Author Topic: Track IR and other forms of head tracking for Linux/Mac OSX  (Read 6934 times)

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Track IR and other forms of head tracking for Linux/Mac OSX
Found this project through X-Plane forums:

libusb user space level driver and library for Linux/OSX that supports TrackIR 4 & 5, and other forms of tracking (camera/freetrack I suppose, WII).

Tested it on my TIR4 pro and despite the fact that it's still raw and not much configurable it works and is 100% usable. It's still in development and graphical configurator along with more configure options is being developed.

You might want to consider it to implement headtracking for FS2 open on Linux/OSX at some point.
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Re: Track IR and other forms of head tracking for Linux/Mac OSX
Hell yeah!

So we need that, and CMU Sphinx to get the same feature set on *nix as we have on Windows.
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Re: Track IR and other forms of head tracking for Linux/Mac OSX
Precisely why the external_libs code was designed as it was. Code up the interface and slot it in - no changes to anything except the derived external_libs class (if memory serves, but I haven't got code to check that.)
STRONGTEA. Why can't the x86 be sane?