Author Topic: Who is interested in helping along with EACW fredding ?  (Read 2185 times)

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Offline Skullar

  • 29
Who is interested in helping along with EACW fredding ?
I did a lot of stuff the last 2 days, the campaign parts 1 and 2 are almost done.
I am developing for a 3.6.10 build, because I need the glowmaps for texture replacement and the new camera SEXPS. 
I will have to upgrade to latest one, including zathras, but so far it works fine  :)

Well, I will compile a package with current missions 1,2,3 ( which are fully voiceacted thanks to demo ) and non-voiceacted missions 4,5,6,7,8,9, those miss briefings and debriefings ( I somehow suck at doing them properly )
and the W.I.P. mission 20 opening cutscene, which shows the possibilities of the new SEXPS to their full extends( yay! I love this thing of work, up to the point it stands it is great ! )

So, you can play the complete demo ( missions 1 to 3 ) and the rest up to mission 9 ( decisions ), in exchange I request to consider helping along with briefings and debriefings one in a while, or some advises here and there.

Anyone interested ? Will be back here in a few days.



  • Self-Propelled Trouble Magnet
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    • 165th Beer Drinking Hell Raisers
Re: Who is interested in helping along with EACW fredding ?
Watch out on the texture replacement with models that have glowmaps.  There is another bug with it in FRED.  What you will need to do is add the textures replacement in FRED then edit it in notepad and change the texture replacement lines so they replace the correct textures.  I already have it mantised.  

Note:  Once they are correct they seem to stay correct and FS2 runs them just fine it's just a FRED issue. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras


Offline Skullar

  • 29
Re: Who is interested in helping along with EACW fredding ?
What you will need to do is add the textures replacement in FRED then edit it in notepad and change the texture replacement lines so they replace the correct textures.  

Huh ? I replace texture im fred, save mission ( have to do it 2-3 times, there is a save-bug ) but then it works. No notepad work required. ( use 3.6.10 FRED build , not original 3.6.9.  build !!! )

Yeah, Fred is buggy, but as long as this means just an extra work effort of 10-15 seconds per ship, I can live with that.



  • Self-Propelled Trouble Magnet
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    • 165th Beer Drinking Hell Raisers
Re: Who is interested in helping along with EACW fredding ?
You might want to check you mission files.  If you are saving 2-3 times and then it works you might be replacing some shine and glowmaps you aren't intending to.  I did notice that the Omega-X texture for the front part of the ship replaced correctly the first time in my nameplate testing so that one and probably the Omega may work fine.  It seems to only happen on ships that have glowmaps.  This may be a recent problem as I didn't notice it until last week but it's definitely there in 3.6.10 RC2 and RC3.
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras