Author Topic: [Release] Deep Blood - Voiceacting  (Read 9275 times)

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Offline fightermedic

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[Release] Deep Blood - Voiceacting
Greetings everyone,
since i was mightily impressed by the capabilities of modern text to speech software, i wanted to try out how much you can do with it, when it comes to voice acting.

i have therefore voice acted the campaign "deep blood" using such software, and by speaking one character myself.
of course this does by no means reach the quality of "real" voice acting, but it sure is better than the default TTS system which is built into the FSO engine, let alone having no voice acting at all.

so if you don't expect too much and keep in mind that this was done mostly as a "Proof of Concept"-thing, i think you will be surprised what can be done by modern TTS systems!
some of the TTS recordings sure are outclassing those done by me  at times, but then i'm a really bad actor as i noticed  :ick: ( i noticed i sound quite a bit like Arnold Schwarzenegger in very young, i guess you just can't hide bavarian roots, no matter how hard you try :D )

if people think this stuff is working well enough, i might do some other small campaigns, so give feedback if you like what you hear (of course if you don't, do just the same)
i just beg you, dear feedback-giver, bear in mind that this was my first time attempt, on voice acting, TTS systems, and modding freespace in general

so without further talking let me present you the voice acted deep_blood:

full credit for the campaign as such goes to the campaign upgrade team and its original creator, i have done nothing but the voice acting

« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 05:50:35 am by fightermedic »
>>Fully functional cockpits for Freespace<<
>>Ships created by me<<
Campaigns revised/voice-acted by me:
Lightning Marshal 1-4, The Regulus Campaign, Operation: Savior, Operation: Crucible, Titan Rebellion, Fall of Epsilon Pegasi 1.1Aftermath 2.1,
Pandora's Box 2.2, Deep Blood

Other Campaigns I have participated in:
The Antagonist, Warzone, Phantoms & Echo-Gate

All the stuff I release is free to use or change in any way for everybody who likes to do so; take whatever you need


Offline Macfie

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Re: [Release] Deep Blood - Voiceacting
I like what you have done with the voice acting with a few exceptions.

1. There is a sound that sounds like a tree frog croaking at the begining of the messages.  I'd get rid of that if you can.
2. Alpha 3 is a female pilot but you are using a male voice.
3. You need to cleanup the missions folder prior to creating the VP.  Get rid of all the backup mission files and the mission script text files.  The same thing would apply to Operation Saviour
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Offline fightermedic

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Re: [Release] Deep Blood - Voiceacting
thank you for the feedback macfie

1. well that only applies to the first two missions, after that i have changed the sound as i was not all to happy with it myself, but i think it's not THAT bad that i need to change it (can we not see the sound as an homage to bullfrog (the developer), no? damn)
2. never will be able to tell the difference in that pilot anis..   :banghead: i'll change it
3. will do

edit: file updated
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 04:40:13 am by fightermedic »
>>Fully functional cockpits for Freespace<<
>>Ships created by me<<
Campaigns revised/voice-acted by me:
Lightning Marshal 1-4, The Regulus Campaign, Operation: Savior, Operation: Crucible, Titan Rebellion, Fall of Epsilon Pegasi 1.1Aftermath 2.1,
Pandora's Box 2.2, Deep Blood

Other Campaigns I have participated in:
The Antagonist, Warzone, Phantoms & Echo-Gate

All the stuff I release is free to use or change in any way for everybody who likes to do so; take whatever you need


Offline fightermedic

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Re: [Release] Deep Blood - Voiceacting
i have updated the download link
now it should work again
>>Fully functional cockpits for Freespace<<
>>Ships created by me<<
Campaigns revised/voice-acted by me:
Lightning Marshal 1-4, The Regulus Campaign, Operation: Savior, Operation: Crucible, Titan Rebellion, Fall of Epsilon Pegasi 1.1Aftermath 2.1,
Pandora's Box 2.2, Deep Blood

Other Campaigns I have participated in:
The Antagonist, Warzone, Phantoms & Echo-Gate

All the stuff I release is free to use or change in any way for everybody who likes to do so; take whatever you need