Author Topic: Crash with Awakenings campaing  (Read 1391 times)

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Crash with Awakenings campaing
Hi, I have a problem with unstable mission in Awakenings (its mission, where I must protect Pandora Box against Lucifer). After destroying 2-3 reactors, the game always crashed. Have anyone problem with it? Im using F2Open for it.
Thx for advance.


Offline Jeff Vader

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Re: Crash with Awakenings campaing
Run a debug build until it crashes. Then, post fs2_open.log from \freespace2\data\, preferrably as an attachment or using the "code" tags.
23:40 < achillion > EveningTea: ass
23:40 < achillion > wait no
23:40 < achillion > evilbagel: ass
23:40 < EveningTea > ?
23:40 < achillion > 2-letter tab complete failure

14:08 < achillion > there's too much talk of butts and dongs in here
14:08 < achillion > the level of discourse has really plummeted
14:08 < achillion > Let's talk about politics instead
14:08 <@The_E > butts and dongs are part of #hard-light's brand now
14:08 <@The_E > well
14:08 <@The_E > EvilBagel's brand, at least

01:06 < T-Rog > welp
01:07 < T-Rog > I've got to take some very strong antibiotics
01:07 < achillion > penis infection?
01:08 < T-Rog > Chlamydia
01:08 < achillion > O.o
01:09 < achillion > well
01:09 < achillion > I guess that happens
01:09 < T-Rog > at least it's curable
01:09 < achillion > yeah
01:10 < T-Rog > I take it you weren't actually expecting it to be a penis infection
01:10 < achillion > I was not

14:04 < achillion > Sometimes the way to simplify is to just have a habit and not think about it too much
14:05 < achillion > until stuff explodes
14:05 < achillion > then you start thinking about it

22:16 < T-Rog > I don't know how my gf would feel about Jewish conspiracy porn

15:41 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
15:47 < EvilBagel> butt
15:51 < Achillion> yes
15:53 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]

18:53 < Achillion> Dicks are fun

21:41 < MatthTheGeek> you can't spell assassin without two asses

20:05 < sigtau> i'm mining titcoins from now on

00:31 < oldlaptop> Drunken antisocial educated freezing hicks with good Internet == Finland stereotype

11:46 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
11:50 < achtung> Surely you've heard of DVDA
11:50 < achtung> Double Vaginal Double ANal
11:51 < Kobrar> ...
11:51 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has left #hard-light []

Re: Crash with Awakenings campaing
There is a log.
Code: [Select]
DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
Passed cmdline options:
  -mod awakenings,fsport,mediavps
Building file index...
Searching root 'C:\games\freespace2\awakenings\'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\awakenings\fsport-awakenings-voice.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\awakenings\fsport-awakenings.vp'
Searching root 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\fsport-fs1_training.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\fsport-glow.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\fsport-hi_res.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\fsport-missions.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\fsport-shine.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\fsport3_0_4.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\sparky_hi_fs1.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\stu_fs1.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\fsport\warble_fs1.vp'
Searching root 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mp-710_adveffects.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mp-710_effects.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mp-710_models.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mv_adveffects.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mv_core.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mv_effects.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mv_models.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mv_music.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mv_textures.vp'
Searching root 'C:\games\freespace2\'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\multi-mission-pack.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\multi-voice-pack.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\root_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\smarty_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\sparky_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\stu_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\tango1_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\tango2_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\tango3_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\warble_fs2.vp'
Found 36 roots and 15665 files.
AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful...
Setting language to English
Initializing OpenAL...
  Using 'Generic Software' as OpenAL sound device...
  OpenAL Vendor     : Creative Labs Inc.
  OpenAL Renderer   : Software
  OpenAL Version    : 1.1

... OpenAL successfully initialized!
GR_CPU: Family 15, MMX=Yes
Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1152x864 with 32-bit color...
  Initializing WGL...
  Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1
  Actual WGL Video values    = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1
  OpenGL Vendor     : ATI Technologies Inc.
  OpenGL Renderer   : ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO
  OpenGL Version    : 2.1.7659 Release

  Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object".
  Unable to find extension "GL_APPLE_client_storage".
  Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias".
  Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT".

  Max texture units: 8
  Max elements vertices: 2147483647
  Max elements indices: 16777215
  Max texture size: 8192x8192
  Can use compressed textures: YES
  Texture compression available: YES
  Using trilinear texture filter.
... OpenGL init is complete!
Size of bitmap info = 705 KB
Size of bitmap extra info = 40 bytes
ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors...
OpenGL: Created 512x512 FBO!
OpenGL: Reusing 512x512 FBO!
SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence...
SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization...
LUA: Opening LUA state...
LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries...
LUA: Performing global function/(library/object) name repeat check...
LUA: Performing library/object name repeat check...
LUA: Performing object/object name repeat check...
LUA: Performing library/library name repeat check...
LUA: Initializing library functions...
LUA: Initializing object functions...
SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence....
Wokka!  Error opening file (scripting.tbl)!
Unable to parse scripting.tbl!  Code = 5.
SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete.
Using high memory settings...
Wokka!  Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
Unable to parse interface.tbl!
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-sdf.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-sdf.tbm' ...
ANI 2_radar1 with size 170x170 (33.6% wasted)
Windoze reported 16 joysticks, we found 0
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-mus.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_music-mus.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-mfl.tbm"
Wokka!  Error opening file (armor.tbl)!
Unable to parse armor.tbl!
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-amr.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wxp.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wxp.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 64 frames at 35 fps.
ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
pcx: Couldn't open 'beam-orange3.pcx'
pcx: Couldn't open 'beam-orange3.pcx'
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wep.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_missiles-wep.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_flak-wep.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wep.tbm' ...
couldn't find pcx for Shivan Light Laser
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Alouqua_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 20 fps.
found ani Alouqua_AniBitmap for Shivan Light Laser, with 6 frames and 20 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Heavy Laser
found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Heavy Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Mega Laser
found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Mega Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Hornet
found ani hornet_trail for Hornet, with 14 frames and 30 fps
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_tech-wep.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_shockwave-wep.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_models-wep.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-aip.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'fs1-aip.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-obt.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-shp.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'awakenings-abtrails-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'awakenings-resetmodels-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'awakenings-turretangles-shp.tbm' ...
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Iowa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Iowa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Iowa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Iowa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Iowa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Minnow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Minnow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Minnow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Minnow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Minnow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Moscow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Moscow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Moscow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Moscow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Moscow', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_dragon-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_tech-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_turretangle-shp.tbm' ...
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret01a', for ship 'GTB Medusa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚb05-turreta', for ship 'GTB Ursa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret09a-01-main', for ship 'GTC Fenris', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret09a-01-main', for ship 'GTC Leviathan', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Bastion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Bastion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Bastion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Bastion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion#Bastion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret07', for ship 'SC Cain', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret07', for ship 'SC Lilith', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret01', for ship 'SFr Mephisto', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret03', for ship 'SFr Mephisto', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret03a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret06a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚĚturret07a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_shockwave-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_trails-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_models-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_textures-shp.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-hdg.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-str.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=25, filter="*.pcx"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=32, filter="*.pcx"
loading animated cursor "cursor"
ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Ships.tbl is : VALID
Weapons.tbl is : VALID
cfile_init() took 342
MVE: Buffer underun (First is normal)
Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.pl2"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.plr"
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.338 (0.338)
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'GTA.pcx'
ANI 2_main2-m1.ani with size 192x192 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-m2.ani with size 184x184 (28.1% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-m3.ani with size 141x141 (44.9% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-d1.ani with size 98x98 (23.4% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-d6.ani with size 99x99 (22.7% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-d3.ani with size 330x330 (35.5% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-d4.ani with size 101x101 (21.1% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-d5.ani with size 115x115 (10.2% wasted)
ANI 2_main2-d2.ani with size 195x195 (23.8% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.621 (0.621)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.279 (0.279)
Got event GS_EVENT_NEW_CAMPAIGN (26) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
Got event GS_EVENT_START_GAME (1) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
=================== STARTING LEVEL LOAD ==================
Reassigning player to squadron Galactic Terran Alliance
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'GTA.pcx'
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 43x43 (32.8% wasted)
Starting model page in...
Beginning level bitmap paging...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke01.eff) with 52 frames at 28 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke02.eff) with 61 frames at 24 fps.
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-fbl.tbm"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap01.eff) with 30 frames at 25 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap02.eff) with 30 frames at 25 fps.
loading warp modelLoading model 'warp.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'warp.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 4252971066, IBX checksum: 1418599850 -- "warp.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit01a.eff) with 23 frames at 21 fps.
SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave model...
Loading model 'shockwave.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'shockwave.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3823586065, IBX checksum: 4043718586 -- "shockwave.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shockwave3d-glow.eff) with 159 frames at 24 fps.
SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!
MISSION LOAD: 'awake08.fs2'
Hmmm... Extension passed to mission_load...
Reassigning player to squadron Galactic Terran Alliance
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'GTA.pcx'
Loading model 'subspacenode.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'subspacenode.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1772075595, IBX checksum:   74947746 -- "subspacenode.pof"
Starting mission message count : 163
Ending mission message count : 174
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
Loading model 'capital02-shielded.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'capital02-shielded.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2758820462, IBX checksum: 2827710900 -- "capital02-shielded.pof"
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem reactor 4, believed to be in ship capital02-shielded.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem reactor 5, believed to be in ship capital02-shielded.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem reactor 3, believed to be in ship capital02-shielded.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem reactor 2, believed to be in ship capital02-shielded.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem reactor 1, believed to be in ship capital02-shielded.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem fighterbay 1, believed to be in ship capital02-shielded.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem fighterbay 2, believed to be in ship capital02-shielded.pof
Unknown special object type $baddaboom01-01 while reading model capital02-shielded.pof
Unknown special object type $baddaboom02-01 while reading model capital02-shielded.pof
Loading model 'cargo06.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'cargo06.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1932983486, IBX checksum: 2719113889 -- "cargo06.pof"
Loading model 'Drone01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Drone01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1948992884, IBX checksum: 1873687862 -- "Drone01.pof"
Loading model 'fighter06.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter06.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1238331005, IBX checksum: 2879287679 -- "fighter06.pof"
Loading model 'bomber05hp.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bomber05hp.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 4081509701, IBX checksum: 1354054978 -- "bomber05hp.pof"
Loading model 'fighter12.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter12.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2831766213, IBX checksum:  491137859 -- "fighter12.pof"
ANI 2_lock1 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1 with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2 with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI toggle1 with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1 with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1_b with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc1 with size 60x60 (6.3% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2 with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3 with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1 with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1 with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targhit1 with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI energy1 with size 41x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI targetview1 with size 156x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2 with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targetview3 with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI damage1 with size 25x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI support1 with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI objective1 with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI wingman1 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI netlag1 with size 30x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI head1 with size 132x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI time1 with size 23x23 (28.1% wasted)
Loading model 'starfield.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'starfield.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  131622925, IBX checksum:  658943272 -- "starfield.pof"
=================== STARTING LEVEL DATA LOAD ==================
About to page in ships!
ANI shield-f04 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter04.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter04.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1558573911, IBX checksum: 2105934077 -- "fighter04.pof"
ANI shield-f06 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-b04 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'bomber04hp.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bomber04hp.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3573595562, IBX checksum: 3837868894 -- "bomber04hp.pof"
ANI shield-b05 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'support01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'support01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  756744142, IBX checksum: 1586839114 -- "support01.pof"
ANI shield-f07 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter07.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter07.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1901191846, IBX checksum: 1574690041 -- "fighter07.pof"
ANI shield-f08 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter08.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter08.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2156423984, IBX checksum:  976797022 -- "fighter08.pof"
ANI shield-b06 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'bomber06.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bomber06.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1178695464, IBX checksum:  574162035 -- "bomber06.pof"
ANI shield-b07 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'bomber07.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bomber07.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3888913159, IBX checksum: 1740404977 -- "bomber07.pof"
Loading model 'support02.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'support02.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  998444659, IBX checksum:  196988299 -- "support02.pof"
ANI shield-f03 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter03.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter03.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1764178272, IBX checksum: 1553283132 -- "fighter03.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (fighter03-01a-glow.eff) with 37 frames at 25 fps.
ANI shield-f10 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter10.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter10.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  440883452, IBX checksum: 1535327754 -- "fighter10.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (fighter10-01a-glow.eff) with 37 frames at 25 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (fighter10-01b-glow.eff) with 37 frames at 25 fps.
ANI shield-f11 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter11.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter11.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1221070737, IBX checksum: 2251000677 -- "fighter11.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (fighter11-01a-glow.eff) with 37 frames at 25 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (fighter11-01b-glow.eff) with 37 frames at 25 fps.
ANI shield-f12 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-capital02 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
This mission requires 326 Ship_subsystems. See #define MAX_SHIP_SUBOBJECTS.
Loading model 'MX-50.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'MX-50.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2163019510, IBX checksum:  261977273 -- "MX-50.pof"
Loading model 'Fury.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Fury.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1032850657, IBX checksum: 2118954593 -- "Fury.pof"
Loading model 'Interceptor.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Interceptor.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  908169754, IBX checksum:  559317902 -- "Interceptor.pof"
Loading model 'Hornet.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Hornet.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  807301244, IBX checksum: 2983830421 -- "Hornet.pof"
Loading model 'Phoenix.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Phoenix.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  876855361, IBX checksum: 3422417389 -- "Phoenix.pof"
Loading model 'Disruptor.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Disruptor.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2050571986, IBX checksum: 3042251560 -- "Disruptor.pof"
Loading model 'Synaptic.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Synaptic.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2284473230, IBX checksum:  846229812 -- "Synaptic.pof"
Loading model 'Stiletto.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Stiletto.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  549862358, IBX checksum: 2361631772 -- "Stiletto.pof"
Loading model 'Tsunami.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Tsunami.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  643472692, IBX checksum: 3265894724 -- "Tsunami.pof"
Loading model 'Harbinger.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Harbinger.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:   74550608, IBX checksum:   36436455 -- "Harbinger.pof"
Loading model 'cmeasure01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'cmeasure01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3857917235, IBX checksum: 1369793329 -- "cmeasure01.pof"
Loading model 'debris01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'debris01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2538545483, IBX checksum: 3906274773 -- "debris01.pof"
Loading model 'debris02.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'debris02.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2383342928, IBX checksum: 3124603306 -- "debris02.pof"
Paging in mission messages
Stopping model page in...
ANI 2_radar1.ani with size 170x170 (33.6% wasted)
ANI 2_lock1.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1.ani with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2.ani with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI toggle1.ani with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1.ani with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc1.ani with size 60x60 (6.3% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3.ani with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc.ani with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1.ani with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targhit1.ani with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI energy1.ani with size 41x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI targetview1.ani with size 156x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2.ani with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targetview3.ani with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI damage1.ani with size 25x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI support1.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI objective1.ani with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI wingman1.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI netlag1.ani with size 30x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI head1.ani with size 132x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI time1.ani with size 23x23 (28.1% wasted)
ANI shield-f04.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f06.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-b04.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-b05.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f07.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f08.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-b06.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-b07.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f03.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f10.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f11.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f12.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-capital02.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
User bitmap 'TMP824x43+16'
User bitmap 'TMP824x43+16'
User bitmap 'TMP256x256+8'
User bitmap 'TMP256x256+8'
User bitmap 'TMP128x128+8'
Bmpman: 1963/4750 bitmap slots in use.
Ending level bitmap paging...
=================== ENDING LOAD ================
Real count = 1802,  Estimated count = 1250
ANI CB_default.ani with size 150x150 (41.4% wasted)
No cached palette file
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 43.485 (43.485)
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.901 (0.901)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.361 (0.361)
ANI 2_BriefMap with size 400x400 (21.9% wasted)
ANI iconwing01 with size 28x28 (12.5% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3815331129, IBX checksum: 1396079649 -- "fighter01.pof"
Loading model 'fighter05.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter05.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2153272012, IBX checksum: 2167247059 -- "fighter05.pof"
ANI 2_ssfighter01.ani with size 368x368 (28.1% wasted)
SHIP ANI: Found hires version of 2_ssfighter01.ani
ANI 2_ssfighter05.ani with size 368x368 (28.1% wasted)
SHIP ANI: Found hires version of 2_ssfighter05.ani
ANI 2_ssfighter06.ani with size 368x368 (28.1% wasted)
SHIP ANI: Found hires version of 2_ssfighter06.ani
ANI 2_ssbomber04.ani with size 368x368 (28.1% wasted)
SHIP ANI: Found hires version of 2_ssbomber04.ani
ANI 2_ssbomber05.ani with size 368x368 (28.1% wasted)
SHIP ANI: Found hires version of 2_ssbomber05.ani
ANI icon_disruptor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI icon_avenger with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI icon_flail with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI iconproms with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI icon_banshee with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_disruptor.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI 2_avenger.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI 2_flail.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI 2_proms.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI 2_banshee.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI icons-cap with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI Fadeicons-Cap with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI Fadeicons-Cap.ani with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI iconhighlight06 with size 186x186 (27.3% wasted)
ANI iconhighlight06.ani with size 186x186 (27.3% wasted)
ANI icons-cargo with size 19x19 (40.6% wasted)
ANI Fadeicons-Cargo with size 19x19 (40.6% wasted)
ANI Fadeicons-Cargo.ani with size 19x19 (40.6% wasted)
ANI icons-fighterW with size 40x40 (37.5% wasted)
ANI Fadeicons-FighterW with size 40x40 (37.5% wasted)
ANI Fadeicons-FighterW.ani with size 40x40 (37.5% wasted)
ANI icont-fightW with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-FighterW with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-FighterW.ani with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI icont-bomberW with size 73x73 (43.0% wasted)
ANI Fadeicont-BomberW with size 73x73 (43.0% wasted)
ANI Fadeicont-BomberW.ani with size 73x73 (43.0% wasted)
ANI iconT-support with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI FadeT-Support with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI FadeT-Support.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 1.666 (1.666)
ANI icons-cap.ani with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI icons-cargo.ani with size 19x19 (40.6% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.460 (0.460)
Got event GS_EVENT_ENTER_GAME (2) in state GS_STATE_BRIEFING (10)
Entering game at time =  61.762
!!DEBUG!! OpenGL Errors this frame: 1
Frame  1 too long!!: frametime = 0.530 (0.530)
ANI Head-CM1b.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-TP1a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-TP3a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin.ani with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
Frame 1527: Weapon #82 CHASING cmeasure #110
Frame 1528: Weapon #82 CHASING cmeasure #139
Frame 1735: Weapon #139 CHASING cmeasure #161
1785 frames executed in  30.019 seconds,  59.462 frames per second.
Frame 1885: Weapon #186 CHASING cmeasure #282
Frame 1885: Weapon #199 CHASING cmeasure #282
ANI Head-TP3b.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-CM1c.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-TP2b.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-TP2a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Frame 5448: Weapon #593 CHASING cmeasure #615
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Frame 5818: Weapon #674 CHASING cmeasure #821
Frame 5818: Weapon #699 CHASING cmeasure #821
Frame 6085: Weapon #841 CHASING cmeasure #889
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Frame 7127: Weapon #62 CHASING cmeasure #1092
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
ANI Head-TP2b.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-TP2a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
ANI Head-TP1b.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-TP1a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-CM1a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Frame 10196: Weapon #490 CHASING cmeasure #3476
Frame 10316: Weapon #716 CHASING cmeasure #3676
Frame 10876: Weapon #59 CHASING cmeasure #4899
Frame 10876: Weapon #863 CHASING cmeasure #4899
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Frame 12090 too long!!: frametime = 0.727 (0.727)
Avoid NULL vector assert.. why are G_predicted_pos and G_fire_pos the same?
Avoid NULL vector assert.. why are G_predicted_pos and G_fire_pos the same?
ANI Head-TP2a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Avoid NULL vector assert.. why are G_predicted_pos and G_fire_pos the same?
Avoid NULL vector assert.. why are G_predicted_pos and G_fire_pos the same?
Frame 12427: Weapon #483 CHASING cmeasure #7515
Frame 12427: Weapon #555 CHASING cmeasure #7515
Frame 12427: Weapon #544 CHASING cmeasure #7515
Frame 12427: Weapon #500 CHASING cmeasure #7515
Frame 12482: Weapon #483 CHASING cmeasure #7619
Frame 12482: Weapon #555 CHASING cmeasure #7619
Frame 13066: Weapon #920 CHASING cmeasure #8797
ANI TargetStatic with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI TargetStatic.ani with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI Head-TP2c.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Frame 13561: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13562: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13569: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13571: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13571: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13571: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13574: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13574: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13574: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13574: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13574: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13575: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13575: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13575: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13575: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13579: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13579: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13579: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13581: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13581: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13582: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13582: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13582: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13582: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13582: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13582: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13583: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13583: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13583: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13583: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13583: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13585: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13585: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13585: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13585: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13587: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13587: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13588: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13588: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13588: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13588: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13588: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13623: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13623: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13623: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13623: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13623: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13623: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13625: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13643: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13643: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13643: Could not create debris, no more slots left
Frame 13661: Could not create debris, no more slots left
ANI Head-TP1b.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
ANI Head-TP2b.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Frame 14696: Weapon #806 CHASING cmeasure #12340
Frame 15577: Weapon #716 CHASING cmeasure #13291
ANI Head-TP2a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Frame 16144: Weapon #405 CHASING cmeasure #14240
Frame 16200: Weapon #481 CHASING cmeasure #14406
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Warning: Too many triangles in shield hit.
Frame 16559: Weapon #318 CHASING cmeasure #15294
Frame 16570: Weapon #215 CHASING cmeasure #15315