Author Topic: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.  (Read 5077 times)

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Offline Sphynx

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Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
Wing Commander Saga will include more than 50 distinct sets of pilot
voices besides the voices for the main characters. We have been
working on creating lines for these generic pilots that are
distinctive without being ridiculous. We are finding that it is quite
a challenge for a team of just a few writers to come up with that many
sets of lines.

So, in the spirit of community collaboration, we are asking for the community's help. We have the actors, now we need help getting lines for all the generic parts.

Let your creative juices flow! Write at least one set of lines for
each of the generic categories and submit them to us. We need all
kinds of pilots- rookies, veterans, cool as ice, easily excitable, and
even a few like Maniac or Maestro. Throwing in some humor is fine, but don’t make it over-the-top or campy.

So, send us your text lines, help release Saga sooner, and see if
yours get brought to life by one of our actors! Feel free to post your lines as a response to this thread. Thanks in advance for your creative contributions.

You can find the basic categories for the lines below:

1) "All fighters are destroyed, area is secure."
2) "Enemy fighters have arrived."
3) "I'm attacking your target."
4) "We're the backup and we've arrived to save you."
5) "Bravo Wing here, we've just arrived."
6) "There's a fighter on your six!"
7) "I'm dying!"
8"Charlie Wing here, we've just arrived"
9) "I'm getting out of here!"
10) "I'm disabling your target" (going for engines)
11) "I'm disarming your target" (going for turrets)
12) "I'm breaking formation to engage the enemy."
13) "Delta Wing here, we've just arrived."
14) "Echo Wing has arrived."
15) "I'm taking damage!"
16) "I'm ignoring your target!"
17) "I'm not following your order."
18) "I can't pick up your target on sensors."
19) "You just fired on me!"
20) "Main player has been killed!"
21) "Main player just did something cool!"
22) "I'm out of missiles!"
23) "My fighter is heavily damaged!"
24) "Main player is straying away from objective."
25) "Main player is traitor, off with his head!"
26) "I'm following your order."
27.) “I have destroyed an enemy!”
28.) Taunt 1
29.) Taunt 2
30.) Taunt 3

Here are a few examples:

This pilot is all business.
1.)     There’s nothing on the scope but friendlies, sir.
2.)     I’ve got bandits on the scope! Repeat, bandits inbound.
3.)     Target locked, I’m going for it!
4.)     Backup has arrived on the scene, ready to offer assistance.
5.)     Bravo wing reporting for duty.
6.)     Hostile closing on your six, take evasive action!
7.)     I’ve got to eject! Sorry for letting you down, sir.
8.)     Charlie wing is ready for action.
9.)     This situation is deteriorating too fast. I recommend we withdraw.
10.)    Confirmed, the engines are the target.
11.)    Targeting turrets, transferring power to forward shields.
12.)    Affirmative, breaking formation to attack.
13.)    Delta wing is now on station.
14.)    Echo wing stands ready.
15.)    This Cat’s got the drop on me. Can someone lend me a hand?
16.)    Confirmed, this target is all yours.
17.)    I did not copy, sir, can you repeat the order?
18.)    I’m not sure what you mean sir.
19.)    Cease fire, you are hitting a friendly! Cease fire!
20.)    We have a friendly casualty!
21.)    Impressive shot, sir!
22.)    Be advised, I am out of missiles.
23.)    I’m getting ripped apart! I’m losing systems!
24.)    Sir, let’s not forget our objectives.
25.)    You know the regulations; traitors are to be summarily executed.
26.)    Yes sir, I’m on it.
27.)    Target eliminated!
28.)    Do you have the courage to face me, Cat?
29.)    You fight like a lowborn!
30.)    You are a disgrace to your clan!

This pilot has a bit of attitude.
1.)     This nav point is ours.
2.)     Here come the Cats. There goes the neighborhood.
3.)     I think I’ll kill…. THAT one.
4.)     Support has arrived. Hold the applause, just show me who to shoot.
5.)     Bravo wing on station. Don’t make me waste my time.
6.)     You’ve got a Cat closing in on you for the kill! Go evasive!
7.)     (disgusted) Oh, man, I can’t get shot down! I’m bailing out.
8.)     Charlie wing is here. Let’s get the job done.
9.)     There’s a time to fight and a time to run. It’s time to run.
10.)    You want the engines dead? I’ll make the engines dead.
11.)    Turrets too much for you? Let me clear some out of the way.
12.)    I was hoping you would say that. Going in for the kill.
13.)    Delta wing is here and ready to dominate.
14.)    Echo wing is here. Let’s get to it.
15.)    (grunts). That was just a lucky shot, kitty.
16.)    Fine. He’s all yours.
17.)    No, sir.
18.)    I can’t shoot what I can’t see, and I don’t see anything.
19.)    Watch your aim!
20.)    Another casualty, another cause for revenge.
21.)    Yeah! Now I can respect that!
22.)    No more missiles for me.
23.)    (Angry and incredulous) Are you serious? This Cat is cutting me up!
24.)    (Sacrastic) Sure, why don’t you just wander off and leave all the
work to us.
25.)    The only thing worse than a Cat is a traitor!
26.)    You’re the boss.
27.)    Yes! Eat it, Cat!
28.)    You were a mistake to begin with. Now I’m going to end you.
29.)    You know that feeling of dread you get when you’re fighting
someone better than you? Ya, that’s the feeling you should have right
30.)    There won’t be enough of you left to send back home when I’m done with you.

Here’s an example of a humorous pilot:
1.)     There’s nothing left here but the sound of silence. Uh, of course
there’s not sound in space, but you know what I mean.
2.)     Looks like it’s about to rain Cats and dogs… minus the dogs.
3.)     (joking) A target? For ME? Oh, you shouldn’t have.
4.)     I hear you guys need a rescue party. Well, here we are!
5.)     Bravo wing is ready for action.
6.)     Watch it! That kitty is looking to make a scratching post out of you!
7.)     So much for 20 million taxpayer credits worth of war machine. I’m
bailing out!
8.)     Charlie wing is on the job.
9.)     I’m allergic to being dead, so I say we get out of here!
10.)    Time to throw a monkey wrench in their engines.
11.)    Time to trim some turrets. I’ll just take a little off the top.
12.)    I am locked and loaded. LET’S ROCK!
13.)    Delta wing is on the job.
14.)    Echo wing is here. (joking) Is there an echo in here?
15.)    YOWCH! That stings!
16.)    You want him? You’ve got him.
17.)    Wouldn’t be prudent, sir.
18.)    I’ve got a big old bunch of nothing, sir.
19.)    What part of “I’m not a Kilrathi” do you NOT understand?!
20.)    Oh, man. We’ve lost Sandman. Exit light, enter night, I guess.
21.)    Okay, I’ve got to admit, THAT was cool!
22.)    I’m going to miss my missiles, because they are all gone now.
23.)    Woah! This is not funny anymore! I’m getting shredded!
24.)    I know it’s wise to stop and smell the roses, but this is not the time.
25.)    I knew there was something odd about you. How could you betray us?!
26.)    Roger-roger.
27.)    KABOOM! Man, that never gets old!
28.)    Hey kitty, you’re mama said you were so ugly when you were born
that the doctor slapped everybody!
29.)    I’m about to help you cash in your life insurance policy, kitty!
30.)    Hey kitty! The gene pool just called… it thanked me in advance
for removing you from it.
What we perceive is more a reflection of ourselves than of our environment.


Offline Dragon

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
Can be a bit heavy on pilot slang and brevity codes, but I'll try:
1). Nav point clean.
2). Bandits incoming.
3). Roger, engaging.
4). Backup on station, provide target data.
5). Bravo flight on station. (I'm going to use that, since I recall proper terminology being used in WC, or at least in the books)
6). Break, Break.
7). Bailing, requesting SAR flight.
8). Charlie flight ready and waiting.
9). Bugging out.
10). Locking onto engines.
11). Disabling target's weapons.
12). Roger, weapons hot.
13). Delta flight in range.
14). Echo flight ready to assist.
15). I'm hit, assist.
16). Roger, ignoring target.
17). Negative.
18). No joy, confirm target.
19). Blue on blue, cease fire.
20). Friendly down.
21). That's Sierra Hotel, pilot.
22). I'm dry. (if you plan to use Stormfire at some point, this will work for "out of ammo" too)
23). Assist, I'm under heavy fire.
24). Resume mission, pilot.
25). All units, eliminate the traitor.
26). Roger that.
27). Target hit and going down.
28). Burn in hell, cat.
29). You couldn't fly yourself out of a paper bag.
30). Enjoy your last flight, furball.

I've based that on how real pilots talk (though within reason, using too many brevity codes would be difficult to understand), I think it'll sound best if you get somebody with a laid-back texan accent to do these lines. Of course, this pilot is an emotionless "cold sniper", a man (or woman) of a few words. Think Iceman, Chuck Yeager or Apollo 13 crew. He (or she) would never abandon the same, calm tone of voice,which could be used to report either that another nav point has been cleared or that an entire Kilrathi armada is closing onto Earth and apocalypse is imminent (Command, we have a problem.  :)).


Offline Sphynx

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
That's great, exactly what we are looking for! Thanks, Dragon!

Who's next? :)
What we perceive is more a reflection of ourselves than of our environment.


Offline Tolwyn

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
I'd give it a try myself, but it just depresses me...
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

Report Wing Commander Saga bugs with Mantis


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
Mine might be a bit too brevity code heavy in some places, feel free to tinker with that if you decide to use it. :)

1) Grandslam, baby
2) Got a tally on cats, guys!
3) Wilco, split. He's mine.
4) Alright, where do you lousy buggers want us?
5) Bravo wing is now on station.
6) Tally one, visual, break!
7) I've got cats in my cockpit here, help me out, eh?!
8) Alright guys, we're on station. Where do you need us?
9) Separating! Watch my back!
10) Wilco, committed on engines.
11) Okay, running in on weapons systems, now!
12) Tally, visual, split!
13) Alright boys and girls, this is your Delta, speaking. We're packing guns and a tubful of missiles today, please enjoy your flight.
14) Echo Wing, inbound. What's the dope?
15) I'm getting made, here!
16) Roger that, mate, I'm a million miles away.
17) Negative, sir, I've got some cleaning to do.
18) Can't spike that, pick someone else, mate.
19) Watch your fire! You've got me spiked, dickhead!
20) Nooo! We've got a friendly down, here.
21) Whoa, that was kick-ass, mate!
22) Ah, dammit. Winchester.
23) I'm seeing more stars than bars here, and that is not good!
24) Hey buddy, alpha check on the initial.
25) What the hell are you doing?! Sorry we had to bury you in a steel casket, idiot!
26) Wilco, doing it.
27.) Splash one, splash one!
28.) Oi, cat! Your fur would look great with my new sofa!
29.) You and my ex-wife would get along great!
30.) Cats belong in the pet store, not in the cockpit!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 03:26:07 am by Dilmah G »


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
One thing to bear in mind, guys, is that the less generic a line is, the more incredibly irritating it is to hear repeated.

In that respect I think Dragon's done the best persona so far.


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
Most of the commands should also have the following:

-If communication is a certain ship giving out general information, it should have the transmitter's callsign in front of it, so that you know who's saying it. Example:

Alpha three winchester.
Delta four, ejecting.
Bravo Leader, defensive, hits.

-If communication is a response to player order, it should have following formatting:


Player callsign can be omitted in most if not all cases, though. Examples:

Alpha three, target confirmed, engaging.
Delta four, moving out to engage.
Bravo Wing, engaging turrets.

-If communication is directed to specific ship, it should have the following formatting:


Transmitter callsign can be omitted in many cases, though, especially in fast communications. Examples:

Alpha Leader, check six!
Alpha Leader, check your fire!
Alpha Leader, eject!

If it's possible to make up a system that'll automatically add the recipient/transmitter callsigns ahead of the message body, that'd be pretty cool...

Anyway, my contribution is a pilot who knows brevity code and uses it to make the messages as dense with relevant information as possible.

1) "Clear!"
2) "Contact, bandits."
3) "Target confirmed, engaging."
4) "Backup in position, press."
5) "Bravo Wing entering the engagement."
6) "Check six!"
7) "Ejecting."
8) "Charlie Wing, in position, engaging."
9) "I need to RTB."
10) "Targeting engines."
11) "Engaging turrets."
12) "Moving out to engage."
13) "Delta Wing ready to assist."
14) "Echo Wing on the area."
15) "Defensive, hits, need support."
16) "Ignoring target."
17) "Unable."
18) "No joy."
19) "Check your fire!"
20) "Eject!"
21) "Good work!"
22) "Winchester."
23) "Hull compromised."
24) "Concentrate on main targets."
25) "All units, be advised. <PLAYER CALLSIGN> is hostile, target and engage."
26) "Roger."
27.) “Splash one.”
28.) All of you are babies!
29.) What sick man send babies to fight me?
30.) Who send all these babies to fight?

« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 01:49:22 pm by Herra Tohtori »
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.


Offline Coota0

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
1) "We're clear"
2) "We've got company"
3) "tag team"
4) "I'll hold your hand big guy."
5) "Bravo Wing on station."
6) "Bandit crawling up your tail pipe!"
7) "Hail Mary full of grace..."
8"Charlie Wing in position"
9) "I'm bingo!"
10) "Time to cut the gas" (going for engines)
11) "Pulling his teeth" (going for turrets)
12) "Break now!"
13) "Delta Wing here, where's the bad guys."
14) "Echo Wing rolling in."
15) "Mi Dios!"
16) "I'll hunt somewhere else!"
17) "Not happening."
18) "No joy."
19) "Have you lost your friggin' mind."
20) "We're screwed"
21) "Sierra Hotel!"
22) "Winchester!"
23) "I'm not gonna make it!"
24) "You're not engaging?."
25) "He's gone rogue!"
26) "WILCO."
27.) “Good Kill! Splash 1”
28.) Number 324 on my list of ways to kill a cat
29.) Play time
30.) Going in for guns


Offline Arrow

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
More, more, more!   :)

1.)   No enemies on my sensors.
2.)   Reading hostiles on my radar!
3.)   Roger. This one´s mine!
4.)   Need assistance? Here we are!
5.)   Bravo Wing at your service!
6.)   Watch out! He´s right behind you!
7.)   That´s it. I´m pulling the line!
8.)   This is Charlie Wing. Let´s get this done!
9.)   This is way too hot! We should get out of here!
10.)   Targeting the engines!
11.)   Targeting the turrets!
12.)   That´s what I signed up for!
13.)   This is Delta Wing. Got a job for us?
14.)   Echo Wing is waiting for orders!
15.)   I´m under fire! Please assist!
16.)   Looking for another target!
17.)   This doesn´t make any sense!
18.)   Got a radar malfunction?
19.)   Watch it! I´m on your side!
20.)   Damn! That was one of ours!
21.)   Great shot! He´ll never know what hit him!
22.)   Missiles depleted!
23.)   Taking damage! Taking damage!
24.)   That is not our mission!
25.)   You´ve had your warning! I´ll deal with you myself, traitor!
26.)   With pleasure! Let´s get to it!
27.)   Scratch one target!
28.)   Time to die, ugly furball!
29.)   You´re gonna be a nice bedtime rug!
30.)   You´re just one more stinking cat!


Offline Talon 1024

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
This set of lines intends to portray a casual pilot who is focused on his mission.  This pilot has a grudge against the Kilrathi for some reason.  I don't consider myself really good at writing, but I gave it an honest try anyway...

1. That's all of them.
2. We've got some more furballs heading our way
3. He's mine!
4. Backup is here, and ready for some action, sir!
5. Bravo wing here.  Give us an order, sir!
6. Watch out! There's a bogey on your tail!
7. OH SH-NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (Alt: To Hell with this! Ejecting!)
8. Charlie wing here, and ready for orders.
9. This is too much! Let's get the hell outta here!
10. Roger that, attacking the engines now.
11. Roger that, going for the claws.
12. Yes, sir! Breaking formation and engaging enemy!
13. Here's Delta wing.  We've arrived, and we're ready for some orders.
14. Echo wing here.  Awaiting your orders, sir.
15. I'm getting scratched and bitten all over the place! Help!
16. All right, I'll leave him alone for ya.
17. No, sir! That's nonsense!
18. Sorry, sir.  I can't see your target right now.
19. Hey! Cut that out, right now!
20. Sandman is a goner! I repeat, Sandman is dead! Rest in peace, buddy.
21. Great shot, Sandman! You make the rest of us look bad.
22. Damn, I'm all out of firecrackers.
23. Help! I'm getting banged up all over the place!
24. Hey, get back here, we have a job to do here!
25. That's it! Burn in hell, you senseless traitor!
26. Sir! Yes, sir!
27. Yeah! Suck vacuum, furball!
28. You'll be sorry you were ever born, kitty!
29. I'm gonna set your furry ass on fire!
30. You wanna scoop out my brains, furball?
31. Come on, let me at 'em! I'm getting bored here. (NOTE: This kind of message gets transmitted if your wingman is on your wing and there are enemies around)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 07:00:24 pm by Talon 1024 »
To understand religion, you need to understand morality first. | WCSaga website | WCSaga Forum | 158th website | 158th forum | Project Leader: WC: Hostile Frontier | WCHF Thread at CIC | Wing Blender | Twist of Fate | Multipart turrets on angled surfaces, tutorial included. | My Google Drive stuff | To convert speeds from WC to WCS, multiply both the cruise speed and the Afterburner speed by 0.15625 (5/32)

FS2 Mods I'm waiting on: Inferno 10th Anniversary
Current Project: Contestant Android app, Learn4Life iOS app, Blender Commander (importer).
The FreeSpace Font Foundry is back in action!


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
Here's something generic!

1) Grandslam, area secure.
2) Tally on new contacts.
3) Judy, Judy, going for guns!
4) Friendly callsigns on this net, be advised, friendlies are now on the scene.
5) Visual on Bravo Wing. Transmit bogey dope.
6) Break right, bandit behind you!
7) Engaged, defensive!
8) 0-Alpha, Charlie Wing is on station.
9) I'm separating!
10) Committed on engine subsystems.
11) Engaged on turret suppression, over.
12) Tally, visual, split.
13) Delta 1, on station. Friendly callsigns, what's the sitrep?
14) Echo Leader, friendlies on scope.
15) I'm engaged defensive, going for a low to high entry!
16) Wilco, blowthrough.
17) Negative, can't comply.
18) Can't lock up your target, sir.
19) Blue on blue, blue on blue!
20) Friendly got splashed!
21) That was sierra-hotel!
22) Winchester, need rearm.
23) I'm taking fire, here!
24) You're straying from the track, sir.
25) Contact's sour, splash him!
26) Wilco.
27.) Splash one!
28.) Extending high, this one's mine!
29.) Tally one, visual, press!
30.) Fox three, snapshot!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 05:57:25 am by Dilmah G »

Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
1) All clear
2) Cats inbound?  Perfect!  Which one of you *****es wants to dance?
3) Consider that kitty scragged
4) You started the party without us?  I'm hurt!
5) "Bravo Wing, ready to roll"
6) "Watch your ass, Sandman!"
7) "It's only a flesh wound!  Wait, ****, no it's not!"
8) "Charlie Wing is on the scene"
9) "To hell with this, I'm bugging out!"
10) "You ain't going anywhere" (going for engines)
11) "This kitty's getting declawed" (going for turrets)
12) "Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!"
13) "Delta Wing, present and accounted for"
14) "Echo Wing here, it's ass-kicking time"
15) "I'm getting lit up bad out here!"
16) "Fine, she's all yours...this time"
17) "Bugger that!"
18) "Who put the bees in the what now?"
19) "Hold your fire, you psychotic son of a *****, I'm Confed!"
20) "Holy ****, the cats just iced Sandman!"
21) "Showoff!"
22) "Out of ammo"
23) "I just got the piss pounded out of me, need repairs"
24) "Just where the hell do you think you're going, Sandman?"
25) "You just lit up a friendly, you crazed bastard!"
26) "Understood and underway"
27.) “Another one for the killboard”
28.) You're gonna have to do better than that, furball!
29.) And I thought Kilrathi didn't fly drunk
30.) (to the tune of the Night That Paddy Murphy Died) "Oh, the night that bloody furball died is a night I'll never forget..."

I was going to record some of these to give the actors a baseline, but my mic is pooched.  I think they work best in an Irish accent.


Offline aipz

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
1)"Area clear, no cats on radar, Sir!"
2)"New enemy fighters incoming!"
3)"Engaging target, Sir!"
4)"Reinforcements reporting in! Don't worry will get you out of this!"
5)"Beta Wing reporting in! We're here to join the party!"
6)"Cat at your six! Shake him off!"
7)"What the...Arrrgh..."
8)"Charlie Wing here, Sir!"
9)"Bailing out!"
10)"Targeting engines!"
11)"Targeting turrets!"
12)"Yes Sir! Breaking formation!"
13)"Delta Wing has arrived, Sir!"
14)"Echo Wing has reached operation area, Sir!"
15)"My shields are failing! Somebody help me out!"
16)"Yes Sir! Breaking attack!"
17)"Right away! Cancelling order!"
18)"But there's nothing out there..."
19)"Watch it Sandman! I'm one of ours"
20)"Sandman's down!"
21)"Nice one! Don't get cocky Sandman! Ha...ha..."
22)"I'm dry! No missles left, Sir!"
23)"My craft is barely in one piece!"
24)"Sandman, return to formation at once!"
25)"Sandman is a bogey! All craft engage at will! Repeat, engage Sandman at will!"
26)"Yes, Sir!"
27)"One kitty's down!"
28)"Die you pile of cat filth!"
29)"For fallen in Battle of Earth, furballs!"
30)"Here kitty, kitty!"
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 08:40:37 am by aipz »
"Another fellow pilot"


Offline aipz

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Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
1)" Nav's ours"
2) "New kitty's joined the party!"
3) "Taking them on!"
4) "We're just in time to save your butt's guys!"
5) "Bravo Wing at your disposal!"
6) "There's a bogey on your six!"
7) "...... (broken radio transmission)"
8"Charlie Wing to the rescue!"
9) "Ejecting!"
10) "That will stop him in his tracks!"
11) "He'll be defenceless!"
12) "I'm breaking formation!"
13) "Delta Wing here to rock and rumble!"
14) "Echo Wing on the scene!"
15) "I have a few dents in my armour!"
16) "He's all yours if you want him that badly!"
17) "Ignoring...!"
18) "My sensors are clear."
19) "You just fired on me, Sandman! What's the big idea..."
20) "Sandman's done!"
21) "Now that's what I call groovy!"
22) "Wish I had more missles!"
23) "My fighter is barely in one piece!"
24) "Sandman you're straying too far from our objective!"
25) "Sandman's enemy! Eliminate him!"
26) "Oki doki boss..."
27.) “Woohoo! One more for the killboard!”
28.) "Your mother was a furless freak, furball!"
29.) "You call that flyin' kitty?!"
30.) "Kilrah is just a petty god of loosers!"
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 10:30:10 am by aipz »
"Another fellow pilot"


Offline Alan Bolte

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    • @Compellor
Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
I'd give it a try myself, but it just depresses me...
No kidding. Aside from a bad cold this past week, the main reason I haven't submitted that replacement voice reel I promised is that I keep trying to come up with good lines myself and eventually remembering that I hate creative writing.

Maybe I'll try one of these lists.
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon

Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
This pilot is a ass hole, and a killer probably suffering from combat fatigue. if con-fed was not in such bad shape he would be in treatment.
1) Noting left to shoot
2) Time to kill
3) what you can't handle on your own?
4) Learn to fight your own battles next time
5) Bravo Wing, Hear to hold your hand
6) Watch your six, numnuts
7) OHHHH SHII..................
8) Charlie Wing hear don't make me do all the work
9) Dam it you fools can't fight a tabby cat.
10) FINE I will cripple it first
11) (sigh) it would be faster just to kill it
12) There mine don't get in my way
13) Delta Wing, Ready to fight
14) Echo Wing, hear to get the job done
15) That just pisses me off
16) FINE!!
17) Your an idiot
18) Your just seeing things
19) Next time I shoot back
20) Sandman finally got him self killed
21) Do you think that make you a Pilot now?
22) Ordnance spent, I will use guns to kill 'em
23) I am bady shot up but I can still kill
24) Get you ass back hear
25) Sandman finally gave me the chance to kill him
26) If I have to
27) That how you do it
28) Does **** stick to your fur?
29) I will were your fir has a coat
30) Do try to put up a fight

This Pilot is optimistic he believes con-fed is winning the way since the propaganda vids say so.
1) We win again!
2) More enemy's to to vanquish
3) Sure thing boss
4) Now this will be a great victory
5) Bravo wing, Ready and willing
6) Beware, Enemy is lining you up
7) I go to glory
8) Charlie wing, good to have such brave company
9) I must flee now, but victory is still inevitability
10) He won't be able to flee this fight
11) he will pose no threat to any one
12) To victory
13) Delta wing. Honored to be hear
14) Echo wing, Ready to serve (marching music in back ground)
15) My fighter can take it
16) That victory is yours
17) I am sorry I can't do that
18) There must be jamming
19) No fratricide please
20) Sandman died bravely, A example for us all
21) You do the Confederation credit
22) Out of missiles, but I still have guns
23) Only con-fed fighter can take this much damaging and still fly
24) Don't run off on your owen con-fed needs you hear
25) You have been brain washed, I am sorry but I must..........
26) Righty-O hear I go
27) One more victory for the Confederation
28) save your self flee now
29) If you serenader i will show mercy
30) you have all ready lost this war

Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
A single minded death-obsessed pilot

1) Everything is dead.
2) Future corpses have arrived.
3) Consider it dead.
4) We’re here to help you kill them.
5) Bravo’s here. And now we kill everyone.
6) One’s bearing down on you.
7) Just one... more... kill!
8) Charlie’s here to make some corpses.
9) Not gonna die today, see ya.
10) Got it, kill the engines.
11) Affirmative, pulling teeth.
12) Let the murder begin.
13) Delta’s here. Let the bodies hit the floor.
14) Echo’s here to join the slaughter.
15) It’s starting to hurt!
16) It’s dead to me.
17) Let me know when you have a real order, like killing something.
18) You can’t kill a ghost.
19) Cut that out, it hurts!
20) Death comes for us all.
21) Killer.
22) That was my last missile.
23) I’m practically dead already!
24) Tired of the killing man? Why don't you come back here.
25) The bright side is, we get to kill one more today.
26) I comply.
27.) Dead.
28.) You’re going to die today.
29.) Time to die.
30.) Death becomes you.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 11:41:19 am by dejakritz »

Re: Request: writing generic wingmen lines.
My take on them.

1) "None left, fort is safe, repeat fort is safe."
2) "Here they come. They don't look like friendlies."
3) "Attacking target as ordered."
4) "The cavalry is here, no wait, we'd be the airforce, no?"
5) "Bravo Wing here, shooting time."
6) "Foe on six, fighter!"
7) "I'm going down!"
8"Charlie Wing here, where are the bad guys?"
9) "I need an exit strategy, NOW!"
10) "Targetting engines!" (going for engines)
11) "Turrets are targetted" (going for turrets)
12) "Breaking to attack them."
13) "Delta Wing here, E.Ts' go home!"
14) "Echo Wing has joined the fight."
15) "Taking hits. I have warnings for massive damage!"
16) "Ignoring as ordered!"
17) "Nope, can't do that."
18) "I can't see the enemy on my sensors."
20) "Flight leader goes down!"
21) "Just another lesson for us dummies!"
22) "Out of fireworks!"
23) "A bit more damage and it's the scrapheap for me!"
24) "Hey, the war and dogfight 's the other way."
25) "I can't believe it. He tried to do us in! I hate cloack and dagger stuff! "
26) "Order acknowledged. Following through."
27.) “Add one!”
28.) "Hey, got some friskies for you!"
29.) "Get out of our way, or die!"
30.) "Didn't come this far to go hippy on my buddies. Kilrathis, we win, you die!"

If you want to be ready for Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn, then download and play the prologue first.


Then, while waiting for the Darkest dawn, Download Starshatter 4.02

You 'll understand why once you have.