Author Topic: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA  (Read 71197 times)

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Offline General Battuta

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BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA

We are very nearly done with Age of Aquarius voice acting. This summer should see the completion of the project.

I'm proud to report that one of the most epic stories ever told in the Freespace universe is now enhanced by some fairly decent voice acting. Thanks to Goob's help, we have a lot of semi-pro voices on board, and Samuel Bei himself is voiced by a Shakespearean actor, which means his monologues are really quite a pleasure to listen to.

In order to finish, we need a number of very minor roles from the 14th Battlegroup completed. I have attached a script. Please record whatever lines you please, as many as you like, and post them in .wav or .ogg format. Don't worry about who has already done what - we'll take the best.

For those in need of pronounciation guides:

Renjian is 'WREN-jee-an'
Orestes is 'or-EST-eez'
Labouchere is 'la-boo-SHARE'
Bei is 'BAY'

AGAIN: Please record whatever lines you please, as many as you like, and post them in .wav or .ogg format. Don't worry about who has already done what - we'll take the best of the lot.

Lieutenant Nehru

Lieutenant Nehru here, Alpha 1. Glad to be working with you, sir.

Sir, are you really the Admiral's son? I've just heard stuff going around...and...

Uh, ok sir. Sorry for asking.

That's no escape pod! It's a fighter...a Shivan fighter!

upon death

Oh, not like this -

Mei Ling Bei (‘Demons of the Past’ flashback)
(flattering her son in a rather embarrassing way, as only mothers can)
And who should be escorting us along the way but the handsomest pilot in the GTVA. Aren't we lucky?
in a creepy vision
Samuel...wouldn't it be nice? You and your father...together...

Eriana Bei (‘Demons of the Past’ flashback)

surprised, hopeful, inquisitive

Sam? Sam, is that you?

(surprised and overjoyed – Eriana’s own husband is flying escort, and she’s just gotten a chance to speak with him)
It is you! Yes, we're both here. Your mother and I managed to book our flight out early. We made it onto one of the first transports out of here!

in a creepy vision

Transport (‘Demons of the Past’ flashback)
(as Alpha wing finally arrives to escort the ship out of Capella)
Good to finally see you Alpha wing. We've been hearing reports of Shivan attacks elsewhere in the system, and frankly, we've been getting a little worried.
(as the Shivans launch bombs at the transport – panicked, aware of imminent death – make the ‘help us’ something truly desperate, almost sobbing)
We've got incoming Shivan warheads! Help us!

Alpha 2 - Curse of Prescience
with urgency
"The Lucifer's closing in on the Orestes!"

Delta Wing - Curse of Prescience
with urgency
"Delta Wing, now moving to disable Lucifer beam cannons."


“Unknown fighter. Your GTVA designation is not known to us. Nor do we recognise the designs of your ships.”

“You are speaking to Captain Iwakura of the Terran sleeper ship Sanctuary. We know of Vasudans, but not your Terran-Vasudan alliance.”

“We were unaware of any Terran presence in this system save our own.”

“The Sanctuary is hiding, Commander Bei, and has been for the past fifty years. If you had any sense, you would be hiding too.”

“Shivans. They are everywhere, and they are looking for us.”

“Already we have lingered for too long. The enemy knows we are here. They are coming.”

“The Shivans have sent their Demon to hunt us down.”

“Against a Demon, Commander? How are three fighters going to repel its attack?”

“All right, Commander. Our guns are yours for now. Commander Tell, form up around the GTC Duke.”

“Your ships are as beautiful as they are powerful, Commander Bei. Your presence here in this system will give our people hope such as we have not had for decades.”

“We had them silent so as not to draw the Shivans to ourselves. Due to your intervention, the danger has passed. Activating IFF codes.”

“Acknowledged, Temeraire. Making course for your fighterbay.”

“This has been the home of our people for fifty years, Alpha wing. We have been given little choice.”

“All my life, Alpha 1. Commander Tell and I are both sons of Great War veterans. We are two of the very few qualified pilots on board the Sanctuary.”

“We've had to cannibalise every fighter we had for parts and repairs. Our Apollos and Valks were all used up within the first two years. Now we have a hodgepodge of five fighters which no longer resemble their original selves.”

“The nebula is full of phantom ships, Alpha 1. Some on the Sanctuary have gone mad from their visions. They are the ones we put back into cryogenic sleep until the nightmares subside.”

“I have never seen them myself. Some people claim that they are the result of psychosis. We've had psychologists study the effects of the nebula on the human brain ever since we came here.”

“We're coming up to our ren-dez-vous position. ETA around one minute.”

“Sanctuary, this is Captain Iwakura. We have reached your position, scrambling to help. All wings, protect the Sanctuary!”

“Affirmative, Sanctuary control. We have finally made contact with a Terran presence outside our own. This is Commander Bei, of the GTVA 14th Battlegroup.”

“You should feel honoured, pilots of the GTVA. Who else would be given an invitation to fly honour guard for an admiral from another universe?”

"I believe I'm going to enjoy serving with your GTVA. Is every pilot wing like yours, Commander Bei?"

“Captain Iwakura here, Commander Bei. The Sanctuary's fighters are at your service.”

Elder Martin Mandho
line 1
In the Piscean Age, it was common belief among Christ-inspired doctrines that when one died, that person's soul essence would leave the material plane. If the person had been virtuous in life, then the soul would ascend to heaven. If the person had been sinful, then hell would await them.

Dissatisfaction with black and white concepts of sinfulness and sainthood, and the difficulty in determining where the line was drawn provoked alternative suggestions of where the consciousness departs once a person's life was over. Some have reverted to ancient Geminian religion, while others look toward eastern philosophy for alternatives.
line 2
Based on testimony of those who had experienced near-death experiences, it was hypothesised that the consciousness enters first a plane of positive energy, where the good achievements of the life past were reflected upon and lessons taken away from these events.

After, the soul enters a dark plane of negative energy, where disappointments and frustrations were worked through, and lessons learned from these were also taken away. Having grown thus, the soul remerges with the universe, where it may be reincarnated into another life to continue the lessons it had learned in previous lives.
line 3
It was believed that one only died because that person had learned everything they needed to learn from this life. One's death always has meaning, even if it is not apparent to those who that person leaves behind. Therefore, one should not always grieve for one's lost potential, but instead gain solace from the fruitfulness of that person's life, and to reflect upon the events which had helped shape that person. Know that the person's death is not meaningless, no matter how cruel it may seem. With the gift of perspective comes solace and soothing.
line 4
Those persons who contained old souls had moved towards a balance between positive and negative karma. The oldest and wisest of these souls would eventually ascend to a state resembling divinity: they were one with the universe while at the same able to guide and teach others on the Material plane. They are known as Ascended Masters.

To see your place in the universe, to know that you yourself are not just a mote amongst many, but a union of brothers and sisters working together for common good, that is when you have ascended. You are enlightened. Though these Ascended Masters are few, given enough time their numbers will grow until we as an entire race have risen to enlightenment.
line 5
After 5000 years of recorded wars, atrocities and injustice, I believe it is soon time for our racial consciousness to rise above our petty differences, and in the spirit of Ubuntu, realise that what makes us human binds us together.

After the Age of Spirituality came the Age of Reason. After realising that Reason nor Spirituality alone cannot guide us, we will combine Reason and Spirituality into a new way of thinking. We will exist in rational faith, and in faithful rationality in a new Age of Enlightenment.

Captain Kristae
(line 1)
Welcome to the GTD Temeraire, pilot. Rear Admiral Carey has approved your temporary transfer here until we re-establish contact with the GTD Orestes. In the meantime you'll report to me: Captain Kristae of 56 Squadron.

Good work in apprehending the GTC Duke. We're in the process of transferring the crew to the GTL Solace for analysis and treatment. Repair crews are fixing most of the damage in her hull, and her reactor will be repaired within the day. Say what you will about the Vasudans, at least they know how to build their reactors to last.

Don't worry, Commander, your wingmen are safe. We picked them up not too long ago at various points in the system. Apart from some minor damage to their fighter's navigation computers, they were fine.

Questioning of pilots Iwakura and Tell is scheduled for 2100 hours tonight. You are ordered to attend and assist with your own report. In the meantime, you're off-duty. Dismissed.

(line 2)
Welcome back to the Temeraire, Alpha wing. From what I've heard from Rear Admiral Carey, she's been rather impressed with the manner by which you conducted yourself in your ambassadorial position. I think you can expect to serve more unofficial first-contact sorties in the near future if you keep this up.

Everyone on board is excited to hear about our contact with the Sanctuary. First negotiations are underway, so we should be able to get a better understanding of this universe and how things work here. In the meantime, the admiral's authorised you to either sit in at the negotiations or take a rest, whichever you feel is best. I'm sure we'll hear about the results soon enough anyway.

(line 3)
For the attention of Captain Samuel Bei,

Greetings Captain. This is Captain Kristae from the Temeraire. Rear Admiral Carey has briefed me on your activities during your first contact with the Vishnans and has authorised me to give you the following information.

Engineering has completed a scan of your flight logs during your first contact mission. They did not find any evidence of an energy drain such as that which you described. Moreso, your records did not log the presence of communications jamming, which you experienced upon jumping into the area.

We will provide you with more information when it becomes available.

Captain Lumin Kristae, 56 Squadron

Beta 1 - Universal Truth
"Roger that, Captain."

Wingman - Universal Truth
awed and afraid
"They're not fighting! They're just standing there. What are they doing?"

Alpha 1, 'Curse of Prescience'

"You ready to do this, kid?"

Alpha 3, 'Curse of Prescience'
utterly terrified
"Yeah...I think so..."

Delta 1 - A Time for Heroes
crisp, military
"Roger, Zeta 1. Standing by."

'Demons of the Past' Flashback Commander
line 1
This is it, everyone. We've just had the go-ahead from Command to evacuate the system. Captain Bei is overseeing the exodus from the GTCv Arifiel until the Aquitaine and the rest of the 3rd Fleet arrive from Gamma Draconis.
line 2
Ensign Bei, you'll be taking Ensigns Sato and Omar to the Vega jump node. You'll be escorting an evacuation transport carrying refugees from Sofia Station, a civilian hub in this system. Her destination is the Vega jump node. We've had reports of Shivan incursions into this system from Gamma Draconis, so we need you to be on your guard and make sure the transport makes it to the node safely.
line 3
Remember, pilots. These are civilians. They're not trained for military encounters, and don't react well to battle. I need you to maintain extra diligence and attention when you're out there, and make sure nothing goes wrong.

Ready? Good. Suit up, you leave in five.

“We have not your squadrons of fighters, Ensign. We've been out here without logistical support for the past five decades.”

“Buncha rumours and hallucinations. We've been scouting the nebula for years, and have come across naught but Shivans.”

“Picking up energy signatures up ahead. Captain, the Sanctuary is hailing us!”

"The invitation was the very least the admiral could do. After all, you defended the Sanctuary from a Shivan attack with bravery and skill. I'm surprised she didn't award you an Order of Galatea."

"Amazing. Your ships truly are as beautiful as Iwakura has told."

Centaur Station
(m00, as the 14th Battlegroup prepares to depart for Sol. Clipped, authoritative, and brisk, like a flight controller.)
Acknowledged, Orestes. The final run reads clear. Godspeed to your crew.

Delta Wing, Forced Entry
"Delta wing standing by for bomber support, Alpha 1. Call us in at your discretion."

GTC Duke
(m10 – the Duke arrives in the middle of a raging battle. The intensity is high. Professional, but slightly agitated.)
GTC Duke has arrived in the area. We're making our way to the portal.
(as the Duke comes under heavy fire – sharp and commanding)
This is the Duke. Our repairs won't hold up for much longer. We need more cover if we're going to make it!
(as the Duke jumps into an unknown Knossos, professional but with a hint of trepidation)
Engaging subspace drive. This is it!

(m21 - as the Duke comes under heavy fire – sharp and commanding)
Duke here. Reporting major damage to our systems. Request immediate assistance!
(as the Duke makes a risky subspace jump, trying to get home - professional but with a hint of trepidation
Engaging subspace drives. Wish us luck.

GTC Bretonia
(m00 – the Bretonia is the first ship to jump to Earth – professional, brisk, but slightly excited)
This is the GTC Bretonia. Powering up subspace drive. We’re going in.

(m10 – the Bretonia arrives in a raging battle – fairly calm, but well-enunciated and crisp)
Bretonia has arrived.
(the Bretonia is in danger of destruction – agitated, but not hurried, deliver the line clearly)
We’re getting shot up! Where’s that fighter cover?
(Bretonia jumps into unknown space – calm and crisp)
Bretonia leaving.

(m21 – as the Bretonia is once again battered – professional, but urgent)
This is the Bretonia! We can't take much more of this!
(the Bretonia reports its departure – calm, crisp)
Entering the portal now.

GTCv Boreas
This is the Boreas. We've suffered heavy beam damage to our weapons reactor. We've lost power to our forward beams.

Yeahhhh! That’s for Earth!

This is the GTCv Boreas. Sorry to disobey your direct orders, Orestes control, but we made an executive decision that our firepower could be put to better use here.

The Fortune is safe, Orestes, never fear. Now is the time to finish this battle once and for all.

GTCv Labouchere

This is the GTCv Labouchere. Moving towards the Knossos portal.

This is the Labouchere. We've got damage to several systems. Repair crews are doing their best but we need more cover!

Labouchere jumping out now. See you on the other side.

Labouchere heading into the node. Godspeed everyone.

GTL Solace
Solace on station.

This is the Solace. See you on the other side.

GTL Fortune
Fortune to Orestes, we've just driven off the latest Shivan attack wave. Battlegroup remains intact. What is your status?

Acknowledged Orestes. Do you require any additional support? The Boreas and Miranda are ready to jump out to your position.

Engaging subspace drives!

Epsilon 1
The Sathanas has warped in! Ten klicks and closing!

Alpha 4
Oh, man. A Sathanas. I've only ever seen one of those in vidclips. They're hell of a lot more frightening in real life.

Vice Admiral Morian
(Morian is a nervous, excitable man, both arrogant and insecure. He is unprepared for Bei’s sudden resignation, overwhelmed by the events of the last few days, and eager to demonstrate that he is loyal to GTVA command. By no means is he a diplomat. He prepares to order the invasion of Sol, as command orders – while strong, he is subservient, less of a presence than Bei.)
This is Vice-Admiral Morian of the Orestes. Admiral Bei has placed me under command of the battlegroup and excused himself from the bridge. Command, I am preparing to carry out our standing orders.

(Morian demands the surrender of the Renjian. Arrogant, aggressive, and proud.)
Earth ship Renjian, by the authority of GTVA High Command, I am ordering you to surrender your vessel and prepare to be boarded.

(Morian dictates terms for Sol’s surrender. Arrogant, aggressive, and proud.)
This system is now under the direct jurisdiction and authority of the GTVA, as per the Beta Aquilae Convention, 2358.

(Morian reminds his subordinates to obey orders. Pedantic, a bit petulant.)
Command's orders were classified at the highest echelon until the time was right to carry them out. Now that we are here, they will be carried out in due order.

(Outraged and frightened, Morian reacts to the desertion of his former CO. Angry and outraged.)
All ships. Admiral Bei and the Sanctuary are to be considered traitors to the GTVA, by order of Command, and are to be eliminated on sight. Any other ship who chooses to desert will undergo the same designation.

Omar (‘Demons of the Past’ flashback)
(conversationally, as Alpha wing takes up escort on a transport)
Hey Bei, I've heard rumours that one hundred juggs are muscling their way to Capella. You hear anything about this?
(snappily – like all pilots in Capella, Omar is exhausted and afraid – mouthing off at his commanding officer in response to a rebuke)
Geez Bei, what's with the attitude? Something crawl into your fighter and die?
(shocked and afraid at the arrival of unexpected enemy ships)
Bandits incoming! Aww hell...are they...are they Shivans?

Escort 3 (‘Demons of the Past’ flashback – female pilot)
(sharp, made short-tempered by exhaustion, in rebuke to a bit of rumor-mongering by fellow pilot Omar)
Shut up Omar. This is an open channel. You want the civs to hear and cause a panic? Besides, it hasn't been confirmed by Command yet, so keep quiet about stuff you don't know about, okay?
(panicked, angry, afraid, knowing she is about to die – an overwhelming enemy force approaches)
Oh god, we've got Nahemas coming in! And Dragons, ****ing Dragons!

UEFg Renjian
(M22 - The Earth ship Renjian is confronted by an overwhelming new force. After days of quiet probes, all of Earth has been wondering: why don’t the newcomers simply show themselves? Are their intentions hostile? The Renjian arrives hoping for peace but anticipating war. Guarded and suspicious.)
This is the United Earth vessel Renjian to unknown ships. Identify yourselves and your intentions immediately.

(Guarded, suspicious.)
I wish I could say the same, Orestes. I say again, what are your intentions? Do you come in peace, or in aggression?

(Outraged, more emotional than a GTVA captain would be, but still diplomatic. It is clear war is inevitable.)
We refuse your outrageous demand and respectfully request that you consider your position here in this system quite carefully.

(As hostilities commence)
Your stated intentions stem from nothing more than military aggression. As such, we will respond appropriately.

GTT Cyrus

This is the GTT Cyrus. I hear you need something picked up.

We've docked with the escape pod. Initiating subspace now.

GTC Miranda
This is the Miranda. We've reached the Sol jump node. Engaging subspace drive. I hope you were right about this, Orestes.

GTC Persephone

This is the Persephone. We're taking hits here!

Persephone jumping out!

All those lines are done! Nice work.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 02:11:11 am by Jeff Vader »


Offline FoxtrotTango

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
My Labouchere lines have already been sent in, but it's nice for everyone else to know the proper pronunciation.

Also, just to show progress, could you list the roles yet to be done and strikethrough the ones that have been completed? I think it would help for the motivation of the people involved.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Well, the main roles are listed over in the main thread, but I'll edit stuff in as we get submissions.


Offline Rian

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
It would be great if I could be copied on any lines that aren't posted here, as I'm the one collecting everything. I can get them from Battuta if necessary, but I don't want to miss any.


Offline eliex

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
I would help but my voice can be easily related to that of a 12 year old.  :(


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Don't worry you're not alone. The only reason I ever contribute to VA projects is purely comedic or out of boredom :P


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
They're minor roles, people. I don't care how bad your voice is, we need every submission we can get. You can't be worse than Derelict!


Offline mxlm

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Pronunciation of Boreas?

Assuming I can find my old, crappy mic I'll send something in.
I will ask that you explain yourself. Please do so with the clear understanding that I may decide I am angry enough to destroy all of you and raze this sickening mausoleum of fraud down to the naked rock it stands on.


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
They're minor roles, people. I don't care how bad your voice is, we need every submission we can get. You can't be worse than Derelict!

Why's the Renjian's role "minor"?


Offline Rodo

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
why should it be other thing than minor?

it has only 3 lines, if that's not minor...

I'll send you some samples later on ^^
el hombre vicio...


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
They're minor roles, people. I don't care how bad your voice is, we need every submission we can get. You can't be worse than Derelict!

Well, I think I could at least beat that. Slightly. Someone said before it was more or less voice acted by a bunch of 15 year olds anyway :P


Offline FoxtrotTango

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Bats, have you sent my samples to Rian yet?


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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
They're minor roles, people. I don't care how bad your voice is, we need every submission we can get. You can't be worse than Derelict!

Well, I think I could at least beat that. Slightly. Someone said before it was more or less voice acted by a bunch of 15 year olds anyway :P
Y'know, I'd say something scathing here, but it probably isn't worth it at this point.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
They're minor roles, people. I don't care how bad your voice is, we need every submission we can get. You can't be worse than Derelict!

Well, I think I could at least beat that. Slightly. Someone said before it was more or less voice acted by a bunch of 15 year olds anyway :P
Y'know, I'd say something scathing here, but it probably isn't worth it at this point.

Derelict's voice acting work was awesome, as clearly evidenced by how beloved a campaign it is. In spite of the fact that it sounds like a bunch of 15-year-olds, the campaign is still atmospheric and endearing.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Updated with new script for Darkblade's auditions.

The Labouchere is done!


Offline eliex

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Might try my hand in this then, once I fish out my microphone.

Why's the Renjian's role "minor"?

Well, the Renjian only has about 3 lines in total IIRC, and has only about 4 minutes of play time, so yes, it should be considered as minor VA wise.


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
They're minor roles, people. I don't care how bad your voice is, we need every submission we can get. You can't be worse than Derelict!

Well, I think I could at least beat that. Slightly. Someone said before it was more or less voice acted by a bunch of 15 year olds anyway :P
Y'know, I'd say something scathing here, but it probably isn't worth it at this point.

Derelict's voice acting work was awesome, as clearly evidenced by how beloved a campaign it is. In spite of the fact that it sounds like a bunch of 15-year-olds, the campaign is still atmospheric and endearing.
Yeah, anything beats Microsoft Anna in terms of immersion.


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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Renjian is 'WREN-gee-in'

"In"? It should be "un", as in "un-plugged". Also, ren should be closer to "ren-t" than "wren".  :)

Orestes is 'or-EST-eez'

There's definitely an "s" at the end. ;)
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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Quote from: Mobius
Quote from: General Battuta
Renjian is 'WREN-gee-in'

"In"? It should be "un", as in "un-plugged". Also, ren should be closer to "ren-t" than "wren".  :)
Doesn't matter.  It comes out the same way.

Quote from: Mobius

Orestes is 'or-EST-eez'

There's definitely an "s" at the end. ;)

So?  According to Wikipedia, Orestes is pronounced "or-EST-eez." Battuta is right.
If you don't have Knossos, you need it.

“There was a button," Holden said. "I pushed it."
"Jesus Christ. That really is how you go through life, isn't it?”


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BIG OL' PUSH: Finishing Blue Planet - Age of Aquarius VA
Yeah, Mobius, you don't want to put an 's' at the end of the phonetic pronunciation, because then it might be interpreted as 'or-EST-ess'.

Darius spent a long time trying to figure out how to get Renjian pronounced well in English, and 'WREN-gee-in' is what we settled on. 'WREN-gee-un' is not what we settled on.

I appreciate your attempts to help, but they'd make the pronunciations less accurate and clear, I'm afraid.

Also, unless I'm crazy, aren't the 'ren' in 'rent' and the word 'wren' pronounced exactly the same way?