Author Topic: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex  (Read 5989 times)

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Offline eliex

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[FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
Finally it is done.
You can get it from here

*The next time I come round, I post up certain points in the mission, that were meant for the player only.
*Consistently "winnable" on medium difficulty
* Normally, I write down problems that I had when making the mission in the "Designer Notes section in Mission Specs.

Have a look, and hopefully enjoy it as well. 


Offline Rodo

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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
You might want to check this:

If the pollux is destroyed you never get the message to get back home.

If the HQ is destroyed, you should make the mission end with another message also to evacuate, I know this one is a little imposible but it can happen.

And maybe something you can check when you have some free time:
Make the dialogues a little shorter, so the players do not have to stop to read them while engaging the shivans.
Make the mission a little more longer, maybe you can put the ravana further away or move the Sobek so that you have time to deploy 1 or 2 more wings of shivan fighters for the player to hunt.
(noticed that the mission is supposed to be placed at the ending of the battle which it is almost won, but you can also make this one a little harder)

And finally but, not less important, you must add the objectives, and make a D-Brief.

Hope I was of some help ^^


el hombre vicio...


Offline eliex

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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
Yup, thanks for your comments Rodo, I tried to fix the majority of your problems.  :D

The fixed-up version can be downloaded from here

- 4 messages so they are only 1 line messages.
-Created additional messages and a new debriefing stage for when the Ross 128 HQ is destroyed.
-Re-adjusted message sources in the "Shivore/Durga/Bheema wing down" messages so it points to the invulnerabled ships.
-Placed the Objective "Defend the Ross 128 HQ" as a Primary objective, not a secondary.
-Brought the beam-lock function onto the Nefertiri as during the firefight between the GTVA pilots and the Shivans, the Nightfall ocassionally gets killed by the           Nefertiri. 

The Pollux should have arrived after all combat was over, so it wouldn't be killed. What happened in your mission that destroyed the Pollux?

I designed the mission with the battle in its final stages - so that the Ravana was very close to the Ross 128 HQ and the Mjolnirs - and initially the pilots of Beta, Delta, and Gamma having an easy time. However, the Shivans, in a bid to save themselves from destruction launched out an entire squadron all at once, but with careful planning the remaining pilots of Alpha, Beta and Delta with unity can destroy the Shivan squadron. Then, Gamma wing, Nefertiri and the Mjolnir RBCs beam and bomb the Ravana to death.

Just a note, how do you focus a Mjolnir RBC to face its target accurately? I couldn't use the "face-oject" function in the Position and Orientation Editor, so please help.



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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
To make the beam cannons face the Ravana just place them where you like, press right button on the mouse and there's an option i think it's called facing and orientation or something like that.

If you select that one, you'll see there's a place where you can put some coordinates or you can select the option to face a certain target on the mission.

Just select facing to and put the ravana on the list, when you apply the cannons will be facing the ravana.

The Pollux got killed after I Ordered all of my wingmates to kill the ravana, they focused on the destroyer and some of the remaining wings got near the Pollux and destroyed it, just to be sure make it invulnerable.

el hombre vicio...


Offline eliex

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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
Thanks again, Rodo for your patient comments; hopefully this edited version might just be the final release.  :D

With the Pollux, I edited its arrival cue to arrival after the Nightfall and the final waves (Shivore, Durga and Bheema) all died.
I chucked in an extra twist to the ending fray, but its still "winnable!"
I also added an extra message as there's a massive gap between the Pollux arrival and the celebration message-group.
I changed the SVas on the Nefertiri to a BVas, because the Nefertiri couldn't kill the Caerys fast enough, and also the point that only one of the Mjolnirs work pefectly so extra firepower required!
Changed the position of the Mjonir RBCs but only one RBC can work perfectly every single time.

Okay, so here it is . . . beta 3


Offline Rodo

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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
Oks, I'll test it when I get back home.
Don't worry, I like to play-test missions so it's no trouble for me to do it.

el hombre vicio...


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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
The Mjolnir's do not open fire...maybe they are too far away, and the base gets pounded by the front beams of the Nightfall, I noticed those turrets were particulary damaged, you used a sexp to get them damaged? for best results use the "initial status" option from the ship editor as some of the sexps are not compatible with other versions of the game and might not work properly.

The bombers, which are supposed to atack the instalation do not even get near it, they just attack the fighters.

Good work with the defriefing (nice to see you took the time to add recomendations and a posible bad ending).
Good work with the "what if the base is destroyed" ending, just make the shivan destroyer depart so it obvious that the mission is over, and you can add a directive "jump out" also.
Good work with the added wings of fighters, IF the bombers where a threat to the base, and the player is ordered to destroy them this wings would make the work a little more challenging ^^

el hombre vicio...


Offline eliex

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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
Finally . . . here it is. The final release.
Just a few irritating bugs here and there to fix, and hopefully I have squashed all the bugs.

-Changed the briefing icon of the "cruiser wing" from a Manticore to a Rakshasha
-Changed a RBC to use LRBGreen cannon, instead of conventional Mjolnir#home
-Made the Ravana jump out in the case of Ross 128 HQ destroyed scenario
-Added jump out directives.

And there were other things that I was toying around with, but I changed it, then changed it again, until I totally have no idea of what I did because they were so minor.

Final Release

And once again, thanks Rodo for bugfixing this little mission.  :D


Offline eliex

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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
OK, actually I thought it would be a good idea just to make a walkthrough from my point of view, as I designed the mission to be won through my way,

In the beginning, the Nightfall is beaming the Nefertiri to death; with your Stellito II's hurry over with all speed to the frontal beam cannons to knock out those beams before they do serious harm, like disabling the Nefertiri, which halves your potential anti-cap firepower against the Nightfall later on in the mission. Ensure that you aren't in the way of the LRed beams!!
With the remainder of the Stellito II's - you really only need one Stellito for each beam, do a bombing run, and knock out as many flak or missile launchers as you can.

By this time, the Nefertiri should have destroyed the Caerys, so just wait until the final waves of desperate Shivan pilots arrive. The survival rate of your wingmen increase significantly if you order them to protect the Nefertiri - thus all your wingmen together, not spread out over the Nightfall to be picked off at leisure. Watch out for the Durgas! They have EMP Adv. missiles so always be on the move. Watch out for Durga 4,5,6. I've specifically ordered them to destroy you, just to make things a little trickier.

Once the enemy fighters and bombers are down, sit back and relax as the Nefertiri and Mjolnir Defence 1 together destroy the Nightfall.

For your interest, I made the aim of the player to actually not gain as many kills as possible, but actually trying to stay alive throughout the entire mission.
-You must avoid being hit by LReds when attack the turrets

Sorry, this was a little long, but when you play the mission this information can show you why I did what I did.  ;)


Offline Rodo

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Re: [FA] C3 M12 "Punic Victory" eliex
Mission seems alright now. Good work.

Just play it a little more so you can find any typos and maybe making the mission a little more friendly to the ones that have never played it before, specially advising to destroy the forward beams.. that would be a critical advise to make, you can select how will you do that ^^
el hombre vicio...