Author Topic: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.  (Read 9769 times)

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Offline Lowcorn

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New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
Id like to be able to use all the inferno and all the freespace ships in fred 2 and ingame. This may be a stupid question but i dont know were to start for something like this and trolling the forum for 2 hours dident help. Can anyone help me? Also when playing the campaign for inferno it seems to me that the way the stuff moves is messed up/different. I was getting shot at by a space station and it forced my ship to a negitive speed and i couldent move anywere but backwards. every time i tryed to get close to the station it would knock me back. Thoughts?


Offline General Battuta

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
You were moving backwards because the station was armed with Morningstar-type kinetic energy weapons. These are present in vanilla FS2, not only in Inferno. Use the Morningstar primary on an enemy fighter for a demonstration.

As for your other question, it's not possible to have all the Inferno ships and all the Freespace ships in a single ships.tbl. The engine does not support a ships.tbl of such length. (Correct me if I'm wrong, those with more experience.)

Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
There actually had to be something called an INF (as in inferno) build way back when to allow inferno to have all those ships...

And if you don't have SCP, get it. Hopefully, your game won't get messed up then.

oh, and

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
Does the Inferno build even allow enough ships for both?
I'm not very sure...


Offline Snail

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
Well it allows 250.


Offline Droid803

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
There are 113 ships used by default, so even if INFR1 uses all 130 ship slots (which it doesn't, I think), the combined total will be at 243. Barely under the limit :P...I think.


Offline Snail

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
You can still add a few ships to the INFR1 tables before it dies, so using an Inferno build you can have both FS2 and Inferno ships at once.

Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
But I don't see why you would.

Adding a couple of ships I can understand. But there's no reason you'd need ALL the FS2 ships as well as ALL the Inferno ships.

You'd never have the opportunities in the story to use them all. End result: a ton of excess baggage, taking up space and accomplishing nothing significant.
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Offline Snail

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
What I'd do is have a dev table with all the ships, then once it's done delete the unused ones.

Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
i don't think that's quite what he had in mind...
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Offline Snail

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
Well it's what I'd do anyway.


Offline eliex

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
But I don't see why you would.

Adding a couple of ships I can understand. But there's no reason you'd need ALL the FS2 ships as well as ALL the Inferno ships.

You'd never have the opportunities in the story to use them all. End result: a ton of excess baggage, taking up space and accomplishing nothing significant.

Yeah. If you're making a campaign break them down into chapters to reduce the amount of ships or something like that, because trust me, fixing up the tables files for ALL the Inferno ships is very hard.


Offline Lowcorn

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
What I'd do is have a dev table with all the ships, then once it's done delete the unused ones.

hu? im sorry i dont know alot about modding the game outside of the fred editor. are there any resorces that i can go to so i can figure out how to move all the ships to 1 list.

But I don't see why you would.

Adding a couple of ships I can understand. But there's no reason you'd need ALL the FS2 ships as well as ALL the Inferno ships.

You'd never have the opportunities in the story to use them all. End result: a ton of excess baggage, taking up space and accomplishing nothing significant.
i have a very huge imagination :-P and i love doing fred 2 stuff. time warps? lost convoys? stolen ships? pirates useing old hardware? decoys? i can think of 100's of uses for the old and new ships. also i liked some of the old fighters very much :-P.

Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
If you're looking for resources on Freespace in general (the game, the story, modding, etc) an excellent place to start is the FS Wiki. Since it's written by the same people who visit this forum (if I may paraphrase Karajorma): It's almost like asking us directly! ;)

As for the second part: I can think of 100's of uses for mixing the ships too. The problem is that there is no way I'd ever implement all of these uses in a single storyline... or if I tried to, the resulting storyline would be gigantic, and I'd never get done.

I'm not trying to discourage you. Far from it. I'm just saying it's probably a better idea to pick one or two ideas out of those hundreds and develop them into a good plotline, mixing only the ships you need to. Saves a lot of space and work, and makes for better storytelling anyway.
"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" -DEATH, Discworld

"You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard!"


Offline Lowcorn

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
i looked all over the wiki area and yes its got a huge amount of info on the fred editor and history but i cant find anything like you guys were talking. Is there just some list i can open and copy paste stuff  :confused:


Offline Snail

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
It's not FREDding, it's modding, that's why you can't find any info in the FREDding section. Try Portal:Modding.


Offline mr.WHO

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
In INFR1, EA had those funny nail/spike shooting turrets on EAC Aesacus and their Freighter (some other ships hadthen too, but those two had a lot of them) - Does EA use them in INF SCP and IFNA:2 ?

Anyway any progress with INFA:SA ?


Offline Snail

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
You mean the EA RFT? The EA don't use them anymore but they have flak turrets and gattlers/blasters which are even worse.


Offline mr.WHO

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
Speaking of flak cannons - did you kept the R1 flak cannon sound (in R1 I tend to intentionally fly into their range to hear them :D)? If yes, then who get such flaks ? (coz I know that Vasudans have tottaly diffrend "energy flak"), does Terran, shivan and EA flaks are diffrend ?


Offline Woomeister

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Re: New Inferno ships with old freespace ships.
The Aesacus now uses a swarm TAG missile system to destroy fighters