Author Topic: Cutscene Upgrade Project  (Read 441183 times)

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Offline Nighteyes

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
easy, in after effects you can use the plugin called Knoll Light Factory, there you can adjust the light the light source size, and the flare dosn't turn off completly


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Hmm, we don't have Knoll at the studio... I would find it hard to believe it has more features than Kramer's Optical Flares... I guess I'll have to check it out.
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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Could you just hack it in? Like, manually adjust the flare size based on the asteroid's position, just scrub through the scene from the camera's POV and manipulate the curve.
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Offline Mehrpack

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Ah, I get what you were saying. I have been trying to fix that, but the short explanation is that when the *direct* light is blocked, the flare goes out. I have tried keyframing the light's position as it gets covered but that looks weird. I have also tried using multiple flares which looks worse. Short of manually drawing the flare for each frame, there just doesn't seem to be a good way to pull this off.

im glad that i can it show to you.
yeah that was what i think too, but without the right words in english is hard the hit it :).
aye, i think then its look as the lightsource is moving, but maybe can you edit the intensive and the diameter of it, per keyframe?
so that if the asteriod begin to block it get brighter and greater?
only a idea, dont know if it work, havnt any experience with rendering :(.

@castor: the problem is, thats there are more asteriods they are fly "through" the sun. you you have to make all asteriods bigger, they cause the problem, i think its then a bit wired too, if all asteriods are so big *scratch*

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Offline castor

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
@castor: the problem is, thats there are more asteriods they are fly "through" the sun. you you have to make all asteriods bigger, they cause the problem, i think its then a bit wired too, if all asteriods are so big *scratch*
Yea, I guess you have a point, there wouldn't be much else than rocks left to see.


Offline Mehrpack

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
yeah, but if the asteriods have some pictures on it, ähm moment nevermind, thats not free for kids :wakka:

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Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Sad to say that I'm not impressed with Knoll. It has the same features as Optical Flares but is way more expensive.
Also, it's source size works the exact same way as OF. A larger source size gives these results.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Cutscene Upgrade Project - Mainhall Remakes - Between the Ashes
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Offline Nighteyes

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
hmm I thought it would be different... but I guess OF is built around the same things as Knoll, as Knoll been around for a while now while OF is pretty new...
you can try rendering a pass of the sun, and add a very intence glow with a low radius to make the glow "engulf" most of the asteroid as it passes by...


Offline Mehrpack

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
it didnt look so bad, only maybe a little bit to bright.
the only real thing that disturibing is that the lensflare is render over the asteriod.

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Offline Kopachris

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Just a request: if/when you do cutscenes that take place in a known system (e.g. FS1 Intro in Ross 128), could you use proper sizing/coloring for the star(s)?  Ross 128, for example, is a brown dwarf, which should have cast a nice, eerie red light had [V] done their research.  I've noticed the mediavps trying to get star coloring corrected when redoing mission backgrounds.  It'd be nice to have cutscenes to match.  :nod:
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
I'll do it if the info is given to me and it looks good. If you want to go through the cutscenes and just bullet point that stuff out, I'll give it a shot.
Cutscene Upgrade Project - Mainhall Remakes - Between the Ashes
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Offline CaptJosh

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Ok, HOLY CRAP! Those remade Ancients cut scenes look GORGEOUS. Well done. And the Endgame cut scene preview looks like a good start. I'm thinking that, from FS1, the hardest one to redo is going to be the hallfight. The articulation of humanoid models, and the Shivans as well...not easily done. But don't let that stop you.

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Offline Galemp

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
I'll do it if the info is given to me and it looks good. If you want to go through the cutscenes and just bullet point that stuff out, I'll give it a shot.

I think there's been enough of that in the Media VPs. I think you should just try and emulate the original look and feel of the cutscenes; dramatically altering the lighting scheme there would not be a great improvement, even if it's more astronomically accurate.
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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Give the man a hand. I think he's earned it.
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Ok, I'm pretty sure I have updated all the previews on Vimeo to my most recent work. Have a look at Ancients 4. I had to do a complex workaround a Multi Iris and whatnot. But I think it helped to fix the issue quite a bit.

On all of them I worked on the nebulas by adding areas of brightness and areas of darkness.
Cutscene Upgrade Project - Mainhall Remakes - Between the Ashes
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Offline Sushi

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Ok, I'm pretty sure I have updated all the previews on Vimeo to my most recent work. Have a look at Ancients 4. I had to do a complex workaround a Multi Iris and whatnot. But I think it helped to fix the issue quite a bit.

On all of them I worked on the nebulas by adding areas of brightness and areas of darkness.

New Ancients 4 looks awesome, much improved IMO.   :pimp:


Offline Mehrpack

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Ok, I'm pretty sure I have updated all the previews on Vimeo to my most recent work. Have a look at Ancients 4. I had to do a complex workaround a Multi Iris and whatnot. But I think it helped to fix the issue quite a bit.

On all of them I worked on the nebulas by adding areas of brightness and areas of darkness.

yeah impressive work dude with 4 :) look stunning (and i need sunglasses :D ) and if i see correctly you add motion blur to the asteriods?

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Yes 4 is way better now .. still I think the effect of obstructing the sunlight is a liitle too pronounced and also still looks a little  jerky animated especially on the first asteroid passing by, but this can be regarded hairsplitting... I'll take them as they come!  :yes:


Offline sigtau

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Yes, good job fixing the lighting issue.

I can't wait for Endgame. :D
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Cutscene Upgrade [Updated: FMV Previews] (56kers be warned!)
Yeah, I kept going back to fix little issues here and there, but I'm currently happy with the state of Ancients 1-5. I'm working only on EndGame right now. I have even put my Terran modeling aside. Gotta have priorities you know? (Though I'm quite anxious to work on FS1 Intro...  ;7 )

Also, I'm not sure why, but the game will not play my cutscenes. (to test I just named ancients4 to intro). I took the original ancients4 and changed the name to intro and it played as the intro, but it won't play my versions.

They are in .ogg, however they were originally converted to .ogv and I simply changed the file extension. Could that be the issue? I'll be honest, I couldn't find software that straight made an .ogg file that contained audio and video.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 08:02:42 am by mjn.mixael »
Cutscene Upgrade Project - Mainhall Remakes - Between the Ashes
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