Author Topic: RELEASE: Sandwich  (Read 20164 times)

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Offline pecenipicek

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Download from HERE!

Unzip, plunk into freespace folder, run as mod(needs media vp's installed under the folder "mediavps" or modify the mod.ini to your preference), run the sandwich mission from the tech room.

Comments very appreciated.

[edit]Updated the table a bit...
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 08:26:43 am by pecenipicek »
Skype: vrganjko
Ho, ho, ho, to the bottle I go
to heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
and many miles be still to go,
but under a tall tree I will lie!

The Apocalypse Project needs YOU! - recruiting info thread.


Offline Thaeris

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Finally, the sandwich bites back...
"trolls are clearly social rejects and therefore should be isolated from society, or perhaps impaled."


"Look on the bright side, how many release dates have been given for Doomsday, and it still isn't out yet.

It's the Duke Nukem Forever of prophecies..."

"Jesus saves.

Everyone else takes normal damage.


"pirating software is a lesser evil than stealing but its still evil. but since i pride myself for being evil, almost anything is fair game."

"i never understood why women get the creeps so ****ing easily. i mean most serial killers act perfectly normal, until they kill you."



Offline Vasudan Admiral

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My brain fell off.
Get the 2014 Media VPs and report any bugs you find in them to the FSU Mantis so that we may squish them. || Blender to POF model conversion guide
Twisted Infinities


Offline General Battuta

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Offline Nuke

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thats awesome
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN


* Dark Hunter downloads with great haste.
"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" -DEATH, Discworld

"You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard!"

I like how the olive rotates to shoot.  Too bad both of us are invincible.  I wanted a showdown with the sandwich that follows me like a puppy.


Offline JGZinv

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At another forum I used to be on they had the Waffle Empire vs. the Imperial Pancakes.

Perhaps it is time for a new war to make it to the belly of the interstellar beast.

White or Wheat!?

(or Rye?)

So chew we all....  :nod:
True power comes not from strength, but from the soul and imagination.
Max to PCS2 to FS2 SCP Guide
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Offline Stormkeeper

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This Sandwich bites back.
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Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!


Offline PeterX

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I would´nt eat this.this beam is burning out my mouth  :eek2:
But really good setted to scene. :pimp: :yes:
If i can´t model any ship then i use "flying trains" :-)


Offline Rodo

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Nice model btw, this is what you do when you get sick of everything else right?
el hombre vicio...


Offline pecenipicek

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Nice model btw, this is what you do when you get sick of everything else right?
pretty much... and when you have time to burn through.
Skype: vrganjko
Ho, ho, ho, to the bottle I go
to heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
and many miles be still to go,
but under a tall tree I will lie!

The Apocalypse Project needs YOU! - recruiting info thread.


Offline Sushi

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That's awesome. I didn't think anyone would actually put it in-game!

Now we just need to make an epic mission involving the sandwich, youtube it, and send it to Valve...


Offline pecenipicek

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any takers? :p
Skype: vrganjko
Ho, ho, ho, to the bottle I go
to heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
and many miles be still to go,
but under a tall tree I will lie!

The Apocalypse Project needs YOU! - recruiting info thread.


Offline Sushi

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Just wait a week or two and I'm sure someone will pop up with a mission.

Maybe even me.  :cool:


Offline Sandwich

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SERIOUSLY...! | {The Sandvich Bar} - Rhino-FS2 Tutorial | CapShip Turret Upgrade | The Complete FS2 Ship List | System Background Package

"...The quintessential quality of our age is that of dreams coming true. Just think of it. For centuries we have dreamt of flying; recently we made that come true: we have always hankered for speed; now we have speeds greater than we can stand: we wanted to speak to far parts of the Earth; we can: we wanted to explore the sea bottom; we have: and so  on, and so on: and, too, we wanted the power to smash our enemies utterly; we have it. If we had truly wanted peace, we should have had that as well. But true peace has never been one of the genuine dreams - we have got little further than preaching against war in order to appease our consciences. The truly wishful dreams, the many-minded dreams are now irresistible - they become facts." - 'The Outward Urge' by John Wyndham

"The very essence of tolerance rests on the fact that we have to be intolerant of intolerance. Stretching right back to Kant, through the Frankfurt School and up to today, liberalism means that we can do anything we like as long as we don't hurt others. This means that if we are tolerant of others' intolerance - especially when that intolerance is a call for genocide - then all we are doing is allowing that intolerance to flourish, and allowing the violence that will spring from that intolerance to continue unabated." - Bren Carlill


Offline Goober5000

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Offline JGZinv

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If this is the sandwich, can we get a bagel with cream cheese?

How bout a soup or salad?

True power comes not from strength, but from the soul and imagination.
Max to PCS2 to FS2 SCP Guide
The FringeSpace Conversion Mod


Offline c914

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Yumy...  just need a little bit salt  :D