Author Topic: Enclave, a tale of bravery  (Read 2010 times)

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Offline JF0603

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Enclave, a tale of bravery


Part 1: foothold

Setting- 2459, many, many years after fs2.

Background- the GTVA has split in half, one side called the Enclave wish to perserve the rights of the vasudan people, the other side, the Alliance of confederated planets, wishes to rid the Vasudans of their rights and extinguish them from the universe.

High orbit over
Flight deck of the Enclave isaak quinby.

Commander Akush the 15th watched as his crew dealt with the utmost care in cleaning the plasma torrent system. As Leftenant Faakash aligned the proton accelerator with the superconducting super colldier the beam cannon suddenly activated and incinerated him. Akush rushed over to lend his assistance in the situation.

“what happened?” said akush.
“somebody set us up a bomb”
“main screen turn on!!!1”
All of a sudden Yuri Vladmirmorvic appeared on the parlor wall and yelled
“sheg-do gentlemen, akafaa jafahh”

all of a sudden mr. Hoshi detected multiple contacts with hostile confederated configuration.
“It's the southerners” yelled mr. Hoshi.
The largest ship in the confederated fleet the robert e lee.

100s of flak frigates began to bombard the quinby.
Mr hosi leaned over to akush.
“boarding party detected in the aft flight deck.”
A squadron of heavily armoured cybernetic troopers brached the hull from the aft flight pod. Armed with the most leathel of weapons, dual wielding the newest LSMG a rapid firing quad barelled submachine gun, carrying 500, 50 caliber high explosive, radioactive, electromagnetic acidic, armor piercing rounds, and a single anti matter bomb the size of a granny-smith apple. A squadron of enclave marines approached the aft flight deck, armed only with their close quarter carbines, and net guns. The marine bringing up the rear carried a heavy gauss rifle. Little did he know, he would need it.

   The boarding party began to set up the wires to the bomb. 2 of them stood guard while the other one wired the bomb. The marines got into position. They noticed two of the boarding partys cybernetic troopers glowing red.
“now!” yelled a marine.
Both sides opened fire. Being relentlessly bombarded, the Marines were taking cover behind one of the fighters. All of a sudden one of the cybernetic troopers uncloaked, his suit turned bright red, and he punched through the gut of marine john calhoun impacting the other side, leaving a dent in the steel fighter.
   Mairne Marcellus Augustus, took the safety off his gauss rifle, and pulled the trigger. He tore the head of the boarding trooper clean off. One of the other troopers walked over and pulled out  a folding pulse katana. The trooper stabbed marine, Horatio Phillips  in the chest. The pulse of electromagnetic energy from the sword killed him instantly. Marcellus, cocked the gauss rifle and pulled the trigger only to realized it was jammed. The trooper took his LSMG out from behind him and brutally raped every single one of the marines. But none of the marines realized that just behind them was a far more deadlier enemy. A scan was captured moments before the ship exploded.

No more Mr. Nice Gaius.- 6 degrees of separation


They're makin MORTAR ROUNDS!!!!!!!- Robert Hawkins

im a leaf on the wind, watch me soar- serenity.

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me...

the story of my life-


Offline Flipside

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Re: Enclave, a tale of bravery
:wtf: is this?