Author Topic: Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic  (Read 1728 times)

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Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic

   The Leviathan-class cruiser Peregrine drifted through the emptiness of space, completely undetected by GTA sensors. From the side, it’s middle section looked like a regular hexagon that had been stretched, so as to be made taller. A small, short shaft connected it to the massive engines, and another connected the front section to the rest of the ship. A strange, circular outcrop came out of the middle of the ship, with a small ridge going partially down the ship’s length. On top of the middle section was a large radar dish, and the bottom had a spar, o the end of which was a massive torpedo launcher. The rest of the ship absolutely bristled with turrets, for one did not engage a Leviathan lightly. It’s once gleaming light-gray hull plating was now mottled by numerous blaster burns and metal patches.
   Save for a scattered group of asteroids some distance away, the Peregrine was completely alone out here. Which was exactly how her captain liked it. He currently sat moodily I the cruiser’s command chair, oblivious to the scattered noise emanating from the crew pit behind him. If he had a name, none of the crew new it. They simply called or referred to him as ‘Captain’.
   It had been 10 years since the human race had narrowly avoided destruction. 10 years since a mysterious race known only as the Shivans had interrupted a fourteen-year war between the Terrans and the Vasudans, a tall, humanoid race. 10 years since their species since their two species forged a shaky alliance that stood to this day. 10 years since the Shivan flagship, the Lucifer, had destroyed all life on the Vasudan home world. 10 years since the Terrans had found a way through the Lucifer’s impervious shields, destroying it minutes before it reached Earth. 10 years since the unforeseen effect of destroying the Lucifer while it was still in subspace: 10 years since humanity’s colonies had been completely cut off from Earth, along with the rest of the Sol system. 10 years.
   A voice interrupted the Captain’s musings; slowly, he opened his eyes. Standing in front of him was the Peregrines first mate. “… Yes?” He said. His face would have been emotionless had his eyes not been saying that he should have not been disturbed. The first mate, Koro, winced slightly, but otherwise displayed no reaction. He knew well, however green he was, the captain was not one to be disturbed lightly.
“Sir, I’ve just received word from one of your spies.  GTA command has decided to deploy the Phoenix, a Sagittarius-class carrier to the Shelsha system, along with it’s accompanying ships. It will arrive in two days, provided the Deneb rebels don’t change plans.” He said. Shelsha, of course, was the system the Peregrine was currently in.  Captain nodded slowly, his haggard eyes now saying …And? Koro stammered slightly as he reached into his pocket.
“The details are all here. The Reverence, the Razor, and the Exeter are on standby for the attack run. The Principle will be ready by-“
“We’re not attacking them.” Said Captain, cutting Koro off.
“Sir…?” Asked Koro, bewildered.
“If we attack them immediately after they jump in, they will know we are getting our information somewhere, thus putting our spies in danger. They will also be liable to send in more forces against us.” The captain’s voice was neither patronizing nor harsh. He leaned back in his chair thoughtfully, his fingers laced.  “perhaps it is best we give them a little ground.” He pressed several buttons on his right armrest, then said “Raureo station.” Koro turned around as one of the 2D control screens, usually used to assist in displaying real-time battle information, sputtered to life. Captain stood up, hands clasped behind his back. “Raureo station is a small customs center. Six containers of supplies arrived yesterday, and were placed on the edge of the cargo yard. Get a hold of Captain Harkan, his group, in conjunction with some of the Peregrine’s forces, will carry out the attack.  I have special plans for that cargo. See to it that Harkan is raised within the next ten minutes.”
Koro snapped his heels together and performed a crisp salute before walking briskly down into the crewpit. Captain stared after him for a second, before turning back to shut off the screen. He looked out the nearest window. The stars outside it were brilliant.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 05:53:40 pm by Titan »
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


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Re: Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic
Sounds good.

Re: Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic
A note: The campaign will feature a slightly different storyline (IE, things happen slightly different, certain ships may not appear in places were they did in the fanfic, etc) At any rate, i'm going to say the campaign is 'Ragnarok-canon'. But the writing will still contain most of the same plot, so it's worth a read.

BTW, i still need a skilled texturer for the Sirius ships.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!

Re: Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic
Pretty good thing to read.
'Teeth of the Tiger' - campaign in the making
Story, Ships, Weapons, Project Leader.

Re: Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic
heh, thing is, this no longer follows the story whatsoever. i'm thinking of re-writing it to reflect this. But im in a bunch of honors classes, and between those and the after school activities i'm doing, i barely have an hour on teh computer a day...  :blah:
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Offline Excalibur

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Re: Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic
Sounds interesting  :yes: of course, you haven't revealled what the big ship is yet... :p
His legacy will last until the beginning.

Re: Ragnarok- a what-if fanfic
heh, you'll find out soon enough.

this isn't featured in the campaign, as the player (it's kinda one of those were you have a bit of a backstory, but you;re not a fully described and named character) joins several days after the battle.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!