Author Topic: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th  (Read 4142 times)

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Offline JGZinv

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Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
Been keeping an eye on this one... they just announced their
open beta is the 26th and released a trailer.,702107/MechWarrior-Living-Legends-Beta-Release-Trailer-enthuellt-den-Starttermin/PC/Video/
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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I'd still like a campaign.
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Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
Or this fifth Mechwarrior game floating around the development stages.


Offline JGZinv

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
20 mins of gameplay,702210/MechWarrior-Living-Legends-Trailer-20-Minuten-Beta-Gameplay/PC/Video/

That moon map looks great background and art wise... very impressive.
True power comes not from strength, but from the soul and imagination.
Max to PCS2 to FS2 SCP Guide
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Offline asyikarea51

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
Entertained me quite a bit, but it was really hard to shoot fast-moving objects with 300+ ping on a European server. Even if the mod suffers from lag problems on its own, I wouldn't be able to see it anyway.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
More opinions? How is this thing?
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline asyikarea51

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I really... dunno. Only played it once. Since this mod actually represents me playing ANY form of Crysis multiplayer for the first time, so... I don't know the game types available. XD

Menu missed some text strings but no big deal there. The controls... that's a bit complicated, they need you to replace a file in the profile folder which overrides everything in-game, and you can't change it unless you know how to do it manually, so I had to bear with default, but IMO the default controls for the mod aren't too bad (only didn't like the zoom). Prior to my first game when I changed resolution or some other things, the mod also had a tendency to crash out a few times.

Two sides, Clans or FedCom. Not a lot of maps yet. Start out as a small fry battle armour that runs slow but has boost jump. You can spend coin for some better weapons with it, or you can straight away buy a few light vehicles/aircraft or the lighter Mechs... score some frags and whatever they do it (hey, I'm not a multi gamer!!! :P) and bigger things like Maulers and Mad Cats start coming. Most of the stuff I played with had spare tonnage for ammo, so you could buy some before leaving the base (base can repair/reload too, but you need to shutdown first)...

Lasers are all very short-term beams; Missiles work differently, unlike MW4 you NEED a lock to fire SSRM's. But they balanced it by making LRMs completely useless below 600m or so, the missiles shoot straight then arc upwards almost immediately. Macross Missile Massacre with enough smoke to lag you temporarily. I learnt this the hard way trying to take on 1 medium and 1 heavy at 300m in a PARTISAN or whatever it was called, and then (obviously) failing to escape because I GOT STUCK... :lol:...

Not sure about the Arrow IV which I got to use one round... phweee.... BOOOOM XD

There was one guy who kept attacking the base turrets but everyone I played with was pretty much out to kill each other with whatever the mod had. And then once when I got backstabbed at random... well, when they say "NO DRIVER" or "undefined" (bug?) but the targeter displays orange, JUST SHOOT IT.

Also, don't know why but I actually had more fun using the few light vehicles I could buy than the Raven I tried, probably the top part of the cockpit getting in the way of plane-sniping; there was one fella flying around spamming LRM's on a Mauler but then I'd get a luck shot from out of nowhere and his plane crashed XD

Lastly the Mech animations... there IS movement but some of them IMO look really robotic... you don't always get that "bounce" caused by the legs moving like, say, MW2... and time to time the legs can stop animating at random... either a real glitch or I was just lagging, but for a free mod and my budget connection I can sort-of live with it.


Offline MetalDestroyer

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
Here my feedback:
The core gameplay is pratically identical to MechWarrior 2 and 4 (I played also a demo of MechWarrior 3 but don't remember very well the feeling I got when piloting a Mech). You pilot the BattleMech like in MechWarrior 2/4. You have 3 axis (X & Y for the torso and Z for the legs) + the throttle.
Like MechWarrior 2/4, you can group weapons, change fire mode, have Jumpjet, can overheating, etc...

You began the game with 20 000 Credits (enought money to buy a Light Mech or any vehicles (tank, aerospace and VTOL). The more you destroy enemy Mech/Vehicles, the more money you earn and you increase your Military Rank, and the more you can pilot heavy stuff like Atlas, Mad Cat Mk II, Awesome, etc....
However, in MWLL, we can't customize our Mech (weaponry, armor, weight) or at least for this Beta.

Concerning Missiles, we have 3 kinds:
- the SRM (Short Range Missile, 350 m), which fire straight toward. You don't need to locked a target
- the LRM (Long Range Missile, 1200 m), which fire on arc. You really need to lock a target from your Mech/Battle armor/Vehicle or have some TAG/NARC beacon confirmation to fire them
- the Arrow IV (3000 m), like the LRM, it need lock confirmation and do much much more damage (Nuke explosion when hit a valid target)

Like previous Mechwarrior, you have all kind of features:
- Active/Passive Radar (1250 m vs 300 m radar range). When using Passive radar mode, you are invisible on radar upper than 300 m and since map are pretty large, you can flank your enemy easily.
- Coolant system to suppress your vehicle overheating from your weapons/enemy hits
- IR vision
- Light
- detailled Targeting system (distance, armor status, vehicle type, etc...)
- Repair mode in Hangar Bay
- Automatic Shutdown due to Overheating
- and so on...

And after 15 hours of playing MWLL, I'm still loving it despite some crash & some bugs. Personnaly, it's the best MechWarrior I played for age.

Here some videos I made:


Offline asyikarea51

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I tried a quick game earlier, but this time around the connection kept getting cut; missile lock is a horrible nightmare on laggy long-distance connections.

I like what the mod's offering, but frankly I think I'll have to give it up sooner or later. All the servers that play this are too far away (then again, this is the case with 99% of game mods when one considers the video games that people play here).

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I'm a bit skeptical of trying MWLL out, as my last few sessions in Crysis multiplayer mostly consisted of rebelling against the no FAG FAL-40 rule due to the damn cloaked campers with shotguns hiding on filing cabinets and 5 VTOLs circling like vultures outside. I might later, but a campaign for the less multiplayer skilled would be greatly appreciated.
'yo my domestic skillets, who put swarm torpedoes on the Tev bombers?'


Offline MetalDestroyer

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I'm a bit skeptical of trying MWLL out, as my last few sessions in Crysis multiplayer mostly consisted of rebelling against the no FAG FAL-40 rule due to the damn cloaked campers with shotguns hiding on filing cabinets and 5 VTOLs circling like vultures outside. I might later, but a campaign for the less multiplayer skilled would be greatly appreciated.

It's totally different to the Crysis multiplayer. And Enemy can't really make base killing/raping or whatever you like. Depending the map, you have missile launcher and other defense system to protect your base. And when those defenses are destroyed and the opposite faction are trying to base rape, you can still defend until there are none.
You have 2-3 spawn point for each faction in MWLL.


Offline JGZinv

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
Where are the servers located... all in Europe I presume?

No support for hosting your own games or a dedicated?
True power comes not from strength, but from the soul and imagination.
Max to PCS2 to FS2 SCP Guide
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Offline MetalDestroyer

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
Where are the servers located... all in Europe I presume?

No support for hosting your own games or a dedicated?

There are 30 to 40 servers (dedicated and non-dedicated one). Some are US server, while others are European server. Don't forget to refresh the server browser.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I still would've prefered that Starsiege 2845 continued and didn't die.


Offline JGZinv

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
Where are the servers located... all in Europe I presume?

No support for hosting your own games or a dedicated?

There are 30 to 40 servers (dedicated and non-dedicated one). Some are US server, while others are European server. Don't forget to refresh the server browser.

I actually don't have Crysis even though I've got enough rig to run it on very high settings. Might pick up some more ram maybe.
This particular mod though, has me looking at game sales to see if I want to grab a copy.

It might be useful to state what your connection quality is if you're complaining about lag or whatnot.
Those with 500ms ping to the nearest server obviously are going to have a worse experience than those with 100.
True power comes not from strength, but from the soul and imagination.
Max to PCS2 to FS2 SCP Guide
The FringeSpace Conversion Mod


Offline MetalDestroyer

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I play on European servers (I live near Paris in FRANCE), and major EU server I played have a ping around 25-75 ms.

For US Server, I got 140 ms to 500 ms.

EDIT: A little screenshots of the servers availability and their connection quality:

« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 03:58:26 pm by MetalDestroyer »

Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I'm a bit skeptical of trying MWLL out, as my last few sessions in Crysis multiplayer mostly consisted of rebelling against the no FAG FAL-40 rule due to the damn cloaked campers with shotguns hiding on filing cabinets and 5 VTOLs circling like vultures outside. I might later, but a campaign for the less multiplayer skilled would be greatly appreciated.

It's totally different to the Crysis multiplayer. And Enemy can't really make base killing/raping or whatever you like. Depending the map, you have missile launcher and other defense system to protect your base. And when those defenses are destroyed and the opposite faction are trying to base rape, you can still defend until there are none.
You have 2-3 spawn point for each faction in MWLL.
Good to hear, nonetheless, I'm still somewhat disillusioned with the game, but I might pick it up again thanks to this.
'yo my domestic skillets, who put swarm torpedoes on the Tev bombers?'


Offline asyikarea51

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
I'm probably just too far away from where all the servers are located. :sigh:

The bane of choosing to play what nobody else bothers with.


Offline Nuke

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Re: Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta Dec 26th
this game better have really good joystick support as well as trackir support. i dont want it to be like mechwarrior 4 where you could only bind 4 axes :mad:
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