Author Topic: Battlefield 3  (Read 58123 times)

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I'm going to say that I really can't give two ****s about Battlefield 3, but I could live a tiny iota happier without EA spamming my e-mail inbox with Origin download links, in complete opposition to my having actively unsubscribed from all of their mailing lists.

I'm going to say that I really can't give two ****s about Battlefield 3, but I could live a tiny iota happier without EA spamming my e-mail inbox with Origin download links, in complete opposition to my having actively unsubscribed from all of their mailing lists.

I just got one of those, despite not recalling ever subscribing to any mailing lists, or expressing any official interest in the game. Makes me nervous, as it's generally accepted advice to NEVER download anything from an e-mail, unless you trust it 100%.

Because teamspeak is the devil.

Although I agree with you about ingame voip being terrible in generally, coincidentally, Heroes of Newerth ingame voip is actually awesome.

I remember using in-game VoIP in CounterStrike since ... 1.5 I think. It's strange, it wasn't great, but you could actually TALK to people. It still works great on CS:S and some servers even have cross-team voice chat just for fun. Why is in-game VoIP still considered something that shouldn't work by default?


Offline IceFire

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Because teamspeak is the devil.

Although I agree with you about ingame voip being terrible in generally, coincidentally, Heroes of Newerth ingame voip is actually awesome.
Why is TeamSpeak the devil? I use TS3 quite a bit with the guys I fly with in IL-2 1946. Seems fine. Works with no problems for me. Never used it in Battlefield... I usually team up with my brother and he's always been in the other room until recently.
- IceFire
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Offline General Battuta

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Game's out right now, rolling around in an attack helicopter


Offline bigchunk1

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I'm going to get the game too! Anyone want to try and form a squad this weekend? Or whatever it's called?
BP Multi
The Antagonist
Zacam: Uh. No, using an effect is okay. But you are literally using the TECHROOM ani as the weapon effect.


Offline Klaustrophobia

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quick question, is there full single player, or is it the same format as BF2?
I like to stare at the sun.


Offline General Battuta

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quick question, is there full single player, or is it the same format as BF2?

There's a 'full' single player but it's a 5 hour heavily scripted CoD type affair. Some people seem to really love it though.


Offline Klaustrophobia

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hmm.  maybe in a year or so when it's cheap.
I like to stare at the sun.


Offline Ravenholme

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Meh, gotta wait until Friday (Longer if GAME doesn't get it's act together)

And Sword of the Stars II comes out on Friday as well.

Full Auto - I've got a bullet here with your name on it, and I'm going to keep firing until I find out which one it is.

<The_E>   Several sex-based solutions come to mind
<The_E>   Errr
<The_E>   *sexp

hmm.  maybe in a year or so when it's cheap.
You're buying it for the single player? o_o
"Neutrality means that you don't really care, cuz the struggle goes on even when you're not there: Blind and unaware."

"We still believe in all the things that we stood by before,
and after everything we've seen here maybe even more.
I know we're not the only ones, and we were not the first,
and unapologetically we'll stand behind each word."


Offline Gortef

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I'm still waiting for to send mine ;_;

Oh the AGONY! Gaargh!
Habeeb it...

Retail game prices SUCK BALLS, especially high profile ones. I'm under the impression that retail games in the US are a fixed $50, while the really popular titles are $60, is this correct?

Origin has BF3 for £40; what is the point of that? I know everyone's pointed this out 100 times but really, why does digital distribution cost more?
Amazon has it for £30, that's 25% cheaper than the guys who actually made it AND are not selling you physical stuff.

Rants aside, I have almost never paid over €30 for a game (which kinda makes my complaint moot). I always get my games from Steam sales or if I'm buying new, there's always an option for cheaper.

Are there still people playing BF2142 - and will there still be people playing after BF3 is released? BC2 is running a bit choppy for me, for some reason, and I won't get upgrades any time soon...

At the moment ( Monday, 20.30 CET ) 23 Servers are online ( Filters set: not full, not empty, ranked, punkbuster-protected, auto balance on ).

Uploaded with [URL=]
Without any Filter: 87 Servers.

And I don't think that BF3 will have a big impact, because the big dying of BF2142 was in 2010 when Bad Company 2 was released for PC.

If you want to play BF 2142:
Correct Patch order:
1.4 full -> 1.5 full -> 1.51 full.
It's a lot to patch, but 1.51 contains the Boosterpack Northern Strike and 3 additional Maps.

If you're a Star Wars fan, try out First Strike:

Back 2 Topic:
So, have anyone (from the USA/Canada) played BF3 yet ?
According to the review of gamespy the game lack teamwork features:

Heard from a girl in my year who also plays 2142 that it's still alive, although not very... hmm.

Its an awesome battlefield - it runs on my computer - it might die...



Offline General Battuta

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Game owns, jets own, my KDR and accuracy and SPM do not own because I spend all my time in jets fighting other jets  :(


Offline Luis Dias

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You're too addicted to flying combat ;).


Offline General Battuta

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I got some kills with the Little Bird, it was pretty tight

Also fired an antitank rocket from the Little Bird's skid seat and killed a sniper, then I shot another one and somehow it hit the Little Bird I was riding on and blew it up :woopwoop:


Offline Al-Rik

  • 27
Retail game prices SUCK BALLS, especially high profile ones. I'm under the impression that retail games in the US are a fixed $50, while the really popular titles are $60, is this correct?
Well, the same price in Euro ( 1 €uro 1,4 $ ? ) so don't complain... it could be worse ;)

Origin has BF3 for £40; what is the point of that? I know everyone's pointed this out 100 times but really, why does digital distribution cost more?
Amazon has it for £30, that's 25% cheaper than the guys who actually made it AND are not selling you physical stuff.
Digital distribution isn't much cheaper because the price of the distribution is very small compared to the cost of development (and marketing).

And EA can't be cheaper than the regular price, because this will pi** off small and middle sized retailers who sell the game for the regular price.
Big retailers like Amazon, Wal Mart or Media Markt get huge price reductions because the volume of their orders.

On the long term IMHO EA will drop the small and middle retailers or sell DVDs copies of the game only as more expensive Collectors Edition with memorabilia and give-aways ( to make the higher price more acceptable ) and make the digital distributed Copies cheaper.

Gamespy is wrong, ingame VOIP is always terrible and it's why we have vent/mumble
Ingame VOIP is terrible because almost no game does it right:
-> No sensible way to test the VOIP ( like recording and replaying ) and tweaking it.
-> No possibility to use the VOIP to talk to buddies outside of the game ( the main benefit of Teamspeak, Ventrillo or Mumble )
-> No filters to mute players with a different language (I understand English, German and Italian, but I don't understand Speakers of French, Scandinavian or Slavic Languages and would like to mute them)

Right done Ingame VOIP has some benefits:
-> No need to select a VOIP Server and Channels
-> Possibility to send the VOIP from the correct ingame-direction of the speaker
-> Possibility to show the Ingame Nickname of the Speaker in the Hud and his position on the Minimap
-> Works also for causal gamers who don't are member of a clan

And BF3 seems not only to lack the VOIP of BF2 / BF 2142, also the Comm Rose lacks some commands like "Need Medic" "Need Ammo" "Jump Out" ect...

Even if those orders works like in BF Bad Company 2, it's still below the standard BF 2 has set in 2005.
Because in BF2 you don't have to target a Medic to tell him that you need a Medpack, it was possible to keep the aim on the target area and call a Medic / Support ect...
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 12:49:43 pm by Al-Rik »


Offline Klaustrophobia

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hmm.  maybe in a year or so when it's cheap.
You're buying it for the single player? o_o

i play games for single player first.  multi is an afterthought.  if it's got good multi, cool.  bonus.  i've got several games i've never touched the multi on.  that's why i was asking if this game was multi-centered like BF2 (which i didn't even realise until i bought it).
I like to stare at the sun.

I can live with certain games being Multiplayer centred, as long as they're honest about it. The Battlefield series was MP from the start. Call of Duty shifted to a MP focus gradually, kinda like how id realised they could pull of a full MP release when they made Quake 3. But people know what they're getting. If someone feels wronged that they paid the price of a full game and got a 5 hour campaign when they were buying CoD: Black Ops, well the blame's squarely on them.

If you bought BF3 for the single player campaign with no intention of trying or "getting into" the multiplayer, I'd say you've been robbed Klaustrophobia. Although I haven't played it yet, I bet the SP campaign in BF3 is decent at best and certainly not worth the price.