was a rookie that transferred in from the GTD Scepter. No one talks about it though as the pilot was out of commission with the loss of two teeth and a concussion. No one talks of him either as he was killed in his second engagement a month ago. Holbrook was a very capable pilot easily matching his skill yet at a much younger age. She also was his valued wingman, despite only being so for the past month.

"Two, Captain wants to know if you are ok."

He could see the concern on her face despite the oxygen mask.

"I'm....I'm ..."

He spoke across the intercom in a half daze. It was then he realized that his Erinyes was motionless. Then the burning began in his hands. He pulled off his gloves to see his hands blood covered from the blisters and sores. Due to the ability of the enemy to not be detected and targeted by AAA beams, a constant twenty four hour patrol was needed around capital ships. He couldn't remember the last time he slept. He snapped his mask on, not remembering when it fell off.

"I'm fine three. "

" That was a risky move, but good shot. "

The normally strong but now tired and raspy voice of Captain Pike came through.

Then a green flash startled him.

" That will do it, all fighters stand back from the Iho."

He turned his head to see the Rakshasa cruiser be finished off by the Malcolm a Deimos class corvette. Flames ran down both sides and then the cruiser shattered into millions of glowing embers.

Space was quiet for a moment.

"Attention fighters we have a incoming subspace signature. It's small likely cruiser class."

Just as the message was finished the blueish white light of a subspace portal opened around four klicks away and a black figure emerged. He zoomed in with his helmet lens and noticed the clear three pronged head of a cruiser.

"Attention this is Alpha two, I'm seeing a Cain class cruiser. Anyone want to help me wreck it?"

"This is Three, I'm in."

" Beta One here, our wing will provide the boom you provide the distraction. "

"We will move into position to manually aim our cannons. But it will take a few minutes if you need us"

The Deimos corvette responded

As he increased engine speed he watched as Holbrook and the Beta squad of Zeus bombers began fall in. As they closed in past two klicks his gut cooled. A Cain class cruiser was a push over by military standards. A few well placed torpedoes and it would be out of commission. What bothered him though was Beta squad would have to launch they torpedoes at close range dummy style. He imagined the dive and torpedo bombers of eras ago. Close and personal, yet fraught will things that could go wrong. Then his senses became alert as a bright blue energy ball formed on the main cannon of the cruiser. The energy quickly grew larger. His mind raced, something was wrong. Then he realized.

"That's a Lilith. Malcolm pull back!"

As he screamed into the intercom, the light of the cruiser flashed on revealing the bulkier wicked looking design of a Lilith class cruiser. The whole thing covered in thick armor.  But his warning came too late. The main cannon of the Lilith tore through the space near the wing of GTVA craft into the Corvette's rear side. The Deimos bowed as the energy beam tore through the other side. Fire and debris pouring out through the gaping wound. The lance of energy lasted for six seconds leaving a hole a Ursa could fly through. The Corvette completely helpless.

"It got our Engines. We have no power. "

Screamed the Malcolm.

"We have to take out that cannon."

The group closed on as turrets from the cruiser belted out flak and AAA fire. He raked the cruiser with his guns but the armor was barely scratched. He heard an explosion and felt the shock wave.  Beta wing had made a hit. He pulled his fighter underneath the belly of the ship, trying to make a run on the main cannon. Flak bursted all around him shaking his small fighter like a kite in the wind. He heard a beep and it was two late to react. A dragon fighter nailed him right behind the cockpit. The laser punched his shields and blew a chunk out of his hull. Sparks popped in his cockpit as his HUD faded. The dragon prepared to make another run but was shredded by Alpha Three before it fired another shot. He aimed the best he could and pulled the trigger. A couple of shots fired before warning buzzers screamed and the computer shut the weapon system down to maintain life support.  He cursed as he watched as the energy formed on the cannon once more and fired. This time the beam hit the corvette dead center. As the beam tore through the ship once more, fires and explosions rippled across the bow. The beam faded out but he watched as the ship cracked in the middle as a child breaks a stick in two. With a bright flash the shockwave shattered the remains of the vessel.

Ten minutes was all the time needed to turn the Lilith into a burning hulk. Flames spouted from cracks and holes in the dense armor. Explosions occasionally blowing out chunks as internal systems failed. The top most horn missing. Despite the terror a Lilith cruiser could provide to capital ships, it still succumbed easily to a wing of bombers even with the tough shell.

The fighter and bomber wings flew into the hangar of the Vega. Both sides of the massive bay filled with worn fighter and bombers, some  that didn't even look fit to pilot. As he taxied in he noticed a Herc Mk 2. The cockpit had been nailed with flak shell, with most of it missing. Techs were furiously working on it, with cranes lowering parts and sparks from welders flying. No doubt it was towed in with some hope of saving it. He pitied the pilot who would be assigned that fighter. Ships such as it were said to be bad luck.

He set his Erinyes into an empty bay and within moments a team of mechanics swarmed the craft and a ladder was pushed to the cockpit. As the glass raised he turned around to see the charred hole. In his mind he knew what the result would have been if the shot hit two meters toward the front of the craft. Then emotion overcame him. Not a sense of fear or thankfulness, but of rage and anger. Angry at today, part of himself rethinking the past and putting that laser in the cockpit. How his blood seethed and burned in his veins. He stepped down from the fighter and threw his helmet toward the side of the hangar.  The noise rang across the room as it hit the metal beams.

Pike had just opened his cockpit. He looked around the bay half standing and half leaning for support. He looked over his wing. Holbrook had just opened her craft and stepped off the ladder. He watched as she slowly removed her helmet which left her hair frizzed and she let out a deep breath. It amazed him how much the lack of sleep and exhaustion could age a person. She was only twenty four but for the moment she looked twice her age. He looked around and found the same for Levi Tolson, Alpha Four. Levi joined the Knights as most young hotshot pilots do, confident and brash. Levi was beaming with self confidence in his abilities. The last few weeks had changed that. He had seen nothing but death and carnage. Now Levi was humble and quiet and rarely spoke much. After every sortie the relief was clear in his eyes that he survived another day when others did not. However he was a good pilot and Pike was also happy to be able to worry about himself than his new rookie wingman. Then he felt alone. He looked over the crowd and realized how little he knew each face. They all were strangers. The faces of the ones he had worked with for years very few in number. He lost two thirds of his squadron in the revolt and now it was only two left, Heirden and himself. He lost his long time wingman McKinley four weeks ago. He quickly brushed off that train of thought and his mind flipped to today. That was the third time a capital ship had been lost in that fashion. With the sensors still not able to lock on anything below a destroyer, the act of mistaking a Lilith for a Cain had proved catastrophic.  Something about this war bothered him. In the last war Shivans used numbers and superior craft to wage war. This time they were devious. The way they fought was devilish.  He knew if several cases where disabled ships were left until the pilot ran out of air or died of injuries. Then he knew of cases of honor where they had allowed ships to be repaired before destroying them. It all didn't make sense. As he thought he snapped back into reality as he gazed at Heirden, helmet off in a quick walk head to the front of the bay. He watched the next group of fighters roar out of the bay for patrol and then he heard it, the sound of yelling.

Heirden didn't understand nor could he in his current state. The poor duty officer on the other end couldn't as well.

"I demand to be put on the next rotation and my craft be fit for action!"

"Sir I have orders that all pilots must take twelve hours rest before next duty. I can't change that."

"Forget the orders, I demand that you change the order at this moment."

Heirden's face was red as he screamed two inches from the face of the officer.

Pike hurried over.

"What is going on here?"

The officer gave a helpless look at Pike.

"I told him I have orders to make any pilot take a rest of twelve hours before they can be returned to active duty."

Heirden looked at Pike.

"No I will be returned to active duty at th..."

Pike interrupted.

"Hey power down, we all are warn ragged at this point and a little rest is a godsend."

To Heirden, Pike could not have said a worse insult.

"No I have to do this. I'm needed out there. "

"Look today is upsetting, we all feel for what happened today. "

"Look if I had properly identified that cruiser our corvette would still be here and it's crew still alive. "

"Be realistic, no one could have properly identified that cruiser at that range. They even had the lights off so we couldn't have known. I'm upset about it, we all are."

Heirden glared at Pike.

"Apparently some of us are just too tired to let others do something about it. "

The tone from Heirden made Pike stiffen. His patience was worn through and that thinly veiled insult was enough.

"Lieutenant Heirden you leave me no choice. In front of these witnesses I declare you unfit for duty. If you even step foot in this hangar for the next twenty four hours you will be removed from this squadron. Do I make my self clear."

Heirden was shaking, his lips quivering and teeth clenched. He had never been so angry. He stared at Pike and breathed deeply for a rebuke. Then he realized the hangar was silent, all eyes were on him. He then noticed Holbrook and Tolson standing a few meters behind Pike, their eyes full of shock and concern. He felt himself back up before slowly walking to the automated door.

Pike hated to do that to a squad mate and friend, but he had seen this before. If left unchecked a pilot with that deep of exhaustion and rage would kill himself and possibly others.

The rage melted as he walked down the hall. The manic energy was replaced by pain and exhaustion. He felt like he was limping, fighting a losing battle for each step. His hands burned, his gloves pulled at the sores with each step as he tried to keep himself balanced. He thought about going to the medical ward for a stimulant but at the risk of becoming addicted as many pilots did, he waved off the thought. He walked into the pilots lounge. The room was dimly lit with a few pilots eating or talking at a table. The man behind the bar asked if he needed anything. Heirden shook his head in a wobbly motion and found a small table in the back of the room and sat down. Immediately exhaustion overcame him and his emotions became unglued. Thoughts whirled in his head that he couldn't make sense of. Scenes of family and home, and pilot academy flooded his mind. He pushed against the side of his head with his hands and wept.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 01:34:04 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline Colonol Dekker

  • HLP is my mistress
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  • Aken Tigh Dekker- you've probably heard me
    • My old squad sub-domain
Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Keep it going dude.

I want mooooorrrreeeeee.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline WeatherOp

  • 29
  • I forged the ban hammer. What about that?
Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Forgive the misspellings. I haven't had time to proof read it completely.


The pneumatic wrench pounded in her ears. Despite the ear protection the sound seemed to penetrate and pound on her brain. Her muscles ached and she had to bring them into submission every time she raised up her arms. The damage was deep into the core of the craft despite the relatively benign looking burn score on the surface armor. She had worked furiously to remove the damaged plates by removing each rivet and having to cut some out completely. The hot laser had welded some of the surface together. Now that was the easy part. She began to replace internal damaged components doing her best to remember wire patterns. This was much harder than it should be she thought to herself. Her brain was foggy and she found herself forgetting the names of the simplest parts. She had her head down in the top of the open area when dizziness hit her. She pulled herself out of the hole and sat on her knees. The whole world seemed to wobble. She wiped the sweat off her forehead as her hands trembled. That is when she realized she was sliding. Her reaction time so delayed it was almost too late when she finally caught herself with one hand. She half dangled off the craft. With all her strength she reached with her other hand and was able to pull herself up. Her heart pounded in her chest. She then heard a drip pinging again the hull of the ship. Blood was seeping down her forearm and dropping onto the metal. When she caught herself she cut a four inch long gash into her arm. She grimaced as she reached for a grease wrap to cover the wound.

"Dre, I saw that. You get to the medical ward and get that fixed. "

The head technician in the bay, Boggs walked up the craft and looked up at her. She looked down at him and realized how thin he had become. Boggs was never highly overweight but he was generally round. Now he was much smaller. He didn't look fit but rather sick.  It was as he never caught his breath as he walked up and down the hangar, helping where needed and explains tasks to techs undue him. In the back of her mind she wondered how much more he could take.

"I'm ok, just a little scratch. "

"No, no a little scratch does not fill a rag with blood. "

She looked down to see blood once again dropping to the top of the fighter, the rag soaked.

"Head to the medical bay and get that fixed before you get an infection. When you are done there, go get a hot meal and a few hours sleep. I'll get another guy on that ship."

She slowly nodded her head, realizing she was too tired to protest and walked down the ladder. As she walked across the side of the bay she couldn't help but find Boggs suggestion more desirable, then she hated herself for thinking that way.

Pilot lounge

He did look dead, she thought as she walked to the table. His head laid on his crossed arms with his body slumped to one side.

He felt an explosion. His body jolting upward as if shot out of the barrel of a gun. He jerked and raised his head. He stared at the person in front of him dumbfounded. As his eyes focused and heart beat slowed, he realized it was his wingman. She had kicked his boot to wake him. He sat back in the chair, put his hands over his eyes and groaned.

"You know if we start to have pilots impersonating the dead on a regular basis, there would be no one to actually do the real thing."

She cocked her head and hissed.

She pulled out a chair and leaned back, crossing her legs as she put her boots on the edge of the table.

"You know as well as I do Command won't like that.

She cracked sarcastically.

Heirden looked at her groggy eyed.

"How long have I been here?"

"A little over four hours. The last bartender tried to wake you. When he first saw you he thought you were dead. He then realized you were breathing and left you alone. He said he watched you act funny so he figured you just had too much to drink. I shook my head and agreed with him"

Heirden dropped his head a little.

"Yeah, about that, I just...."

"Look, there is no explanation needed."

She cut him off mid sentence.

"We all are tired. Command has had us on the front line for a month now. All of us are edgy and could come apart at any second. At least I was there to save your skin this time around. "

He glared at her quite annoyed, which he knew she could tell by the big sly grin that grew across her face.

"Hey listen..."

She moved with a foot of him and slowly pressed closer. He leaned back out of sheer reaction. He felt very uncomfortable.

"We all need to have times for R&R or to have a good time. Amazingly enough, yours truly has just the thing to lighten a weary mind. "

Heirden looked into her piercing eyes.

"Three, the last time someone said that to me was back in Fighter Academy. That little escapade had leave revoked for the whole class for two weekends.

Her smile widened.


Simms looked up at the monitors that spanned the entire ceiling of the bridge. Occasionally in the black void of space he would see tiny blue streaks cross in front of his vision. The fighter wings we constantly vigilant, looking for a foe that may appear anywhere. In his mind he felt like someone stuck in a nightmare unable to awake. He had been in tough situations before, but not any like this. He looked around at the various technicians with headsets on watching their screens intently.  Each person ready to sound the alarm in an instant. He had never felt like prey before. In the worst times in the past the playing field was equal. Right now it was different, they knew where he was. It was as if his vessel had a spot light painted on it, in a void of complete darkness. He could hear the pings of radar coming from the front computer station. It was antiquated and not very effective, but besides visual was all they had. Hollis walked up beside of him. 

"Here is the report from the mission today. "

Hollis reached to hand the file to him. Simms just sighed and placed his hand on the rail of the command station giving no acknowledgement to the words or the file.

"Sir, we have some papers you need to look over. We have some transfers headed in and we are running low on parts and generally everything. "

Simms continued to stare transfixed into the monitors overhead. Hollis dropped his hand, gazed at him for a moment and began to walk off.

"How many times do I have to remind you that I am no longer the commanding officer on this ship. "

Hollis stopped and turned, disgust on his face.

"Who are you fooling. You are commander to everyone on this bridge and everyone of those pilots that are sent out to die and every ship in this Battlegroup."

"The only thing I'm responsible for is the eventual death of everyone on this vessel. It is my fault that we are stuck on the front line with no reprieve."

Hollis started walking back.

"Then we will all die with honor. You know as well as I do that we would be on the front line regardless if you were forced or not. You would have us no other place. This whole ship would have followed you into hell and back. We've been there before."

Simms still looked ahead, but Hollis' point clearly reached in.

"How is the damage repair coming?"

"Fairly good. The two torpedoes never penetrated the deck. We sustained heavy armor damage in that quad and we have a turret out of commission but no internal damage or loss of life. "

That was good Simms thought. The attack come out of nowhere and two bombers released their payload before they were dispatched.

"Did they ever find Hanley?"

"No news on him yet. "

It will be hard to find him. Hanley was ordered to be arrested for releasing secret documents. However in a month they still could not find him. But Simms knew the likelihood of him being on the Vega was high. No doubt SOC did as well, Simms always had a guard watching his every move and security was high. Even so catching James Hanley would be hard, as a high ranking SOC officer he knew the ends and outs of every procedure and could blend in and hide himself effectively. Simms figured he would turn up eventually.

"What are orders right now?"

"To stay where we are and to be target practice.

Simulation room

She led him the empty corridors to a closed door. She typed on the keypad and the door buzzed open. She hit the light switch which revealed an empty simulation room. It was clearly the older, secondary one. Heirden was a little dumbfounded. He didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't this. She sensed his confusion and goaded him a little.

"Don't look so disappointed."

She flashed a grin. He just felt annoyed.

"How does this help blow off steam? I could have all the simulator practice I need in the up to date room?

"Relax and give me a minute."

She walked over to the main computer hub and typed on the keyboard. Heirden leaned against one of the sim cockpits.

"There, now you get in that one and I'll get in this one. "

He sighed again but pushed the button which opened the solid canopy. He sat down, buckling the harness and sliding on the sim helmet. Numbers began to count down on the sim HUD and suddenly all the cockpit lights beeped on and the blue light of subspace was glowing all the the computer generated top. Then he was out, he quickly looked over the objects and star patterns in space around him. It was Vega he concluded. Then he jumped near out of his seat, a dragon fighter roared right over him. Even knowing this was only a simulator it was still realistic enough to make him jump. The fighter was only thirty meters in front so he sized up and fired. Red lasers bolted from his craft just over the ship. Immediately a message rang over his headset.

"Two watch your fire! Are you trying to kill me?"

He sat in stunned silence and turned around to see several wings of Shivan fighters and bombers behind him. Then he realized he was in a Shivan Dragon as well. He half smiled.

"Three what in the blazes did you do. This is blasphemy. "

She laughed over the intercom.

"No better way to fight your enemy than to know them"

"Don't you realize they could hang us for this. We are breaking code by simulating this. Do you know what would be said if they find out we are simulating destroying GTVA forces as Shivans?"

"Relax, I disabled tracking and recording. Try to have some fun. "

He rubbed his head and a thought come to him. These simulators are tied to active rosters of ships and pilots.

"Three, how many times have you simulated killing me in a dogfight playing as a Shivan. "
A moment of silence.

"Two, just watch the head on and use those lateral thrusters. They take time to get used to them"

She clearly avoided the question. "Great" he thought, his wingman had been killing him in the simulator as his enemy for fun. He tightened up his helmet strap and fell in behind her as they approached GTVA forces.


Simms was still busy looking into the view screens. In his mind he was doing his part, albeit small to locate the possibly enemy. He heard the main door open behind him. A officer walked through them with a folder in his hands, his SOC badge on his shirt. Timothy Balk was a man in his mid-thirties, middle sized in height and smaller built. He looked nothing like a commanding officer or a pilot Simms thought as he walked toward him. Certainly not a man who was on charge of this ship. In his mind Simms detested having to abide by the orders of that man, although he knew that Balk was nothing more than a puppet from which SOC sent their orders through. Balk walked up to Simms and handed him the folders.

"Here are the new orders, straight from Command. "

Simms took the folder and flipped through it. His expression quickly soured.

"What is this? What are they expecting from us? My crew is exhausted and low on supplies and the battle group is limping. We are in no shape or form to go on the offensive.

Simms looked around and realized others had quieted down due to his raised voice. Balk threw his hands up.

"Look I don't want to be here any more than you do. I never signed up for this and never planned on being here. Staying on the front lines has given me the creeps and now we have this. I would resign right now if I was assured that I would get off this hulk of metal. But you and I know they wouldn't let me nor would it help you be able to protest. So we are stuck in this together for the mean time. "

Simms nodded his head, subdued and understanding his point and their plight.

"So where do we go from here?"

We are due back off the front lines to meet the freighter Roland in a day and a half to resupply and pick up some new fighters and transfers. If we play it right we can stretch it out and get three solid days of rest for the crew before the mission begins. "

Simms nodded and walked down the stairs to give the coordinates to the helm.

Simulation Room

Both cockpits opened at the same time. Heirden was amused at his experience. Holbrook climbed out of her side.

"That was interesting. I've always wondered what it would feel like to pilot a Shivan craft."

Holbrook nodded.

"Yes, their craft is both superior to ours and on the the other hand outdated. The first time I had to restart the simulator five times before I could score one kill again even the most rookie GTVA pilots. Then as I started to understand how to control the ships I found that even the best pilots of the Allied forces could be downed. "

Heirden's expression became serious.

"That begs the question, why can we still take them down so easily. Surely the Shivans have their ace pilots as we do."

Holbrook raised her foot to rest on the side of the cockpit and half leaned over.

"Tyler, I've spent many nights questioning the same thing. "

Her tone became a little anxious.

"Maybe Shivan pilots can only become so good and once that place is reached they can't learn anymore. But why build craft so advanced if the pilots can't learn how to fly them at the craft's full capability."

"Good question Three."

The voice startled them and after turning they were looking at Captain Pike. They both quickly exited the simulator and stood at attention.

"What is the meaning of this. "

He asked as he walked toward them, his voice stern.

"Do you what could happen to both you and our squad if it this leeches out that two pilots were simulating flying Shivan craft destroying GTVA ships? You both could be court marshaled and I could have command of this squad stripped from me. "

Holbrook spoke up.

"Sir this was my fault, I tricked...."

"There is no excuses. This time I will keep this quiet for your sakes. But remember this, next time you two desire to do something foolish in this room, see that you lock the door. "

Heirden and Holbrook gave each other side glances.

"And If I were you three, I would do a little better. You are still zero for three against me. As for both of you, head to mess before someone starts asking questions. "

"Yes sir"

The both saluted and began to walk out of the room when Heirden stopped. He turned and looked back at Pike.

"Sir I apologize for my actions earlier. I had no right to have..."

Pike cut him off.

"Forgiven, don't speak of it again. Every pilot has his demons that pop up every once in a while to give us trouble. It is what makes us human. Just get some rest next time. "

Heirden shook his head, saluted and followed Holbrook. Pike looked around and typed on the keypad which locked the door. He typed on the computer and the simulator lot up.

"My turn."

Chapter 7 end.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2016, 03:55:27 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
HOT DAYUM! WOOHOOO! He's Baaacckk! Thanks again and again for this and I hope you're back on a regular basis too. If not, like always, enjoy your time away :)

Thanks again :)
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Once again forgive any misspellings.

Chapter 8: Hunting a Horseman


Pike stood in the hangar. The cooled air chilling his face. He didn't mind it as he sipped his coffee. The last two days had brought much needed rest. He watched as the large cargo container was slowly brought into the bay. A small support ship pushed it as the large magnetic generators held it above the deck. He heard several alarms sound as the cargo container was slowly lowered to the deck floor. The noise the container made on contact was a defending boom and then all was silent. The crane over head became online. The motors whined as it wheeled down the central rail and positioned itself over one end. He sipped his coffee again as he watched it reach down and grab the latch and and lift the large gate up. With one more clang the mechanical locks switched on to hold the door safely open. The all clear alarm sounded and workers began to close in on the open container. Pike felt it too, almost like an invisible hand pushed him toward the opening. As he walked toward it, he noticed another cargo container being pushed in the same fashion. As he reached the entrance, the lights flicked on revealing it's contents. A compliment of new Eurus class heavy fighters straight from the shipyards in SOL. 

The other pilots and crew members began to look closely over the brand new fighters. Pike stood off a little  from them. He knew the capabilities of that craft well. Built after the design of the Hercules fighter, the Eurus was tough and well armed. The Eurus wasn't as sleek as the Mark 2, and it was different. It's six main cannons were located strategically underneath the nose of the craft. The cannons were close enough that when firing the lasers appeared to become one. The Eurus was nicknamed "the Saw" for this very reason as the concentrated fire from the ship would literally cut enemy fighters in half. This was a advantage, Pike thought as he gazed at the front of the ship. In this new era of dogfighting without sensors, bringing the most firepower to one spot was critical. He looked over the rest of the ship. It's larger engines made it faster than the Mark Two. In fact as the fastest heavy fighter in the arsenal of the GTVA, it could double as a intercepter if need be. The need for speed was paramount at this point even if sacrificing maneuverability as the Eurus did. Nothing could outmaneuver the Shivan Cherubim or even come close right now. The only way to survive a dogfight with one was to hit it head on like in a jousting match of old.  He looked down the vessel and noticed the second reason they were shipping it to the front lines and replacing other GTVA craft. The lines of the internal "dumb" bomb bay stood out clearly. Without sensors, the effectiveness of torpedoes were cut drastically. The Eurus was the only heavy fighter capable of carrying dumb bombs. Lacking the engine, you could carry a good compliment of them. He hoped his wing had enough simulator practice to use them effectively.  In the back of his mind he was anxious. To be pulled off the front lines and resupplied in this fashion meant that a big mission was ahead. With the current state of affairs that worried him more than usual.

 The roar of engines snapped him back. He walked outside of the container to see a Hermes shuttle land in the bay. New pilots were arriving. This time it was not new pilots fresh out of academy, but seasoned pilots with a score to settle. Pike was expecting a pilot for his squadron and it intrigued him. The new pilot was a Vasudan, the first Vasudan to serve with the Knights.  His first name was H'ararytha, his other names unpronounceable with the human tongue. Other pilots referred to him as Phantom. In the Great War, Vasudans often teased their Terran counterparts due to the lack of dialects the human tongue could pronounce. One thing They did like the human call sign. Many vasudans used their call sign as their name while around human wing mates. The Phantom as he was called was one of the better pilots in the GTVA. Pilots often had said he would decimate wings of enemy fighters while surviving insurmountable odds. Often escaping sorties without any damage. Far fetched stories from some pilots had said they had seen lasers shoot through his craft doing no damage as if he were a ghost himself. Thus the name Phantom was born. Pike was not superstitious in the least, but what was known about Phantom is that he was a crack shot and had no fear of death or anything from that matter.  He was also a natural leader and skilled tactician, which was excellent considering he was to lead Wing Two.

The shuttle door opened, and Pike watched as several pilots and other new crew members stepped from the craft to look at their new home. A large hand grabbed the edge of the door and the large body lowered half of his frame to miss the top post. Vasudans were already physically imposing, but the pilots suit which looked almost like ancient armor added to the intimidation factor. He watched as Phantom leaned back and stretched, his head twisting slightly. Then he locked eyes with Him. Pike saluted and Phantom followed suit. Both pilots began to walk toward one another with Pike extending his hand. As Phantom responded in like to shake his hand, Pike could feel the strength in his arms. He also realized how far he had to look up at the eight foot plus pilot.

"Welcome aboard the Vega, lieutenant. Captain Pike of the Knights. "

"I am pleased to join your squadron. Pleased to fight on such a decorated ship. "

Phantom's eyes scanned the inside of the bay. His translator taking every sound and turning it into the sharp electronic voice known so well. Pike was sure that the translator could use a more natural voice. Then again he also knew that If Vasudans could understand the Terran language so easily, they could also speak it. However the Vasudan's had their ways just as the humans did. One thing for sure is the Vasudans never did anything without a sure purpose and meaning behind it.

"I would give you a tour, but we have a pilots briefing in forty minutes."

They began to slowly walk toward the bay exit.

"Acknowledged. I was told to be ready for anything. It seems the Vega has fallen in favor with some in Command."

Pike dropped his head and nodded.

"That is correct and underneath the radar so to speak, we have been dealt a harsh hand recently and I'm sure the new mission is just as difficult."

"I was listening to the chatter from the new pilots. A good number of replacements for a vessel such as this."

Pike nodded again.

"We have effectively lost half of the pilots of both fighter and bomber wings. Our wing hasn't suffered as much, but we have lost a few veteran pilots in the past month. "

Both pilots walked passed the cargo container where cranes were carrying the Eurus fighters into the hangar.

"Are you well acquainted with that fighter. "

"I have read the specifications and the capabilities of that craft."

"Good. I would suggest that you get some simulator practice in during the next day. Our squadron is swapping over to them. I'll put in the order to have your fighter modified for you. "

The pilots walked through the large doors into the hallway.

"I'll show you to your quarters before we go to briefing. "

Briefing Room

Light chatter filled the room of seventy of so pilots. As Pike walked in, he could tell morale definitely was higher with just the two days off the front line. He walked toward the familiar faces of his squadron on the left side, front half of the room. Holbrook had her boots on the seat in front of her which was empty for the same reason. Heirden had a dossier in his hand, which he could tell was on the Euruas. As Pike and Phantom walked up, the squadron gave them a relaxed salute which Pike returned.

"Ok gentlemen and gentlewoman..."

Holbrook gave him an over acted sigh and rolling of the eyes. A few of them coughed out a hushed laugh.

"I am pleased to introduce Lieutenant Phantom. He will lead B Wing."

Several of the pilots saluted him, with some reaching over and shaking his hand which he returned. The lights began to dim. The pilots that were standing, quickly found a place to sit. Holbrook dropped her boots to the floor and backed into her seat. Pike sat down to the right of Heirden on the isle. He heard shuffling behind him as the pilots moved a seat over to make room for Phantom. Then the doors began to close and with a pop the magnetic locks closed in place. A icy chill flooded over Pike as if pieced through with a frozen lance. He had been a pilot for thirteen years yet had never felt at ease when those doors closed. A officer began to walk to the screen which flashed with the GTVA emblem.


The pilots began to stand, but the man waved them off.

"Ok pilots I will keep this short and sweet. We have a new mission from command. The good news, we have received our compliment of Eurus fighters."

The diagram of the fighter popped on the screen.

"If your squad is changing over, please get some simulator time. I've heard great things about this fighter. Now the bad news. "

A system map flashed on the screen.

"As you know we are in the remains of the system Capella. Our orders are to proceed through the Knossos gate into the next system where we were. However we aren't going back on the front lines as we were. Command has given us orders to search a nearby nebula."

The system closed in on the map showing the pink nebula.

"We have a situation there. A Shivan corvette code named Plague has caused lots of damage in and around this nebula. All reports indicate it is a Agni class corvette. This corvette has been picking off our ships and escaping before a counter attack can be launched. Right now it is responsible for the loss of three destroyers and two corvettes. So be advised, this is a veteran ship. "

The room erupted into light chatter.

"Our mission is to go into the nebula and hunt it down and eliminate it. "

The pilots were not pleased, including Pike. Unlike the Moloch which was still a decent threat, the Agni was a different beast. It was fast, agile and had good AAA defenses. Worse, the corvette had a strong primary capital ship beam, along with other smaller "slash" type cannons. While the Agni class was few in number, they were destroyer killers.  Strong enough anti fighter defenses to fight back the bombers and with the anti capital ship firepower to overwhelm any corvette or destroyer. Pilots quickly learned to fear them even under normal circumstances.

"Are sensors updated enough to target them yet. "

A pilot in the back spoke up.

"No, not yet. "

Answered the officer.

"This is suicide, we are driving into the fog with no sensors, trying to knock out a powerful and smart enemy. "

Another pilot yelled out.

Pike knew how hazardous the situation was. The nebula messes with sensors in any case. But now with sensors still not able to target smaller ships, they would be sitting ducks. He turned around and looked at Phantom. His emotions completely blank.

"Listen this is our orders and complaining or protesting will not change them. You can expect some fighter resistance. The good news is the Baron will be in the nebula for support.

The Baron was a Adrastos heavy cruiser and it was one of the new toys at the disposal of Command. It's very heavy anti capital ship ability were second to none.

"We also have received a order of TAG missiles. Our objective will be to hit the Plague hard with bombs and then TAG it for the Baron to hit with full broadside. Any other questions? No? Dismissed. "

The lights faded back on and the doors opened. Inside Pike wasn't pleased. The same look was on every other pilots face as they slowly began to stand up and walk toward the exit.


« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 03:37:25 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
This is simply great. Please continue! :yes: :yes: :yes:
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
 He wanted to rub his eyes to clear the fog. He strained to see anything, yet the gases of the nebula were too thick. He felt trapped in a box, almost claustrophobic. He felt alone and distant despite his wing mate behind him. Out of nervous habit he would call to her, just to make sure she was there. He hated nebulas and he had thought he had seen the last of them.

Lightning arced between the mists causing him to roll his craft out of instinct to duck the already long passed bolt. The thunder rolling through the gas, shaking his craft. His sensors and gauges lit up and flashed. The radar showing wings of unidentified craft before fading blank again.  While he felt alone, he forced himself to believe otherwise. He knew that several wings of fighters were within just a few klicks of their location. His private channel beeped.

"I wonder if we strap those in Command to our crafts, we may educate them on how hard it is to find the enemy in this environment without sensors. "

Heirden instinctively shrugged despite no one there to see it.

"You just watch my back. "

He quipped back at her. He was not in the mood for her remarks. He felt hot and flustered. His mind focused on any contrast in the pink clouds. He felt his breathing becoming faster. He felt anxiety but couldn't understand why. He never had a problem with it before these few past week.


The voice filled with static as another bolt arced close by. As the internal electronics faded back to normal, one sound didn't. He quickly rolled his ship and juked while releasing chaff. The missile whizzed just by his cockpit. Above him two Basilisk swooped down after him, red lasers blazing. He rolled and yawed hard to the right and his cockpit was lit up by an explosion. He looked up toward the dissipating debris cloud to see the other fighter break off pursuit. It turned sharply, right into the stream of Kaysers from Holbrook's fighter. He saw the flash of shields and then an explosion. She just notched her second kill in seconds. He looked back a head to see a glowing red light. With complete instinct he pulled toward the object and poured hot plasma into it. The third Basilisk took the lasers in the left side and shook as they penetrated out the other side. The craft exploded just as he pitched away, his shield flaring from the debris. He slowed down and looked over his shoulder to see Holbrook swoop in behind him.  He opened his channel.

"Command this is Alpha Two. Be advised we have had contact with Shivan fighters. Over. "

"This is the Vega, we receive. Beta wing has also met resistance. We have your position with reinforcements on standby. "

All was quiet again with the only sounds coming from the thunder.  He looked at his clock, forty minutes left on his patrol before they could get out of here. Then he saw it. A black object materialized out if the haze. His sensors tried to pick it up.

"Command, we have something here. Probably corvette sized. Waiting for orders. "

"Do not engage. Repeat do not engage. All fighter wings close in on Alpha two. We are dispatching the Baron. Please stand by. "

Heirden slowed his fighter to a crawl. He gazed at the object for a minute before he saw the flash. A flak shell burst just above his craft, shaking it.

"Two, we have fighters incoming!"

The spikes on the front of the black object folded out as a cobra fans it's hood. The ship's red lights pulsed with energy through its blood like veins. Flak poured from the turrets. Heirden engaged his afterburner to meet the fighters, the flak tracking him as he flew just ten meters over the bone like ribs.

"Command we have engaged a Moloch class corvette, code naming it Malice."

He poured his fire into a Mara fighter which had just exited the fighter bay and downed it. Red lasers flashed over his cockpit glass and he felt the shudder as his shields took the impact. He juked and weaved but the Mara fighter stayed on his tail. He engaged his afterburner which pushed him into his seat as he pushed the fighter to its limits with a hard left turn. As he rolled he saw a Basilisk fighter below through the top of the glass.  He pulled hard on the stick and fired in lead of the target. As he pulled away the lasers bombarded the ship and tore it in pieces. Another shudder as more red lasers scored his hull. The Mara was still on his tail. He cursed to himself. Blueish white orbs flashed over his cockpit into the pursuing craft, ripping it in two. In a blur, two Eurus righters flew just overhead. Heirden could breathe easier now.

"Good shot, Beta Two. "

"You are welcome."

The buzzing voice of Phantom responded.

Heirden's fighter shook again as flak shells exploded all around. His cockpit was flooded with light as the bluish whirlpool that is a subspace portal opened. The armored white plow of the Baron materialized out of the light. The gun emplacements coming online with the barrels moving toward the enemy.

"The Baron is on station. Tag that Corvette and we will take it down. "

Heirden felt a shockwave and heard an explosion. He turned his craft to see the Malice with a burning wound on the rear side, fire and smoke billowing from it. Someone had hit it with a bomb. He engaged his afterburner and flew in, flak bursting all around him. He heard his lock alarm beep and watched the ship launch a cluster missile. It opened and many small missiles tracked in on him. With a little chaff they all missed. He dived toward the top front spike as the corvette fired it's two main cannons. The small red lances of light bored into the Baron. As they faded, nothing but small score marks were left in the heavy armor, the corvette drastically lacking in anti cap ship armament. He pulled the trigger, firings his lasers into the ship which tore out chunks of hull. He released two bombs from the bay. They dug into the surface. He pulled up and flew along the neck, afterburner engaged to elude the flak and lasers. His craft shook, his bombs exploded sending shards of hull in every way.  He pulled up and did a half loop three hundred meters over the top of the ship. He admired the destruction he had caused. Two large holes belched flame. He had never used bombs or torpedoes his whole career. He pulled up to make another run on the wounded corvette. Then a loud beep filled his speakers. The ship had been tagged and that was the warning alarm. He looked back at the clouded fuzzy form of the Baron to see two large green orbs glowing on front and back. The light grew until the nebula surrounding the cruiser was bright as the sun. The green beams sizzled through the mist, both penetrating the ship. Debris and fire poured out the other side. With massive holes in the hull, small fires burst along the surface.  The ship went dark, now only illuminated by the fires that were burning. Before any rejoicing could be made, a large lance of red bursted through the corvette into the top of the Baron. This time, the beam cut out a section like the slash of a knife. The Agni corvette flew over the top of the corpse of the fellow ship and fired again as it neared being over the top of Baron. The beam hit the rear of the ship tearing a hole that penetrated through the section. The Baron half rolled laterally and responded with both main cannons at point blank range, Both clipping the mid section and rear. Debris rained down on the Baron. The Plague suddenly increased in speed and was gone into the unreachable depths of subspace. It's foe not so lucky. The Baron expelled geysers of flame from the considerable crater in the rear. 
« Last Edit: January 19, 2017, 03:14:17 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.