Author Topic: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!  (Read 53017 times)

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Offline chief1983

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
Strange.  I'm not aware of any issues with the G8x chips, I'm running a G92 myself.  I'm guessing you have the latest Nvidia drivers installed?
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redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
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Offline Pizzi1

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
Yes, i have the latest 182.50 nvidia drivers installed


Offline Zacam

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
Is that 8600 an On-Board, PCI or PCI-E version?

I ask, because the 8600 chipset is available as an Integrated Graphics Controller (IE: Part of the motherboard, not a separate card) so it might help to clarify which of the three we are dealing with.

Also, if it is an Addon card, who is the Vendor? (eVGA, BFG, etc?). If On-Board, on what motherboard?

Answers to these will either deepen the mystery or answer some questions, but these posts might fare better in the support thread if it turns out not being specifically an issue with RC2, so do you have other Nightly Builds that this behaviour also happens on?
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys

Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
It also may be worth mentioning that I heard that nvidia has been having problems with their latest drivers a short while ago.  May be a good idea to try to roll back just a bit just in case.


Offline Pizzi1

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
My graphic card is a 8600 Sparkle PCI-E with 256m ddr3.

I have tested some versions:

- fso-WIN-20080914_r4814                       (I have seen problems)
- fso-20080818_CHIEF_4758                     (the game scroll does dont work well again)
- fso-20080525_CHIEF_4627_PXOFlag      (all work well with no slowdowns and the scroll is good (fluid))

For my test i have used the same condition (driver and game options):P

If it is a driver problem..why with 4627 all work well and with the 4758 i have problems?


Offline chief1983

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
There was a major graphics code update between those two versions.  Most people haven't noticed any major issues.  The ones most affected have been those with certain ATI cards and those on OS X.  I have no idea why you would be having any trouble.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Zacam

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
Hmmm. I am running the 182.50 and the Beta 185.66 on the following: 8800 GTS 640, 8800 GT 1024, 9800 GT+ 1024 x2 and a 7800 GTS.

No problems other than no Ambient Occlusion and no DX 10 support on the 7800, naturally.

I have not seen any issues with either driver, but I did have some interesting issues in the Control Panel with 182.06 and 182.08 and other anomolies to the point that I ditched them for the 181.20 (I did not need the Mirrors Edge update in 181.22) until the 182.50's released.
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline Pizzi1

  • 24
Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
Thx chief1983 for your response   :), if a devoloper can give me  a access to the versions between 4627 and 4758 i can search the release with the bug and see the change logs.. (i can use a binary search)
I am a long time user of scp freespace engine, but actually with this problems the RC2 release for me is unusable. :(


Offline chief1983

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
I know where the commit was, that's not really a question.  You can try out the build here if you want, that's the first trunk build with the new OpenGL code.  The latest build before that is probably the one from here.  It should not have the OpenGL updates, but pretty much everything else up to that point.  So if the latter works well for you and the former doesn't, it's something with the original OpenGL Shader Language updates that's causing you trouble.  You might just try running the latest build with the -no_glsl command line option too, that would narrow down faster than testing a bunch of builds.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Pizzi1

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
I have just tested the commit 4712 with the -no_glsl flag and the scroll remains pitiful. I can not test the previous versions because the link does not work. :(
I have tested too on my 2nd computer both the rc2 and 4712 commit and everything works fine (athlon 5000 x2, agp 7600 asus with 256MB and 2 GB ram)   :confused:
Could you explain exactly what kind of changes did you do in the rendering engine? you mentioned you changed the shaders, what kind of extensions did you use and what do you use now, also, what would be the relevant commits.


Offline captain-custard

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
I have just tested the commit 4712 with the -no_glsl flag and the scroll remains pitiful. I can not test the previous versions because the link does not work. :(
I have tested too on my 2nd computer both the rc2 and 4712 commit and everything works fine (athlon 5000 x2, agp 7600 asus with 256MB and 2 GB ram)   :confused:
Could you explain exactly what kind of changes did you do in the rendering engine? you mentioned you changed the shaders, what kind of extensions did you use and what do you use now, also, what would be the relevant commits.

i know that this isnt really the place but i seem to be chasing your posts around various parts of the forums can you please download this and post the results foer the extensions .....

i would just like to see that all open gl extensions are there and there is not a driver bug
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Offline chief1983

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
I thought this sounded familiar...

Anyway here's a good link for that build: Scoring Changes 2 build.  There was a scoring changes 3 that replaced it but I'm not sure it didn't have the graphics stuff merged with it.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Pizzi1

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
Thx for new link, this work.... Scoring Changes 2 build work well for me with no problem and it's scroll is ok...  :)
Below i have attached the file with my open gl extension list  :p

[attachment deleted by evil Tolwyn]


Offline captain-custard

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
Thx for new link, this work.... Scoring Changes 2 build work well for me with no problem and it's scroll is ok...  :)
Below i have attached the file with my open gl extension list  :p

ok had a very quick look through , not a thorough one but found this.....
Core features
v1.1 (100 % - 7/7)
v1.2 (100 % - 8/8)
v1.3 (100 % - 9/9)
v1.4 (100 % - 15/15)
v1.5 (100 % - 3/3)
v2.0 (90 % - 9/10)* here as well*
v2.1 (66 % - 2/3) as i can see here lies the problem you should have full 2.1 support
v3.0 (95 % - 20/21)
v3.1 (80 % - 4/5)

GL_ARB_framebuffer_object has the entry point glFramebufferTexturLayer missing!

as far as i know this should be there and if it was im sure it would run faster , but need confirmation of some one else ....

i have a nvidia 7300 on a laptop and i have this extension , you have 175 extensions but i believe you should have more...

have a look at the drivers here they seem to work........
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 04:47:27 pm by andicirk »
"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


Offline chief1983

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
andicirk, even my 8800 GTS 512 doesn't fully pass those tests, and I have no problems.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Echelon9

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
I have just tested the commit 4712 with the -no_glsl flag and the scroll remains pitiful.
Could you explain exactly what kind of changes did you do in the rendering engine? you mentioned you changed the shaders, what kind of extensions did you use and what do you use now, also, what would be the relevant commits.
Hrmmm, see that's really interesting as the use of -no_glsl reverts completely to the fixed rendering pipeline (and thus shouldn't use the OpenGL shader code as committed).


Offline chief1983

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
But the current fixed rendering pipeline does have some differences, or -no_glsl would work perfectly on a mac.  There could be similar issues on Windows as well, we just might not have noticed them yet.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline captain-custard

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
andicirk, even my 8800 GTS 512 doesn't fully pass those tests, and I have no problems.

seriosusly it does not have full  support for 2 and 2.1 i can understand not supporting later 3 and beyond

i ask this because i believe that this support should be in the driver as its newer than my driver, and if there a 2 things missing what else is missing? what can it hurt to try a new driver and see ....
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Offline Zacam

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
My 8800 GT 512 supports all of the extensions listed in GLView.

My 8800 GTS 640 does not support but 1 extension of 3.1 and only 75% of 3.0 under the same drivers.

As long as (for nVidia Cards) NV_vertex_program3 support is present alon with it's dependancies (ARB_vertex_program and NV_vertex_program2_option) and ARB is supported, everything should be fine for shader support.
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline captain-custard

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Re: 3.6.10 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Now Available!
My 8800 GT 512 supports all of the extensions listed in GLView.

My 8800 GTS 640 does not support but 1 extension of 3.1 and only 75% of 3.0 under the same drivers.

As long as (for nVidia Cards) NV_vertex_program3 support is present alon with it's dependancies (ARB_vertex_program and NV_vertex_program2_option) and ARB is supported, everything should be fine for shader support.

yip buts its not its missing , there is no way that a card much newer than mine is not going to support all of 2 and 2.1 its not possible for me the driver is missing some extensions or is borked .....

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."