Author Topic: Bug Report Thread.  (Read 45896 times)

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Offline Karl

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The AI problem, do you notice if this occurs more often with some mechs than others or certain weapon layouts? I have a theory that it could be something to do with the range selection algorithm.
Jump jet issue I was unaware of (I dont often read the bug thread as I do modelling) I guess I will need to read up about it to get the full picture.
The purchase problem you describe is very strange (I have seen similar things with mechs that have default variants sometimes you can purchase one variant but next time the second variant is avaliable) I guess when Magic can he will look into this (may have already in the course of his logistics revamp)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 05:19:14 am by Karl »


Offline Dred

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More obvious in long range mech variants, but it happens with every mech I've used.  I've had an all close quarter mech moving away from its target with an incomplete rotation refusing to shoot.

As a side rant from when I played the mechwarriors, I would move parallel to any target and then pull a u-turn away from my target adjusting my range by the arc of the U.  This seems like the movement equivalent of what the ai is trying and failing to do.  The ai is pulling away but can't decide on which way to go, left or right, so it keeps switching between the two, full rotation left then full rotation right, and just not firing.  Eventually it will fire, but I've had opponents get off 3 vollies to my 1(or worse) in equal rate of fire situations.


Offline magic

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Hadn't realised you had your own forum - I posted a few (probably well known bugs on the DropshipCommand forums but i'll cross post here just incase). Pretty much any bugs i'll try and post will  to do with campaigns:

Magic & Co

On your Exodus campaign (from the Omnitech build) I keep getting the "instant death" problem on mission X_2_5 "Rescue Takagi's Son". Think that truck still needs moving behind the building so the Bushwacker has time to get the turret control.


thank you for playing and for the feedback.
This is well known bug, strangely it never happened to me. I completely forgot about it, will do.

Also. On the MW2 campaign, the second "training" mission is quite tough as your two mechs, that you are meant to be rescuing, can barely stay alive against the two mechs - then the 3+ vehicles that appear. IMO it needs tweaking slightly as 3/4 times they will die (even dropping the difficulty to "Green" - which is a bit embarrassing) before you even get there.

Correct, I will see what to do when I get time to finish that camp.

I also have a mission stopper in the Wolf's Dragoons campaign. Its the Alphecca mission where you start with one mech, defending a little base then go to pick up the rest of your squad and follow the rest of the mission. What seems to be the final bit is to wait for an Evac chopper to get to a downed slayer - the mission never ends even if the chopper gets there fine - I left it for well over an hour and nothing happened. I'll try and do it a slightly different way and let the allied mechs die and see if that changes anything but i've already tried several approaches. Annoyingly the mission dosen't seemed to be called "Alphecca" so I can't even try and load it up in the mission editor to see what's going on.

Yes, there is a mech that is stacked near the closest map border to that downed airspace fighter, just move your mechs close to the border and that mech will enter the map. Kill it and the mission is done.

Mission Editing: I have XNA installed as per DCmmnd instructions and i'm using the version with the mod. I realise the fix for Magic's exodus is quite simple but I can't get that mission to save properly after opening it (the Wolf's Dragoon campaign mission's won't open at all in the editor for me btw). It keeps giving me missing textures or the lighting needs re-calculating - but trying to re-calaculate ligthing says textures are missing! Got me well confused. My little map in the top left corner in the editor is black for the most part which seems wierd so i'm obviously missing something.

Now after the bugs - cracking work on getting this game going again - really enjoying it.

I've currently just loaded up that list of campaigns that someone posted earlier and i'll start going through them to see if they work - first few seem to have no problems.

Edit: Spelling

In order to edit the mission you must open mission_name_burning.jpg and convert it to mission_name.tga with any photo editing program.

Sorry from the late response, I just returned from my vacation.


I know about this purchase "bug". Purchase will be different in new logistics, thank you.
About the AI, I noticed that but only with salvaged mechs. For some reason salvaged mechs always move out of the range.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 02:10:38 am by magic »


Offline nvsblmnc

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I've got a strange bug affecting my Omnitech 0.66 install - when I first installed Omnitech, it failed to launch and I got an error message stating msvcr100.dll was missing - I downloaded a copy of the file and now it launches okay.

The problem is I can only access the 'mechlab once per campaign.  After the first mission, the modify and mech purchasing buttons are permanently greyed out, and clicking on the component purchasing button intermittently leads to an instant CTD.  This has affected both the new Carver 5 and the MW2 campaign.

Is this a known bug, or do I have a broken install?
When the reactor explodes, it's usually a sign that you've taken too much damage.


Offline magic

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I've got a strange bug affecting my Omnitech 0.66 install - when I first installed Omnitech, it failed to launch and I got an error message stating msvcr100.dll was missing - I downloaded a copy of the file and now it launches okay.

The problem is I can only access the 'mechlab once per campaign.  After the first mission, the modify and mech purchasing buttons are permanently greyed out, and clicking on the component purchasing button intermittently leads to an instant CTD.  This has affected both the new Carver 5 and the MW2 campaign.

Is this a known bug, or do I have a broken install?

Uninstall and then reinstall MCO (read program requirements from the installer window) .
Download microsoft visual c++ 2010 redistributable package and install.

Thank you for playing.

Occasionally, mechs disappear when moving them to/from the inventory window and ready area (the screen before you assign pilots to them). Easily fixed by 'refreshing' - entering and exiting the mech purchasing area. But nonetheless mildly frustrating.

Since there's no more infinite inventory, stackable items would be a huge plus. There is plenty of room on the GUI for this, especially for weapons.

When placing weapons on mechs via drag-and-drop, the inventory window scrolls all the way back to the top every time. This is mildly frustrating when you need to arm a mech with several lasers. Not so bad with PPC's, because they are at the top of the list to begin with.

Inventory is far too limited, and a bit buggy. I went to go buy lasers - turns out, I could only buy one. Even more confusing, the unpurchased items do not remain purchasable in future missions. A maximum of ONE item is purchasable at any given time - and this is supremely frustrating when you want to go build an LRM platform. And why is the per-item-quantity only set to 'one'? Honestly, I'd expect the quantity of those armor plates and heat sinks to go up by a LOT more than 'one' per mission - and likewise for small, bulk-placement weapons (pulse lasers, LRM's, machine guns, maybe light AC's).

The next issue may just be from not playing the game for so long...but all the mechwarriors on my team seem very special in the head. I'm only on the night Liao raid mission, playing on Veteran...and between a heavily armored Bushwacker and five light mechs armed with heavy-hitting ranged weapons, they can just about one-shot-alpha-strike a light mech, and cut up a medium mech in a few seconds. Once I get to the west end of the map, at that base near the end, I blow a hole in the wall with the bushwacker's lasers and heavy AC, charge in, and suddenly all the fire-support mechwarriors go herp-derp on me, and forget that their guns need a clear line of sight. Even after they nuke every segment of the wall now in their way (only after I told them to), they still just walk around like they're either drunk, or playing solitaire on their mechs' consoles.

Also, the resource points are messed up. In all the missions, you start out with 1/10 the normal resource points - so, for example, instead of starting a mission with 7000 (enough for, say, a repair truck), you start out with 700. Which you can't really all.
:divedivedive: <--- This needs to be a smiley.
Developer of the Singularity campaign/mod (WIP)
I call dibs on developing a Capella Barbecue Theory campaign.


Offline Dred

  • 22
v89, quickloading causes game to crash.  Playing Exodus campaign.


Offline magic

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v89, quickloading causes game to crash.  Playing Exodus campaign.

Thank you! Bug found and fixed.

Oh, another thing. In the original campaign, after doing the moon mission, I'm experiencing a consistent crash. I salvaged a Storm Crow and a Huntsman (along with a buttload of other clan mechs) - but when stripping them of their components before selling the chassis, the game crashes when I pull off the Storm Crow's clan double heat sink.
:divedivedive: <--- This needs to be a smiley.
Developer of the Singularity campaign/mod (WIP)
I call dibs on developing a Capella Barbecue Theory campaign.


Offline magic

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Oh, another thing. In the original campaign, after doing the moon mission, I'm experiencing a consistent crash. I salvaged a Storm Crow and a Huntsman (along with a buttload of other clan mechs) - but when stripping them of their components before selling the chassis, the game crashes when I pull off the Storm Crow's clan double heat sink.

Noted, will take a look.

Please try to keep that Stormcrow and try to remove that dblHS after next mission, see what happens.


Offline Hades

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Not sure if it's a bug or intended, but Scout Choppers have incredibly wonky AI. They're fine, but if you tell them to attack something, they'll just turn in a random direction, stop doing anything, and not respond to any input commands at all, they'll just sit there and be destroyed.

Also, resource points that aren't used in a mission should carry over as money when you complete it, in my opinion.

I notice that in close range, if you tell a mech to attack something, it may spin around in place and/or fire before engaging it, which is annoying.

The two Carver 5 campaigns need a description change of some sort to tell them apart. As of now, there's nothing indicating which is the 'retail' version and which is the enhanced version.

Quickload takes you to your last quicksave, I think it might be better to take you to the last save instead, for instance. I quicksaved at the beginning of mission 3, I derped in mission 4, thought quickload would take me to the beginning of the mission, but it instead took me back to the beginning of mission 3.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 01:03:22 am by Hades »
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline magic

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I made a new mech model - Hades.
Thank you, scout choppers will be replaced with scout vehicles soon.

Unspent RPs is the next on to do list - RPs will be transferred to Cbills.

Attack in close range, is the AI problem, not a priority for now.

Quick load and quick save have different format then save/load and are designed for in mission only. I wont change that. Its needed when you dont have time to finish the mission.

You are right about those carver camps, will do.


Offline Dred

  • 22
CauldronBorn (model changed, 12 weapon nodes)

Pretty sure this causes a ctd on quicksave.  Error:  Mech has too many weapon nodes to save 12


Offline magic

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CauldronBorn (model changed, 12 weapon nodes)

Pretty sure this causes a ctd on quicksave.  Error:  Mech has too many weapon nodes to save 12

"Bug" (fixed limit) found and fixed. Thank you.


Offline MLVStan

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I've had a problem with the latest release of the game 092. When ever I load the game it goes into a super quick mode. Everything flashes and animates really fast, like super fast rotating nav markers or extraction markers. The mechs move like they're on nitro and it's really annoying.   :banghead: When I first installed the game it ran perfectly fine for about 10 hours. It wasn't until last night when I restarted the game I noticed this happening.

Also I came across a jumpjet bug, during the fourth mission in the exodus campaign I was using jumpjets to get to Nuke's KitFox. Then one of the mechs landed and started running, not forwards but sidewards, like there was an invisible wall was in the way. But that didn't stop the mech from running sideways up a sheer cliff with easy. All other functions didn't work, like firing or moving elsewere or jumping again. But its the only time it occured.


Offline magic

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Strange that it is going fast, what operating system you use?


Offline MLVStan

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Strange that it is going fast, what operating system you use?

I'm using Windows XP SP3. I've tried it on my dad's Win7 computer it seems to be playing alright there. But no go for my computer.


Offline Viva

  • 21
With v92. In mission 12 "intercept" where you have to destroy 4 convoy elements, and then extract. The game consistently crashes after immediately completion of the mission.


Offline Viva

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Another error i mission 12 v92. You're only supposed to be able to deploy the repair truck only once, but in that mission you can do it at least twice. I did so, so mayby that is the reason for the crash?

maybe my findings are not (game-)bug related, but they are bugging me, so i leave it up to the ones with actual knowledge to determine their relevance :)
Yes they are with version 092, i will retry and report with the new one ...

its basically a "mission end - game crashes bug"

first i encountered it in the exodus campaign mission (sorry i forgot the number) where you have to protect the bunkers.
 mission was succesful, got "told" how many c-bills i got and instead of going back to the promotion, mechlab, etc. the game crashes (win7, 32 bit and 64 bit).
I then re-tried the mission without capturing the building besides the repair bay as only difference (i can tell or deliberately did) and got to thoe post-mission-screen just fine.

Then in mission ... 21(?), where you have to kill the general in its Atlas, the same crash after successful ending the mission. ( i deployed one repair truck during the mission and captured the Atlas and all turret controls i could find ^^)
No solution for now.
I edited the mssion a bit for another run, same outcome as before although this time my edits (placing a mech for capture, changing mission goal timers, linking some lookout towers and replacing a building ... all seemingly minor) may be the cause or contribute to it.

I can provide the in-mission-quicksaves if that is helpful at all.

after restarting the mission with v102 and a few non-reproducible crashes i got to the post-mission-screen fine (my edited map, loaded and saved with the newest editor-version).
So either i did something entirely different (which i tried to avoid) or the issue is fixed :)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 06:50:14 am by BulletSix »