Author Topic: Joy with Joystick for ----lancer ?  (Read 1001 times)

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Offline NucNuc

  • 24
Joy with Joystick for ----lancer ?

I've been a bit unfaithfull to Freespace for quite a time. I was playing/replaying some other sci-fi games, looking for something comparable to Freespace in terms of atmosphere, gameplay and its variability, story telling and the potential of individual customization for such a NOOB like me.   :doubt:

I didn't find any.  :D

Only Tachyon: The Fringe and the good old Starlancer are IMO at least about the first three conditions somewhere near what's possible in Freespace.

Fringespace team is already busy on the first one. And there is the Starlancer:Sol War project on SWAT Portal, but since their quest for modellers I couldn't find any notice of progress.

Does anybody know if there is somewhere else a "rejuvenated" Starlancer around or the possibility to play Freelancer with a flight stick ? (I REALLY don't like this unnatural mouse-flying!)


Offline Davros

  • 29
Re: Joy with Joystick for ----lancer ?
have you tried independance war 2 - edge of chaos ?

demo :