Just checking..... Well, aside minor bugfixing, most important thing about TBP are cool campaigns in the making. Aside Raider Wars and Earth-Brakiri War which are "finished" , they all need help along the road, or at least touchups and voiceacting.
I dont know who is here in the forums, who is WILLING and CAPABLE of doing something, and Who needs help with his stuff.
So, just to get an overview , please make some statements
SKULLAR offers : - ( help with ) adding ingame cutscenes to your missions to improve atmosphere
- add other atmospheric things like additional sound effects and more sophisticated use of music
- add stages to your missions
- 2d art like specific nameplates ( and glowmaps ) for various vessels.
needs :- voiceactors and people who find voiceactors ( I am german ! Here are few people who speak english AND are willing to help !!! )
- Volunteers who can film CUTSCENES ( with actors and stuff , a few scenes in a bureau with an old actor ( 60 years ) as senator and a younger guy as his aide )