Author Topic: Texture replace and multimods  (Read 2141 times)

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Offline Galemp

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Texture replace and multimods
So, for the FSPort Media VP, I'm attempting to replace the old method of having a different POF for each Orion, to having it use the same POF but with a different nameplate.

Here's a stripped-down version of what I'm working with.

Code: [Select]
primarylist  =
secondrylist = fsport,mediavps

Code: [Select]
$Name:         GTD Orion#Bastion
$POF file: capital01.pof
$Texture Replace:
+old: capital01-05
+new: nameplate-bastion

What I want to do is take the high-poly Orion model in the media VPs, and apply the Bastion nameplate texture to it. So far, it hasn't worked; it's changed the POF to the new Orion, but doesn't change the nameplate. Could this be a prioritizing issue, in that it changes the nameplate on the OLD pof and then replaces it?
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Re: Texture replace and multimods
That should work. But I have only seen it work on a mission level load.

I'll give it a shot when I am at home. Because I as well would like to see only one Orion in the MediaVP's.
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[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
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[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline chief1983

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Re: Texture replace and multimods
Goob was already working on this, and the associated bug:  1802
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Offline Galemp

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Re: Texture replace and multimods
That bug has to do with a page in error, that has since been fixed. It doesn't actually address the texture replacement problem I'm having.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 01:10:22 pm by Galemp »
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

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Offline taylor

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Re: Texture replace and multimods
Doing texture replacement in the ship tables only works in the Xt builds.  The code for that isn't going to go into SVN until some point after 3.6.10 is released.  So only texture replacement specified in a mission is supported for the time being.


Offline Galemp

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Re: Texture replace and multimods

Well, at least it doesn't break parsing of ships.tbl
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline chief1983

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Re: Texture replace and multimods
I don't see the release after 3.6.10 making it out by year's end, that's kind of a shame now.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays