Author Topic: The Other Sathanas  (Read 74808 times)

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Offline Rga_Noris

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So I thought I would show everyone the current progress in motion. I narrated it to explain the directions I took with the Sath and what I like about it, and what I am working on.

I think I'll call REAL Mahjong 'Chinese Dominoes', just to make people think I'm an ignorant asshat.


Offline CommanderDJ

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I watched it. Looks awesome. Nice narration too. Very informative.  :yes:
[16:57] <CommanderDJ> What prompted the decision to split WiH into acts?
[16:58] <battuta> it was long, we wanted to release something
[16:58] <battuta> it felt good to have a target to hit
[17:00] <RangerKarl> not sure if talking about strike mission, or jerking off
[17:00] <CommanderDJ> WUT
[17:00] <CommanderDJ> hahahahaha
[17:00] <battuta> hahahaha
[17:00] <RangerKarl> same thing really, if you think about it


Offline Rodo

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Yeah, pretty scary *****.

Also, new trenches to hide into!  ;7
el hombre vicio...


Offline Rga_Noris

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The trenches are present in the retail Sath, but they are now made to be pretty.
I think I'll call REAL Mahjong 'Chinese Dominoes', just to make people think I'm an ignorant asshat.


Offline Commander Zane

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The gap on the top of the nose still bothers me immensely, but everything else is incredible.


Offline Pred the Penguin

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I can't even tell there's a gap...

My (personal) minor gripe is that the red circles on the texture feel kind of un-Shivan. Maybe it's just me, but I can't recall any Shivan vessel that has circles like that - it's all more angular, spiky.
But since so much of it is done already, and given that the rest of the model and texture is real class, I can live with it.


Offline Snail

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Omgsh you are teh awesome


Offline Lucika

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Fantastic job :yes:
HLP member 2008-2012 and Syrk:TUW project leader ~2010-2012

Thanks for working on this.
If you want to be ready for Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn, then download and play the prologue first.


Then, while waiting for the Darkest dawn, Download Starshatter 4.02

You 'll understand why once you have.


Offline castor

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My only complaint is that this looks fascinating, a characteristics the original sath doesn't have!


Offline Sushi

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Wow. :eek:

I need an epic dogfight around the hull of that Sathanas. Immediately.

Incredible, beautiful, frightening work. I can't wait to blow one up. :yes:
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.


Offline sigtau

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The members of HLP have collectively jizzed in their pants.

Well done.
Who uses forum signatures anymore?


Offline esarai

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This is a frakking masterpiece.  You've created such a legitimately awesome version of the Sathanas.  It has a new sense of scale the original could not provide, and looks 100X more dangerous. 

Massive kudos, Rga_Noris, you are a BAMF.
<Nuclear>   truth: the good samaritan actually checked for proof of citizenship and health insurance
<Axem>   did anyone catch jesus' birth certificate?
<Nuclear>   and jesus didnt actually give the 5000 their fish...he gave it to the romans and let it trickle down
<Axem>and he was totally pro tax breaks
<Axem>he threw out all those tax collectors at the temple
<Nuclear>   he drove a V8 camel too
<Nuclear>   with a sword rack for his fully-automatic daggers

Esarai: hey gaiz, what's a good improvised, final attack for a ship fighting to buy others time to escape to use?
RangerKarl|AtWork: stick your penis in the warp core
DarthGeek: no don't do that
amki: don't EVER do that


Offline General Battuta

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Oh dude this is the coolest ****ing thing


Offline starbug

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HOLY S**T !!! I need to get a change of trousers!!! That is real work of beauty, i couldn't bring myself to see it destroyed as its so awesome looking.

if there is any consistancy with the Shivans, it's their lack of consistancy - -Norbert-


Offline Raiden

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Another masterpiece from HLP! I just watched your video, honestly I really appreciate hearing about the creative process behind these things and I'd love to hear more of that stuff. I feel like you maybe thought the video was boring but I could listen to that stuff for a long time.

About the Sathanas itself, it's absolutely fantastic, and I have to say I really find your design to be quite disturbing looking. When you showed the front of the ship it really does look like an ugly, hateful thing. I particularly like the arms and of course the detail as you flew over the hull was just gorgeous. I think you captured and exceeded the original intent and atmosphere of the original.

Also was interesting to hear about the star-nuking animation being worked on. If the FS2 cutscenes are ever re-made that would presumably be very useful. Would love to see that last cutscene done with the upgraded models.
Currently Playing: Dead Space 3
Eagerly Awaiting: Titanfall
I write for god is in the tv. I blog at Ministry of Truth.


Offline Droid803

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