Author Topic: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"  (Read 11412 times)

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Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
Oh woooow. The Ravanna behind the Stratcomm ship is class. I hate to be a dick, but my interest in the campaign is waning.
Perserverance! Only the faithful strong of heart will win the day!

Seriously though, these two missions are undoubtedly the hardest in BP. Pass them, and you'll find things to be somewhat manageable from there on out.
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline General Battuta

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
This is tight. I finally kill the Lilith, cruise along the new Stratcomm Destroyer as it jumps in, die from shivan bomb shockwaves 600 meters off the bow. Siiick.

Oh woooow. The Ravanna behind the Stratcomm ship is class. I hate to be a dick, but my interest in the campaign is waning.

Press on! Turn down your difficulty if necessary (or pack on the Trebs.) It's worth it.

Wingman command is really important for that mission.


Offline Knight Templar

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
Ok, so I finally beat it out. Not by using cheats (fredding the objective to only complete if the Ravana's beams ate it instead of the Ravana itself was awesome....) but by losing 5 consecutive times...

.. and was rewarded by two of the most beautiful missions ever.

My beef now though is with the mission "Preserving the Balance" - it crashes about two seconds into the mission. Crash as in CTD.
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
Hnnh. Debug log?
Ancient-Shivan War|Interview Board

Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline Knight Templar

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
3.6.10 Debug mode wouldn't load the mission, I got this instead.

Assert: bay_num >= 1 && bay_num <= MAX_SHIP_BAY_PATHS
File: ModelRead.cpp
Line: 3784

Call stack:
    model_load()    ship_create()    parse_create_object_sub()    parse_create_docked_object_helper()    dock_evaluate_all_docked_objects()    parse_create_object()    mission_parse_maybe_create_parse_object()    post_process_ships_wings()    post_process_mission()    parse_mission()    parse_main()    mission_load()    game_start_mission()    game_enter_state()    gameseq_set_state()------------------------------------------------------------------

Debug 3.6.9 gives what looks like the same thing :

Assert: bay_num >= 1 && bay_num <= MAX_SHIP_BAY_PATHS
File: J:\src\cvs\\code\Model\ModelRead.cpp
Line: 3530
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:
    model_load()    ship_create()    parse_create_object_sub()    parse_create_docked_object_helper()    dock_evaluate_all_docked_objects()    parse_create_object()    mission_parse_maybe_create_parse_object()    post_process_ships_wings()    post_process_mission()    parse_mission()    parse_main()    mission_load()    game_start_mission()    game_enter_state()    gameseq_set_state()------------------------------------------------------------------

Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline Jeff Vader

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
post the fs2_open.log file from \freespace2\data\.
23:40 < achillion > EveningTea: ass
23:40 < achillion > wait no
23:40 < achillion > evilbagel: ass
23:40 < EveningTea > ?
23:40 < achillion > 2-letter tab complete failure

14:08 < achillion > there's too much talk of butts and dongs in here
14:08 < achillion > the level of discourse has really plummeted
14:08 < achillion > Let's talk about politics instead
14:08 <@The_E > butts and dongs are part of #hard-light's brand now
14:08 <@The_E > well
14:08 <@The_E > EvilBagel's brand, at least

01:06 < T-Rog > welp
01:07 < T-Rog > I've got to take some very strong antibiotics
01:07 < achillion > penis infection?
01:08 < T-Rog > Chlamydia
01:08 < achillion > O.o
01:09 < achillion > well
01:09 < achillion > I guess that happens
01:09 < T-Rog > at least it's curable
01:09 < achillion > yeah
01:10 < T-Rog > I take it you weren't actually expecting it to be a penis infection
01:10 < achillion > I was not

14:04 < achillion > Sometimes the way to simplify is to just have a habit and not think about it too much
14:05 < achillion > until stuff explodes
14:05 < achillion > then you start thinking about it

22:16 < T-Rog > I don't know how my gf would feel about Jewish conspiracy porn

15:41 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
15:47 < EvilBagel> butt
15:51 < Achillion> yes
15:53 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]

18:53 < Achillion> Dicks are fun

21:41 < MatthTheGeek> you can't spell assassin without two asses

20:05 < sigtau> i'm mining titcoins from now on

00:31 < oldlaptop> Drunken antisocial educated freezing hicks with good Internet == Finland stereotype

11:46 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
11:50 < achtung> Surely you've heard of DVDA
11:50 < achtung> Double Vaginal Double ANal
11:51 < Kobrar> ...
11:51 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has left #hard-light []


Offline Darius

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
It's probably the same error as this.


Offline Knight Templar

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
post the fs2_open.log file from \freespace2\data\.

my bad.

This? I couldn't find anything else holding a debug error list-like thing.

DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
Passed cmdline options:
  -mod blueplanet,mediavps
Building file index...
Searching root 'C:\games\freespace2\blueplanet\'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\blueplanet\blueplanet1.vp'
Searching root 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\MV_Complete.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\mediavps\mv_music.vp'
Searching root 'C:\games\freespace2\'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\Root_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\smarty_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\sparky_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\stu_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\tango1_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\tango2_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\tango3_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'C:\games\freespace2\warble_fs2.vp'
Searching root 'd:\'
Searching root pack 'd:\tango1_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'd:\tangoA_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack 'd:\warble_fs2.vp'
Found 20 roots and 12997 files.
AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful...
Setting language to English
Initializing OpenAL...
  Using 'Generic Software' as OpenAL sound device...
  OpenAL Vendor     : Creative Labs Inc.
  OpenAL Renderer   : Software
  OpenAL Version    : 1.1

... OpenAL successfully initialized!
GR_CPU: Family 6, MMX=Yes
Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1280x720 with 32-bit color...
  Initializing WGL...
  Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1
  Actual WGL Video values    = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, double-buffer: 1
  OpenGL Vendor     : NVIDIA Corporation
  OpenGL Renderer   : GeForce Go 7900 GS/PCI/SSE2
  OpenGL Version    : 2.1.1

  Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object".
  Unable to find extension "GL_APPLE_client_storage".
  Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra".
  Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map".
  Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias".
  Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT".

  Max texture units: 4
  Max elements vertices: 4096
  Max elements indices: 4096
  Max texture size: 4096x4096
  Can use compressed textures: YES
  Texture compression available: YES
  Using trilinear texture filter.
... OpenGL init is complete!
Size of bitmap info = 705 KB
Size of bitmap extra info = 40 bytes
ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors...
OpenGL: Created 512x512 FBO!
OpenGL: Reusing 512x512 FBO!
SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence...
SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization...
LUA: Opening LUA state...
LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries...
LUA: Performing global function/(library/object) name repeat check...
LUA: Performing library/object name repeat check...
LUA: Performing object/object name repeat check...
LUA: Performing library/library name repeat check...
LUA: Initializing library functions...
LUA: Initializing object functions...
SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence....
Wokka!  Error opening file (scripting.tbl)!
Unable to parse scripting.tbl!  Code = 5.
SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete.
Using high memory settings...
Wokka!  Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
Unable to parse interface.tbl!
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-sdf.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_adveffects-sdf.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-sdf.tbm' ...
ANI 2_radar1 with size 170x170 (33.6% wasted)
Windoze reported 16 joysticks, we found 1
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-mus.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_music-mus.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-mfl.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_advmuzzle-mfl.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'uef-mfl.tbm' ...
Wokka!  Error opening file (armor.tbl)!
Unable to parse armor.tbl!
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-amr.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wxp.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_adveffects-wxp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wxp.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (explo3.eff) with 48 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (ExpMissileHit1.eff) with 44 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (bomb_flare.eff) with 86 frames at 24 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Gmuzzle.eff) with 5 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (PWmuzzle.eff) with 4 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Rmuzzle.eff) with 4 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Bmuzzle.eff) with 5 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 64 frames at 35 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp05.eff) with 47 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp06.eff) with 48 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp04.eff) with 60 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Maxim_Impact.eff) with 23 frames at 30 fps.
ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particleexp01.eff) with 10 frames at 8 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (beamglow6.eff) with 60 frames at 26 fps.
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wep.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'bp-wep.tbm' ...
couldn't find pcx for VasPulse
found ani Circe_Bitmap for VasPulse, with 20 frames and 15 fps
couldn't find pcx for VasPulse
found ani Circe_Impact for VasPulse, with 9 frames and 25 fps
couldn't find pcx for SVasPulse
found ani Circe_Bitmap for SVasPulse, with 20 frames and 15 fps
couldn't find pcx for SVasPulse
found ani Circe_Impact for SVasPulse, with 9 frames and 25 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Colossal Railgun
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp_merc.eff) with 15 frames at 30 fps.
found ani exp_merc for Colossal Railgun, with 15 frames and 30 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Huge Railgun
found ani exp_merc for Huge Railgun, with 15 frames and 30 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Light Railgun
found ani exp_merc for Light Railgun, with 15 frames and 30 fps
BMPMAN: Found EFF (BlueBeamGlow2.eff) with 60 frames at 26 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (vbeamglow.eff) with 60 frames at 26 fps.
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_adveffects-wep.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particle_red.eff) with 11 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particle_blue.eff) with 11 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particle_green.eff) with 11 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particle_yellow.eff) with 11 frames at 22 fps.
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wep.tbm' ...
couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-7
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Subach_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 5 fps.
found ani Subach_AniBitmap for Subach HL-7, with 6 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-D
found ani Subach_AniBitmap for Subach HL-D, with 6 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Akheton SDG
found ani Akheton_Particle for Akheton SDG, with 11 frames and 25 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Morning Star
found ani Morningstar_Particle for Morning Star, with 21 frames and 10 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for MorningStar D
found ani Morningstar_Particle for MorningStar D, with 21 frames and 10 fps
couldn't find pcx for Prometheus R
BMPMAN: Found EFF (PrometheusR_AniBitmap.eff) with 12 frames at 5 fps.
found ani PrometheusR_AniBitmap for Prometheus R, with 12 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find pcx for Prometheus S
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Prometheus_AniBitmap.eff) with 12 frames at 5 fps.
found ani Prometheus_AniBitmap for Prometheus S, with 12 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find pcx for Prometheus D
found ani Prometheus_AniBitmap for Prometheus D, with 12 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find pcx for UD-8 Kayser
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Kayser_AniBitmap.eff) with 4 frames at 5 fps.
found ani Kayser_AniBitmap for UD-8 Kayser, with 4 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for UD-8 Kayser
ANI Kayser_Particle with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
found ani Kayser_Particle for UD-8 Kayser, with 7 frames and 30 fps
couldn't find pcx for UD-D Kayser
found ani Kayser_AniBitmap for UD-D Kayser, with 4 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for UD-D Kayser
found ani Kayser_Particle for UD-D Kayser, with 7 frames and 30 fps
couldn't find pcx for Circe
found ani Circe_Bitmap for Circe, with 20 frames and 15 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Lamprey
ANI Lamprey_Particle with size 86x86 (32.8% wasted)
found ani Lamprey_Particle for Lamprey, with 9 frames and 20 fps
couldn't find pcx for Shivan Light Laser
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Alouqua_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 20 fps.
found ani Alouqua_AniBitmap for Shivan Light Laser, with 6 frames and 20 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Heavy Laser
found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Heavy Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Mega Laser
found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Mega Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps
BMPMAN: Found EFF (SbeamAglow.eff) with 24 frames at 40 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (SbeamAC.eff) with 30 frames at 40 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (SbeamAF.eff) with 25 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (AAAbeamAglow.eff) with 35 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (AAAbeamAB.eff) with 15 frames at 15 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (GreenBeamGlow.eff) with 30 frames at 55 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (TbeamAglow.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (GreenBeam2Glow.eff) with 30 frames at 55 fps.
couldn't find particle pcx for Hornet
found ani hornet_trail for Hornet, with 14 frames and 30 fps
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_models-wep.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_tech-wep.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-aip.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-obt.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-shp.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_adveffects-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_dragon-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_models-shp.tbm' ...
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌb05-turreta', for ship 'GTB Ursa', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GTFR Triton', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GTFR Triton', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GTM Hippocrates', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GTM Hippocrates', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret03', for ship 'GTM Hippocrates', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret01a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret02a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret03a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret04a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret05a', for ship 'GTD Orion', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret01', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret02', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret03', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret04', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret05', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret06', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret07', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret08', for ship 'GTD Hecate', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret03', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret04', for ship 'GTCv Deimos', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret03', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret04', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret05', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret06', for ship 'GTC Aeolus', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GTT Argo', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GTT Argo', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌTurret01-main', for ship 'GVFr Satis', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret15', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret16', for ship 'GVC Mentu', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret03', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret05', for ship 'GVCv Sobek', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret01', for ship 'GVD Typhon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret02', for ship 'GVD Typhon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret03', for ship 'GVD Typhon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret04', for ship 'GVD Typhon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret05', for ship 'GVD Typhon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret06', for ship 'GVD Typhon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret05', for ship 'GVD Hatshepsut', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret06', for ship 'GVD Hatshepsut', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret07', for ship 'GVD Hatshepsut', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret08', for ship 'GVD Hatshepsut', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret09', for ship 'GVD Hatshepsut', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret10', for ship 'GVD Hatshepsut', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret07', for ship 'SC Lilith', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret07', for ship 'SC Cain', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret03a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret06a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
WARNING:  Animation trigger #0 on subsystem 'ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌturret07a-base', for ship 'SD Demon', has a negative reverse_start value!  Capping it at 0!
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_tech-shp.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_trails-shp.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-hdg.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_escort-hdg.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-str.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-str.tbm' ...
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=25, filter="*.pcx"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=32, filter="*.pcx"
loading animated cursor "cursor"
Ships.tbl is : VALID
Weapons.tbl is : VALID
cfile_init() took 136
Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.pl2"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.plr"
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Exit in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Pilot in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Continue in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Tech in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Option in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Campaign in main hall
Got event GS_EVENT_NEW_CAMPAIGN (26) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
Got event GS_EVENT_START_GAME (1) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
=================== STARTING LEVEL LOAD ==================
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 43x43 (32.8% wasted)
Starting model page in...
Beginning level bitmap paging...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke01.eff) with 88 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke02.eff) with 39 frames at 24 fps.
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-fbl.tbm"
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_adveffects-fbl.tbm' ...
TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_fireball-fbl.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap01.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap02.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
loading warp modelLoading model 'warp.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'warp.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1012822985, IBX checksum: 3226283165 -- "warp.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit01a.eff) with 23 frames at 21 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit02a.eff) with 45 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit03a.eff) with 22 frames at 30 fps.
SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave model...
Loading model 'shockwave.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'shockwave.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3636355033, IBX checksum:  546289972 -- "shockwave.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shockwave3d-glow.eff) with 159 frames at 24 fps.
SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!
MISSION LOAD: 'bp-13.fs2'
Hmmm... Extension passed to mission_load...
Using alternate ship type name : Sleeper Ship
Using alternate ship type name : Corey
Using alternate ship type name : Taylor
Using alternate ship type name : Iwakura
Using alternate ship type name : Tell
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Using alternate ship type name : Unknown
Starting mission message count : 203
Ending mission message count : 206
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
Loading model 'cruiser3t-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'cruiser3t-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2046374767, IBX checksum: 3192776464 -- "cruiser3t-01.pof"
Loading model 'Miner.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Miner.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2947537126, IBX checksum: 3866773738 -- "Miner.pof"
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank1a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank2a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank3a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank4a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank5a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank6a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank7a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem Tank8a, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem hangarbay1, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem hangarbay2, believed to be in ship Miner.pof
Loading model 'carrier3t-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'carrier3t-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3502373153, IBX checksum: 3204226304 -- "carrier3t-01.pof"
tga: Couldn't open 'mturbar-shine.tga'
Warning: Ignoring unrecognized subsystem fighterbay, believed to be in ship carrier3t-01.pof
Int3(): From j:\src\cvs\\code\globalincs\windebug.cpp at line 1040
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline Knight Templar

  • Stealth
  • 212
  • I'm a magic man, I've got magic hands.
Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
If that's not correct, there's also an "errorlog" in my main FS2 directory, with one of the latest entries re: "Preserving the Balance" as follows:

fs2_open_3_6_10_debug caused a Breakpoint in module fs2_open_3_6_10_debug.exe at 001b:005a6447.
Exception handler called in FreeSpace 2 Main Thread.
Error occurred at 4/5/2009 22:50:54.
C:\Games\Freespace2\fs2_open_3_6_10_debug.exe, run by Make SCP Work OMG.
2 processor(s), type 586.
2048 MBytes physical memory.

EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=005a6447 EFLGS=00000206
EBX=7ffdb000 SS=0023 ESP=0013a474 EBP=0013a4c0
ECX=00000000 DS=0023 ESI=0013a4d0 FS=003b
EDX=01c401e0 ES=0023 EDI=0013a4c0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
cc 6a 01 e8 91 10 e8 ff 83 c4 04 5f 5e 5b 83 c4
Stack dump:
0013a474: 0013a520 0013a4d0 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a494: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a4b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 0013a520 0045406f 0081f704 0000041b 0013a58c
0013a4d4: 055d71a8 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a4f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a514: cccccccc cccccccc 00000001 0013a58c 0055231c 0084c4e4 0084b5b9 00000ec8
0013a534: 0013a7cc 055d71a8 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a554: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a574: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cc003131 0000000b 00000028 0013a7e4 00551e47
0013a594: 055d4b90 0013a88c 0013a9fc 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a5b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a5d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 44306fd0 44306fd0 44306fd0 01baebc9
0013a5f4: 44010b21 452168d4 44306fd0 443f1a4f ffffffd2 ffffffd3 00000007 00000001
0013a614: 055df524 00000008 055df524 00000008 00000000 72626564 642d7369 69726265
0013a634: 00342d73 cc000079 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a654: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a674: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a694: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 72626564 342d7369 7365642d
0013a6b4: 796f7274 64006465 cccc0000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a6d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a6f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a714: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 00000038 cccccccc cccccccc
0013a734: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a754: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a774: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 4d202a2a
0013a794: 6c65646f 64616f4c 6163203a 65697272 2d743372 702e3130 2a20666f 0000002a
0013a7b4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000200 00fbc45a
0013a7d4: 055d4b90 00000008 00000004 00000001 0013a88c 004f5188 010f5cf0 0000002a
0013a7f4: 01e032a0 00000001 00000000 0013a994 0013a9fc 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc
0013a814: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a834: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a854: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 00c75b68 010f5c58
0013a874: 00000002 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 00000002 cccccccc 0013a994 004163ff
0013a894: 047c645c 047c6450 00000025 047c6428 0013a9ec 0013a9fc 7ffdb000 cccccccc
0013a8b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a8d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a8f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a914: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a934: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a954: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a974: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a994: 0013a9ec 00416191 047c6428 0013aa4c 0013a9fc 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc
0013a9b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013a9d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 0013aa4c 006c4ae4
0013a9f4: 047c6428 0013aaac 0013aac4 0013fa40 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aa14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aa34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 0013aac4 004162b8
0013aa54: 047c4978 0013aaac 00416170 0013ab30 0013fa40 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc
0013aa74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aa94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 00000000 00000000
0013aab4: 047c4978 00000000 00000000 cccccccc 0013ab30 00419326 047c4978 0013ab98
0013aad4: 0013fa40 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aaf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ab14: cccccccc cccccccc 00000001 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 0013ab98
0013ab34: 0041ba37 047c4978 0013f268 0013fa40 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ab54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ab74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ab94: 00000002 0013f268 0041da77 0013f6cc 0013fa40 7ffdb000 cccccccc cccccccc
0013abb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013abd4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013abf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ac14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ac34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ac54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ac74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ac94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013acb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013acd4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013acf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ad14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ad34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ad54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ad74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ad94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013adb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013add4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013adf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ae14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ae34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ae54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ae74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ae94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aeb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aed4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aef4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013af14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013af34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013af54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013af74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013af94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013afb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013afd4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013aff4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b014: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b034: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b054: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b074: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b094: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b0b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b0d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b0f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b114: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b134: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b154: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b174: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b194: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b1b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b1d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b1f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b214: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b234: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b254: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b274: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b294: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b2b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b2d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b2f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b314: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b334: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b354: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b374: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b394: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b3b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b3d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b3f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b414: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b434: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b454: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b474: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b494: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b4b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b4d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b4f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b514: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b534: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b554: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b574: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b594: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b5b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b5d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b5f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b614: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b634: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b654: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b674: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b694: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b6b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b6d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b6f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b714: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b734: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b754: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b774: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b794: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b7b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b7d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b7f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b814: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b834: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b854: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b874: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b894: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b8b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b8d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b8f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b914: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b934: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b954: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b974: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b994: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b9b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b9d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013b9f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ba14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ba34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ba54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ba74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013ba94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bab4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bad4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013baf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bb14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bb34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bb54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bb74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bb94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bbb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bbd4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bbf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bc14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bc34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bc54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bc74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bc94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bcb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bcd4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bcf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bd14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bd34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bd54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bd74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bd94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bdb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bdd4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bdf4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013be14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013be34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013be54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013be74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013be94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013beb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bed4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bef4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bf14: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bf34: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bf54: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bf74: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bf94: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bfb4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bfd4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013bff4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c014: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c034: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c054: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c074: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c094: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c0b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c0d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c0f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c114: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c134: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c154: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c174: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c194: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c1b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c1d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c1f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c214: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c234: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c254: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c274: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c294: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c2b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c2d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c2f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c314: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c334: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c354: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c374: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c394: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c3b4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c3d4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c3f4: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c414: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c434: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0013c454: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
Last safe point: last safepoint: D:\C++\Freespace\FS2_Open - 3.6.9 Development\code\Starfield\StarField.cpp, 1058; [leaving starfield_generate_bitmap_instance_vertex_buffers]

   Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
C:\Games\Freespace2\fs2_open_3_6_10_debug.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 7915909 bytes - 486dcb53 - file date is 4/2/2009 23:22:36
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wrap_oal.dll, loaded at 0x02320000 - 413696 bytes - 46927487 - file date is 4/3/2009 20:51:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OpenAL32.dll, loaded at 0x10000000 - 110592 bytes - 4630e466 - file date is 4/3/2009 20:51:12
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x5b860000 - 337408 bytes - 48f61b90 - file date is 10/15/2008 09:34:24
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x5d090000 - 617472 bytes - 4802a0c8 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OPENGL32.dll, loaded at 0x5ed00000 - 713728 bytes - 4802a11a - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:02
C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL, loaded at 0x629c0000 - 22016 bytes - 4802a0e5 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll, loaded at 0x662b0000 - 344064 bytes - 4802a0ca - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x688f0000 - 20992 bytes - 4802a0c5 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GLU32.dll, loaded at 0x68b20000 - 122880 bytes - 4802a0be - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvoglnt.dll, loaded at 0x69500000 - 6660096 bytes - 46340179 - file date is 4/28/2007 19:05:00
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Speech\sapi.dll, loaded at 0x6d6e0000 - 741376 bytes - 4802a109 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:04
C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 245248 bytes - 485bed11 - file date is 6/20/2008 10:46:58
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll, loaded at 0x71a90000 - 19456 bytes - 4802a16e - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71aa0000 - 19968 bytes - 4802a164 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71ab0000 - 82432 bytes - 4802a163 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71ad0000 - 22528 bytes - 4802a170 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72280000 - 158720 bytes - 4802a0cb - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72d10000 - 20480 bytes - 3b7dfe2a - file date is 8/4/2004 03:00:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72d20000 - 23552 bytes - 4802a12c - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:46
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x73760000 - 279552 bytes - 4802a0b8 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73bc0000 - 8704 bytes - 4802a0b7 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x73ee0000 - 4096 bytes - 4802a0d6 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x73f10000 - 367616 bytes - 4802a0f6 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll, loaded at 0x74d90000 - 406016 bytes - 4802a11d - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:08
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime, loaded at 0x755c0000 - 177152 bytes - 4802a12d - file date is 4/13/2008 17:10:06
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76390000 - 110080 bytes - 4802a0e7 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHFOLDER.dll, loaded at 0x76780000 - 25088 bytes - 4802a112 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:06
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b40000 - 176128 bytes - 4802a13c - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x76c30000 - 176640 bytes - 4802a12a - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:10
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll, loaded at 0x76c90000 - 144384 bytes - 4802a0d8 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:54
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iphlpapi.dll, loaded at 0x76d60000 - 94720 bytes - 4802a0d0 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:56
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rtutils.dll, loaded at 0x76e80000 - 44032 bytes - 4802a10f - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:04
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasman.dll, loaded at 0x76e90000 - 61440 bytes - 4802a103 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:04
C:\WINDOWS\system32\TAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x76eb0000 - 181760 bytes - 4802a115 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:08
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasapi32.dll, loaded at 0x76ee0000 - 237056 bytes - 4802a0ff - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:04
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fd0000 - 498688 bytes - 4802a0b9 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:50
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77050000 - 792064 bytes - 4802a0ce - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77120000 - 551936 bytes - 4802a112 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:02
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x773d0000 - 1054208 bytes - 4802a094 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x774e0000 - 1287168 bytes - 4802a111 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:02
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77920000 - 985088 bytes - 4802a10b - file date is 4/14/2008 05:42:06
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x77a80000 - 599040 bytes - 4802a0d7 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:52
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77b20000 - 57344 bytes - 4802a126 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:58
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C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 18944 bytes - 4802a0ec - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:58
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C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 18944 bytes - 4802a11d - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:08
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c10000 - 343040 bytes - 4802a188 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:02
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msv1_0.dll, loaded at 0x77c70000 - 132608 bytes - 4802a185 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:00
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dd0000 - 617472 bytes - 4802a0b2 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:11:48
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C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x77f60000 - 474112 bytes - 4802a116 - file date is 4/13/2008 17:12:06
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Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline Jeff Vader

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
The first one was the correct one. Thank you. You could try Darius's suggestion, but if it doesn't help, do the following:
- download 3.6.10 RC1 (link in my signature)
- run the 3.6.10 RC1 debug
- post the fs2_open.log again: 3.6.10 debug builds also write the number of files in .vps to the log and this will help determine whether or not your MediaVPs are alright
- use code tags for the log, for the sake of vertical space. Like this:
Code: [Select]
an awful lot of text
23:40 < achillion > EveningTea: ass
23:40 < achillion > wait no
23:40 < achillion > evilbagel: ass
23:40 < EveningTea > ?
23:40 < achillion > 2-letter tab complete failure

14:08 < achillion > there's too much talk of butts and dongs in here
14:08 < achillion > the level of discourse has really plummeted
14:08 < achillion > Let's talk about politics instead
14:08 <@The_E > butts and dongs are part of #hard-light's brand now
14:08 <@The_E > well
14:08 <@The_E > EvilBagel's brand, at least

01:06 < T-Rog > welp
01:07 < T-Rog > I've got to take some very strong antibiotics
01:07 < achillion > penis infection?
01:08 < T-Rog > Chlamydia
01:08 < achillion > O.o
01:09 < achillion > well
01:09 < achillion > I guess that happens
01:09 < T-Rog > at least it's curable
01:09 < achillion > yeah
01:10 < T-Rog > I take it you weren't actually expecting it to be a penis infection
01:10 < achillion > I was not

14:04 < achillion > Sometimes the way to simplify is to just have a habit and not think about it too much
14:05 < achillion > until stuff explodes
14:05 < achillion > then you start thinking about it

22:16 < T-Rog > I don't know how my gf would feel about Jewish conspiracy porn

15:41 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
15:47 < EvilBagel> butt
15:51 < Achillion> yes
15:53 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]

18:53 < Achillion> Dicks are fun

21:41 < MatthTheGeek> you can't spell assassin without two asses

20:05 < sigtau> i'm mining titcoins from now on

00:31 < oldlaptop> Drunken antisocial educated freezing hicks with good Internet == Finland stereotype

11:46 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
11:50 < achtung> Surely you've heard of DVDA
11:50 < achtung> Double Vaginal Double ANal
11:51 < Kobrar> ...
11:51 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has left #hard-light []


Offline redsniper

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
You haven't even gotten to the hard mission yet. I'll admit there was one I had to edit in FRED before I could beat it.
"Think about nice things not unhappy things.
The future makes happy, if you make it yourself.
No war; think about happy things."   -WouterSmitssm

Hard Light Productions:
"...this conversation is pointlessly confrontational."


Offline Knight Templar

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
You haven't even gotten to the hard mission yet. I'll admit there was one I had to edit in FRED before I could beat it.

Which one was that? I only had to FRED the one with the Demon and Ravanna in the beginning so that it wouldn't crash my game.
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
You haven't even gotten to the hard mission yet. I'll admit there was one I had to edit in FRED before I could beat it.

I was tempted to FRED but I perservered a.k.a. turning the difficulty down


Offline redsniper

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
You haven't even gotten to the hard mission yet. I'll admit there was one I had to edit in FRED before I could beat it.

Which one was that? I only had to FRED the one with the Demon and Ravanna in the beginning so that it wouldn't crash my game.
I don't remember the name. It involves protecting a large capital ship from two Ravanas, two Liliths, and a Moloch, all attacking from different directions. If you don't destroy all the beams on the Ravanas, the ship dies. If you stop to fight off the fighters chasing you, the ship dies. Everything is VERY far apart, leaving no room for error. There are bombers too.

I ended up FREDing it so that the Liliths were closer. I also got pretty good at disarming Ravanas in record time.

EDIT: Keepers of Hell, apparently.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 07:03:31 pm by redsniper »
"Think about nice things not unhappy things.
The future makes happy, if you make it yourself.
No war; think about happy things."   -WouterSmitssm

Hard Light Productions:
"...this conversation is pointlessly confrontational."


Offline Knight Templar

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
Oh nice, I liked that one. I flew the huge ass alien bomber with 8 gun points. Was a ****ing tanking. Straight  balled all the way through the mission, maras didn't have **** on me. And those Vishnu primary cannons double as OP ion cannon things too, destroying turrets.
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline General Battuta

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
Oh nice, I liked that one. I flew the huge ass alien bomber with 8 gun points. Was a ****ing tanking. Straight  balled all the way through the mission, maras didn't have **** on me. And those Vishnu primary cannons double as OP ion cannon things too, destroying turrets.

It was a lot harder when the Ravana model was bugged so the main beams couldn't be hit by primaries.


Offline Knight Templar

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
Oh nice, I liked that one. I flew the huge ass alien bomber with 8 gun points. Was a ****ing tanking. Straight  balled all the way through the mission, maras didn't have **** on me. And those Vishnu primary cannons double as OP ion cannon things too, destroying turrets.

It was a lot harder when the Ravana model was bugged so the main beams couldn't be hit by primaries.

Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline General Battuta

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
Oh nice, I liked that one. I flew the huge ass alien bomber with 8 gun points. Was a ****ing tanking. Straight  balled all the way through the mission, maras didn't have **** on me. And those Vishnu primary cannons double as OP ion cannon things too, destroying turrets.

It was a lot harder when the Ravana model was bugged so the main beams couldn't be hit by primaries.



Plus, you couldn't see the beam charge balls due to a glitch in an earlier MVP version, so, um, you wouldn't realize the Ravana beams were about to fire, and...


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
I heard them charge up, so it made no difference. The first time I did that mission without cheats, the Keeper was splashed by an SRed. Got past it on my second try.
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline General Battuta

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Re: lol invisbile Cains on "Forced Entry"
I heard them charge up, so it made no difference. The first time I did that mission without cheats, the Keeper was splashed by an SRed. Got past it on my second try.

You play on very easy with cheats!

And of course I heard them charging up, but it's hard to predict where the beams themselves will go.