Author Topic: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep  (Read 36432 times)

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
A few days later, a very special interrogation is completed. No, I don't know why he's holding a dirsruptor launcher, they don't generally carry weapons, or operate underwater.

Quite possibly the most offensive enemy we've encountered, the Deep One is a genetically manipulated and hybridized human captive. All the ships that go missing, coastal communities that are attacked but never reported to us, provide fuel in the form of new recruits for the hostile forces. Killing these things is a release for the tortured people who've been warped and forced to fight their own.

May 1st : A Very Large Sub on a base expansion mission is spotted in the vicinity of Eight Samurai. Barracuda 2 is dispatched to try to follow it. Another small sub on a land attack mission is also spotted, and Barracuda 1 is sent to attack that one. The Triton is also sent after the small, to hopefully pick up the pieces once it's shot down.

Both Barracudas run out of fuel before they can even get close enough, and have to return to base. The Triton can make it though, and tracks the sub to its last known position. When it arrives, it picks up the scent of a sub touched down on the sea bed, and attacks! If this is the same one from before, it could be full of Lobstermen. Which could be bad, but we'll try it anyway. It's a night mission.  :shaking:

Trashman (yes, he's back!) tosses a chemical flare into the darkness, and illuminates... Yep. One of those guys.

But this time, we're ready for 'em. Trashman doesn't have enough TUs left to fire, so he ducks behind the Triton. Polpolion takes two snapshots, one hits the Lobsterman and doesn't draw return fire, the other misses by a little bit. Alex Heartnet, coming around from the aft of the sub, fires a snap of his own, and cracks the shell of the Lobsterman.
Remember, kids: the sonic cannon is the most damaging direct fire weapon in this game, and it took two hits to take down a Lobster.

Moving forward, Ravenholme spots a second Lobster, standing pretty much in the same spot as the first.

One spot North, but that's enough to be out of Polpolion's field of view. Only Trashman and Alex Heartnet have a shot and enough TUs to make one, and they both miss. Hopefully there's enough cover between us and the Lobster to prevent any deaths.

Nope. Ravenholme goes down in one shot. And we spot yet another Lobsterman in the same area.

But this turn, we have enough soldiers to really handle them both. jr2 fires an aimed shot, but misses and hits the apparatus behind the Lobstermen, which explodes in a huge cloud of oil. That'll make the next few turns interesting as we try to fire accurately into the cloud.

Alex Heartnet deploys smoke of his own, in possibly the first time ever in any game by anybody. Vengeful Mongoose does the same.

Dye grenades are notoriously ineffective :/

While the tank moves up to try to spot the third Lobsterman, the troops hold position, and SpardaSon lays down cover fire from atop a small rise.

Bingo! The tank manages to capture its attention, and a flurry of sonic cannon bolts stream off the firing line according to telemetry from the tank. Most miss, since the soldiers can't quite see into the cloud, but jr2 gets a hit, and SpardaSon gets the kill.

The tank continues to advance, and spots another Lobsterman right at the entrance to the enemy sub. It feeds the telemetry in, and NGTM-1R fires a pair of snap shots from half-way across the map and bulls-eyes the alien twice. Very similar to a boss.

Yet another alien exits the sub and shoots the tank. It proves to be a bad move, as we now have tracking data on it.

Dekker (Yep, he's back too) has a clear shot, and pulls an NGTM-1R, putting down the second lobster at the door to the sub.

Filled with confidence, z64555 decides that while he can't kill a Lobsterman with his gauss rifle, he might be able to stun one. So he heads for the oil cloud, hoping to sneak to the sub and get some stunning done. Except there's another alien already hiding in there.

Again, combined long-range fire from jr2 and SpardaSon remove that one from the picture.

There's at least one alien inside the sub still, possibly two. One of 'em shoots at the tank, and then runs up to it. Wonder if those claws on its... head? back? are functional or just decorative? Nothing happens on that turn, except an uncomfortable closeness.

Two shots from Alex Heartnet and Polpolion finish it.

Oh, I guess there were two after all. The other Lobsterman exits, shambles around behind the tank, and proceeds to assault it with its apparently quite functional claws. Functional, but not effective against tanks.

Vengeful Mongoose fires twice, hits the lobster once, and the tank once, but not too hard. Dekker finishes it off. Mission complete! Only one death, not bad for our first actual combat against Lobstermen. And sweet! 3 of the occupants were knocked unconscious in the crash and were captured alive!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 07:20:29 pm by Zacam »


Offline Gortef

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Ooh promotion. And rather good job with the lobsters. Shame on Ravenholme though, we salute you diver.
Habeeb it...


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
It's good to be me, unless you're me getting killed.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Ravenholme

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
And I was getting married in one week! DAMN YOU TROPES!
Full Auto - I've got a bullet here with your name on it, and I'm going to keep firing until I find out which one it is.

<The_E>   Several sex-based solutions come to mind
<The_E>   Errr
<The_E>   *sexp


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Were you planing on retireing too?
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
And I was getting married in one week! DAMN YOU TROPES!
You were asking for it every time you showed off that picture of your fiancee.  We genre savvy operatives even warned you about it.
17:37:02   Quanto: I want to have sexual intercourse with every space elf in existence
17:37:11   SpardaSon21: even the males?
17:37:22   Quanto: its not gay if its an elf

[21:51] <@Droid803> I now realize
[21:51] <@Droid803> this will be SLIIIIIGHTLY awkward
[21:51] <@Droid803> as this rich psychic girl will now be tsundere for a loli.
[21:51] <@Droid803> OH WELLL.

See what you're missing in #WoD and #Fsquest?

[07:57:32] <Caiaphas> inspired by HerraTohtori i built a supermaneuverable plane in ksp
[07:57:43] <Caiaphas> i just killed my pilots with a high-g maneuver
[07:58:19] <Caiaphas> apparently people can't take 20 gees for 5 continuous seconds
[08:00:11] <Caiaphas> the plane however performed admirably, and only crashed because it no longer had any guidance systems


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
This is what I'm a grizzled widower with an estranged daughter and a sleezy rival.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
It's good to be me, unless you're me getting killed.

May 5th : Research complete on the M.C. Lab. We'll start construction of the labs immediately, and start screening for aptitude.

And then for quite some time, nothing particularly exciting happens. Well except for this. Boo yah.

We also do some more cool researches:

We spot some rather alarming subs, but nothing comes of them. And we can't even attack them, since we still only have three total barracudas, and only human-designed torpedoes:

Construction of sub pens finishes at Eight Samurai, and it finally has a full complement of everything needed to make a good attack outpost. I transferred over the seat-filler soldiers to take command of the new squad.

May 22nd : Terror attack on Bangkok! Hey, it's something. Triton 2 is low on fuel from a scouting mission to the Antarctic, so Triton 1 is sent out. In the time since we researched the M.C. Lab, we also researched Mag. Ion Armor, and built enough to equip the majority of Squad 1 with them. So yeah. The aliens are in deep trouble.

Tank exits, turns toward the aft of the Triton, and hello, what do we have here?

Little UFO brain things? Cool, let's see if they die like the rest. The tank fires twice and hits, nothing. Polpolion exits the sub and fires, hits. Nothing. Next turn, Alex Heartnet does the same, and it collapses in a heap. And then explodes.

We don't know much about this new threat. Just that they're tough, about as tough as Lobstermen it seems. And they explode when killed. And really, really hate civilians. I heard so many death-screams that turn, it was kind of insulting. Oh yeah, they hate tanks too.

After that UFO thing, we killed two more, and a Lobsterman carrying a stun bomb launcher. Even after that, there's another lobster somewhere that looks unarmed, and one carrying a sonic cannon. One of them throws a grenade, and blows the back off of the Triton. Right off.

On the plus side, our new armor is incredible. Trashman took two directs hits from the UFO things' weapon, SpardaSon took one, some of the other guys took a couple hits, and the firing line absorbed a stun bomb without going unconscious.

z64555 didn't come on this mission, so it's LieutenantDJ who's carrying the thermal tazer (stun rod) this mission. Since we saw that one unarmed Lobsterman, and shot it at least once, DJ charges it with the tazer and knocks it out. Navigator!

TrashMan, NGTM-1R, and Alex Heartnet move forward, boldly absorbing incoming fire, and returning it twice over. NGTM-1R makes contact with a Lobsterman, and shoots it once.

Alex is in range, but doesn't have a clear shot, so throws a grenade. The grenade explodes but doesn't do much, and on the next turn the Lobsterman shoots NGTM-1R right in a weak spot in his armor, and kills him.

TrashMan is already in the building, leaving Alex Heartnet to deal with it. Lobsters sound like cows when they die, heh.

While approaching that office/warehouse, LieutenantDJ came under fire from behind, and also from the right. He spots a lobster, but can't get close enough to stun, and hasn't seen the other shooter yet, so heads inside the shack. Gortef and Scotty move toward the building cautiously.

Dekker draws it's attention, and two pistol shots that simply glance off his armor, and then LieutenantDJ burst through the door and proceeds to lay the ice-cold beat-down on it. It's just a soldier though.

Scotty makes a mousehole in the wall to duck inside and try to avoid fire from above, and runs smack into a Lobsterman. Scotty excuses himself and ducks back outside.

Not sure quite how to proceed without getting somebody reaction-blasted, Dekker peeks around the corner of the fence he's taking cover behind, and shoots it in the back. It doesn't respond, so Dekker ducks back around the fence before it can.

Scotty pops in, snaps a shot off, misses, and pops back out. Through a window slit, jr2 can see it though, and shoots it down cleanly.

We know there's something behind that building, it shot a Gortef a few times. SpardaSon tried to flank around the corner to see what it was, and it shot him in the side, and again found a weak spot in the armor, killing him.

Ah, it's just a Lobsterman that's been causing all that trouble. As jr2 prepared a grenade to flush it out, it flushed itself out and shot him in the chest. His armor absorbed most of it, but he's still a little shaken and internally bleeding. But he now has a clear shot and full TUs. He fires twice but only hits once, and TrashMan saves him by getting the second hit. Now jr2 just needs some medical attention. Alex Heartnet is right there with a heal and a stim.

LieutenantDJ heads up the stairs to the third floor of the office building, where we knew a Lobsterman was hiding. When he got high enough on the steps to see it, he spotted a second one there too. He promptly turned about and headed back down the stairs to bide his TUs and wait for reinforcements.
Next turn, when reinforcements arrived, the four of them stormed the third level, each firing one shot (DJ hitting one with a tazer instead), and both Lobstermen went down.

Meanwhile, Scotty was on the ground outside the building, and one of the lobsters nonchalantly tossed a sonic pulser out the window at him. Scotty had time only to shield his face before it went off, but it was enough to save his life. His ears are bleeding, and he feels a minor sonic aneurism, but that's nothing that a good medi-kit can't fix. Alex Heartnet does the medic thing again.

As we storm the final stronghold, jr2 spots a lobster in the shed, and it fires at him but is ineffective. On closer approach, in order to get behind the cover of the wall, jr2 also spots a second Lobsterman through the open door. This is bad news, as he's out of TUs. The three sonic cannon-armed soldiers on the third floor of the office building try to snipe the second lobster from the windows. They score two hits, but this bugger is tougher than the others.

One of the aliens shoots jr2, but doesn't hurt him, then they throw two grenades. One misses jr2, one lands at Alex Heartnet's feet. When they explode, Alex dies.

We're proper angry now, and the massed fire from the office building, TrashMan, jr2, and Gortef finish off the mission.

These are the heaviest losses I've suffered in a long time, but in a way, still our most triumphant victory. We killed 13 aliens, and captured 5 alive. Each one was either a Lobsterman or an equally tough UFO Brain thing. We've now proven conclusively that one X-COM aquanaut is a match for roughly six of the enemies toughest soldiers. Let them chew on that.

Properly recognizing the contributions of those who survived, promotions all around! Dekker made Captian! And CommanderDJ finally made Commander!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 07:22:40 pm by Zacam »


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Damn Lobstermen. Worse than Tasoths. I'll kill them all as soon as put myself back together.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline CommanderDJ

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
* CommanderDJ salutes the fallen.

I'm a Commander now! Yay!
[16:57] <CommanderDJ> What prompted the decision to split WiH into acts?
[16:58] <battuta> it was long, we wanted to release something
[16:58] <battuta> it felt good to have a target to hit
[17:00] <RangerKarl> not sure if talking about strike mission, or jerking off
[17:00] <CommanderDJ> WUT
[17:00] <CommanderDJ> hahahahaha
[17:00] <battuta> hahahaha
[17:00] <RangerKarl> same thing really, if you think about it

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Damn, I die in this LP too.  Time for a clone.
17:37:02   Quanto: I want to have sexual intercourse with every space elf in existence
17:37:11   SpardaSon21: even the males?
17:37:22   Quanto: its not gay if its an elf

[21:51] <@Droid803> I now realize
[21:51] <@Droid803> this will be SLIIIIIGHTLY awkward
[21:51] <@Droid803> as this rich psychic girl will now be tsundere for a loli.
[21:51] <@Droid803> OH WELLL.

See what you're missing in #WoD and #Fsquest?

[07:57:32] <Caiaphas> inspired by HerraTohtori i built a supermaneuverable plane in ksp
[07:57:43] <Caiaphas> i just killed my pilots with a high-g maneuver
[07:58:19] <Caiaphas> apparently people can't take 20 gees for 5 continuous seconds
[08:00:11] <Caiaphas> the plane however performed admirably, and only crashed because it no longer had any guidance systems


Offline z64555

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Show them who's the boss Commander DJ!
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Mayday, Mayday!  Direct hit on Barracuda's engine array!  Losing altitude, we are going down *static*

...Oh wait, I'm not a pilot.

Can you make my clone one?

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
...Oh wait, I'm not a pilot.

Can you make my clone one?

Well, I didn't think I could at first, but I can now. What do you want, interceptor or transport?


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Well, I didn't think I could at first, but I can now. What do you want, interceptor or transport?

Interceptor please.  I know flying with twenty tons of angry steel around you isn't the same as as a flying suit of armor, but still...

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Alright, done  :D. You are now the proud pilot of Barracuda 1, keeping the seas clean and friendly.

May 29th : M.C. Labs were completed and ready for enrollment, just in time for the turn of the month. All active soldiers were assigned to training. It'll be some time before we will actually be able to do anything with the training, but at least we'll be ready.

One more research is complete:

May 1st : Along with fresh funding, comes a report from our scouting network. Seems a scientific expedition to Antarctica noticed something strange. They forwarded their readings to us, and we discovered: An alien base of operations off the frozen coast of Antarctica, near Cape Horn on South America. It's added to the list of things to nuke when we have the technology. For now, it will be left alone.

All the replacements, and fresh generic seat-fillers got a cool bit of experience taking down a number of small subs, varying crews consisting of Aquatoids or Lobstermen. Eight Samurai base got their first interception and recovery of the game, with only one death.

We're going through tanks pretty quickly though, and they take like 4 days each to replace. But it's worth it to help protect the soldiers.

Alex Heartnet's clone continues to sweep the Atlantic, and to provide fresh meat for Squad 1 to train against. He curses the Barracuda's consistent slowness, fragility, and short range, and keeps visiting the workshops to pester the techs for a Manta.

Meanwhile, we haven't even spotted anything larger than a small cruiser. There've been no further attacks, and every sub we see, we shoot down. I'm beginning to worry. Either the aliens have something really big planned, or they actually are intimidated by my awesome teams. I'm concerned it's the first thing.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 07:24:15 pm by Zacam »

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
I mentioned the Lobstermen sound, and so did NGTM-1R, so I thought I'd share this. On a recent mission, underwater recording devices picked this up:

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
May 16th : Interception and recovery of small subs continues, and we spot and shoot down another medium. This could be trouble, but Triton 1 heads out.

Standard deployment, though a bit more cautious than usual. Tank on the first turn, Trashman in another direction on the second turn, z64555 over the top of the sub on the third turn. Each of the three spot an Aquatoid carrying a sonic cannon.

Trashman easily splashed his, and had to help finish off z64555's. z64555 had emptied a full clip on two different aliens, but only got one hit that didn't do much. The tank wasn't able to hit even once, but the alien it was facing was quite able to, and scrapped it in three shots. Gortef peeked out of the sub and grenaded it.

While z64555 had been able to survive a sonic pulser, another alien that hadn't been seen sneaked (snuck?) up the next turn and shot him in the side armor for a one-hit-kill. Gortef hopped up on the sub and put it down.

Son of Ravenholme next emerges from the sub, to scout the immediate vicinity of the landing zone that had been neglected, and happens upon an Aquatoid lurking behind a hill, and blasts it.

Gortef and Son of Ravenholme move out as a team, drifting through the water on their Mag-Ion Armor at the second level. Why, you ask? Why would I expose my soldiers to fire without the benefit of terrain? Because grenades only affect a single level in this game. Case in point, somebody threw a pulser at Gortef, which landed beneath him, and did no damage. It did vaporize z64555's body a little though :/

We get a view of the enemy sub.

It seems to be a different configuration than the other two I've taken down. Maybe that explains why these aliens haven't been carrying disruptor launchers. That's good news for me (sorry z64555).

Vengeful Mongoose finds a back door... Alien!

It does not survive. There was a backup Aquatoid behind it, armed with a stun bomb launcher. It reaction fired, and knocked itself out. Good job, alien!

jr2 breaches the door to the sub, and spots an Aqutoid looking right at him. The look in their huge eyes when they're surprised is priceless :)

jr2 says, Boo! And welcome to Earth! And then he shoots it. The Aquatoid's scream almost sounded like the words, But we were here firrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrst!

Gortef enters the sub and steps on the body for good measure. As he runs up the stairs, he spots a pair of Aquatoids. His first thought is, how can I kill both of these with only one shot? Can't do that. Which one to take out, stun launcher, or guy probably with grenades? Wait, stun launcher? I wonder...

Showing remarkable boldness and fortitude, Gortef sprints up the stairs and slaps the alien holding the stun launcher in its big bald head. Shocked at the display of human arrogance, it fires a stun bomb. Knocking all three of them out.

A couple of turns later, when the other soldiers have arrived, an Aquatoid pops out of a side room, blasts Vengeful Mongoose and ducks back inside before jr2 can get a shot off. I'm going to have to think of a new adjective for his replacement now.

jr2 follows the alien and shoots it at point-blank range, liquifying it.

Mission complete. Ugh, that didn't go so well. It seems like I'm losing more soldiers than when I was using only plastic armor.

Current roster, after that mission:
Blue Canary
Dekker  Captain  16 kills, 77 TUs
Polpolion  Lieutenant  8 kills, 68 TUs
TrashMan  Ensign  11 kills, 65 TUs
jr2  Lieutenant  10 kills, 62 TUs
Scotty  Ensign  7 kills, 67 TUs
CommanderDJ  Commander  8 kills, 70 TUs
Gortef  Ensign  10 kills, 63 TUs
Son of Ravenholme  Ensign  6 kills, 64 TUs
F'n Angry Mongoose  Seaman  0 kills, 55 TUs
z64556  Seaman  0 kills, 59 TUs

Eight Samurai
NGTM-3R  Able Seaman  0 kills, 58 TUs
SpardaSon23  Able Seaman  0 kills, 56 TUs

Seat-fillers, both bases
Broski  Able Seaman  7 kills, 62 TUs
Son of Dudeski  Ensign  2 kills, 57 TUs (why does he outrank Broski?)
Lilith  Lieutenant  7 kills, 71 TUs
John Jonesey Jones  Able Seaman  5 kills, 51 TUs
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 07:26:38 pm by Zacam »


Offline z64555

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Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Hopefully the 556 model will be tougher and packing a bigger punch, Lol. The 555 model served fairly well... I think.

Hows your tech tree look so far?
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.

Re: Let's Play... X-COM: Terror From the Deep
556 is already doing pretty good for himself :)

Tech tree is... lopsided. I have armor and sonic cannons, but still don't have sonic craft weaponry or displacers. I did a test and my game is not bugged, I just have to focus my research a little more. It's coming.