Author Topic: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?  (Read 9397 times)

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Offline Lorric

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Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
I put it on Easy and it was cake.  The Corvettes were pathetic and couldn't do squat.  The Ace though, he almost took me out with a single missile sending me from 100% to 22%.  It was close.  Hard is HARD...  And I'm going right back to it now.

That mission is one of the hardest I've encountered, so you should have more joy now.


Offline qwadtep

  • 28
Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
At least until you get to Stalker. Whoever designed that mission is a sadist.


Offline Lorric

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Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
At least until you get to Stalker. Whoever designed that mission is a sadist.

If there's any mission that needed a checkpoint...

Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
you just need to hold out till you torch a stealth fighter then you can follow the vapor trail till it decloaks when that happens jam the y button and release all hell on it(or show off real skill and gun it down while its cloaked) oh and save your missiles for stalker


Offline qwadtep

  • 28
Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
Well yeah, it's not that stealth fighters are hard, you're just given the worst possible fighter for the job  :banghead:

Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
Well yeah, it's not that stealth fighters are hard, you're just given the worst possible fighter for the job  :banghead:
I think it depends on your aim which is understandably difficult in something as slow as a thunderbolt but with 3 kinds of guns you can unleash allot of hurt at once which is good against stealth fighters cause you could only have a few moments before they recloak.


Offline Dragon

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Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
I'm gonna hand it to WCS, Strakhas here are smarter about their cloaking. You need to clobber one with all your guns when you get the chance, or it'll cloak and you'll lose your target.
Thunderbolt is very good for this, though not as useful as in WC3, it's still a pretty good all-rounder.


Offline Lorric

  • 212
Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
I'm gonna hand it to WCS, Strakhas here are smarter about their cloaking. You need to clobber one with all your guns when you get the chance, or it'll cloak and you'll lose your target.
Thunderbolt is very good for this, though not as useful as in WC3, it's still a pretty good all-rounder.

I wonder if there's a limit as to how soon they can cloak. If there wasn't, you'd think they'd just uncloak behind you, fire off a couple of bursts then cloak. Rinse and repeat with nothing you can do except die.

Re: Vega 1: Impossible to protect Charlie? Lance not working as intended?
I'm gonna hand it to WCS, Strakhas here are smarter about their cloaking. You need to clobber one with all your guns when you get the chance, or it'll cloak and you'll lose your target.
Thunderbolt is very good for this, though not as useful as in WC3, it's still a pretty good all-rounder.

I wonder if there's a limit as to how soon they can cloak. If there wasn't, you'd think they'd just uncloak behind you, fire off a couple of bursts then cloak. Rinse and repeat with nothing you can do except die.
you mean like what they did to every other squadron they found that day?