Author Topic: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2  (Read 8960 times)

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Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
Traducción de Freespace 2 al castellano
Translation status (estado de la traducción):

-Translated (traducido): cutscenes.tbl, help.tbl, medals.tbl, messages.tbl, rank.tbl, strings.tbl
-Partially translated (parcialmente traducido): ships.tbl, tstrings.tbl
-Untranslated (sin traducir): species.tbl, tips.tbl, traitor.tbl, weapons.tbl

I'm going to make this like a mod, so that you can put or remove it when you want. Once released, you can take it and modify it to your liking. As my accent is castilian, maybe latin americans want to change it a little to their own accent. And once released, I hope you enjoy it both spanish speakers and the rest of FreeSpace 2 players who want to learn or are learning spanish. And excuse my english  :P

Voy a hacer esto como un mod, de forma que se pueda poner y quitar cuando uno quiera. Una vez completado, podeis cogerlo y modificarlo a vuestro gusto. Como mi acento es castellano, quizas los latinoamericanos quieran cambiarlo un poco a su propio acento. Cuando lo tenga preparado, espero que lo disfruteis tanto los hispanohablantes como el resto de jugadores de Freespace 2 que quieran aprender o esten aprendiendo español.

Long live Earth and Terrans!  :P
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.


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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
Very interesting, making this myself has crossed my mind many times, but i really never found the need to do so, since the ones that talk spanish and find this game, also talk english anyway.

May this help bring more people into the community and this great game  :D
Signed, me


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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
I can help you with the latin accent... I miself have been planing on making a translation to spanish, hell I even separated strings.tbl & tstrings.tbl to a different folder so I could start some day but Im missing time lately.

Pass on the data of wich files you wantme to update and their directories as well (so I can find them fast enought) and I'll see what I can do.

el hombre vicio...


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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
If you're going to do this please work publicly on it. Every few months someone posts saying that they want to translate the game into another language. 9 years after release and we still only have the original French and German translations cause people give up and the next person has to start again from scratch.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
May this help bring more people into the community and this great game  Big grin
:nod:  ;7

Ok Rodd, cuando la termine la pondre por aqui para que lo baje el que quiera. Se va a llamar "Traducción al español (España) por Alex Navarro" (y los que me ayuden, claro  ;), aunque de momento estoy trabajando por mi cuenta), para que la gente sepa de dónde es el traductor (o traductores, o equipo de traductores). Cuando le pongas tu acento, podrías hacer lo mismo para que la gente se baje el que quiera (por ejemplo Traducción al español (Argentina) por Rodd (y los que trabajen contigo, o el nombre del equipo de traductores  :D).

If you're going to do this please work publicly on it. Every few months someone posts saying that they want to translate the game into another language. 9 years after release and we still only have the original French and German translations cause people give up and the next person has to start again from scratch.
Yes, i know.
I've been working on this since october 2007 (my last post about translating things). Two or three months playing another games  :p and working on "my personal use mod", but I'm not going to stop now, it is 60-70% done. The finish line is near.

Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.


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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2

Ok Rodd, cuando la termine la pondre por aqui para que lo baje el que quiera. Se va a llamar "Traducción al español (España) por Alex Navarro" (y los que me ayuden, claro  ;), aunque de momento estoy trabajando por mi cuenta), para que la gente sepa de dónde es el traductor (o traductores, o equipo de traductores). Cuando le pongas tu acento, podrías hacer lo mismo para que la gente se baje el que quiera (por ejemplo Traducción al español (Argentina) por Rodd (y los que trabajen contigo, o el nombre del equipo de traductores  :D).

Hecho, avisame por mensaje personal en el foro asi no lo pierdo de vista.

el hombre vicio...

Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
Estado de la traducción de Freespace 2 al español el 11 de agosto de 2008

Todo va sobre ruedas, chicos y chicas. He decidido no traducir de momento (si no indefinidamente) la tabla tstrings.tbl. Esto es porque al traducir un texto de esta tabla no se produce ningún efecto visible en el juego. Acabo de empezar la traducción de las misiones con el FRED. Ya queda menos.

.tbl files: 100% (except to tstrings)
Missions: 1,0416%

Solo espero que todo este trabajo no haya sido en vano. I just hope that all this work has not been in vain.

Aqui abajo os pongo un esbozo de la traduccion que estoy llevando a cabo para ver que opinais:

"El GTW ML-70 Estrella del Alba es una version mejorada en cuanto al rendimiento del arma Flail, que fue desarrollada durante la Gran Guerra. El Flail original era demasiado caro para la produccion en masa por su limitado perfil uso/eficiencia. Recientes avances en opticas de alta temperatura permiten que la camara principal de convergencia del Estrella del Alba produzca un rayo mucho mas consistente, incrementando su alcance y niveles de danos. Sin embargo, esto es a cambio de un alto requerimiento energetico."

"Por el delito de alta traicion, y por la presente, se le despoja de sus alas y de todos sus privilegios conferidos como oficial de la Alianza Galactica Terran-Vasudan.
   Sera puesto bajo custodia a la espera de una vista preliminar, y en caso de condena se enfrentara a un tribunal militar.
   Disparar sobre naves aliadas es una ofensa capital, sancionable con la pena de muerte. Sera transferido a la Colonia Penal de Vega a las 19:00 horas."

"El GTF Hercules Mark II es la proxima generacion de cazas pesados de asalto Terran. Presentado durante la Gran Guerra, el equilibrio entre potencia de fuego y maniobrabilidad del Herc original lo convirtieron en el caza de ataque mas versatil de la flota. Algunos historiadores militares afirman que el Hercules gano la Gran Guerra, haciendo referencia a su despliegue en las principales batallas cerca del final del conflicto Shivan. Aplicando recientes avances en la tecnologia de unidades de fusion, el Mark II mejora a su predecesor en velocidad y maniobrabilidad sin sacrificar capacidad para armas."

"A finales de 2335, la Gran Guerra habia terminado. La victoria contra la Lucifer fue el golpe decisivo. Incapaces de planear ataques coordinados o estrategias, los Shivans fueron sobrepasados, aislados y gradualmente destruidos. Sin embargo, ambas especies se enfrentaban al desafio de reconstruir sus sociedades interestelares desde el principio.

Un nefasto golpe de estado orquestado por la rama renegada de inteligencia del GTA marco el inicio de la postguerra entre las facciones politicas. Con su economia en ruinas y una estructura politica tumultuosa, la Alianza Galactica Terran se desintegro en bloques regionales semiautonomos, cada uno con su propia agenda. Las entidades mas importantes eran la Coalicion de Adhara, la Federacion de Antares, el Sindicato de Regulus y la Nueva Alianza de Luyten. Una vez consolidados y establecidos estos grupos, la reconstruccion consiguio impulso, y la reanudacion del comercio abierto reavivo la nocion de una comunidad pan-Terran.

A pesar de la completa aniquilacion de toda la vida en su sistema hogar, el exito de la reconstruccion Vasudan sobrepaso a la de sus aliados Terran. Los Vasudans fueron gobernados por un Parlamento hasta 2339, cuando el Emperador Vasudan Khonsu II disolvio esta camara y formo un nuevo gobierno, poniendo fin a una institucion notoria por su traicion bizantina, corrupcion y arrogancia. Heredero de una dinastia de 10.000 anios de antiguedad, Khonsu se distinguio como un lider de inusual perspicacia y sabiduria. Los economistas valoran el regimen de Khonsu por la milagrosa rehabilitacion de su industria y la sociedad Vasudan."
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.

Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2

Si queréis seguir los progresos de la traducción, visitad los foros del

If you want to follow the translation progress, please visit the forums.

Buscad en google "clan dlan freespace" y lo encontrareis

Search for "clan dlan freespace" in google and you'll find it
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.


Offline Rodo

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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
mmm interesante! puedo bajarme los archivos que estas modificando asi ya voy revisandolos??

donde los puedo conseguir?

el hombre vicio...

Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
Sigue los progresos aqui

Yo diria que en un mes ya esta para bajar.  ;)
Yo no puedo ponerlos para bajar, y no se si se publicara una "beta" de la traduccion.
Solamente pido paciencia, porque ya queda menos.

Cuando la traduccion este terminada, se publicara en clan dlan, no aqui. Y entonces podras bajartelo.
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.


Offline Mobius

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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
If you're going to do this please work publicly on it. Every few months someone posts saying that they want to translate the game into another language. 9 years after release and we still only have the original French and German translations cause people give up and the next person has to start again from scratch.

Right. I gave up with the Italian translation because of my poor knowledge of tabling when I attempted it about two years ago.

I think there should be a team behind each translation, not only one person. For example, I had a discussion with Dysko about the Italian word for "Vasudan". Since Vasudano doesn't sound good we swifted to Vasudiano. Amazingly, we found out that Vasudiano was the word used in the Italian text of FS packages so we did "the right thing".

I'd like to use this discussion to coordinate better translations and make them available to the public. Links to translated strings.tbl files(for FS) could be added to the first page of Turey's Installer thread.

Modified mission files and exclusive tbms should be enough to translate MODs like BtRL.

In any case the success of translations is in the hands of mod creators and Turey, who can manage their threads. The translators themselves will hardly achieve the same results and, in addition, their translations might not sound "official" if released separately from the main files.
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
Atencion, se ha publicado la version 0.25 aqui:
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.

Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
Ya se ha publicado la version 0.5. La siguiente sera en menos de dos meses probablemente.
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.


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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
I think the link in your sig has a bit of an error in it.  Great work, though; it's always good to expand the audience. :)


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Re: Spanish Translation o' Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
I started a similar project...the difference is that my translation is called "Traduzione Italiana di FreeSpace 2". I worked on a few hundred strings today.

I'd like to know a safe way to test the I always have to change the registry? Is there an easier way?
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: Spanish Translation o' Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
I'd like t' know a safe way t' test th' I always have t' change th' registry?  An' swab th' deck, and a bottle of rum! Is there an easier way?
Sorry, i don't know what ye mean.  What registry?
 Ahoy! I'm not translatin' th' strin's table, i'm translatin' th' other tables on account o' i can't see any changes made in th' strin's table.
An' a question: Why did change th' writin', avast?  I see "o'" instead "o'" with "f", or "th'" without "e", "t'" instead "t'" without th' "o", an' thin's like wot...

I think th' link in yer sig has a bit o' an error in it
Yes, thanks for the report. But doesn't matter. Search in google "traduccion de freespace 2 clan dlan" and voila.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 01:13:54 pm by Alex Navarro »
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.


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Re: Spanish Translation o' Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
An' a question: Why did change th' writin', avast?  I see "o'" instead "o'" with "f", or "th'" without "e", "t'" instead "t'" without th' "o", an' thin's like wot.., with a chest full of booty.
'tis Talk Like a Pirate Day.  It'll be gone by th' morrow.


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Re: Spanish Translation o' Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
pinche is a curse word in some countries. look at his sig.
deberias cambiar lo a "click".

Re: Spanish Translation o' Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
Aaaah, yes, i've heard something here in the spanish version of Discovery Channel. I've watched the Mythbusters with this pirates thing. Very interesting. Thanks. I was starting to think in my mind that it might be a virus or something bad in my pc  :p
Working on the Freespace 2 spanish translation. In case you want to play the game in castillian, click here. You'll need some spanish there, though, sorry :p

If you want your mod/campaign translated to spanish, please PM me or send me an e-mail message.

I could translate from spanish to english too, if you want, but it wouldn't be perfect, not at all. For spanish->english translations comes better an english native with spanish knowledge.


Offline Mobius

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Re: Spanish Translation of Freespace 2 ; Traducción al Español de Freespace 2
What registry?
 Ahoy! I'm not translatin' th' strin's table, i'm translatin' th' other tables on account o' i can't see any changes made in th' strin's table.

So..we're doing two different things.

If I remember well Polish members of the community managed to get an interface in their home language. Although translating in-game messages and such is the most important thing the awesomeness of a translated interface shouldn't be underestimated. I'd like to test my changes but I don't know how to do it...
The Lightblue Ribbon

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