Author Topic: Orwellian novel - Ideas welcome!  (Read 1315 times)

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Orwellian novel - Ideas welcome!
Hello there!

I wasnt sure about copycats, but I believe nobody would try to pull this trick off since of the obvious reasons.

So basically, this book I've been thinking about is of Orwellian nature, talking about future evolution of young people. It's solely from my head so far, so I wanted to ask you whether you could reply with ideas or thoughts about it, what could I include, improve, keep focus on and so, please. I know there is a lot of intelligent people that make stories here on HLP.
All opinions are very welcome! Thanks in advance!

SYNOPSIS – The Simpleton

Citation: The weak and ill-constituted shall perish: first principle of our philanthropy. And one shall help them to do so. ( Nietzsche )


„If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.“


" "Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain."

-George Orwell


What can be described better?With schools turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word 'intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be.

-Ray Bradbury
- A great entry of a group of computer players „clan“ on a gaming convention in China, 2008, called WORLD CYBER GAMES. The entry is similar to the one in Rocky 4 Apollo Creed used, with music, lights, and all that. It serves as a metaphor for the “good times dying“ and also as the last optimistic written entry in the book.

- It begins with a traditional, routine day in high school, showing all the negative circumstances and psychology of the main hero and his world, such as inescapable news, living alone with no real care from the parents, political and personal harassment, etc.
- Then, when he visits the school toilet, he sees one of his longtime friends shooting several bullies from his class with a gun. He shot many people from his class except for several whom he believed to be “friendly“. They, however, betray him, and call the police. The main hero chats with his insane friend for a bit, then the friend is shot by the intolerant police.
- The shocked main hero resorts to some kind of a hobby, seeing that this event was too much and he escapes from reality – he finds out this small community of historical swordsmen. They are on the same “vibe“ as him. protože toto byl vrchol. The battles held there ventilate his anger, making him a better person.

- Then, the group of swordsmen (including the main hero), goes on a weekend trip on a castle.

The middle

- For the first time, thoughts about an ideal life for the swordsmen resurface. They say that the ideal life is possible only in their own communities, close-knit and farfetched to the outside viewer. Then, we discover the past romantic stories of the main hero ( and he thinks whether they were the key to a ideal life for him ). They all failed.
- He asks his smoking friend (nicknamed BeDman) why does he smoke and he reveals to him a bit about “Survival of the Fittest“. The main hero doesn’t understand and the group goes back home. Before parting ways, a girl name, familiar to the main hero, is mentioned by BeDman(Main hero and the girl are neighbors, that paradoxically haven’t seen each other for 9 years). The main hero forgets soon after.

- Another typical schoolday comes. As bad as the day before, the main hero again resorts to the swordsmen. He finds out that the girl mentioned before really also participates in the historical battles as some kind of a priestess. They get together and spend some great times, but the hero is later backstabbed by her by sms or on a “social network“.

- The desperate hero turns to his friend BeDman, which now redirects him to a certain book, placed on some kind of a last torrent, whose only seeder is BeDman. BeDman explains to him what happened and what is his position in the hieararchy, mentioned in the book.

Hierarchy of “teens“, mentioned in the book.

MEL – The Melancholical, nearly extinct kind. Extremely kind and nice, they don’t stand the outer world well and often resort to depressions, madness, or even suicide. No chance of survival.
MEL-EM – The Melancholical, which have through self-help and enduring tried to reach the intellectual and physical potential of The Empty. However, they retained their benevolence, depressions and habits to give up.
The Empty – „You remember your rich and balanced classmate from a rich family, do you?“ – Those that have the highest potential to survive. They get over depressions fairly quickly and they don’t have the need to talk about them such as MELs, they have a healthy amount of confidence, feel safe and sound at home, they have a certain “background“ to rely on and their future is ultimately decided – that adjusts their tone in life and that is the reason why can they
TH-EM – The Thunderous, which have been broken from their behaviours and try to fix themselves. Their tone in life frees them from procrastioation and giving up, but they still lack the psychical potential of The Empty.
TH – The Thunderous. Basically stupid, cruel, and spoilt people. They are either from rich families ( thus spoilt ), or from the middle-class ( they have background and they don’t worry about taking anything from life, even from the lives of others). They have confidence and perseverance, but they lack the psychical and feeling potential to survive. These also abuse their peers who aren’t ready to have relationships into them through Peer Pressure. They of course fail, and that is the way of Thunderous’s world “purifying“ by Survival of the Fittest.

There, the main hero founds out about everything. About smoking, BeDman’s nickname, the hierarchy, Survival of the Fittest, books like for example “PUA artists“ make(Artificial selection instead of Natural selection) and so on. He finds a phrase that only The Empty can survive, but not him, who is The Melancholical at the moment. The book also writes about social groups, like chavs, goths, and such.

Ends ( three )

The Melancholic : Shocked by the discovery the hero grabs his father’s gun and does the same thing as his clan friend. He is also shot.

The Melancholical - Empty: He invests into self help and education and tries to become one of The Empty (only hopeful ending – not sure if I’ll make him fail, too)

The Thunderous: Hero begins to behave agressively, drowning his feelings and doubts in alcohol and drugs. He becames one of The Thunderous. He slowly degenerates by cancer and global body “rot“ and is later killed in a brawl against other Thunderous.