Author Topic: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport  (Read 22426 times)

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Offline LordMelvin

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
A very well done model. I can't wait to blow it the everloving **** out of space.

so call that 96% positive, or so?
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Offline brandx0

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Myself and my 6000 friends who are currently in my dining room all like it.  Swings it up to 102% positive
Former Senior Modeler, Texturer and Content Moderator (retired), Fate of the Galaxy
"I love your wrong proportions--too long, no, wait, too short
I love you with a highly symbolic torpedo up the exhaust port"
-swashmebuckle's ode to the transport


Offline Gank

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Given that this iteration of the ship doesn't really conflict with any listed material (there's never been enough detail/work done to the DX-9 prior to make a truly definative claim of what it looks like, apart from the general configuration), I don't see why there would be such contension.

Lastly, Gank - work on your constructive criticism skills. If something looks too small/big, ask how large it is first or ask for a comparison. DO NOT go out and blatently attack someone's work or give the appearance that you're attacking their work. On a second note, you might actually have some margin of valid opinion here - did you work on the DX-9 for the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project?

Firstly the first and to my knowledge only place this ship appears is the xwing series of games. its gotten progressively more detaied in these and this model takes it in a completely different direction. Saying theres no definitive version is a load of bollocks, it first appeared in xwing, the creators of the xwing series (totally games) invented the ship therefore their version is definitive. Doesnt stop you from redesigning it but I prefer the look of the original.

I didnt blatently attack his work as he's clearly stated throughout the thread its not his design, i was commenting on the assumption that everyone knew that. Its a very accurate reproduction of the model he used for reference and for that he should be commended. I dont like the model he based it off its poorly designed in my opinion. I havent criticised his work, I've offered my advice on areas where in my opinion it could be improved and tried to mae it clear im trying to be constructive rather than agressively attacking people for no reason.

As for the large/small there was already a stormtrooper in there for comparison. And yes, as i have already said mentioned before i did make that model, it was originally made for homeworld 1 not xwau. I also was responisible fr the assault frigate on there you pointed people towards in the thread on that here, again for hw originally. If that makes me more quaified to comment what may i ask are your credentials?

As for difference from the original TRN, the main diffs seem to be the paintings.  There always _could_ be a version with different texturing, but there's no reason there couldn't be a cleaner version of it too, and this is a great starting point for that.

The main difference isnt the paintings, theres been some fundamental changes to the ship, eg the docking ports been moved to the top. the heads a bit different as well, its shape is simpler than the originals and in my opinion the design suffers for that. Some things on there too like the aforementioned gun barrels, the docking port being on top (easier to board down into a ship than up dont ya think, too far forward for those doors), the huge door/ramp on the back just give an overall impression that it was designed to look good rather than what would function best.

Anyway you have responded to my original comments, you've said its scaled correctly i'll take yur word for it, I've said i dont like it, youve said you do and wont change it, discussion over. If i dont like it make my own.

Seems to be you fellows need to get a bit more thick skinned, I haved notice any bizzare level of criticism leveled towards you, if your going to be changing ships from how people are used to seeing them you have to accept that people will not like some of your changes and deal with it. I was very impressed with some of the work thats being done on here but i think you need to learn to respond to negative comments a bit better.


Offline newman

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
You don't like the design. Seriously, we-get-it. Also, tl;dr
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Offline Snail

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Sounds fun.


Offline The E

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
That post was waaaay out of line, Archaic.
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Offline chief1983

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Yeah seriously man.  Chill.  He just had some opinions, let's not castrate someone for it.
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Offline brandx0

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Archaic, you need to tone it down a bit.

And Gank, the key point in constructive criticism is that it is meant to be constructive.  You've given your opinion, and newman has responded to it, stating that he does not intend to make the changes you've suggested.  At this point, to harp on it further is no longer constructive because we've established that your criticism will not affect the work. 

In other words, it's time to let it go.
Former Senior Modeler, Texturer and Content Moderator (retired), Fate of the Galaxy
"I love your wrong proportions--too long, no, wait, too short
I love you with a highly symbolic torpedo up the exhaust port"
-swashmebuckle's ode to the transport


Offline newman

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Taking the abuse to Gank can only serve to lengthen the discussion at this point, something I'm sure nobody here really wants. There's no need for him to kill himself for not liking the design :) He said his piece, I said mine, others said theirs. Time to give it a rest for all parties concerned.
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb


Offline Snail

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Sounds fun.


Offline Archaic

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
i apologize, but all the naysayers are REALLY starting to get on my nerves

i will try to restrain myself next time


Offline Gank

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
seriously i apoligised for the tone of my original post 30 minutes after it was posted, 20 min after chief jumped down my throat. i tried to be constructive and say where i thought the model could be improved but its been sidetracked by people jumping on the bandwagon to bash the naysayer and whiner. Its not even your design ffs yet your all acting like i questioned your parentage.

You guys need to get a grip. this board is even worse than the xwau was and the attitudes on there scared away more than a few good modellers. I was coming back here because i was impressed with the work and was working on something to contribute (no not a trn) but frankly the attitudes are too offputting. C ya.


Offline swashmebuckle

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
I love you, the whole model kit & kaboodle
I love you, as sure as the prequels were brutal

I love you without any ifs, ands, or buts
I love you far more than the camera loves hutts

I love you with feelings deep down (in my drawers)
I love you like GL loves ruining Star Wars


Offline TopAce

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Archaic has a better reason to apologize once more.
My community contributions - Get my campaigns from here.

I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline aRaven

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
back to topic

its nice to see one of my favorite craft in HD!

Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Don't leave Gank!

There aren't many people on this project who are making stuff, and your skills would be appreciated. Including your critiquing skills. You are absolutely right about the need for discussion and critiques. Many of the ships in this mod are re imagined, which means we can, and need to, think critically about them. The only way to make the greatest ships ever for this mod is to consider formal issues such as colour and shape.

Sometimes people get too zealous when it comes to canon. Don't let their fanatical devotion to the colour gray get to you.


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
While the nose may look visually more interesting the way the XWAUP made it, it would be more efficient to make it straight (with 90° angles on the front) like in this model.
In space aerodynamics don't matter, so the slight arrow shape of the XWAUP model won't help manouverbility, but it does make the front hatch/ramp smaller, meaning instead of three, only two stormtroopers can walk/run out side by side (or however many....), leaving them at a disadvantage when it comes to deploying fast.
And deploying fast and overpowering the enemy with numbers seems to the the standard Imperial combat doctrine for infantry combat.


Offline zookeeper

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport

I'm pleased to announce that Brand's improved diffuse texture has been committed. :rolleyes: No joke.

Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
What do you mean? He just uploaded them? Or have we been sitting on them?


Offline zookeeper

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Re: Telgorn Delta Class DX-9 Stomtrooper Transport
Or have we been sitting on them?

Yes. :ick: