Author Topic: The Great Scourge: Encrypted Message  (Read 12176 times)

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Offline Krelus

  • 28
Re: The Great Scourge: Encrypted Message
Interesting.  I wonder what kind of beam that Titan is using.  It's definitely not standard issue, since StratComm's ships use blue beams.

I have a mod pack lying around somewhere that has a purple beam, its called an UBGreen and is purple - looks very similar to this one.  I think it came with the mod pack for unholy alliance but i may be wrong.  They have very long range and do massive damage - put 3 of them on the front of the colossus and see how quickly ships get ripped apart ;7 

Yeah, these I made from scratch. Plot-wise they were created through reverse-engineering of Shivan beam technology and power sources. They are markedly superior to the BGreens, but still are outperformed by the absurdly powerful LRed. Now if y'all will 'scuse me, I gots some painting to do... (ghad I hate the smell of turpentine.)


Offline Krelus

  • 28
Re: The Great Scourge: Encrypted Message
If you folks will pardon the double-post, I felt like posting some more material for y'all to digest. I haven't really had any time to do any design work since all my college professors suddenly realized they're supposed to give me stuff to do, so I figured I'd post some tech descriptions and various info on what I've already made. So, behold some of the toys which have come to be in the ten years since Capella went kablooey:


Weapon: XR8 Bauer Light Repeater

Intel: In the years following the Second Great War, the technology mega-giant known as Bauer Combine has been constantly producing powerful, cutting-edge military hardware. Among the Combine's many innovations is a new rapid-fire weapon designed to replace the UD-8 Kayser and Prometheus S as the Alliance's top-of-the-line dogfighting cannon. Capable of inflicting the same pain as its predecessors at a fraction of the power usage, the X-R8 combines the range of the Prometheus with the raw fighter-destroying capabilities of the Kayser. It is currently being evaluated by many frontline units, and the initial feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Its main drawback is that, due to its immensely complex energy buffering system, it can only be installed on modern spacecraft such as the Perseus D.H. and the Ezechiel.

Author's Note: At first blush this weapon seems somewhat overpowered, but at ranges of more than about 600m it starts to become difficult to use. While it may have the same DPS as the Kayser, it has the Cycle flag on, which means you have to constantly track a target and be continuously accurate to get ideal results - those used to firing off one shot, aiming and firing off one more might prefer the old weaponry.


Weapon: GTM-47 Screamer Anti-Fighter Missile

Intel: The GTM-47 Screamer is a new type of aspect-seeking missile which showcases a hitherto unseen form of technology - a physical object capable of bypassing shield systems. It is intended to become the premier dogfighting missile in the coming years, boasting unprecedented anti-fighter capabilities. A miniature field projector inside the weapon's casing generates an energy sheath which allows it to slip effortlessly through all known forms of defensive shielding. As an accidental bonus, the destruction of said field on impact produces a minor EMP effect on the target, disrupting the enemy's subsystems for a brief time. This, coupled with firepower and homing capabilities equivalent to the GTM-19 Harpoon, makes this an incredibly powerful tool. Unfortunately, compared to the Harpoon, the Screamer is quite large and takes up roughly twice the cargo space as its predecessor in any given fighter.

Author's Note: Basically a shield-ignoring Harpoon with double the cargo size. This is surprisingly balanced. Due to its large cargo size, it has little to no use against unshielded targets, since the Harpoon performs the same in that situation with half the size. However, against fighters and bombers, this missile becomes a precision tool most brain surgeons would be jealous of. Capable of doing grievous damage to many fighters (especially Shivan ones) with just a single rocket, this is absolutely perfect for taking out ships like the Basilisk. Slight drawback is that sometimes a missile will go off near a target without actually impacting it. The shield-piercing doesn't apply to splash damage (which is what I was hoping for) and anything short of a direct hit will not work. As for the EMP, it's fairly weak with a four second duration. It's mostly there for flavor.


Weapon: Heavy Plasma Cannon

Author's Note: You know those hideously massive two-part turrets on most Terran destroyers? Ever thought it was odd that they fired, of all things, flak? That always bothered me, so I made an anti-capital blob capable of tearing up pretty much anything. Due to a minor FOF adjustment, at maximum range it has difficulty hitting cruisers. It fires in volleys because of the Rule of Cool, and when placed on multiple turrets this beast becomes absolutely terrifying. Demonstration is in the attached picture.


I would have posted video demos but my audio driver is being silly, and silent videos just don't jive with me.

[attachment deleted by evil Tolwyn]